Wednesday, June 22, 2022

How Pressure and Threats Impact Politics (Capital Riots Day 4 Hearings Hint at More)

Its interesting what happened on January 6th and some of the pressures people face when standing up for what they believe are their duties. Friends turning on you, all types of pressures, threats of violence, aggressive protests, and general willingness to destroy those who have value systems. You can gain a little more understanding in the CNN article on the Capital Riot 4th Day. It also sounds so familiar and are classic signs of extremism with an aggressive/violent bent (Inside/Outside Distorted Groups). 

It sort of brings up the argument that as a nation we must stand united (Republican and Democrat) to overcome that monster sleeping under our beds. The letting loose of uncontrollable rage and lack of checks and balances within the system. This is where there must be a commitment by our leadership of all sides to hold to account extremist networks (The specific party and/or perpetrator isn't important as we all have a stake in maintaining our institutions.). There are spots in history where one must choose one door over another and live by their choices. 

While as of yet there isn't a smoking gun I would suspect with Russian social media manipulation, some of the lone wolfs, and the coordination of hate that there could be the potential foreign influence. Some of this plan seems opportunistic without much thought while other aspects of the plan seem to have a type of coordination you might find from an intelligence agency overseas. While it may not be true (or it could be true), it is possible, and in turn should be investigated as such actions help ensure treason isn't involved. (Interesting reading in no particular order.....2018 Russians Caught ElectionsUploading Documents, Social MediaSoft Side Extremism, Putin's EmpireOfficersFBI Testifies, Exploiting ElectionsDigital MilitaryMemorial Day, Biggest Threats, National VisionPledgeChina Overcome, Changing Military

What concerns me is that politics is so divisive and so distorted that I look with shock on the wanton ignorance of many of our leaders (not all of our leaders). The constant fighting, pitching of silly battles, and little conception of trying to make the nation better (Through bi-partisan shared focus.). We, they, all of us, have duties and circumnavigating that for political purposes is derelict of that duty. I believe that if we asked people if they wanted to be led by elected officials that represent their best interests or by the gamesmanship of party politics they would likely say the former (One will help us win our struggles one will help us lose them.). We can only hope that the collective good, will squeeze out the needs of the selfish. As a light right Republican I focus on national development and goals and not solely on the needs of my party (...or anyone's party as they are avenues but not the final goal. The ends do not always justify the means.). 

Democracy works best when people focus on the big picture and not on the smaller crumbs of power. You can see the struggle between those who support the benefit of the nation and those who support only their own needs and/or that of their party. (It runs through some of the ranks.) We can talk creepy all we want but end of the day we either create the pressure to change our political toxic environment or we move forward as "politics as usual". We have big challenges coming in our international and economic arenas and I'm not 100% that our leaders can rally themselves to the benefit of the nation, democracy and the people (The real stakeholders.). We see signs of a rising of a central value systems but it hasn't taken hold in many political circles. Most are thinking about their reelection and putting off generational work. Wouldn't it be nice if we could switch those priorities?

The full version....

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Escanaba City Council Regular Meeting Thursday June 16, 2022 (Budgets, Hotels, and Emerging Opportunities)

Lots of stuff going on within this meeting and I'm not going to comment on it all. A few thoughts are listed below. Small town administration is just as complex as big city administration. In many ways its even more challenging because of the diverse nature of the needs and a limit of expertise. They do well with what they have. There are opportunities in Escanaba (Delta County in general) for businesses of different kinds in a way that I have not seen in many other places. Underdeveloped, a local central hub, other UP activities, needs to build our competitive infrastructure, and a big need to return foreign direct investment to the U.S. 

Marijuana in the City: Let me say that it is one way to shore up a deficit. I have heard the local casino did very well with their revenue and gave out bonuses to employees. That might create some opportunity for Escanaba if the people choose to accept it and allow it (I'm not making any moral judgements here.) Be wise about its revenue and continue to look for ways to cut unnecessary costs and reallocate resources where they improve long term revenue projects (i.e. attracting new businesses, better city marketing, tourism opportunities, fixing up the downtown, etc...).

