Thursday, September 26, 2024

Escanaba Regular City Council Meeting (September 19, 2024) Storm Sewers and Bulldozers

Bulldozers and storm sewers were on the agenda tonight. City management continues to hammer out issues and solutions as the city moves forward. Much of the town has seen a transformation over the past few years as new ideas, new thoughts, new investment, and new life was breathed into this coastal enclave. A lot of old and young people working together. 

The only downside to fixing the storm sewer is that we won't be able to test our cars in the water anymore. Storm Water Testing Method. England has Rufford Ford and we have Ford River, Rapid River and Bark River. Bulldozers are expensive but I think if we can make some small tweaks we can get it cheaper. Build a Shatapillar.

Escanaba Agendas

-A complaint came forward. Don't make judgements quickly. 

Are You Promoting the Best or Worst in Your Organization/Society? (Applied Psychology)

Developing healthy organizations that thrive in complex environments relies on the human capital. The right employees matched with the right executive leadership often leads to the high outcomes in a way that provides benefits to stakeholders and society. Within this article when we discussion organization we can equally apply that to any organization or even society at large. As the best and brightest rise we will find compounding positive effects of strong strategic leadership and the type of decision making that encourages the best out people. Learning to be a strong executive and leader fosers to a type of long tail development that makes its way in the work culture and environment. The question why less than qualified employees are promoted to executive management is an important one to ponder. It is also important to avoid if possible.

Companies often promote high performing employees to management positions where they fail on a leadership level. The short term metrics seem to be encouraged over long term functioning of the whole. The skills needed to be a sophisticated executive and build a team around core objectives are different when compared to the skills needed to push for one's own success. CEO Personality on Company Performance. Thus, the ability to put one's own needs to the rear to further the team and the mission of the organization first isn't likely going to resonate well with those who have a habit of showcasing primarily themselves. Shallow attempts to cover the selfish nature of behaviors soon becomes apparent in team settings and that is when other issues that impact the health of the whole rises. 

When we make the wrong decisions we sometimes find it costing an organization an aweful lot in the mid and long term.. In my experience poor executive are not fully aware of their behaviros and its impact on the environment so new ideas are stiffled and exceptional employees leave so they can manage their own affairs. It is hard to make these cause and effect relationships but most of us have experienced how the focus on short term results without considering employee needs or the corporate culture can cause lasting damage. Many times I have seen such companies succeed for a short time and eventually decline or bankrupt due to lost long term performance resilience. In other words, hire the best and brightest and not short term toxic performers. Research on Promotion Fails 

One of the ways we can better promote people with strong management and leadership skills is to look at the idea of applied psychology. Improving teamwork and performance comes with understanding human nature and human behavior (One thing I have learned is that all behavior is goal directed. The stronger the mind, the more accurate the behavior to the goal.). Learning about applied pscyhology in the workplace can help create cultures of performance and open the door to hiring managers with actual leadership skills. Think beyond the surface of performance and what how people interact under various settings. Employee Engagement: Using Applied Psychology Strategically

Let us also think about a quick blurb on the perspective of an investor and an employee. If you were an investor (swap with senior leader) and want to develop a strong organization you will want to set the environment culture to raise employee satisfaction and performance. It reduces costs and it helps attract more high performers. If you were a high performing employee you will want an environment where you can flourish, feel part of something greater, future opportunities, and feel satisfaction from your contributions. Promoting the best and brightest versus short term performers can mean the difference between organizations that succeed and those that fail. As an investor or senior leadership member this should be something on your mind. Applied psychology has a reflective benefit to the science of management.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Understanding the Federal Reserve System: It is more than the cost of coffee!

Successful businesses must make accurate decisions (the same for all organiations) and that comes from understanding the financial environment. The Federal Reserve System helps encourage stability within the economy so that it maintains long term growth. Without this system we run the risk of larger boom and bust cycles (Roller coaster economy). The economy may grow more sometimes but also we can have recessions that wipe away that growth. Chaotic markets are difficult to invest in so stability has a compounded effect on long term economic prospects and attractiveness. 

Stones Coffee
A good place for digital nomads.
Escanaba is growing as an investment
and vacation destination
The price of coffee is based on cost of 
supplies and business which
is influenced by the federal fund rate
set but the Federal Reserve
We also will also likely find some changes in the Federal Reserve processes as new technologies and updated infrastructure enhance the type of data we can collect and what we know about the economic environment. Economic theory is always evolving and new economic platforms (i.e. Digital Era/Infomation Age) found in the age after the Industrial Age and Post Industrial Age with development of AI and nanotechnologies that span the globe. (Ages can be defined by broad shifts in sociological and economic assumptions based on shifts in microtransactoins. Some will say we are moving into a new age and some will say we are not. Historical analysis often determines this from hindsight.). 

