Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Belief in Persistence and the Ability to Overcome- Leadership of Performance versus Leadership of "Connected"

The ability to overcome is rooted into the very nature of survival and environmental mastery. That grit can be seen in college students that stick with it despite the odds, those who have been gang attacked and come back to hold their persecutors accountable, the single mothers who protected their children and made a new life, the people who stand up to wrong even though they did not profit from their actions, and those leaders who were born in the pits of hell and climbed out when 99.9% of people would have never made it a foot off the ground. 

These are the people whom we should strive to look for when building a nation as they are the exceptional. We often reject them for the "connected" simply because they were born into the lap of luxury and had all the things they needed to buy success. Growing nations need to draw new talent and rally them around core principles that define our national values...and in turn our purpose.

Our nation is built off of strivers, thrivers, and those who continue to overcome. We are a people who seek to make the world a better place and bang the bells of freedom to ring for universal rights and human dignity. We shall stand tall and bright against the darkness of incivility and human deprivation.  A light so bright it illuminates the path for others to follow and acts as a guide to a better world.

A persons inherent value to society is in their ability to do good for their people and help their nation reach a more perfect union of action and idealism. It has nothing to do with the station in which they were born. I believe a nation that will succeed must show due respect to all the social classes and allow the best and brightest to move forward to tackle our national problems.

I'm a conservative by nature and I stick close to our central values that are based on core truths that reach back to their origins. I take into account the challenges they have faced and I also take into account those who had everything presented to them and still show signs of potential performance.  Elitism, racism, bigotry, and corruption are a disease in our society and will cause us much pain and harm in the future if not abandoned for ideal more lofty.

Nations are built by the collective striving of its people who seek to pass on the values of freedom from one generation to the next. A Black child and a White child, a Christian child and a Muslim child, a wealthy child and a poor child, a "connected" child and a disenfranchised child, a boy/man or a girl/woman, or Republican or a Democrat ......all have the potential to lead but are judged on their merit and the quality of the character. 

The next time you vote or hire someone for a senior so on their merit and ability and not because they are the "right" candidate with a proper "cultural fit" but because they are the best man/woman to help us achieve something greater.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." JFK

Economic Growth: U.S. Resurgence-Ensuring We Fund Small Business for Sustainable Growth

Kind of cool to watch this video by that discusses the return of manufacturing and capital investment in onshoring of plants. Assuming the positive news pans out over a period of time I think many of these companies should start investing back into the economy and small business opportunities to ensure that capital feeds new opportunities for a diverse group of Millennials that thus far have been short changed. This will likely breed better economic engagement and new future opportunities when good ideas are brought forward and maximized for long term national growth. See Investor Responsibility to Hedge American Start-Ups as one method of ensuring we stay innovative in the mid and long term with new ideas and new groups of millionaires that live the American Dream.

Legislation, Infrastructure and Inflation-Where Do We See Ourselves in 20 Years?

Some of the economists are discussing inflation and the impact current bills have on recovery. There are experts who are saying no issues and there others who indicate it will be worse. What I can say is that in any bill there are things I agree with and other things I'm not sure I understand well. What I'm more concern about is the year 22'-23' interchange and whether or not businesses have fully adapted and that will mark the beginning of a digital and social strategic era. Some economists are now arguing that 2022 to 2023 people will be working and supply chain issues will be relaxed leading to growth 

I would call any major government response an adaptation to environmental challenges. This may also be the time when our national structure has shifted to environmental and competitive issues and in turn create more alignment of business and national interests. Chaos Theory is part of the economic and social upheavals we experience now as things shift and people question the world in which we live. With luck that will settle down into something more productive if we can get our leadership in both parties to focus on destinations further down the road versus limiting our options through partisanship (Or...breaking the system with hype rhetoric. This is the time for truer leadership in both parties...and those who are not part of any party.). Its not an endorsement or lack of endorsement for a policy. I state what I support and mum on those things I don't understand. Keeping focused on what might produce the best results down the road.. i.e. 20 years. 

Predictive Analysis
Through the forced adaptation of Covid we have challenges and options. Yet everything is a choice. Short Lived Covid Shock?, GDP on Govt. Mind, How Covid Will Change Economy, Red Queen, Evolutionary Economics, Chaos Economic Evolution, Combining Keynesian and Schumpeterian ModelsHuman Instincts and Work,  Not Out of Woods, and Infrastructure Digital Era. I'm trying to solve a puzzle. All theory is a puzzle and explanation of events but the proof is in what happens through predictive analysis. Economics is the study of human behavior and choice and thus it is a study of how choosing one path opens up possibilities and closes the possibilities to others. You can read a little something on predictive modeling of socio-economic systems. 🤷

10 Inventions by Leonardo da Vinci the Renaissance Man

Below is a fairly interesting on Leonardo da Vinci. What I find most fascinating about this is that there are/was/is people in our world that want to learn and develop and seem to create knowledge way before others can understand it. While some might have discarded the man and his ideas during his life he nevertheless transformed our world. Uniqueness in personality is uniqueness in thought, action, and outcomes. If people like LDV did not question his world, or squashed any variance in thought in society, we would have lost these inventions (It would have only taken one wrong decision and they all could have been wiped from developmental knowledge.) We often laugh at intellectuals and scientists but at the end of the day no society can move forward without people questioning, challenging and finding solutions. We may not have understood the science then but we do have a better appreciation for it now. Time leads to insight. Infographic by My Modern Met 

Leonardo da Vinci Inventions Infographic

Rittenhouse: Its not about the case....Its about "Us"!

