Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Developing Military Human Capital Leads to National Economic Growth (Two Lessons)

Supporting our military and the development of fresh new talent is not only beneficial for military readiness but also for the long term development of a nation. I am an advocate of the human capital oriented skills, values, character, and knowledge that come from the military as a path to personal development. The vast majority of Americans don't get the "silver spoon" fed lives of the rich and powerful who might attend elite elbow patch schools with cushy job placements and fast track career paths to the top. The motivated people from the middle and working classes need alternatives to develop and make their mark on the world. (A nation needs all types of people.)

The military is and can further be an important pathway to developing tomorrow's human capital. in a way that has positive economic and leadership capacity for the nation's future. The knowledge that comes from books is helpful but practical experience creates the sharpest pencils for the nation. At this time in history we need to sharpen all our pencils if we want to compete globally. 

According to this study about 19% of economic growth in the U.S. can be attributed to the military's investment in human capital. Military Human Capital Boosts Nation

Lesson #1: There are advantages to the economy and nation as a whole of supporting human capital investment in the military to groom not only what the military needs but also the skills, values, and leadership skills the nation sorely needs. 

Lesson #2: The second lesson I might take from this is that if I hire military veterans I can build off of human capital developed in the military and enhance it with corporate development and grooming to benefit my organization (...ok they did go to an elite school but likely have much better skills and leadership potential.)

Lawlessness Through Corruption and Extremism? The Perspectives of Hate Stakeholders During Sociological Change

Cambridge defines lawlessness as "behavior that is illegal or not controlled by laws.".  Generally, where the law works well there is wisdom and morality as a focus for creating the best society we can. To serve essential justice is a noble goal. Likewise, where corruption and hate exist it circumvents our laws in order to create beneficiaries. Thus, as we explore the concept of law we should also explore some of the changes that may be occurring and the different ways in which institutional integrity should be protected. Rewarding and protecting intentionally misbehaviors works against positive change.

The article is focused more on a philosophical question for learning purposes only. Take with a grain of salt. Personally, I think most of our systems function very well but there is always room for improvement because a some issues seem to be more common. A noble goal would be to improve them to the best one can and in turn draw as much support for institutions as possible. As a secondary goal, one might argue it would also be helpful to use situations to adjust and improve even when there is staunch resistance to a higher functioning system. 

Three studies we might look at to understand the socio cultural factors....

1.) Organizational Structures and Adaptation: Employee performance improved with structural adaptation.   

2.) Sociological Identity Change: Peoples identities, values, cultures, etc. change. (Some things can be carried through from generation to generation.)

3.) Institutions, Cultures and Structures: There are changes in symbolism, culture, demographics, etc. that seek further develop our institutions. 

Hypothetical Example:

Imagine if you could coordinate a large group of people to engage in mistreatment and misbehavior of some target they view as worthy of hate (Perhaps a history of targets). That person may have done nothing to them or may have been so brass as to enforce appropriate boundaries against disturbingly aggressive behavior. Based on many different factors this person (s) is/are chosen to be on the receiving end of dehumanization.

Let us further imagine that this group of people have a number of corrupted officials/clan members that have a history in engaging in aggressive and illegal behaviors through the use of their local positions and offices. It makes no difference how many people come forward because the clan has a corrosive influence on local justice systems. Fraternization and conflict of interest issues abound.

Three partially successful waves of hate and moving into a forth wave of hate, character assassinations, threats, attempted assaults, etc. with full knowledge of clan aligned officials. Once you step outside of that system the same behaviors might have put a number of officials and people in prison under a different discerning eye. Thus, aligning the local system to the needs of its people and nation is necessary at a time when major sociological and economic changes are occurring.

The Perspectives: 

How might you look at from varying perspectives. As you widen the perception there becomes increasingly more stakeholders going out exponentially, 

1. The Hate Target: The hate target may view corruption as normalized with no backstops and no respect for the law, human rights, or civility. 

2. The Perspective of Perpetrators: Misusing official opinions and position to help fellow clan members achieve certain goals. Hoping to perhaps to finally remove their targets.

3. The Extremist and Militias: Partnering with a few corrupted officials to further religious, economic, and social pain on people they view as less (pick a race, religion or ideology). They hate government and struggle to understand reasonably criticism that encourages improvement from wholesale rejection (rewarded in this example system).

4. Outside Government: Knowing full well we have a corruption issue, multiple complaints by multiple people came forward, but lacking the political or moral will to correct. Checking the partisan environment to determine if stamping down on extremism and corruption would not politically be seen well. Earnestness in hoping they can build the best institutions they can but are struggling with the environment. 

5. The Community: People outside the clan know poor behaviors have occurred and people have been harmed but their complaints have been ignored and retaliated against. People within the clan know things are wrong but don't really want to be disliked by their social networks by humanizing the targets.