You will also notice that the Federal Reserve policy and system are set by committee members. These are often the most esteamed economists and knowledge user of our time. There has been an argument in order to avoid group think it may make sense to include other members on these boards/committess that are not from similar educational backgrounds.

Furthermore, there are 12 Federal Reserve Banks that influence regions. Consider reading the Federal Reserve System Education Piece. The main purpose of the Federal Reserve and the banks are to do the following, 

1. Conducting the nation's Federal Reserve policy.

2. Maintain stability of the financial system.

3. Supervising and regulating financial institutions.

4. Payment settling system's safety and efficiency.

5. Promoting consumer protection and community development (I'm working on economic cluster theory so this one is important to me.) 

Source: Federal Reserve System Education

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Best Ways to Deal with Hate, Corruption and Extremism-Sense of Community (Post Awareness)

Like many of you I wish we lived in a perfect world and perfect society. In the meantime while we begin a new phase of building this strong society around our core historical values we have to sort of deal with those who are unaware of their role in promoting a healthy community with a sense of shared togetherness (I avoid the word nationalism because the term society is more inclusive and people in history have used the good of nationalism in the wrong ways to harm others. Healthy democracies avoid that.). We can learn about such hate, corruption and extremism through examples on the ways to overcome those challenges so our children and grandchildren have the best possible lives and opportunities. That takes understanding and wiser members of society to lead the dicussions.

The Hypothetical Example:

This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Members of a social group (i.e. "The Clan") were socialized together and shared strict social heirarchies on who is "in" and who is "out". Members are afraid they may be rejected by others and often act blindly without thinking. Rumors, ostracization, and public mocking are tools group socialites use to keep clan members in line. People from outside their group (fishbowl perspective) are often not let into their homogeneous ranks in fear that one could upset the applecart of social order (i.e. a type of social order that feeds on social comparisons.). The rumors are a reflection (i.e. mirror theory) of collective group fears and easily believed and acted on (We have seen this in a grand scale in some societies and on a lesser level here in our recent histories. i.e. Tulsa Massacre). In this example they hated someone who was born and bread with them but dared to venture among new peoples and religions making them a social outcast (Very tribal in orientation but the same mechanics have played out in historical-mythological stories. A type of Odyesseus Return as a Collective Unconscious Theme. <<<<sorry I thought it was sort of interesting so I went with it as a possible explanation how hate like love, redemption, heroes, cowards, etc. is part of our human experience so we write them into stories. True? No idea...but still interesting. 🤷)


This example is interesting because it helps highlight how such groups form and without critical examination continue to force compliance on group members even though that is not in the best interest of their personal development nor the development of their community. Thus, stading up to bigotries and hate are issues of persistence and pressence that force underdeveloped group members to come to grips with their own inadequacies due to lack of exposure and adaptation to the wider world around them. Through engagement with others outside their world view they will slowly learn that different doesn't mean lower than, weaker than, so on and so forth. (If we think about those differences we might find strength in hedging those variances for somethign greater).

We can of course add to this hypothetical example. Let us say the group is connected to a number of corrupted officials who are further connected to extremist groups. Rumors spread quickly and draw the interest of more violent members of society. Threats, intimidation, misuse of official positions/political positions for active suppression become common in locations where poor behaviors have been rewarded. Good officials can quickly collapse under the lack of checks and balances and highlights the need to strengthen those internal safeguards and enhance the empowerment of good officials (...versus in-group corrupted extremist officials) is important for the health of the whole institution. 

A Few Ideas:

A few ideas on what can be learned from a thought experiment on hate, bullies, corruption and extremism:

-Make differentiations between people who are not particularly well developed, corruption, and extremism. They are different and should be treated differently. People who are good in their heart may still be confused by the dark-triad rumors so exposure and politeness is the cure. Corruption should be investigated and bad apples removes so the bunch can stay healthy. Extremism, depending on its form, is a much larger issue and we have to work with our leaders to minimize encouragement of hate, intimidatoin and violence (Some may create context for hate and violation of our oaths.)

-Be positive, polite and engaged. Groups often seek to provoke a fearful reaction because it makes them feel empowered and they can use it as an excuse to further gaslight their groups to dehumanize and act. The more you engage the more they have to act and react to you and that can desensitive the group while exposing the most aggressive of members. They almost always resort to chest beating behaviors and that is further rooted in our biology as a species.

-Remove the incentives of hate. This is very difficult to do without ensuring institutional integrity. Often in clan based systems we find a willingness to fall in line with social expectations in a way in which checks and balances are bulldozed over and default to systemic bigotries. Thus, strengthening our institutions to see all people as having value is important in order to reduce the incentives of hate and the need to have an objective evidence based mindset. Removing the gains and rewards from hate seems to make the most sense so as to not incentivize such behaviors. 

