Thursday, May 30, 2024

Human Capital Strategy: Commitment to Employee Development

Human capital development requires a commitment to employees and ensuring that their skills are aligned to the needs of the organization and in turn to the needs of industry environment/market. Because technology is zooming and AI has come on board it is important for companies to not neglect the human capital side of their business model. Leading edge companies are going to hire highly skilled employees and train them further into organizational needs.

One of the reasons why companies may be investing in training and supporting education is because there is a return to their bottom line. Technology may increase productivity but it is still the human capacity that creates leading edge products and/or uses that technology well. Encouraging training of different forms leads to short and long term productivity boosts as skills learned are implemented and generalized learning develops the whole person.

According to the study below one would want to understand employee commitment, training needs analysis, and development people to create performance feedback and training programs that leads to stronger strategic human capital performance outcomes. Reading and staying on top of new research helps executives to further develop their talent. They call this staying on top of the literature.

Human Capital Strategic: Organization Commitment, Training Need Analysis, Development People, Individual Development Plan, and Performance Appraisal

Is the Economy Slowing?: GDP Revised Lower (A Few Issues to Think About)

Real GDP estimates declined to 1.3% in Q1, 2024 indicating some possible problems coming forward. While our GDP declined we China grew 5.3% which means we have some work to do on our policy side (Economic Times). There are a number of things that the U.S. has going for it that includes return of manufacturing, infrastructure developments, new advanced technologies, etc. Those things that could be hampering growth might include 1.) human capital issues, 2.) political/geopolitical issues, 3.) high debt, 4.) innovation/research push. 

None of these are in and of themselves the sole reason but they are contributing causes. The metrics may not also be completely accurate for the digital era leading one to make decisions on imperfect loosely correlated information to outcomes. New research on new metrics and economic models might be needed but we haven't found ways to do so yet. Revamping for innovation will require a new way of thinking about things and that can be hard for leaders to understand fully (Not that I understand fully either but one can recognize how change might be good.).

 You can read more about that in Gross Domestic Product, First Quarter 2024 (Second Estimate) and Corporate Profits (Preliminary)

"Compared to the fourth quarter, the deceleration in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected decelerations in consumer spending, exports, and state and local government spending and a downturn in federal government spending. These movements were partly offset by an acceleration in residential fixed investment. Imports accelerated." (BEA, 2024, Para 4)

Why We Shouldn't Care What People Think?

Should we care what people think of us? Well that might depend on who they are and who you are. If you are judged positively or negatively based on one's environment you might want to pay attention because it will tell you what people are appreciating or not appreciating about you. i.e. a type of reflection we can learn from. However, when it comes to hate and group bullying expect none of the cues to be accurate about you but razor thin about themselves.

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A group of clan bullies engaged in racial and religious hate in order to enrich their friends and push minorities out of the area. This included a host of related issues ranging from manipulating the elderly, the young, and the innocent. Normal checks and balances on behaviors would have limited the snowball effect. 

While the clan bullies became afraid of being caught and decided to temporarily stop in a type of CYA they continued forward with lesser harder to detect hate narratives, hate chatter, ostracization and micro aggressions. Yikes! Good values! (i.e. indicating a type of forced compliance with norms they don't want to follow.)

There is always some positive and negative bias in just about any level of judgement of others. For example, we might judge our friends in-group more positively and people we don't like out-group more harshly. People not only see their group more positively but by extension themselves on a subconscious level. The Liking Effect  Birds of a feather I guess!

Of course if they don't like you and dehumanize you there is little to nothing that you can do right. You are seen as subhuman and sub-citizen and thus unless a more objective lens is developed people will typically associate all types of false characteristics that has more to do with them than you. They can bring to the forefront in you what they subconsciously struggle to understand in themselves. The Brain and Hate

Of course to be a critical evaluator we have to think about our own bias and its impact on our own judgement. We sometimes are our own worst critic and we think people are judging us harshly when they are not. In a study actors were falsely believing they were over judged. The Overblown Implications Effect. To differentiate one would have to assess where and which group is causing the issues, microaggressions, and problems. It can be objectively traced and statistically analyzed.

There is a type of immorality in judging others when it is not based on objective fact or observation. What I find interesting is the mirror section. I have said for a long time people only see mirrors of themselves unless they have gained the insight to differentiate what is theirs or what belongs to someone else. Its one of those skills that must be developed over time akin to self-actualization. You have to be able to know enough about yourself to see through the mirrors. The Morality of Reputation

Basically, when the environment is objective and organic one can take the cues and use them for self-analysis because we know our world through the eyes of others. However, when they judge you harshly based on ulterior factors like race, religion, politics, body type, etc. it has almost nothing to do with you. Thus, you may want to take what people think of you with a grain of salt. 

"Thus it is thought that justice is equality; and so it is, but not for all persons, only for those that are equal. Inequality also is thought to be just; and so it is, but not for all, only for the unequal. We make bad mistakes if we neglect this for whom when we are deciding what is just. The reason is that we are making judgements about ourselves, and people are generally bad judges where their own interests are involved."- Aristotle

*This article is part of a thought experiment for learning purposes only. Take with a grain of salt. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wisconsin Historical Society: 2,500 BC Ancient Canoes Found-Older than Rome!

