Friday, June 21, 2024

Unemployment Rises to 4%: Expanding the Market for the Next Generation

Unemployment hit 4% recently and it seems that the younger people entering the workforce are having a hard time finding a job. You can read an excellent article by CNBC on Unemployment Rises and Economists. What is does is sort of highlight that there is an expanding market but some people are having a hard time finding a job. The type of jobs available will be something to look at for expansion and contraction as mechanisms of industry shifting (i.e. economic adaptation).

While it isn't concerning yet economists should be looking at these numbers and demographics. As a nation we must beef up our competitive stance and develop our human capital so as to ensure potency for the historically the nation's largest young generation. This is something I'm working on as a theory in focused transactional clusters that create butterfly effects that improve industry functioning (might actually be worth nothing but I'm trying.).

What I might consider in expanding the market and the opportunities the market holds. These are some of the bigger things I have seen in the news but really there are many different things that could be included and perhaps retracted. Its non definitive. 

-Encouraging investment in the U.S.

-Developing human capital.

-Continuing to develop infrastructure for an ongoing digital platform shift.

-Creating high value advanced manufacturing and supply chain adaptations. 

-Further developing international trading partners and positive relationships.

-Adapting institutions to meet youth needs, save money/efficient and effective. 

-Encouraging critical and strategic thinking in leadership decision making. (Reducing online and offline foreign interference/manipulation interference in information and decision making to better ensure focus strategic choices on the nation and the next generation. Combating Foreign Influence)

-Developing local and regional competitive advantages. 

-Fostering broad based capitalism and more inclusion of all demographics.

-Encouraging innovation and development. 

-Helping small and entrepreneurial businesses thrive to maintain long term national competitiveness. 

-Creating a broad singular vision for the nation that ties people together. A sense of direction. 

-etc. We could add 100 things below. What do you thing? Each person likely has a few ideas of their own. Above is not an opinion but just possibilities. My only opinion is to be a critical thinker, use evidence based decision making, and a moral compass and everything else will take care of itself. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

9% of Young are Interested in Military, Marine Corps Beats Odds, and Drawing in Young People's Values

Its interesting because public institutions are struggling with recruits but one of the most challenging branches seems to do just fine. One advantage is that they are developing new strategies to maximize their dollars but the other is that they have high standards and have public support/PR so a certain type of person will be attracted to them. With only 9% of the population interested in the volunteer military they seem to be doing well and there could be a few unvetted reasons why this is the case and where other institutions might learn.

Its tough, its dangerous, it does a lot of good, and it has some traditional chivalry associated with it. The Marine Corps is diverse and everything is based on merit and that seems to make a lot of sense. Honor and integrity are mandatory. People who want to be the best consider joining these teams so they can strut their stuff. That is fairly normal for each generation to make things happen for them. 

That of course means that there could be other issues with public service that are impacting public service fields beyond simply the pay or challenging nature of the work. Why be a crane operator when you can be a police officer, EMT, or firefighter? Along the same line of thinking. Why be a tech guru when you can be a tech warrior? These are neuro choices and social choices that have big outcomes on a macro level.

Anyway read the article Marines Adjust Recruiting Centers

There is this idea of comingling of concepts and it may not be public service that is having difficulty attracting high recruits but perhaps some of the conversation politically that might be missing some of the opportunities to step up in performance. If you watch the news you see these institutions being drawn into wider cultural debates where consistent focus on their improvement and functioning would be a better return on political energy. 

Think about this for a second. We have to make some changes to get more people interested. The young generation has a lot of good values and are prosocial by nature. Lets just say an new and improved generation. So how do we adjust so as to more naturally attract a sense of national and personal motivation in a way that the young understand and want to support at a higher level? That is where conversations get increasingly narrow and murky. 

You may wish to read about a study of what young people between 18 and 34 want. They want people to be treated with respect, dignity and tolerance and they have the confidence they can sustain and improve institutions. Survey on Young People's Values. I would also add a sense of community/belonging as also a way to attract them. It doesn't sound on the surface that the youth are the problem. 🤷

I'm sure many great minds are working on this already but one thought is to commission a large study on generational values and interests/concerns (and/or metanalysis might work) to provide some destination values for institutions if they desire to make reasonable adjustments that align with this generation's values and interests/concerns (i.e. collective moral conscious). A type of navigation point when forming policy, job and recruitment adjustments.

Good for the Marine Corps because they are willing to adapt and overcome as a way of life. This is something they can teach you as they instill important life values. You just have to join. This is why I view service in general, Marine Corps in particular, as a good avenue for development from those that didn't come with a silver spoon. This is why I understand the young's interest in this particular branch. We might learn from some of our best and brightest. We just need to sort of pay attention the essence of things. 

*There are many different opinions on this topic I have multiple ways of looking at it but this one is sort of interesting and seems to make logical sense. 