-Track and Solve Strategies for Extremism: Extremism is a dangerous development in recent times and as a whole nation we should all be standing against violations of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, racial violence and the suppression of alternative political expressions (Violence Goes Down and Hate Crimes Go Up). The beauty of a universal system is that the race, religion or political party doesn't matter in that metric. Thus reporting hate crimes and corruption often leads to greater exposure of extremist networks. We have to make sure agencies report and code properly.

-Encourage the Best and Brightest: One of the reasons why we are having these problems is not only because the world and environment has changed but we are often more concerned about getting ahead without consideration of the greater needs of society. We sometimes promote less qualified people because they fit a certain political or social profile based on their backgrounds (often connected and wealthy). Thus bringing forward the best and brightest from a variety of backgrounds improves long term decision making and fosters environments that look unfavorably on short-sightedness. We are all in this boat together and I think the best of us (vs. most demanding or toxic) should step forward.

-Open to Rectification: As hate and bigotries seek to damage our society it is up to us to think about how to bring us together. Good people try and do what is best for everyone based on our generation to generation values of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, Constitution, and civil/human rights. Just like we know that blind followership and the selfishness of those who hate is destructive and corrosive we should know that the solution is to not do the same but instead to build up and strengthen society. That requires active listening to deeper needs and finding connectivity of purpose. i.e. Universal Democracy. We have to get everyone rowing together and that may mean finding win-win situations (There is a moral battle going on between those who want win-win and those who want win-lose).

*This article is a thought experiment and is a hyothetical example for learning. Take with a grain of salt. A type of discussin on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Constitution, and human/civil rights. 

The Hypothetical Feather Party on Institutional and National Improvement

The Hypothetical Feather Party is a hypothetical discussion on what a third party in the U.S. would look like and what might be some of the benefits and detractors of such a party. The two party system has existed for a long time and of course it has done some great things but also it has slowed down the decision making process. Thus, exploring a third party that focused more on the youths needs could be a method for both parties to think about what is in the best long term interest of the nation. 

Who was James Madison?
Before you get really excited recognize that the Hypothetical Feather Party isn't opposed to any other party and isn't really part of the political discussion at this point in history. It is a theory piece on some values and beliefs that could enhance our nation. 

First, such a party would work on encouraging strength in our institutions. These would include the concept of universalization so that such institutions represent all Americans as much as possible. It would also include updating and enhancing the functioning of such institutions while ensuring appropriate checks and balances to avoid any institutional misuse for personal or political gain. 

Second, it would be a part that would encourage national soveriegnty from foreign influence in decision making and any influence on political leadership. Values such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, Constitution, and human/civil rights are the main guides we need. Understanding the global environment is one thing but any interferrence in our elections, information, or decision making would be illegal. 

Third, all decisions would be focused on critial thinking, ethical-values development, science and logic as potential solutions. It means that decisions are focused on what is in the best long term interest of the nation and utilizes evidence based decision making to ensure accurate decision making and positive outcomes. 

Fourth, the goal will be to enhance our diverse youth so they can carry our national principles forward. We not only teach them out our social contracts and values but we also focus on removing as many road blocks for their attainment as possible. We want them to be healthy and strong and understand the necessity of thinking beyond today's events to help them and the generation after them keep our nation strong. 

You may want to read How Parties Formed in the U.S.?

You can also read 63% of Americans Support a Third Party

Also a lay of the land is Role of Third Parties

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is a theoretical discussion on the potential value and detractors of a third party. Please don't attack the Hypothetical Feather Party because it does not at this point in history exist. Think of it as nothing more than a flight of fancy on possibilities. A thought experiment on values and belefs. It is meant as a way to learn about democracy and history.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Delta County Michigan County Meeting (9/17/2024): Budgeting and Industrial Opportunities

Too much information for me to write but I will say is that there was some discussion on budgeting and the fiscal health of the county (Delta County Budget). (Just as a side point you can go on YouTube and click transcript of the meeting.) Considering that Escanaba also has a solvent budget we might have the foundation for positive development in the area. There has been a turnaround recently that includes improved investment attraction, increased tourism, infrastructure development and improved budgets. What we may also find out is that population and income are also rising but we won't know that for sometime. There are other opportunities we can consider but these are more for exploring possibilities. If you start thinking about some possibilities then you may come up with some great ideas.

A few free flowing thoughts for mental consumption......

Economic Dashboard and/or Matrix 

There are ways to build economic and social health dashboards so you can monitor area health but that is a more of a theory discussion. Basically your just taking all the avaiable metrics you need for decision making and updating them automatically when the new information becomes avaiable. Gives you a broad view of the economic health of the area and perhaps can help to encourage new investment if that information is broadly available (Remember economic and social development as possible lenses). As a matter of point, it isn't that hard to collect all the avaialble information and just list them on an investment page of some type. A little different than a dashboard but you can likely get the main point. Helping investors understand the area increases investment on the new infrastructure developments. i.e. why invest in Esky? Having an updated dashboard for administrators to ponder may lead to stronger strategic decision making. 