6. The Average Citizen: They have low trust in general in the institution because they know these poor behaviors occur and there are few backstops. Some judges, politicians, etc. have struggled for decades with these issues and no meaningful change has occurred. 

7. The Benefactors of Hate: The initial launchers of hate rumors are happy they received financial and social benefits. They know they are protected by a number of corrupted officials and the local justice system. They have done this 2X with immunity. 

8. The Young: They are tired of seeing open displays of hate and corruption and believe that all people should be treated fairly. They have hopes for their institutions and but we have suffered from poor decision making of self-interested parties (partisanship on important issues). They want an environment in which they flourish and are parting to get politically involved in a way that will impact elections.

9. The Good Official: They want to make sure the taxpayer money is used wisely and that systems run as best they can based on their missions. Good people should be promoted and poor people removed. They want trust with the community and they want to recruit the best and brightest. Recognition for their good work.

10. The Corrupted Official: They want their friends, political party, ideologies, fellow clans members, etc to move ahead and know they can get some social and financial benefits if they can continue their behaviors. They have little interest in higher institutional performance. Having people stroke their egos is a benefit and looking good to others in their social group helps them continue on their path. 

11. The Clan: Not really sure how it all started but someone told them a rumor and they figured it was a good idea to spread it because they have been raised in a cultic environment. They are not necessarily good or bad people but limited knowledge in their homogeneous clan world view so easy to manipulate and turn into flying monkeys. They would benefit from cultural exposure and new ways of viewing the world. 

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Its like a thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, Constitution, civil/human rights. Take with a grain of salt.

Clusters and Three Arenas of Human Capital Development

The OECD defines human capital, "Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their potential as productive members of society" (OECD, 2019, para 3). A nation's strength is often characterized by the ability to develop its human talent and putting it to good work improving the economy. Clusters offer an opportunity to more rapidly develop human capital. 

Research indicates that clusters have a strong impact on human capital development and often increase the efficiency of that human capital (Natalia, A.; Sakka and Ghadi, 2024). Because there are certain skills needed to further a clusters interest there is naturally a push to develop those skills to further business interests. In the case of clusters around a few industries there are often other opportunities for training and education. 

From a broad sense one might consider three arenas of human capital development.

Skilled Occupations: Skilled occupations help feed a cluster system through a supply of workers that have additional skills that feed the cluster. For example, if you want to build a ship then you will need skilled workers to do that. If you want to run a papermill and become the leading edge manufacturer of new types of paper then your going to have to hire, train or partner with skilled trades colleges. It is the needed input that builds the ideas.

Intellectual Capital: Intellectual capital are the scientific and thinking skills of society. Such people research topics and understand them in more depth. Typically this comes from higher education, new intellectual/philosophical thoughts, stronger executive management skills, so on and so forth. It is a needed input to manage larger systems. 

Innovation & Creativity: Industries adapt and change as new discoveries are created and the infrastructure and human capital are developed. The personality traits that develop new tools, methods and ideas come from our creative side and that requires finding people that have that capacity and grooming them to achieve bigger things. 

Key Points:

-Clusters can enhance and create efficiencies of human capital.

-Three arenas of human capital development are skilled occupations, intellectual capital, and innovation & creativity.

-The pace of human capital development can increase in clusters. 

Alina Natalia POP, 2019. "Analyzing the Efficiency of Human Capital in Clusters through Continuing Vocational Training," Economics and Applied Informatics, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, issue 2, pages 101-106. https://ideas.repec.org/a/ddj/fseeai/y2019i2p101-106.html

OECD (2019, para 3). The Human Capital Project: Frequently Asked Questions. https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/human-capital/brief/the-human-capital-project-frequently-asked-questions#

Sakka, F., & Ghadi, M. Y. (2023). Human Capital Development, Special Economic Zones, and Dubai as Case Study: a Literature Review. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(4), e0613. https://openaccessojs.com/JBReview/article/view/613

The Declaration of Human Rights. Does It Matter?

I'm a supporter of Human Rights and Civil Rights and feel that without it societies suffer morally, economically, and socially. Large divisions can occur when we don't treat each other as one. In my mind there is something called universal human rights that apply to all people. In addition, in the U.S. we have Civil Rights and that is an additional layer of protection. Together they help to make us a free people and one in which we have moral codes on how we treat others. Because we have more minorities new experiences by different kids of people are coming forward with new perspectives. The History of Civil Rights.

I never really thought of myself as an advocate I just didn't like people being grotesque with another. Once I saw someone mistreat an immigrant and I wanted to understand what hate meant. Today, I truly understand what it means. Its face, contours of its edges, how it anchors and warps perceptions, and how it makes its way in the nooks and crannies of systems influenced by those who hold hate values. This is why I believe people who are open minded to others are the best type of people to hire in a nation that seeks diverse global influence.