 The Rittenhouse case is one of those cases that will mark history but not because of what happened on the ground but by the way our polarized society sees it. The same events, interpreted different ways, under different political agendas, mixed with lots of pain! How can we rectify this?

We can...but it won't be easy and our politicians are not doing our nation many favors in this instance. It is NOT the time for politic rhetoric or the sling shot words designed to hype and inflame the masses. 

I'm not going into the details of the case and whether he should have been found guilty, innocent, or something in between. What I can say is that people are going to see this based on upon their backgrounds and perceptions. Emotions are going to run high for a while and sparks could easily fly.

I lean conservative and I support our police when they act appropriately and with the best interest of the nation and its people (With mechanisms to remove bad apples). It is not a perfect system and there is room for lots and lots of improvement. The day we assume no change is needed is the day we begin to cannibalize ourselves.

Furthermore, I'm not immune to the pain of minority people as I have had my family targeted by dishonest and selfish individuals (mental health involved) who exploited hate and bigotry in a way that could have led to serious harm or death if more accurate information was not forcefully inserted.

We need a grip on who we are and where we want to go as Americans.  Let us not let the radicals of either party split us apart....they have no right to do so! The politicians who are inflaming the passions of the people without consideration for its longer term impact are doing the rest of us a disservice. If they are not seeking a path forward on unity, peace, and prosperity then they are part of the problem.

As word of advice to people who are protesting (no matter which side your protesting for) is not to join in violence and to leave the guns (weapons of all types) home safely locked for hunting season and other non-violent uses. Putting passion, politics, and panoply of power all in the same location is likely to not turn out well (For anybody involved.)! Are you buying emotionally or rationally into this case?

I pray for peace and wisdom to guide our leaders and people to a brighter path forward. One in which we see ourselves in others.💓 ....but who says I know what I'm talking about? I'm a fallible human being who makes lots of mistakes....and so does everyone else. 🤷 You can choose to be "open minded" or go blindly listen to your favorite partisan political radical (from any side)! Hope they know what they are doing and don't break the system! Avoid all separatist leanings.💔🙏

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Why Companies and Investors Should Hedge American Start-Ups and Small Business for Long Term Growth (Delta County Hedge-Equity Fund Conception)

Rebuilding Americas Glory
Using Our Past Ingenuity with
Modern Investment Tools
2021 Picture
Investing is great and some people who do a lot of investing in a way that makes them and their institutions significant money. Awesome! Much of the wealth many have experienced over the past few decades is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands leaving perceptions that government is skewed toward large business and in turn killing off small business and towns (Don't point may not be intentional.). That creates a responsibility (or potential opportunity depending on how you see the world) to develop policies that encourage investors to build and hedge (perhaps funds of) start-ups and new businesses for mid and long-term national growth (That is assuming they still care what happens to the country. I suspect most do but they don't have the policy, plan or action to make it happen! That is not a reflection of any leadership but a chance to think about new opportunities and where we likely must go!)

I've looked at some policies out there and found that I may agree or disagree with policies and have come to a partial conclusion that both parties often argue for or against each other's policies but are missing a bigger opportunity because of inappropriate argument anchoring (meaning the arguments determine their "reality" and in turn skew the understanding of  full factors). Its an opportunity that could help rejuvenate our small towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan as well as throughout the nation. We have an amazing workforce and if we dig into our garages and backyard sheds we are likely able to dust off that old entrepreneurial mindset to provide opportunities for the average American. We have a chance to rebuild our spirt that helped lead the world for a long time.....and do it better then we did in the past. 

There are a couple of quick advantages I can see....

1. Companies gain more innovation from small business and their new ideas which makes them more competitive....even when they are forced to adapt to compete, buy, or fund these start-ups. Creating new businesses, buying start-ups, breaking companies up, etc... all are part of the process of creating a growth oriented environment where there are new ideas and the financial resources to scale them.

2. With online changes more power can be in the hands of entrepreneurs to share, sell, and market their ideas to an international buyer. Creating pathways to the international market to small businesses can help grow and develop promising prospects into spearhead international products with the right investment (Which when maximized can reverse the polarity of our supply chain. Virtual Communities and Online Invest Info).

