Sunday, May 26, 2024

Delta County Board of Commissioners (05/21/2024): The Scientific Method of Community Development [Rivers Analogy]

Community is important because it is the governing body of our people and makes decisions that have wide reaching impact over our resources and our future. Because politics is the art of influence it sometimes can help or hinder communities. One way to limit the negative impact of politics while improving the positive side of politics is by using critical thinking and making strategic decisions in the best interest of all local stakeholders. Keep an eye on drawing in federal and regional interest in development. Read the article Scientific Method in Community Building to vet decisions because you are only in this specific place once in the history of a town. Escanaba is a great example for our national leaders on why its important to think about our communities first and drop the negative aspects of politics. Creating a vision and getting all hands on deck to enact that vision will improve the lives of local residents for generations to come. 💁

No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Heraclitus.

Kayaking Increases Upper Body Strength and Cardio

It's important to look for ways to stay in shape but enjoy the process as well. That means thinking about how each sport impacts the body and what muscle groups and benefits each has to offer. Water sports like Kayaking are a good option.

According to the study below the the cardio benefits and upper body strength are improved through kayaking. The Health Benefits of Kayaking

I take my kayak out regularly and sometimes can do a quick 20 to 30 minutes getting off the island to procure my coffee or lunch. While it doesn't seem like much it adds up. What I like most about it, is that it is fun and augments the other stuff I'm doing.

Respect our Veterans: The Responsibilities to Maximize Those Opportunities

Veterans have given a lot for our lives and we do not do nearly enough for them. I write this in honor of a man that was good and kind and a real role model. A truly good soul. He was taken advantage of before he passed away because of corruption and a lack of respect for his life. The perpetrators never saw justice and they are free to continue to do what they want and when they want. We have a lot of work to do to protect our veterans and respect the freedoms they have given to us. Wealth, position, power, institutional role, political position, or anything else does not mitigate that responsibility. If anything it increases those responsibilities. You can judge a person and their values by their choices so honoring the past means supporting people with good moral conscious. These vets paid a price for the rest of us and the best way to respect them is to live with integrity, challenge what is immoral, contribute to the building of a great nation, live the fullest life you can with all the skills you can muster. If you can do that you are engaged in your own version of patriotism and honoring them through honoring yourself and the opportunities they provided. You only have one life so live it with purpose. 

For many vets the battles don't end just because they came home. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Is Out Group Aggression Considered Pleasurable? [Research]

 It can be hard to explain to those causing the problems why they do it, or why their behavior is not only destructive to the targets (out group) but also to themselves (in group), trust in institutions, their profession, and the community as a whole. It further highlights the difficulties of explaining to those who placate and protect such out group hate that the long term impact is a net negative for every stakeholder. When you cannot explain then you accept the division it creates until brighter minds and better people come forward that have a deeper respect for our society and the sacrifices people made to protect certain liberties. Yet accepting and being polite is not passivity as one has a greater responsibility to their nation to protect the public and those seen as sub-human or second class citizens. The perpetrators may not admit it but that is how they view a big percentage of society and they act to intentionally create these perceptions and divisions. Our job is to reject that narrative and challenge for the long term strength of society. We can do that civilly and not roll around in the mud.

The Hypothetical Example:

This example is for learning purposes only. Someone wants something and begins to exploit racial and religious bigotries (any race or religion) in order to financially and socially reward themselves off of the crimes committed against such victims. Because of their social connections to corruption and extremism they exploited the sick, damaged children, used large groups to bully, blocked employment, launched false rumors to damage reputations, used threats and attempts at violence to keep victims in check, sought out corrupted officials to help them, creates secret hit lists, and in the process exposed larger corruption and many other victims who experienced similar behaviors. When it became partially public and the risks were reversed onto the in-group they stopped in self-interest (Rarely in society's interest). Yet the hate chatter, ostracization, dehumanizing, and rudeness continues forward without account indicating a much larger systemic issue of embedded hate and poor oversight. Because they cannot maintain their patterns without getting caught they believe the more subtle forms will not be followed or tracked.

What I find most interesting about this example is that while most people understand how destructive this behavior for everyone is, the in-group feels no sense of responsibility to their oaths  (concepts of one nation, liberty and justice for all) nor do they feel a sense of respect for the community. They have banked off of partisan-political divisions in order maintain their aggressive and destructive path and that is causing further reverberations throughout society. 

The Reverse Situation:

Let us say that the integrity of these institutions, social cohesion, the rights of citizens, the effective use of taxpayer dollars/equipment, respecting the profession and people in it, the community, so and and so forth is more important than the needs of this in-group hate network who can't stop their bad behaviors. Let us further this example by saying you are trying to curb them to avoid a much wider situation that reflects negatively on the difficulty we experience as a nation reigning in these extremist groups. While you might be a nice person in trying to teach them a better path, they may be the type that don't learn well (i.e. they must experience it to learn it.) When these situations reverse in sociology the sadistic behavior of the in-group becomes shunned and they in turn become the out-group through the tens of millions of people who disagree with their misuse of sacred trust and resources. If this happens remember that two wrongs don't make a right and the behavior of the hate group element should not reflect across everyone within the profession but does highlight opportunities to improve the institution.

