Sunday, March 9, 2025

Delta County Commissioner Meeting (03/04/2025): Vets, Planes, Buses, Paths, and Opioid Money

If you continue to watch the videos of the meetings you will come to understand how connected local governance is to its citizens. People are actively working to accommodate each other and they are acting in ways that increase opportunities and growth. Step back a moment and think about how working together and focusing on key objectives can impact choice and growth  in a way that benefits as many people as possible. Further, how listening to stakeholders and deeply considering needs before making choices is leading to growth potential. 

-Master plan. The master plan is considering opportunities for development. Think of this as a strategic plan of growth and how to maximize quality of life. 

-Hiring of Veteran Director. (Services in the area improve dramatically and fast become pro-veteran.)

-Hiring Airport Manager. Some new business coming into town. Part of master plan. (Based on market changes, new warehouse, ports, central location, etc. it could help attract and support business and tourism)

-Public transit and connecting counties. (Could support economic growth.)

-Fiber network expansion. (Good for development of business, innovation, learning, and digital nomads).

-Non-motorized paths (Great for tourism, aesthetics, and quality of life.)

-Michigan Works one of the stronger branches will have budget reduction.

-Opioid task for fund grants open. (Short term cash infusions should consider long-term benefits of investment.)

(At some point in the future there is likely going to be a revisit of trash management and solar power.)

Military Recrutment Up with Army at 15 Year High (Military and Service)

The world in which most of us are accustomed and the world needed to be a skilled soldier are two different worlds (There is a transitional period between the two and that is what bootcamp does.). The advantage of joining is that you are on the fast track of development and that includes discipline, purpose, self-reflection, teamwork, willingness to sacrifice and so much more (You will understand the sacrifices of forefather/mothers because you may be called to do the same.). 

The hard chargers that join the military are some of the finest souls this country can produce, and the high bar reflects those requirements. This is a very interesting concept. This blog is about exploring ideas and not necessarily predefined answers. Read this study Genetics and Military Services and Personality and Military Service. Maybe there is something a little special about those who serve?

Good news on recruitment,

Recruitment success has been rising and that helps feed the human capital needs of a rapidly changing institution. We will have much more discussion on human capital. I've included a touch of it in a theory I'm working on for fun on rapid innovations. Military Recruitment Rises 12.5%  and Army Reaches Highest Recruitment in 15 Years and Recruiting and Attrition Army

Moving from the lazier fair world to one of strict requirements is a little bit of a shock so we should expect to see some level of attrition. That is something that will require researchers and strategists to think about how to continue to increase recruitment of those most likely to be successful while also improving the overall retention of highly skilled soldiers, sailors and officers.

(Metrics and profiles help in managing selection but also keep in mind that in history there are times when the least likely candidates end up doing profound things so any metrics should consider the benefits of curve ball/out of bell curve candidates. Variability can bring adaptability when needed. Neurodivergent creatives have value.)

Young people need purpose, and they need pathways to develop. The military often provides opportunities that many of them are not going to get anywhere else. Sure, your parents don't have a Rolex so they can't afford a top university but what you can afford is one of the best educations that few of the ivy league institutions can will learn about yourself, duty/honor, and values that come from direct challenge (In the right learning environment most people can learn the value of military service and serving others.). You will walk out a different person. 

In the military you earn your merit no matter your background. Kind of a cool concept. Maybe we can think about that in other places as well? 🤔

As a side note: Local Amvets are still looking for our vets to come down and get involved with their brothers and sisters. Sons and daughters of vets also welcome. Check Facebook for Friday and Saturday bands. Don't need to be a member for band nights. Of course they also take donations to strengthen their organization.

A motivating recruitment video that highlights change,

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Does Personality Impact Career Selection and Success? (Career Development)

Personality has a lot to do with the type of career you choose and the likelihood of success within a chosen field. Most of us have heard about IQ and EQ but many haven't taken the time to think about our own personality traits in achieving career success. The Big 5 Personality traits are used to assess personality and includes neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. You can learn more about the Big 5 Personality Traits.

Personality can impact career selection. If you are going to pick a career field think about your temperament and personality. Delve deeper beyond what is popular today and assess strong employment trends, job fit to you (skills, interest), and potential long-term growth opportunities. One can reflect on their unique attributes and look at reports on employment trends 5, 10, and 15 years into the future. Too many young people enter college and just pick a random field without critical examination and investigation that leads to a strong market-person match.