Esky could use a
fish-meat-fruit-veg market
for the market to purchase
to augment their offerings.
None currently exist.
Jail is open for development.
Maybe a store with dock access would
be nice. Put a hotel, wine bar/brewery, coffee shop,
market, fish guide, water rental place, etc..
City of Escanaba is looking for developers.
Contact New Mayor Mark Ammel (good guy!)

We send out more value and products then we bring in (A growing system that can sustain itself.). Policies can be created to not only help small business service their communities in meaningful ways and in turn set them up for future international growth ( A business could service their community through meaningful entrepreneurship. For example someone might start a fruit, vegetable, fresh Great Lakes Fish and meat market in Escanaba that also provides opportunities for local small farmers to easily find a direct market....or global market. Perhaps something more along the lines of designing a new widget for automobiles in Michigan or even something as simple as making specialty ergonomic furniture for handicapped and people working at home in the arena of custom fit desks and chairs. They are just examples that when a good idea hits it might lead to the growth of a local-regional industry.)

3. We can give all the social classes opportunities to develop and fund them in a way that creates greater connection between the classes (Remember Karl Marx believed in the Das Kapital: A Critique of Political Economy we would have social class conflict and capitalism would fall. See Marx' Crisis of Capitalism. Of course it didn't happen yet and maybe never will. However, to further our capitalistic model we should create opportunities to grease the capital machine with plentiful opportunities for our diverse society.). We can minimize/correct the divergence of the wealthy and the rest of society as different people. We can reconnect through our mutual interest in developing our nation and developing our people. We can create an environment where we make it much easier for the common man/woman to develop their ideas and sell them. That requires the wealthy to think about how they can enhance their position while enhancing everyone else through investment. (In small towns like Escanaba the rich and poor often live in the same neighborhoods making them intricately connected; most...there are a few who are "above" the rest of their minds because one of their grandparents gave them the money. In large cities where most Americans reside they live in hypothetically different worlds. Pack Investing and JP Morgan)

4. With lots of new start ups we can attract more investment and business interest on a global scale. Companies go where they find opportunities, competencies, infrastructure and ideas. (SME Delta County and Delta County Start Up)

Potential Investment Vehicles
Hedge and Private Equity
See IRS and Difference H & PE.
Disclaimer: I'm not giving advice or a expert.
General conception of Delta County Hedge-Equity Fund
5. The recent Infrastructure Bill could be used to catalyze businesses of different sizes leading to a diverse and stable economic environment that is more resistant to international supply chain and economic shocks. (When the money is spent well and furthered by corporate interest it is possible to maximize the advantages of that infrastructure change. Having infrastructure that a diverse array of businesses can find advantage in leads to more resilience than a few large U.S. industries. Better to have new industries developing all the time. Delta County Shipping and Delta County Unknown Industries and Cross Structure Synergy.)

6. We can bring back manufacturing and business opportunities to rural communities by funding new small business, start ups, and coordinated community marketing (like in places like Escanaba, Gladstone, and others. Information and Investment and R&D Delta)

The biggest problem is not necessarily "the will" but the vehicle of how to pool these funds together to minimize business cycle risks while maximizing higher profits through break outs (Meaning having investment opportunities that take into account success and failure in business through pooling of capital). That becomes an  IRS and issue for lawyers (yikes!) and that may be part of the red tape problem. We need business development to be simple, easy to navigate, and able to coordinate with others to find pathways to new resources and markets. 

Side note.................

That is probably enough for a blog post. I think I confuse people with my long winded rhetorical writing. The details are important but they are limited by the ability to connect the dots. Something I'm trying to do with my Interactive Cluster Theory For Innovative Growth. Actually, I have them sort of connected but each piece should be justified in detail....which draws from a huge body of research and knowledge. You can sort of see how the articles rewrap into each other and when it becomes fairly seamless it is tied like a "bow" with an internally consistent logic that covers most of the essential factors and higher chances of implementation success. I suspect its possible to see if we connected all the links together, which we are not really there yet, we can find a self-contained type methodological system with supportive data from a diverse level of justification. 🤷 Think at your own risk.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Pilot Marc Thor Olson Crashes Fighting Kruger Rock Fire

Firefighter Thor Olson crashes during a fire monitoring mission. He is experienced and he has serviced his country as both a firefighter and fighter pilot for decades. Firefighting is not an occupation without risk. If climate change (assuming you believe in it) continues we will need more people to fight with honor natural disasters like this. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) there were more deaths is 2020 than any other year (160) (NFPA, 2021). Some of that was from Covid exposure to emergency calls and some from on the ground firefighting. That number will likely increase if our environment continues to shift (again assuming you believe it it.).

If you feel that firefighters help communities and want to do something you can donate to a variety of firefighter associations. See solid list that include children of firefighters, EMS, and other first responders at FireRescue 1. You can also donate to your local volunteer firefighters organizations.  Just look up fire department in your local community and see what they need. As a volunteer I can say that looking for sources to fund operations, training, and response is an ongoing process.

You can also read about the hidden economic numbers inherent in pollution HERE.