Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lessons We Learn Late: The Development of Life Wisdom (Fluid and Crystalized)

Life is an interesting game and you only get one chance from what I can tell so you might as well maximize it and its outcomes. Of course one can decide to maximize it for themselves, for others, or a balance between the two. That is where wisdom comes in and one's personal responsibility over others and the health of their society. I personal opt for trying to maximize society while also improving one's own life because that encourages the motivation and the outcome that maximizes the most people (ethics). 

Life is a road
You can set out in 
a direction but the path
defines your essence. Its not 
the destination.
There are personality characteristics that come with developing oneself and those are based in being open to experiences and reflective enough to learn from those experiences. There are also developmental capacities that come with each person so some may never self-actualize but generally if you keep your eyes open and are willing to think about life objectively (some say brutally honest with self) you are likely to gain a sense of wisdom. 

As that wisdom kicks in through experience (only partly connected to age through time and experience) one can see the world from fresh light. The motivations of why people do certain things, how they are focused on certain goals, what is within their essence as a person, how society functions, the specific and general purpose of business, generating wealth is one purpose but its impact on society is increasingly seen by some as another, etc. The accumulation of money and power doesn't define a person as much as how they use that money and power that counts (you can't take it with you). Its not a specific place but a place of knowledge earned from the stripes of life. Each person finds their own unique path. We all set out but many get lost on the way.

For example you may have seen in your face biased corruption and have seen times when systems stood by their values with integrity and you encourage that, or you may have seen people share things that others might never share but each chooses based on their capacity. The beautiful and the ugly and the depth of that experience few men/women can claim to have (Many will say they have it but few actually do.). Yet, all of it culminates into understand the positive and negative values people have, what they profess versus what they do (sometimes its in alignment), and how that filters into daily life not only for you but also society.  

You may want to read, 

-The process of self actualization

-The Poem: Island of Axis Mundi

As an interesting side point on how the brain works. Younger people work with fluid intelligence that helps them get through revolving situations and older people who have developed crystalized intelligence that comes from reflective experience in solving life deeper problems. One must have a level of working brain capacity to learn and master events. When they get older they must be able to reflect to crystalize for effective use. When the crystalized knowledge of the old can be transferred to the fluid knowledge of the young amazing things can be accomplished. That is the cycle of life.

 Research on Wisdom and Age

12 Lessons Men Learn Too Late In Life

Billerud Discussion on Investment Decisions: Are there still other opportunities for infrastructure and community competitiveness? [Cluster Development Theory]

While the new information is disappointing we encourage Billerud to stay committed to the community and develop its local assets to create greater and deeper connections here. Upgrading the equipment would do much to further help the longevity and competitive capacity of the area as well as other industries. While the market may have taken a downturn it can also again take an upturn once some market factors work their way out in a few years. Ensuring they stay engaged can help them hedge changes in the market when inflation cools and situations change. 

One thought is having such anchor companies like Billerud to work to and with other entities to attract new anchor industries so they can maximize local infrastructure for industry and local quality of life. Participating companies would be more efficient, effective and profitable. They do not necessarily need to be directly related industries but may share the same infrastructures (i.e. rail, ports, roads, water, airlines, T1 lines, etc.) as well as some of the same basic skills that can be taught at community colleges to further multiple industries (i.e. economies of scale). 

Let me give you a quick example. Let us say papermills, ship building, entrepreneurs, tourism, hedge fund investments, foreign direct investment (FDI), engineering, prototype creation, trash management, State of MI, Federal interest, auto part manufacturing, etc. coordinated efforts to build their own growth environment. Thus the long term diverse value would be higher than a single investment by a single industry. Much of that is based on coordination and connecting the right parties together. 

Action Item: Is it possible an entity like the Delta County Chamber of Commerce, a committee sponsored by Billerud, Delta County or other organization might actively seek to fund marketing and outreach to potential industries and investment entities that might be interested in local development?

Theoretically anyway that would produce a cluster of its own currently undefined type which would emerge relatively organically to find its own parity with world markets. It starts by thinking of local assets and what industries would be interested in investing in those local assets.