I view all Americans as equals, afforded the same rights, and of equal potential if we can max out their human capital capacity. Others have different ideas and I try and understand their arguments. Yet to me, if we have a huge source of untapped resources and it would be moral and fair to ensure the best most open and productive environment we can create. I believe that enhancing all of our human capital only has net positives.

Diversity pays dividends to organizations and we are likely to see that same benefit on a national scale. One must wonder with all of our infrastructure and other issues what might happen if human capital across the scale is developed. Would there be a 5%, 10%, maybe 40% increase in economic performance and innovative output? Not sure what the issue issue is but I would like to think about it more.

Consider a few key points in How Diversity is a Competitive Advantage

-Diverse companies have 35% higher financial returns when compared to same industry.

-Diverse companies are 48% more likely to outperform the lower quartile in diversity.

-Diverse management has 19% more innovative development (something I been talking about as part of human capital development.)

-74% of millennials prefer diverse companies.

-49% of companies outperformed S&P500 during shocks.

I know it seems sort of silly that perhaps if we expanded these ideas out to a whole nation that we have a high likelihood of greater national development. I guess in many ways it just depends on what other factors are involved in the decision making. 

Some believe in human and civil rights and some just talk about them to gain points for whatever agenda they seek to fulfill, maybe vote they need, or the sales pitch they are making. This is why I have respect for genuine people. When it comes down to it, not every person or system that professes beliefs in human and civil rights actually believes in it on an actualized level. The good news is that I believe most do want to see whole communities develop and these are the type of people our nation needs now.

So, I guess I will just keep walking, thinking, and wondering, how that little piece of knowledge could make this world just a touch better, a little more free, a little more respectful of human dignity.  

*This is a thought experiment on freedom of religion, speech and the Constitution. 

Congrats to New San Diego Fire Chief

New fire department chief and greater focus on community development. Community engagement is important because it provides a level of support for these services. We are sometimes removed from our institutions, what they do, who works there, and positive things they do. In a world of large cities it is vitally important to develop community engagement. Fire Department Community Engagement

Monday, August 26, 2024

Gladstone Farmers Market Every Monday 3 to 6 pm (Tomato Market Size 2024-2029)

I went down to the Gladstone Farmers market and bought myself some cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and onions. Right from the farm! 

For your knowledge the tomato industry is huge. Tomato Market Size

We also have space for younger people to move into the area and buy farmland. I always thought organic would be sort of cool. 

Support our local farmers.....

Quoted from Facebook:

Join us for the Gladstone Farmers Market! The 2024 Farmers Market will take place each Monday from 3:00 - 6:00 PM EDT beginning in June and ending in September.

 The August 26th market will feature musical entertainment by The Make-Believe Spurs!

 This activity is supported by the Michigan Arts and Culture Council as well as the Upper Peninsula Arts & Culture Alliance (the Alliance). We are so grateful for their generous grant donation to support local artists within our community.  


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Who would I promote? Values, Skills and Leadership

The question as to who to promote is an interesting one because it helps me understand what I would look for to further an organization's goals and mission. Long term performance of the organization is going to rest in part on the capacity to attract and retain people who believe in the organization and are willing to further its cause. Organizations are nothing but collections of thoughts, behaviors and resources that create value for society and the market. Thus, having the right kind of people helps ensure the pieces, policies, performance, outcomes etc. are developed and implemented wisely. The most promotable people are strong in three broad areas that are more intrinsically derived. 

 (For exampleI do not wish to be promoted and care little for these things anymore unless it can create some level of influence to achieve some important benefit. Money was somewhat more important when I was a younger lad and as people age it has become less important. Leaving a legacy becomes increasingly more important after my my 30's and now past my 50's. There are differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Research on Intrinsic Rewards and Motivation.)

The Three Promotable Qualities

First, there are naturally the type of career skills and abilities that I would look to understand. Second, I might also look for leadership qualities and the ability to influence others. Third, I would look for people with the right kind of values/ethics and how they treat others. 

The first two we understand but we may not have a great grasp of the third. The third are people who do understand that organizations are collectives of people and have a responsibility to society. The have the trait of understanding that its not all about the money and prestige. If I was going to promote someone I would think about what is most important going forward for the people and their organizations. 

I have gained a lot of experience over the decades and will say that the organizations that thrive do hire and promote the best people they can with the right career skills, leadership potential, and values. The organizations that were toxic, non-competitive, and leaked talent were the ones that promoted short term gains over the long term brand and environment. It is as though the level of (or lack thereof) belief in their missions and the unwritten values of the leadership filtered throughout the entire organization. 

Research on Organizational Culture and Leadership