This article discusses municipal budgets and has a blurb on an evaluation matrix which is more static than a dashboard (collection of many different measurements based on what one is trying to understand. i.e. economy, social development, or both, etc.). High Impact Budgeting

A Question on Possible Coordination and Industry Development

The question becomes can Escanaba, Gladstone, and Delta County coordinate on projects that attract investment, reduce costs, and improve services for the three entities? i.e. reaching out to companies with available industrial spaces, coordinating services to reduce redundancy, so on and so forth. Think of all the different pathways to grow (There are a number of clusterable industries like ship building that is in serious high demand in the market and we may have the ability with local manufacturing capacity, wearhouses, deep sea port, and transportation infrastructure to pull something like that off. One doesn't have to look far to find other examples. i.e. economies of scale based on differences but Esky could provide specialization with design and custom small batch manufacturing for ships. ie AI tech. We had one billion in possible investment that was put on drip but what about another?)

What Education Did or Didn't Do? The purpose of knowledge and wisdom in society

Higher education is very important for improving our society, inventing new things, and furthering our national interests. Most of the benefits of higher education are long term and lead to creating the wise men/women our nation needs to thrive (We might call them scientists, professors, community supporters, spiritual guides, military experts, business leaders, etc. The people who guide society.) One becomes increasingly aware of the world around them and the beauty of that world. Unfortunately, they also become aware of the dishonesty and selfishness that hold the possibilities of a nation back. Even give away your ideas to others if there is a benefit in doing so thereby squashing future innovation. We have a hard time growing if we don't have the human capital to get there and we can't develop that capital if we close the paths.

Not everyone had a chance to become "educated" and some groups are at a major disadvantage in the educational process. That not only means lost knowledge but also lost skills. Worse, even though there are some potential solutions many times we thwart those advances that draw in different peoples to the world of knowledge for elitism, racial/religious differences, and self interest. The purpose of knowledge is to learn and the purpose of wisdom is to solve but they have nothing to do with one's wealth, except if wealth frees you from the toils of work later in life. As a matter of point, those who have unique backgrounds often learned the most through necessity and the best positioned to teach. Educational Attainment

Thus, opening up access to higher education to encourage the best and brightest to come forward is something that interests me. There are way to many people blocked out from opportunity because they were treated poorly by society or they didn't have the financial resources or wealth to get ahead. To me opening up the pathways in a reasonable and sustainable way is important because all of society can benefit from new ideas and new people taking on leadership positions. There should be greater blending of the new and old to keep the nation growing. 

The other thing I'm thinking about is not only how to develop a competency based learning system but also deeper learning through neural development. Education has been shown to change the brain and the way the brain works is less in formal structure then it is in subconscious structure. Current education uses more formal structure but it is possible to use the way the brain thinks on a subconscious level level to further deep learning through neural connectivity (i.e. integrated examples, symbolism, open ended questions the brain must scan the environment to find the answers, interrconnected concepts, self-awareness/development, etc.). 

You may want to read about Teaching and Brain Changing. This article just came out but the  concept has perculated for 10 years while the tactical idea has been 4+years in the making. Where technology and learning can be matched it could happen but that often depends on commitment to a greater purpose. We keep going back to that in this discussion and education has taught me that not all people are particular interested in advancing society and get stuck in a types of underdeveloped ideologies that hold us all back. 

There is a path and a method that seems reasonable to pursue that could change higher education to create long lasting processing and retention of information in a way that enhances people's critical thinking abilities and lives. That of course doesn't mean such ideas will see the light of day because well.....we may not be there socially yet. There are so many factors involved outside of the purpose of education and creating wise men/women in society. As a mentor once told me, "Wouldn't it be great if the purpose of education was education?" I might change that with my experiences to "Wouldn't it be great if the purpose of education was knowledge?" and "The purpose of whole person development with that knowledge is wisdom so to improve our environment?"

What education didn't do for me was change the world. While I believe the world is getting better, stronger, more fair and more noble each passing generation it does have its times when it doesn't feel like that. That doesn't mean everyone is on board with the purpose of education nor knowledge for knowledge sake. Wisdom appears unappealing in some circles. There are some opposed to higher education and some within higher education opposed to non elite opportunity that doesn't cater to wealtheir classes. Me, I feel all people, regardless of background should have opportunities to max out their lives and contribute to society. That perspective is not always appreciated. Sometimes its radically opposed. Empirical Evidence of Wisom

Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul.

Epicurus (341-270 BC)