Personality Traits and Career Role Enactment: Career Role Preferences as a Mediator

Personality can impact career success through consistency and persistence of performance. Certain traits will help some explore information, opportunities, reach out to obtain goals and influence groups. The soft side of grooming/mentoring/teaching includes enhancing the whole person/student through understanding one's traits, knowing their skills, practicing those skills and applying them. Turning quality work in on time, solving problems, interacting, and researching ideas helps create a base that tests such skills. You can learn by doing.

According to the study conscientiousness and extraversion have some positive influence on career outcomes. Personality Traits and Types in Relation to Career Success: An Empirical Comparison Using the Big Five

One can take from this that 1.) personality impacts career choice and 2.) it can impact career success. Choose wisely.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Players De Noc's Show Chicago in Escanaba was a Big Hit! Tourism Possibilities? (Arts and Theater)

The other day the wind was whipping, and the snow was gusting, but the crowd still came. Rain, ice, and blizzards can't keep the community away! It was hard to find tickets and they have been putting on the show for a couple of weeks. I found a single seat over in the corner that wasn't taken. I actually needed to look at four nights to find something not sold out.

The cast did well, the music was good, and the crowds kept coming. The theme was a fun one based on a lady who went to prison for killing her lover and much of the story takes place in a prison. A little risky and fun so be prepared. Old fashion theater at its best! Players de Noc Theater

Considering back in the day I was pretty big into theater, acting and other stuff I would say they are doing better than most for-profit theaters. They have a large following. I started acting in places like this. I'm thinking of showing up for an audition one of these days and see how it goes. Ummmm that means a few months commitment in one place, but I think I can do it! I have engaged in painting, photography, dance, poetry/writing and occasional acting so its a fun outlet.

Theater is also good for tourism. People who come into town want to find fun things to do. They may have a great meal at Herford & Hopps, Ludington Grill, or Cat Man Dos . I'm not sure if it will get better than that. Sharing the information publicly with hotels and other visitor outlets where tourists frequent might foster a tourism and arts connection (a number of good art galleries around). Also, I have seen a few publications on arts tourism so one might consider putting a piece in aigned demographic readership for city advertisement.

A few good articles on tourism and theater.


New Data Show Economic Activity of the U.S. Arts & Cultural Sector in 2021

When a Community Restores the Purpose of Justice (Hate and Corruption)

Below is the line of stages that has been created from this philosophical thought experiment exploring hate corruption and exclusive cultic social networks. This is where justice and commitment to our oaths and social contracts as a free people are restored. The alternative is setting the stage for things we hope to never see in this or any other country. To maintain the system means we need officials who swear their oaths and loyalties to the purpose of the law and not embedded cultic networks. They have a responsibility to protect the community and not their friends, race, religion, politic or other. Thank God most serve with a higher purpose and with honor but when they don't some members of society have greater responsibilities beyond themselves to the health of the whole.

In this example what makes the process of coordinated aggression and immunities for behaviors that would be illegal in most places is the extent of hate corruption and social misbehaviors. Allegations of a young lady raped, religious minorities cleansed, financial corruption, harming kids, evidence tainting, false witness, years of aggression, etc. were all brought forward with no recourse. Investigations into those who raised concerns were opened and investigations into perpetrators blocked in open protection of a closed network. It was later found the whistleblowers were correct and the community seriously harmed.

It didn't matter how many people came forward, the victims had no rights, and decision makers felt no particular reason to protect the wider purpose of the system against insiders that were manipulating it. The dangers of social corruption mixed with ethnocentric ignorance and bias. Without the community standing up for their values one might wonder if this level of criminal coordination could be a precursor to collectivized defaults we have seen in other nations. The strength of democracy rests in all of our hands. Our backstop is the moral conscious of the people where bad actors have locked down justice.

The stages learned from philosophical hypothetical  thought experiment exploration designed to foster reflective thinking,

1. Default of Justice: Inner group/gang/clan intentional coordinates against victims and concerned citizens. Some officials were aware of the criminal activities based in hate and corruption that included secret hit lists against whistleblowers, sharing of complaints with perpetrators.