First of all that is 1,700 years before Ancient Rome was settled! Prehistoric Discovery That is pretty old and often we allow written history in Europe to define our cultures while that is drawn from many people. As a person with a drop of native I will say I'm pretty impressed (Ok my grandmother told me we are part native. She actually looked it.). We are ancient and old in the area and "civilization" is a subjective term for people who are subjective thinkers. 

As a person who sort of was looking with a group in Delta County Michigan for the Queen City I like to follow some of the area archeological findings because you might find them while your diving in similar regions. Lately I have been free diving because of everyone working and people's boats are always broke but sometimes I find interesting stuff (Ok not that interesting. I did find a bottle the other day!😂). Besides my boat is slow so I'm thinking of rigging something else. 

Ok sorry I digress.... 

Hats off to those who found these canoes and the historical societies that are working on preserving these artifacts. I support our understanding of history because it can teach us about our beginnings and separate fact from fiction! Wisconsin Historical Society

WWE honors the U.S. Armed Forces who fought for freedom [Responsibilities of Leadership]

I came across this interesting video and while it is after Memorial Day we should honor our soldiers and armed service members every day. There are a number of institutions I have profound respect for and the military is one of them. The people I have met over my life that have served are a cut above others and we should always think about their health and the nation's health in any decision we make. 

National leaders should always think through how to strengthen our military as well as how, where, and when our military assets are utilized to ensure we are wise in their use. As American people we have relied on their sacrifices and we should always honor the history of that sacrifice. The best way to do that is to think through things thoroughly. It is a duty of good leadership. 

(The average American should have a say and should increasingly have a major say as the ultimate stakeholders of democracy.) 

A few ideas on leadership. Each person is going to see this a little differently and there is lots of room for debate so this is just one strain of thought. Its not meant to be party specific, or even decisive but about general use of national assets in the best interest of the nation and society. It is not a criticism or support of any policy but a discussion on responsibility of leadership.

1. National Leadership Responsibility: Thinking through how the military is used to support freedom of religion, speech, Constitution, democracy, human dignity, and peace throughout the world is important. That also includes long term American interests (vs short term). Thinking through any potential influence such as group think, political pressure, financial/campaign influence, foreign pressure etc. on that decision making process is important and a defining characteristic of leadership. 

2. Develop our Military: Because the military is honorable and they help develop character among the people it is important to consider ways to improve not only the adaptability and technological capacity of the military but also how it can enhance people and their contributions to society. I'm a big time supporter of our military and I also support what they can do for developing people. We may need to explore how to attract and retain key academic, scientists to further the competitiveness of the institution. A whole society affair!

3. Civilian and Institutional Honor: Because people have suffered, died and sacrificed it is beneficial to ensure we honor and respect our vets, institutional managers/leaders think of the essential American values, and we do our best to live by those freedoms that our parents, grand parents, great grandparents, etc. have earned. In other words, don't waste it because we all had some sacrifice in it. Our institutions should be managed well and universally administrated. If we went back in history such as in a village everyone would feel connected to that cause and consequences. This is also why I encourage wealthier demographics to enroll in the enlisted ranks with others so we all come to respect those sacrifices because of their influence on society (not saying they don't but the connection between decision and consequence could be improved.). 

Are Company's Becoming Too Concentrated for National Health? Jamie Dimon Says Decline in Business is Risk To Democracy

I recently read this article in Yahoo News on Jamie Dimon's comments on a decline of public companies and how it might impact democracy. Jamie Dimon and Decline of Public Companies.  In 1990's where were 8,000 public companies and now there is half. The trend is continuing and more companies merging so as to reduce the total diversity of business offerings and the type of products/services they produce (i.e. the niche and new markets).

Key Points:

-Mergers and Acquisitions

-Regulations and Compliance Costs

-Availability of Capital

-Help companies go public $1 to $5 billion.

-Entrepreneurship and innovation flourish with business diversity and growth. 

Letter Shareholder from Jamie Dimon (Its big so get your coffee).

We also might look at some other trends that seem to fit within this discussion. Wealth concentration in the top .1% is at its highest earning on average $3.3 million annually. Visual Capitalist Distribution of Wealth

One solution is to redesign our regulations to encourage innovation and small business at the bottom while ensuring regulations at the top maximizes benefits to society. Likewise, we would need to have a level of political agreement that developing opportunities at various levels of the demographic spectrum will improve long-term economic performance of the nation. 

(I have been discussing the need for broad based capitalism and universal democracy that encourages a highly innovative and inclusive society. That can be done by redesigning our policies and electing more diverse people to ensure we avoid group think or over influence in the political process that leads to these declining outcomes. Thus far its seen as a silly idea and theory that doesn't have much merit but I believe over time it will make more sense.)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Firefighter and Training: Truck Work Video

 I'm a part-time volunteer firefighter that likes to help my community when I can. When I'm not there I try and learn as much as I can through reading, writing, videos and more. I also seek to find grants for a great team of people who are really doing good things for others (Hit me up to the right if you have some corporate dollars). Thinking about things to learn I came across this video on trucks their use. I'm also reading a manual on firefighting training as well as going over a few of my ropes and various knots. 

This was a good video and a good discussion. The speaker mentioned cutting holes in roofs to vent so you may want to read Why Cut Hole in Roof?