 Budget: I would like to draw your attention to the general budget.  It looks like the revenue and expenses are the same at $9,329,379. The question then becomes if there is a new source (i.e. marijuana, investments, etc..) would they be able to use the far majority of that to draw in more revenue. While we are a city (non profit) it is important to maintain a balanced budget and in the green. Programs are great and can draw from new investments but should not overwhelm them. i.e. meaning creating new revenue and upon earning that revenue some will go to livability and general lifestyle that raises the likelihood of new investors and visitors. One might think of an example of summer movies in the park or plays by Boniface Center (or art classes outside, art shows in park, etc...) in the band shell during high tourism months and part of the concession money makes that sustainable and in turn help feed future growth opportunities. Do something to raise revenue and then know what people want to retain/attract more revenue. The same can be said for other necessities like infrastructure. See Sustainable Growth Model , Start Up Esky, SME Esky,  Esky Downtown, Venture Cap, Virtual Community, Tourism Micro,   Availability of Financial Info, Transac SubMulti Cluster, Delta Shipping and American Start Up.  Oh...and a nice one I like China and US.😲

Northshore Marine and Hotel: They are discussing preparation to strengthen the nautical and tourist aspects of the city. Both are in landmark locations and they have to do it well. EGLE will be coming to visit to check on the site and ideas. I hear the House of Ludington and other properties were bought by a Chicago investor (I think that is what I heard) and that would help redevelop that pak/downtown area. That is a start we can use as kindle. A few ideas Esky Jail/MarinaMarina Conduit, Slips Filling Up Fast, Digital Nomads, Marina Dreams, Pure Michigan

See the June 16th, 2022 Agenda  Escanaba Face Book

Farm Life!

 A picture of farm life in Delta County Michigan.

Extremism Has Grown Because of #1 Lack of Laws and #2 Lack of Moral Fortitude

Extremism has grown and I believe to be a two part issue that includes #1 Lack of Laws and #2 Lack of Moral Fortitude. They are both related in one way or another. Understanding the nature of extremism and how it works would liken it more to moral fortitude based in moral conscious. Understanding value systems would lead to laws that encourage people to get help or face the consequences of the intentional destructiveness of hate. 

#1 Lack of Laws: The legal system struggles with extremism. Extremists often work in the subtleties of the law. Without actual physical attack they are given lots of leeway. If you were ever on the receiving side of hate that might include things like lost opportunities (local college who indicated I was more than qualified but when they found out I was the guy the HR manager's friends didn't like so she completely ghosted me as a candidate. Its illegal but generally unenforced and requires an investigation.),  group aggression (multiple people causing problems, antagonism, sticking their noses in the air when they see us, restricting local engagement, creating toxic environments, etc...), lack of respect for life (Leaning on, using, and involving kids that led to one's injury. Yelling out "your fathers a bitch" to kids. That includes false police report and spreading dangerous rumors to encourage a level of ostracization and potential violence. There was a general lack of consideration over everyone's rights; except their own needs.), breaking down of the local legal structure and protections (Followed home by an officer, pulling kids over in an unmarked car, potentially coaching their group of friends on how to "get" someone, hand on gun, and lack of objectivity that encourages a situation where these officers {one's within the group. Not the other officers in the area and whom I believe are trying to do the right thing} can't be trusted to fulfill their duties without bending it to their social networks {Looks like a dominant personality manages their social affairs.} I could be wrong but I have a red flag now with any questionable behaviors of anyone associated with that group. The closer one is to the group center, the lower the objectivity.) and financial gain (Much of the behaviors seem to stem from missing money and not wanting an audit. The audit may never have been conducted and they were able to use a level of aggression to circumnavigate what would be reasonable and perhaps required. There also appears to be future financial gain of such behaviors. It is now one of the least of concerns but a moral point. I don't think that is right and there should be laws to protect people. This isn't the first time we have seen excessive greed and manipulation in our country.).  