2. Dehumanization: Stripping victims of rights, use of violence/threats, spreading rumors, group bullying, etc. 

3. Acceptance: Community members have complained of preferences, immune protections, etc. where misuse of authority was designed to create a social order. Awareness grew and people opposed misuse of an inner network/cartel/clan.

4. Community Resilience: The community is aware the clan/corruption network is among them and they actively organically seek to find ways to reduce the threats and improve the institutions by replacing clan officials. Clan officials misused the law and narratives to maintain in tack capacity to harm and shield from gross negligence.

5. Economic and Social Prosperity: Because the fundamentals of justice were restored trust rises leading to a stronger base. Minority/out group members are brought back into the fold of fair treatment, poor decisions against victims reversed, institutions adapted to their internal threats (checks and balances), and growth returns. The institution and community benefit from greater understanding and commitment to a higher moral conscious.

To some these words still mean something and worth standing for in earnest vs. lip service.

The Pledge of Allegiance is "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

This is an interesting article on coordinated hate. It is possible to trace back who caused the issues and someday it will become plain as day (through multitude of evidence) that such actors undermined the purpose and trust in the system for nefarious purposes. In the example case above hate overpowered and defaulted the system with no correction. The community and good officials restored the heath of their democracy and supported the full functioning of institutions by peaceful persistence. We the People.

TUBERAIDER: Attributing Coordinated Hate Attacks on YouTube Videos to Their Source Communities

*This is a hypothetical philosophical thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, civil/human rights. It is meant to be a little dicey. We will write the ending positively and justice will be restored. Do not think in terms of a specific race, religion, or political perspective but in the spirit of freedoms applied fairly to everyone as promised by our social contracts. It is meant to generate some discussion on how importance justice is in our society and how that can impact our prospects of growth or decline as a people. Once I'm done with my current work I'm going to think about writing a book like a story and how economic resilience was created through shared commitments to national values.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Interpersonal Skills-Winning People Paperback by John C. Maxwell (Communication and Business)

Interpersonal skills can make or break opportunities. Communication theory we learn in school doesn't always include the layman's practical side. This book is one that I have read, and it is insightful. What I have learned is when your polite, clear, concise, and confident people seem to understand the message better and are much more likely to react positively. (Confidence is not arrogance which sends a different subconscious signal.)

Over the years I have collected many books about a variety of topics. I'm listing some to see if I can sell them instead of a having them shoved all over the place. In any hobby that I do I share a 50/50 between what I think is good and what I think I like. 50% of any profit goes to charity and 50% I keep buying some supply, book, etc. (There is an auto donate 10% when I sell on eBay).

Sometimes I flip for a charity dinner. i.e. $10 donation for a super carb spaghetti dinner to help a double lung transplant of someone local. To be fair, I think I donate all of it but don't really want to say that because I don't want to make a promise (I have been pretty good on promises). If you got a hobby you can always do what I'm doing and sometimes it turns into a businss. Not what I'm looking to do here but I do give it to charity for the most part.

Winning with People Paperback John C. Maxwell (2005) Free shipping!

Knowledge Spill Over in Information Migration (Cluster Research)

Further continuing to think about economic clusters and their ability to rapidly innovate industries and possibly create new industries if the factors are in alignment.  I have been using what such studies might look in a Delta County model.  Delta County, MI is a rural semi isolated location that holds notable untapped potential to form a cluster. The possibilities of attracting new investment interest FDI, and tourism are higher than other locations based on geography, infrastructure, quality of life and more.

The study below highlights how migration of knowledge can improve innovation. The term migration is of less concern than moving talent where it can share new innovations and disseminate knowledge. In my model one would utilize local skill trades knowledge to feed industries. Attracting talent, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. into the local market can improve supportive factors of innovation. Quality of life and sense of community contributes to talent attraction and retention.

Knowledge spillovers through high-skilled migration network: evidence from OECD countries.

Barabuffi, S., Costantini, V., Leone Sciabolazza, V., & Paglialunga, E. (2025). Knowledge spillovers through high-skilled migration network: evidence from OECD countries. Industry and Innovation, 1–31.

Delta County Commissioner Meeting (03/04/2025): Vets, Planes, Buses, Paths, and Opioid Money

If you continue to watch the videos of the meetings you will come to understand how connected local governance is to its citizens. People ar...