A Solid Overview of Economic Clusters in Working Paper

The Brookings Institution put together a pretty solid paper on economic clusters that was informative and gave a broad overview Brookings Institution Paper. You will find sections broken out and easy to follow and understand. Its an older resource but still a good piece of work. It helps sort of frame what clusters look like and how they impact the environment.

Particularly I like the history of clusters and I will read the paper again and see what great historical resources they have. For now, I'm just putting it in my references for the book I'm working on. The history is important because it traces a thought pattern and what might be included or missed.

I have gathered something like 350 pages of semi organized research collected over 14 or more years. I'm trying to get it into something like 100 pages of easy to read and easy to follow so I'm going to streamline for the average readers. Palatable.

Academic books are only read by a few people so having something more practical might make sense. For example, explaining my theory on transactional clusters and what that might do for a company or government. My theory appears to be slightly different but came from a difference source of understanding so there will be differences (i.e. San Diego fishing.)

We also have needs to improve innovation in this country if we want to continue to compete but we don't really find full support innovation and research nationally. Funding, restrictive educational pedigrees, policies, corporate finance, etc. all are part of the problem that lead to less university-industry transference. 

Much of the ground breaking discoveries in history came from people who thought differently and could use science accordingly so we should broaden access to innovative development. How to do that is the bigger question beyond why innovation is important to national development. 

Sorry sidetracked.....

The other area of the Brookings working paper you might find interesting is the discussion on the study of clusters being both art and science. Science is additive so it takes decades and one shift in discovery can lead to whole new paths of science. So there isn't just one definitive explanation of how clusters are formed or how to form them as different researchers will see slightly different things. 

Stay tuned....

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Do Hate Crimes Make 2nd Class Citizens? [A Philosophical Discussion]-Honoring Juneteenth

The simplest answer to "Do Hate Crimes Make You a 2nd Class Citizen?" the answer might be "Depends on who you ask?"  Each person is likely to see this differently but there should be some shared perspective on what is and is not acceptable. Those who engage and benefit from such goal directed behaviors don't feel there is much of a problem while those who are on the receiving end might feel it is a major violation of basic rights and value systems. It is not the single one off instances that are the problem but repeated environmental cues that foster perceptions of second class citizenship and encouragement of poor behaviors among some officials.

Consider two pieces on the topic below. I'm not for or against these perspectives because when one reads science you stay neutral unless there is a higher moral concept that must be obtained or a truth that comes about. In other words we are just exploring the possibility of whether one could consider themselves as "less than in citizenship" based on messaging and signaling by others (We talked about mirror theory in the past.): Some might say its impossible and nothing can be fixed but that is a rigidity of thinking that does more harm than good in the long run. There are different types of studies out there and there will be variations among them but you will find some similarities in their basic conclusions. 

The Origins of Hate Crimes

Profiling and Second Class Citizenship

Officially institutions seek to create fairness and when they do so they tie everyone together through trust in these institutions; i.e. intent of legislation. Unofficially there are people who intentionally create unfairness and if they use the power of an institution unjustly or illegally it reflects negatively on the whole. Institutional trust declines and its not something to ignore in the long run. Thus, removing intentional poor performers (vs. mistakes which can be trained) is important for the health of the institution and the perceptions of singular community development.

As a hypothetical learning example only, let us say there has been long term corruption and hate based targeting. People connected to a group (official or unofficial person) have gotten away with certain repeated bullying, self enrichment through manipulation, racial/religious mistreatments (could include rights violations) and general misbehaviors for a long time due to their clan affiliations. Basically, a type of immunity. Where there are obviously poor behaviors there is sometimes general free passing of such behaviors and lack of adjustment.

No attempt to correct, no changes, no adjustments despite overwhelming evidence, multiple concerns by different parties are generally ignored because of a win-lose perception of decision makers. In this example, the risk is perpetuated onto future victims because of the lack of moral conscious and respect for the spirt of the law. In this situation the targets might rightfully feel they are second class citizens. Some may misunderstand and others may understand the unwritten social rules. Its an interplay of subjective experience of the individual, subjective experience of groups, and the facts that align to create general impressions that can be statistically measured sociologically (i.e. polls and things).