The Pleasure-Why they can't stop!:

There is a good chance these homogenous in-group members connected to corruption cannot stop and part of that is from the pleasure they feel from engaging in bad behaviors. While society may someday find such behaviors horrendous, immoral, and illegal the group persists because of a placated history of such poor behaviors mixed with the pleasure of engaging in these acts. Perhaps it makes them feel powerful, cover insecurities, and create a "better than you" situation designed to minimize people and block them out of society. Thus, one would have a much higher moral duty to the next generation and to the integrity of institutions to curb these behaviors. These are ultimately choices that define the soul of a nation and where it is headed. A microcosm. We have a responsibility to ensure the nation points true north. Race, religion, and politics don't count or have any moral authority to derail development for everyone else. Good leaders know that.

The Layman's discussion on the pleasure of aggression toward out-group members,

The good news is that as long as these behaviors exist we have opportunities to get better and improve. Something for society to work on and that creates adaptation that improves the long term performance.

*This article is for learning purposes only and is a hypothetical example. Take with a grain of salt. A thought experiment on freedom of religion and speech.

Is Strong Communication the Key to Effective Management?

Strong management is important for any organization that seeks to achieve its objectives. While much of management is based in part on strategic tactics it is primarily created through the relationships developed by communication styles. The manager is the master of group relationship management. That comes through learning to communicate well and directing groups while not neglecting individual consideration. 

If there is one thing that a person could work on to improve their management effectiveness is their communication style. If you can find a way to get your points across clearly, yet in a way that people can receive that information, then you are going to be effective. If your communication style allows you to handle challenges and problems strategically without making them worse then people will follow because they want a sense of direction. 

Over the years I have met a few very strong communicators and they were natural leaders that knew how to create motivation, tie teams together, and command a level of strength through the reflectiveness of their language. 

You may want to read this, 

Effective Management Style: Which is Best?

Friday, May 24, 2024

How Does Mental Health Knowledge Increase Fire Department Culture and Retention? [Case Study]

I came across an article below and thought about how one department used a Champlain and connected with an organization to improve the retention of young firefighters. It helps highlight how a little applied psychology can go a long way to developing teams and departments that are highly successful. It also helps bring forward the risk factors with PTSD among people who engage in dangerous occupations such as firefighters, police, EMT and military. 

Sometimes people don't even know they have these issues and symptoms because they are light PTSD Symptoms mixed with lack of knowledge and self-awareness. For example, you may come across some personalities that are abrasive, put others down, quick to react, condescending, and quick to judge. While these could be part of a normal flavor of life on a minimal level more times than not it could also indicate an underlining mental health condition. 

I have learned in life that none of us are better than others but different with different attributes. Likewise, some have developed their skills and some have not. Creating a growth oriented environment often means thinking about the bigger picture of human capital development and culture within organizations. That will be difficult if you don't get into the psychology a little. 

Thus, helping to create resilience in firefighters and helping those who cultivate toxicity because of undiagnosed mental health struggles is beneficial for the whole department. The bonds people create during service can last a long time and high functioning teams will have a sense of coordinated concern to maximize their performance, outcomes and opportunities. Keeping young people engaged means building a supportive environment that teaches them the skills to avoid these issues themselves. Yes, resilience can be taught and it can be applied in organizations.

The article I thought was interesting,

North River County: A Case Study: The department improved retention and mental health care by connecting to ICARE.  Because they have a younger department they found that there can be a lot of stress on young firefighters. Keeping them involved might mean helping them succeed in life through resilience. It may also develop the skills to keep them resilient throughout their firefighting careers so they can stay in the game. 

A few stats:

A study of 7,000 firefighters found that 65% of struggle with memories of difficult calls, 59% have family relation problems because of their job. Substance abuse were found in 27% and 19% had thoughts of suicide. Mental Health for Fire Fighters

You may want to check out this organization for information on firefighters. They list a couple of studies that show that 18% to 20% of firefighters may have PTSD National Fallen Firefighters Association

*I'm writing about firefighting to raise awareness of the field of fire fighting as well as attract donations and interest for a fire department in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If you have some corporate donation money and want to donate tax free to a highly successful rural fire department let me know by sending me a message to the right. I'll point you in the right direction!

19.5% Pay Raise For Junior Enlisted Troops Approved by House Panel - a Start in Helping Our Champions!

 While the 19.5% pay raise is a start in improving the recruitment of fresh minds into the services it is not the end game. This is welcome and should be applauded. There are other things we can do that include innovating our equipment into the new Digital Era (new theories coming forth) to ensuring that young people can find a place in the military (universalization). One should also not neglect the responsibility of law makers to balance the budget in other areas, make sure all govt. programs are effective/efficient, and create cushions for emergencies and crisis. These are systems within systems and must be managed well for the needs of society. 

19.5% Pay Raise for Junior

Thank you for caring about these young troops to give them pay increases. They are our champions and they have stepped up to the plate. There is much more that needs to be done!