We need new laws to ensure we are holding people accountable for their behaviors and stepping back to see the totality of those behaviors and their incentives. The birds eye view helps show how they are working within a group and have used that group for their own advantage (The group members don't see themselves that way and have become accustomed to perceiving themselves as the social pulse of the area. Bullying is something I suspect they have done in the past without account stemming all the way back to their mediocre sport playing days in highschool. Most are very good people but there is a percentage that feed off of each other in a way that limits their critical thinking. Many of the rest follow blindly and don't have the personal strength to step outside their networks.) Most of the group members don't appear to want to risk crossing the boundaries but will play near those boundaries in order to please their social networks (Throw some alcohol in there, someone gets frustrated with life, or I walk into an event and we may find those boundaries decline again. I will not be deterred in any way but I also understand how things can get out of control if one person throws the match in the wrong circumstance. When people hate they look for those wrong circumstances to light those fires. Their rage consumes their wits.) Without appropriate laws we create a breeding ground where hate can incubate until it one day crosses the line....but who cares right (We may need laws that apply nationally and locally)? 🤷

#2 Lack of Moral Fortitude: If any of the above is true in any way shape or form I would think that a level of moral conscious would kick in. This is where we get into dicey issues about how we perceive people and their rights (Rights as the new dirty word in some circles.). No one has apologized, there doesn't appear to be any level of correction, and I'm not sure if there was any level of accountability. I do believe someone told them to stop acting that way for fear of being held to account. The good news is that I don't see it as my failure so I think my conscious is clear. I believe many have tried to do the right thing but if the laws and morality are not matched we will find ourselves here again (locally, nationally, wherever). Its hard to say what the right answers are.

Extremism has grown for many different types of reasons such as not understanding it and not having the tools to deal with it. Unfortunately, the "targets"/victims, etc. are the ones who have to find ways through the mess as the laws haven't caught up. We even have Supreme Court Justices (and other judges, governor, politicians, etc..) that have become targets of extremist behaviors and yet we have not taken the necessary steps to take action (Proactively the Counseling and Tracking as one method. There are likely others.). We must wait reactively for someone to cross the boundaries when they have walked right up to it and consistently displayed their willingness poke at those boundaries in a way that heightens risks. 

Accountability doesn't always mean long prison sentences (or even any prison sentence at all in many cases). In most cases, extremism is a mental health issue. However, for some people it can be a serious mental health issue that risks others. I believe there are people who intentionally use other's mental health issues like a tool to intimidate/bully people (i.e. intentionally spreading false information and encouraging to attack others.) in a way that it creates a context for violence (Think of flying monkeys and narcissism). Hence, what I have experienced and have been talking about for the past few years seems to have similar strains in other such behaviors within the country (They aren't the same focus/issue but they share similar characteristics.). Whether we are at the capitol, in our hometowns, or just upset at someone there is always the risk that a person could go too far. How we hold to account those who intentionally created those risks is an important question we will likely be forced to tackle on a national scale (even if we do so in an empathetic way).

Let us look at the situation with Rep Dan Crenshaw and ask ourselves how we got here where anything goes in politics? A Republican, military veteran, and someone who is willing to compromise on gun laws now a target of a Proud Boy extremist network in the U.S. Didn't people go overseas (this war, past wars, etc..) to protect those fundamental rights (There is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom to use speech to incite hate)? We are now dealing with new types of issues and we are currently unprepared. One's loyalty and serving their country doesn't seem to matter to these people. Domestic extremism isn't something new but it is growing at an alarming rate and we are not sure how to respond. We will need our judges, politicians, and local law enforcement to understand and act on it. All the tough talk and yet we buckle to a little pressure. There is something called honor, duty, and loyalty to the Constitution. He doesn't even have a Muslim sounding name and mixed race kids! Geese! Let us keep it classy peeps!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Feeling Tropical in Escanaba

 Ok we are a cold weather place but sometimes we can seem a little tropical. Perch on the barbie!

46th Annual Great Lakes Area Pow Wow (Hannahville Tribe): Good Dancers and Present History

Native Americans are indigenous to the U.S. and interwoven into the history of society. They have a special honored place to many and important champions of protecting the environment. I have gained lots of Native American friends over the years and find a welcoming atmosphere. Their traditions, values and sense of community have taught others about the deeper meaning of life and the world in which we live. 

Of course there are others who don't feel the same and create artificial boundaries between themselves and our local native peoples (and others. It has become part of their distorted perspective of values and its difficult to help them see themselves for who they are. Hate has no place in our modern society.). Its sad but with positive interaction, challenging poor behaviors, and a sense of healthy respect on how each community can make our nation great we can develop something the world has never seen (Different people's working toward the same positive end and that will forge the strongest American steel. Think of the example of the American Code Breakers and how knowledge applied in new ways created advantages others didn't have.)  