When I think of "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" I think of a single people who may have different flavors but all agree to the same principles of values that embrace the universal concepts of liberty and justice for all. When we all believe in the same essence of our existence then we are unstoppable as a people because we can tap that diversity on a broad scale and put it to constructive use (Makes you wonder what is most important?). That will require a level playing field and universal institutions. The values of an ideal society is something our leadership should encourage, protect and nourish. Leadership and Values

Just to be clear, this is not a feel good argument for fluffy fantasy. All systems must adapt, change, and get better if they are going to function effectively in alignment with a dynamic society that is adjusting with each generation. In the example if local systems become warped by a few big personalities and self interested antics derived from ethnocentric aggressions then there is room for improvement and change regardless of the technical layers of policy protections. The culture seems to perpetuate the problem. Change may be opposed but necessary if we are to uphold our social contracts fully. . Adaptive Organizations to Environmental Change

Furthering the illustrative hypothetical example for philosophical pontification. One of the targets had been repeatedly harmed, targeted and harassed. One of the perpetrators approaches the target addresses in a rude fashion, the victim tells them that based on prior poor behaviors they should not talk to him/her/them. The perpetrator gets angry and wants to know what the target is going to do about it.  The target thinks for a moment and says he isn't stupid so he isn't going to do anything and turns away from the perpetrator to end the increasing volatile direction of the conversation. In anger the perpetrator nearly punches him/her/them in the back of the head but was yelled at by an onlooker and stopped. The perpetrator then mitigates responsibility by saying the target provoked their anger (In some cases the presence and free movement of the targets/minority infuriates perpetrators). 

Let us continue on with the example. A few months later an associate of the same hate clan starts creepily and aggressively staring at the targets and a friend while in an establishment. This same person also was staring at minority kids in a parking lot a few years earlier. Known as another local hot head the two from each of these incidents know each other and run in some of the same clan circles (The danger of social mimicking and hate chatter.). Yet its not just two knuckleheads but a group of knuckleheads with some officials who have engaged in aggressive antics at various times and places over a number of years. The behavior being normalized for that group.

Let me also say that those who engage in these poor behaviors have deep seated angers and resentments and they seek to project them onto other people who drew their disdain. It is a type of pathology in thinking that doesn't dissipate just because we don't report it or seek to minimize it.  Aggressiveness and rudeness are designed to provoke natural responses and then blame the target for those natural responses. Such people are dishonest who won't take responsibilities for their own lives so they are unlikely to change without help. The environment gave them little boundaries and corruption worked in the opposite of what would normally be acceptable in such situations. A cancer that can spread.

As we become a nation of many minorities these concepts of universalism will become important to avoid the power over dynamics that typically are derived from alternate ideologies. When systems are managed well around core goals and shared futures, we can avoid second class citizenship perception as well as some of the crimes that come with that; whether they be accurate or inaccurate. Getting people to see themselves as a single people is very important to our future. One has to look at these things holistically and take a moral and strategic view. Organization Change

Those who stand by their pledges and oaths act in ways that set them apart from those who provide only lip service to these fundamental societal values. Faithful people make choices to draw people together while those who tease the tongue make choices to push people apart. One is for altruistic benefit and the other for self gain. If we take a moment to think about why people say and do certain things it doesn't take long to figure out where they are on that spectrum. 

Just to add a final point to this issue. If our oaths and pledges require indivisibility, justice for all, liberty, and a moral system then it is those who bring us together and correct divergence from those values are acting more American than those who divide, belittle, or destroy for racial or religious reasons (even political if taken too far). However, that is just a perspective and as all perspectives can be easily skipped over and intentionally discounted. Debate is about creating shared sense of realities while manipulation is forced perceptions that may be inaccurate and unhelpful in the long run.

It is our values that make us who we are and we should cling to them tightly hand on hand. Who is an American? Who you support and your values are your own but they do have long term collective impact. As we move into Juneteenth keep in mind that the Emancipation Proclamation was announced in 1863 but slavery didn't end until 1865. History of Emancipation Proclamation. While the physical slaves of that time may be free we must now work on freeing the minds of those who support segregationist values that limit our wholeness as a people. We will all need to be on the same team rowing together through a shared sense of direction so as to create a future instead of being subject to it. Allegory of the Cave

*This article is a philosophical discussion on a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A type of thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion and race. Take with a grain of salt.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fishing and Beaches in Escanaba (A Few Pics)

Sometimes you get the opportunity to do fun things during the same day. I went fishing and then went over and hung out on the beach. Escanaba is known for its fishing and often has tournaments and other angler activities. It also has hunting and similar sports that help juice the local economy. Just in case you wonder we live in a town on the water and have for a long time. Some of the native locals centuries.

Michigan hungers bring in $8.9 billion and anglers bring in $2.3 billion annually. Michigan United Conservation Clubs

The weather was in the upper 70's with a nice cool breeze so it felt like low 70's on beach. A perfect day for fishing and the beach. If you have a boat parked at the harbor you could do all of that from the same location in the park.

Surprisingly I think I got all the holes fixed on this one. Selling the aluminum so I don't have to haul it around with a trailer. This one deflates and goes into my car. That is why I'm keeping it or will eventually upgrade to a newer one that looks in better shape. Also maybe red for easy visibility.

The world's junkiest boat!
Reborn from almost 
being thrown out!





