Below is the line of stages that has been created from this
philosophical thought experiment exploring hate corruption and exclusive cultic social networks. This is where justice and commitment to our
oaths and social contracts as a free people are restored. The alternative is
setting the stage for things we hope to never see in this or any other country. To maintain the system means
we need officials who swear their oaths and loyalties to the purpose of the law
and not embedded cultic networks. They have a responsibility to protect the community
and not their friends, race, religion, politic or other. Thank God most serve with a higher purpose and with honor but when they don't some members of society have greater responsibilities beyond themselves to the health of the whole.
In this example what makes the process of coordinated
aggression and immunities for behaviors that would be illegal in most places is
the extent of hate corruption and social misbehaviors. Allegations of a young lady raped, religious minorities
cleansed, financial corruption, harming kids, evidence tainting, false witness, years of aggression, etc. were all brought forward
with no recourse. Investigations into those who raised concerns were opened and
investigations into perpetrators blocked in open protection of a closed
network. It was later found the whistleblowers were correct and the community seriously harmed.
It didn't matter how many people came forward, the victims
had no rights, and decision makers felt no particular reason to protect the wider purpose
of the system against insiders that were manipulating it. The dangers of social
corruption mixed with ethnocentric ignorance and bias. Without the community
standing up for their values one might wonder if this level of criminal
coordination could be a precursor to collectivized defaults we have seen in
other nations. The strength of democracy rests in all of our hands. Our backstop is the moral conscious of the people where bad actors have locked down justice.
The stages learned from philosophical hypothetical thought experiment exploration designed to foster reflective thinking,
1. Default of Justice: Inner group/gang/clan intentional
coordinates against victims and concerned citizens. Some officials were aware
of the criminal activities based in hate and corruption that included secret
hit lists against whistleblowers, sharing of complaints with perpetrators.
2. Dehumanization: Stripping victims of rights, use of
violence/threats, spreading rumors, group bullying, etc.
3. Acceptance: Community members have complained of
preferences, immune protections, etc. where misuse of authority was designed to
create a social order. Awareness grew and people opposed misuse of an inner network/cartel/clan.
4. Community Resilience: The community is aware the
clan/corruption network is among them and they actively organically seek to find ways to
reduce the threats and improve the institutions by replacing clan
officials. Clan officials misused the law and narratives to maintain in tack capacity to harm and shield from gross negligence.
5. Economic and Social Prosperity: Because the fundamentals
of justice were restored trust rises leading to a stronger base. Minority/out
group members are brought back into the fold of fair treatment, poor decisions against victims reversed, institutions
adapted to their internal threats (checks and balances), and growth returns. The institution and community benefit from greater understanding and commitment to a higher moral conscious.
To some these words still mean something and worth standing for in earnest vs. lip service.
The Pledge of Allegiance is "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
This is an interesting article on coordinated hate. It is
possible to trace back who caused the issues and someday it will become plain
as day (through multitude of evidence) that such actors undermined the purpose
and trust in the system for nefarious purposes. In the example case above hate overpowered and defaulted the system with no correction. The community and good officials restored the heath of their democracy and supported the full functioning of institutions by peaceful persistence. We the People.
TUBERAIDER: Attributing Coordinated Hate Attacks on YouTube Videos to Their Source Communities
*This is a hypothetical philosophical thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, civil/human rights. It is meant to be a little dicey. We will write the ending positively and justice will be restored. Do not think in terms of a specific race, religion, or political perspective but in the spirit of freedoms applied fairly to everyone as promised by our social contracts. It is meant to generate some discussion on how importance justice is in our society and how that can impact our prospects of growth or decline as a people. Once I'm done with my current work I'm going to think about writing a book like a story and how economic resilience was created through shared commitments to national values.