Saturday, December 2, 2017

How Little Unique Businesses can Create?

Sometimes small businesses can raise their value by offering something unique when compared to other businesses. For example, on Shelter Island in California, there is a small restaurant on the fishing pier that offers simple beverages and food. While this won't receive the same amount of traffic as the one in Ocean Beach it nevertheless has carved out a niche.

Their demographic is based in the people who live in the area and those who go fishing on the pier. Each afternoon a crowd gathers to put their fishing poles out. They need things to eat and drink while they are fishing and this, as well as the tourists, is their crowd. Opening at 3PM they offer frozen bait and snacks.

Small business often have a hard time creating a place when competing against larger businesses. The market for this store is smaller than what most chains would be interested in. By putting up a business sign in a small market they have effectively locked this market out to competitors.

Trying not to compete with large business is important. Small business simply can't compete on price and cost advantages of larger businesses that often buy things in balk. However, with a little thought and a proper analysis they can find where their business fits. Those businesses that will survive will serve their unique target market well.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why I Support University Research?

University research not only increases the overall contribution to society but also raises curriculum quality and quality perception of the institution. Higher education is partly about helping students reach new levels of knowledge but also to help society develop their knowledge as well. More universities that engage in research have a loose correlation to the overall economic performance of the country. As new patents and inventions are created between the research conducted at universities and businesses, new forms of innovative development occur.

New Levels of Knowledge:

New research makes its way into curriculum and improves upon the types of information students are exposed too. Likewise, it furthers intellectual curiosity and scientific knowledge.

Quality Perceptions of the University:

Research oriented universities typically have some of the highest ranks in education. While this doesn't necessarily equate directly to teach it does attract high quality professors and performing students.

Contribution to Societal Innovation:

Societal innovation occurs when businesses and universities work together to create new forms of knowledge. Research contributes to the economic and quality of life outputs of the nation.

Hiking the Mountains in Big Bear California

A weekend skiing trip gone awry when new snow was not present wasn't a total loss as we moved into hiking in the mountains. Big Bear is an outdoors person's play land with multiple hiking trails that can be very challenging. For those who love biking, fishing, and water sports there are plenty of rentals and other activities to engage in. The dining and nightlife also has its small town charm.

Tips on How to Get Your Finance in Order

Time is the best catalyst to getting your finances and investments in order. When you start young you have time to make mistakes and prepare yourself for when you are older and not able to work as well as you once did. A few tips that might help you get your finances in order.

1.) Start as young and early as you can.

2.) Invest in your 401K

3.) Put together a budget and spend less than you make.

4.) Invest in mutual funds.

5.) Check prices before purchase.

6.) Have some cash savings.

7.) Avoid credit cards.

The Essentials of the Economy Relate to Human Exchange

The essential of the economy relates to human to human exchange. Whether this is through information or the use of a monetary system it is important to understand that economies are connected through interaction. Considering that the study of economics is actually the study of human behavior on a macro level one should come to the conclusion that the borders of an economy are where interactions are less.

What makes an economy a single entity?

It is the speed and volume of interaction that occurs among people. For example, a state is defined as an entity because the people within it share certain behaviors and patterns that lead to an understanding of shared economic interest and governance.

How does one improve the economy?

By encouraging greater interaction of the fundamental elements-humans. As they share information and exchange monetary value they increase the speed of transactions. More transactions typically also means additional revenue generation which leads to additional taxes on each of the transactions report as income.

Las Meninas-Photo Bombing a Perspective

Few works of art allow for a deeper perception from a king's point of view other than Las Meninas. Las Meninas, or Ladies in Waiting, was painted in 1656 by Diego Velázquez of Infanta Margaret Theresa and her staff. Margaret was the future Holy Roman Empress and last of the Spanish Habsburgs. The painting was completed from the perspective of King Phillip IV of Spain in the Royal Alcazar of Madrid.

What is most important is this picture is that it is one of the first times you can see the world from a king's perspective. He is looking at the room as though he is walking by or checking in on his family. Margaret Theresa is being taken care of by her servants and there appears to be a bustle going on. It "snap shots" the activity for the audience to see.

Some have argued that it is the first "photo bomb" in the world. You can see the painter Diego in the painting. He created a picture of himself and immortalized it from the perspective of the king. Pretty tricky to put oneself into history that way.

Painting like these capture a time before the modern era when royalty and extreme power and wealth were held to a few. The empire stretched across large parts of the globe making this picture a capture of extreme decadence before decline. Despite its height of existence, there still seems to be a family orientation to the picture where father is looking in on daughter.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

4 Principles of Market Analysis

Market analysis helps companies understand the appeal of their core offerings on the market. Without proper analysis companies can be investing too much money into losing propositions. An analysis can help keep a company relevant and moving in the right direction when making strategic decisions. There are a few solid suggestions when conducting a market analysis:

1.: Look for key markers of market sentiment that lead to relevant and valid data.

2.: Out of the data seek to find growing trends where products and services can be adjusted.

3.: Always conduct further analysis of trends to determine the 4 Ps of marketing.

4.: Never adjust to minor changes and stay the course until trend change becomes apparent.