Also the area is actively seeking investments so feel free to reach out to them and pitch a good idea. Don't waste people time but if you have an industry or business you want to bring here the people would be appreciative. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day and its History of Being Strong and Kind

Our Civil War vets fought one of the bloodiest times in American history and many came back to raise children. The original day was in honor of a person who fought on the Union side to free slaves. Fathers Day is an honor to all those fathers who have a positive influence on our lives and a reminder to those of what they should be doing. Good fathers are honored for their lifetime sacrifices. To me, good fathers should be cherished, respected and protected. We should cherish them not by empty words but respecting their lives and their essence. In this case this father had kindness in addition to strength as shown through his ability to maintain his family even as a single man running his farm. A character trait of duty and diligence that all fathers should pass onto their sons. Fathers Day came from respecting Mother's Day with its own blessings.

Potawatomi Tribe Pow Wow: The Strength of Togetherness (Hannahville)

The other day I went out to our local Potawatomi tribe to enjoy and ponder their Pow Wow and its traditions. Not far from Escanaba but still a history integrally tied together. I have done this for a number of years in remembrance of a few family members who were connected to the people way back in the day. Most of us came from Bark River area when we were younger and lived on a family farm that was converted to a  number of homes and properties. As a very young youth I did dance with some of these members a few times based on likely a maternal line of descendent affiliation.

Let me say that the Hannahville tribe has done a lot for our communities and donate monies and other resources to local entities. The culture in this region is noticeable and should be increasingly more encouraged as a shared history. From a historical perspective it is tribes like this that created the foundation of our modern nation. From our way of fighting the colonial British to modern commerce. We should celebrate more of that in our local towns as an integral part of who we are as a peoples. History of Potawatomi

The Sacrifices

Furthermore, it would be unfair to not mention the sacrifices such people have endured in our nation's making. While that was a different time, some of those poor values carry forward in terms of bigotries today and impact choices and decisions. I have almost all my life been opposed to unfair treatment of others because I believe that the future of our country is a universal one in which all people honored for their sacrifices and for their contributions. There are people who are opposed to that idea of shared togetherness of course and if you talk to them a while you begin to understand the darker aspects of why they believe in exclusion. They may not know this, but it harms everyone and that includes the rest of the nation.

The Benefits of Shared Togetherness

Let me give you another perspective and it is only a perspective. Let us say that each culture and evolutionary development was purposeful based on the challenges and environment in which they learned and adapted. Evolution is Purposeful and Cultural and Human Adaptation.  If even partly true then those from a strategic mindset would all have potential solutions to problems we face as a nation and as a global community right there in our cultural heritages. It is helpful from a cultural and adaptability standpoint to respect and understand different cultures so as to lead to higher human capital development and greater pliability to overcome challenges nationally. Red Queen Hypothesis 

What We Can Learn

The people of this land have a lot to teach us if we are willing to listen and broaden our understanding of others.  For example, new technologies are making us more efficient and we may be able to undo the environmental mistakes of the past and learn a lessons of living with and not against nature. The native peoples learned to live embedded in the natural environment and that is a profound lesson for the rest of us if we are reflective students on nature's lessons and her (it/him/spirit/being, etc.) scolding. Or furthermore, we might consider the lessons from collective pain and why it is important to think about togetherness and the future of all before acting. People continue to cite the unfortunate errors in decision making of the past and it should give us pause and diligence in seeking out multiple perspectives in the future.  Cultural Adaptability and Leading Across Cultures. Wise people honor that loss and make a commitment to never repeat certain aspects of history again. The Traits of Wisdom

Come Out and Visit

If you get a chance to come out and visit you can watch the dances because each is a story that is part of the whole but also made from the contributing individuals. The collective whole community's dance has specific attributes and each individual person adds to that in their own twists and adjustments. Tribal dance is a conversation and a subconscious connection that creates a line of symbolic logic from one generation in order to retain certain knowledge through the ages. Since the beginning of our species we have carried cultural symbolism forward as a way of creating generational collective unconscious that has led to perspective and in turn solutions. (CU Archetypal Symbol Inventory and Organizational Level Collective Unconscious ).  

Dance and expression are not feel good activities alone but also an inherent part of society's knowledge sharing and generational deep communication. Dance and other cultural attributes are sacred for a reason and respecting and cherishing these differences helps us maintain those adaptive lessons in a way that can contribute to the long term health of the nation. The health of the nation and its people are the same. A Poem: Cottage of a Thousand Years

Personally, I think organizations and clubs should bring adults, visitors, and kids to pow wows to watch some of the dances and teach them the relatively unknown history. History/culture speeches, skit, events, etc. to put in perspective what has been learned and taught in the past and how that applies to the present. Even if your coming out alone or in a small group you will find lots of great cultural activities, vendors, and food. They will keep the fire warm waiting for people like you to come out and be part of it.

This video is about Northern Wisconsin Potawatomi but the Hannahville are in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Hannahville Indian Community