Infrastructure Sharing Imperative World Bank

Research in Infrastructure Sharing Model

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party Would Encourage People to Think About Campaign Finance Reform

Our nation should focus on building the strongest, most technologically advanced, economically sound, adaptable, influential and people oriented society we can. Sometimes that might be furthered by thinking about how we might ensure all decisions are made in the best interest of society. Because from a human nature perspective we all have deep psychological and social needs, we should think about minimizing anything that might negatively influence our decision making or hinder objectivity. As you likely know objectively leads to better decision making in long-term outcomes.

This is not so much an argument about a particular method or approach but to start the process of thinking about whether campaign finance reform would be in the best long-term interest of society. Political campaigning is expensive and in some ways has become from time-to-time increasingly toxic where middle of the road candidates are leaving the political field (These are the leaders the Hypothetical Father Party believes should stay and be highly engaged but have little political support.)

We also want to ensure foreign money doesn't make it into our political process such as it has in some online narratives and conversations (FBI Foreign Malice Elections). So we would want to think objectively, scientifically and strategically about what makes sense for national health. As of yet there is no proposed solution but the Hypothetical Feather Party would like people to ponder the possibilities and whether or not it makes sense to analyze these possibilities. No need to make a final conclusion yet because that really isn't the goal.

There are no perfect methods in which to reform campaign finance so it would require reasonable analysis and study on how that would happen, what the benefits and detractors might be, and the long term impact is on the political engagement and access to that process. The two general approaches are 1.) limiting the amount of contributions and 2.) increasing the disclosures with donations. You may want to read this Congressional review State of Campaign Finance Reform

A Few Questions for Thought?

1.) Would campaign finance be beneficial or a detractor for society?

2.) Is campaign donations a type of political expression and should we limit it at all?

3.) How or to what extent does campaign donations influence political decision making?

4.) Does the next generation want campaign finance, no change or something different?

5.) If you already came to your conclusion, or had one before you read the article, can you think of at least 3 counter arguments of someone who disagrees with you but are still valid? (We are not about giving you a conclusion but about having you come to your own conclusion and thinking critically about it.)

The following is a little spoof but its meant to lighten the mood and be party neutral. It sort of highlights as example how these things can be seen in popular culture. A small disclosure there is some innuendos and stuff so you should be an adult to watch. Rutgers University discussion on Comedy for Dicey Issues.

Interesting Articles on Hypothetical Feather Party:

Thinking about Objective Institutional Reform

Will the Father Party Emerge?

Feather Party National Decision Making

Feather Party Critical Decision Making During Election

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is for learning purposes and is designed as a thought experiment on how a third party aligned to core American principles, logic, science, critical thinking and the next generation can improve national decision making. Please don't attack the Feather Party. We do not exist at this time in history. Its a discussion.

Memorial Day on Coronado: Its Rich History Starting Before the Spanish

Today was a day of remembrance and a day to enjoy the island of Coronado CA.  Good food, shopping, band, restaurants, beaches, golf courses, and beautiful neighborhoods. A very pretty place that is well managed. I thought of living there once but prices have really risen and/or doubled. Maybe I'll move my boat there someday. Anyway, Coronado has a history and it spans back far into the past. 

In 1542 the Spanish Flag flew on the place, 1846 American influence starts with capture during Mexican-American war, 1887 Hotel Coronado is built, 1900 it had a tent city, and in 1901 Fort Pio Pico is established creating its military significance. 

Let us not forget the Native Americans that lived and visited there for a 1000 years prior with mounds, arrow heads and other. We sometimes neglectful of our earliest roots because of lost archeological artifacts and cultural perspective. You can read about that history in Coronado Historical Society

The Value of Independent Judicial Systems in Preserving Democracy [A Time to Remember Those Freedoms]

 Fair and impartial courts are the bedrock of American democracy and are central to the long term interest of the nation. As Americans we should support independent judicial functioning and limit partisanship and bias within our court systems to the best of our ability to ensure not only that democracy stays strong but also that people have trust in judicial decisions. While it may not seem at first apparent, fair and impartial justice aligned with our Constitution and the spirit of the law is central to the next generation and the health of our future democracy. Intentionally violating that would normally be considered illegal and immoral; a lack of moral conscious and lost moral authority. The long term implications possibly profound and could be irreversible in the damage it causes.