Thankyou Hannahville for sharing your traditions with the rest of us and teaching us about community and the environment.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Texas GOP Gets Aggressive: Physical Confrontation and Moving Texas Far Right

From a sociological perspective what has happened in GOP in Texas is interesting. It appears there was a big movement to the right.  ( I'm taking a somewhat neutral stance on these issues but I do have my own personal beliefs which creates a type of bias and that is always toward the rational center where logic, values, and compromise come together. The acceptance of that bias in science also makes me a little more logical. Its those who do not accept their bias that lead to false understandings and interpretations. Not that anything I say is correct.

There appears to be many beliefs that relate from abortion rights, prayer in school and homosexuality. These are not issues I need to go into because they are personal beliefs and any legislative actions ( or no actions) are discussed through our current political process (Its also not the point of why I writing.). 

Where I find concerns are three things that appear to be moving outside of our processes 1.) booing of Republicans working on compromise (possibly meaning less future ability to compromise), 2.) intimidation of lawmakers by Proud Boys (I think this would violate some laws. One can't just claim themselves to representatives of the GOP and use threats of violence against other members. It gets back to our ability to hold extremist type behaviors accountable. I have no idea what actually happened but if true that is a significant signal that violence will be a future tool to politically control others.) 3.) reversal of laws that protect voting (hinting at a level of white supremacy and a return to pre-slavery perceptions of values. Maybe not...but let us see what other things come out over the next year to see if it leans in that direction or another direction.). 4.) Legitimacy of voting (If we go through the process and it doesn't verify the votes then the rest appears to be political manipulation that focuses on the illegitimacy of the voting system itself. That is fundamental to democracy; at least our current form of it.)

Some of the behaviors likely raise red flags in terms of national, racial, religious based justifications for extremism (We have to wait to see what happens in other states and locations.). If these articles are correct it would appear there is a larger acceptance of hard uncompromising value systems. Rigidity in thinking has become popular. That will make it difficult to rationalize with the movement. It starts a break in society (Perhaps something like 25% of staunch followers that are not willing to work with others and perhaps willing to overstep to force others to accept their way.). 

There also appears to be two different GOP's forming. MAGA and what I would call "Old Guard" Republicans. It would seem that MAGA has moved far enough right to possibly be seen as a new party. At present they also appear to be overshadowing the larger "Old Guard" GOP due to lack of coordination and willingness of members to voice their opinions (I think that will change soon as it appears that some Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump and the MAGA movement. RINO seems to be loosing its value as roles are reversed. i.e. pot calling the kettle black. One could make an alternative argument that MAGA has used the Republican name to gain membership but has turned far enough right to no longer represent the larger Republican base. It makes an assumption, which can be wrong, that the larger base hasn't moved further right but is more silent. That is not an argument for or against movements but one of simple observation based on terms used a few years ago and terms used now. It almost seems as though there is an acceptance that Trump is a fad that after the "ride the wave" hype he will be a liability for candidates. Its not there yet but there just seems to be a sense of it.). 

This is where it gets pretty dangerous for the GOP's future. They run the risk of permanently changing the fundamental nature of the party through a nationalist movement and then being dissipated completely in the aftermath (i.e. taking on current movement beliefs that won't have long term appeal. Some movements do change once they are in power so that is something that we will just have to see what happens. It may be a non issue after the election or it may be a national thorn in our foot.). Rising nationalism only works for so long and there are so many people opposed to it (Think of the Democrat half of society and a portion of the existing GOP that are not happy with MAGA. The full percentages remain to be seen. I suspect one can pull them together from polls and publishing. A quick rise to power is possible but also chaos and a quick decline.) that it will not be the sweeping up of an entire nation (Like we have seen in Nazi Germany). It will create major shifts and splits of which some could lead to group violence (i.e. the potential threat to Congress during the Capital Riots and the use of Proud Boys to threaten lawmakers at their own party function. It should make us think a little.).

Time will tell what happens and of course those who like history and political analysis will wait and see. I only seek to understand and have not veered from my political perspective (I'm a light right "Old Guard" Republican loyal to the Constitution and 1.) Freedom of Speech and 2.) Freedom of Worship (Any religion). Thus I view things from that perspective with the acceptance of a slight bias. The rest is just observation and a little logic. It could be wrong, it could be right, and it could be something else. That is the nature of history and analysis.)

You may want to read this article. Texas GOP goes full MAGA at 2022 convention