Hypothetical Example: Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A family (Catholic, Muslim, Jewish- pick any religion) of mixed race (pick a race of any type) was targeted by corrupted officials to help enrich a homogeneous clan using threats of violence. Some of the members of the clan worked in positions of authority and tried to harm people on religious holidays to show which races and religions were allowed to live and work in the area (cleansing). They were given political cover for these misdeeds, other victims that came forward received street justice (retaliation), and the perpetrators were provided a free pass despite overwhelming evidence (judicial break down). No correction was forthcoming thereby further highlighting extreme disparities in justice. Hate chatter continues today in order to dehumanize/minimize targets, ostracize, damage reputations, and block targets from public service and other employment opportunities in a way that creates two different pseudo societies. Civil rights are openly mocked and intentionally undermined among some officials. 

In this example case, it doesn't matter the race or religion, people's rights were violated and the break down in law and order was caused by political and religious bias. As we move into a new election year keep in mind the importance of our fundamental American rights, how no candidate of any side has the right to manipulate those rights, and how freedom is supported by the sacrifices of many generations. Having independent courts and encouraging non-partisan judges is central to long-term health and success of the nation. We can improve in this area. 

As we celebrate today think of the importance of these oaths and what they mean to the the health of the nation. Let no politics, corruption or partisanship change that. 

Oath of Allegiance, 

U.S. Senate, "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." 


Pledge of Allegiance, 

US Department of Veteran Affairs, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and  to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."

Protecting Independent Fair and Impartial Courts

*This article is a hypothetical example of a thought experiment for learning purposes only and should be taken with a grain of salt. 

Are Americans Becoming More Financial Distressed Despite Economic Growth?

 We are in interesting times as our economy shifts to new economic platforms based on emerging rapid technology development, geopolitical issues and adjusting diverse demographic with the largest young population in US history.

While the data appears to be relatively positive there are growing areas of concern and that includes a higher percentage of people under financial distress. There are ways to think about broad based capitalism that helps raise the next generation but ideas have been slow coming.

As you think about policies and the needs of the next generation also think about the type of corporate, government, civil, and social leadership can help raise the prospects of the next generation and which will not.

-EID Distressed Community Index.

-52 million Americans live in distress. 

-15.6% of Americans are in distress. 

-Yahoo article Data Reveals Increased American Financial Distress

Vista Strawberry Festival: A few good military service organizations

 A friend and I walked around Vista at their Strawberry Festival over the Memorial Day weekend. A great event and we never had a pleasure of attending in the past. It was either that or Coronado that started their summer band park series. In this case we opted for something new. You can learn more the Vista Strawberry Festival. Lots of great activities that included small business vendors, restaurants, music, service organizations much more. 

I'm looking for ways to build a theory that can help my hometown of Escanaba MI and in many ways be a model of economic development for other places. Our nation needs new ideas and new ways of doing things for long term success. In this case, I came across a study that highlights how there is significant impact to local economics from festivals. Events and Festivals Local Sustainability

Because it is Memorial weekend keep in mind the sacrifices many of our vets have made to life and to our nation. A few of these organizations were present and I thought you might want to check them out. 

Wounded Warrior Homes: "We help homeless veterans get off the street and rehabilitated into a healthy lifestyle. Through our food pantry, counseling, partnership with Animals and rehabilitative services, we help more than 500 veterans annually."

American Legion: "To enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion's vision statement is "The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America."

Young Marines: "The Young Marines strengthens the lives of America’s youth by teaching the importance of self-confidence, academic achievement, honoring our veterans, good citizenship, community service, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members. The program focuses on character building and leadership and promotes a lifestyle that is conducive to being productive members of society."