Friday, May 10, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (May 2nd, 2024): Historic Districts, Krusin Cars, and Investing Surplus Capital

Recently watched the Escanaba city council meeting and pondered some of the interesting ideas that came forward in terms of investing surplus monies from the city as well as developing a historic district (I used to ice skate in the triangle as a kid). Of course there was that car classics event that is coming up this month so you don't want to miss that. It sounds like there are three potential net positives that can be created in a way that would lead to a stronger local community. 

The goal of any community should be to increase these net positives in a way that generates money as well as create a higher standard of living. win-win. Escanaba is one of those places that is connecting back to world markets and is doing so in a unique way from a dedicated group of citizens that are building on their strengths. 

These are hardy Great Lakes coastal people who have learned to be resilient and get things done when they want to accomplish a goal. Sure they love the water and the woods but they also love their community.

Escanaba May 2nd, 2024 Escanaba City Council Meeting

-The Krusin Klassic Car Club requested City Council approval to use Ludington Park and Ludington Street on May 31, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

-Investing of surplus operating funds of the City of Escanaba. While the discussion was on investing surplus funds, in general I agree that making sure that there is a growing pot of money somewhere can help in lots of ways. Whether that is in an investment vehicle or in paying down debts it makes sense to maintain as many net positives as one can for long term fiscal health. Those places that can do that well and generate a sizable pool of financial resources without wastefully spending it will be attractive for future investments. Investing Surplus Funds

-Historic District Ordinance discussion. Did you know there could be a 16% increase of housing value with historic districts? Historic Designation and Property Values. Did you also know that historic districts also generated more tourism and construction work? Preserving History Boosts Local Economies

Stay tuned for economic wonders of rural be continued.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Less Risky Assets Out Perform? Study Says Yes-Maybe (How is My Stock Strategy Doing?)

Let me say that I'm not the world's greatest investor but I do like to dabble like many other Americans. So when I get a chance I do read about stocks and engage some investing from time to time. I'm trying to create a system that sort of beats the odds most of the time and generates a return on invested assets. However, I'm not in a rush to do so and think of it more as a hobby. As a disclaimer this is not stock advice at all. You might not want to listen to me because I'm sort of just playing with ideas, I might even try a few silly ideas and lose money. 

(When was the last time you met someone who was honest enough to say "Don't listen to me!"?). 

I read this article on low-risk anomalies and how low-risk stocks more earn more than more risky strategies. Considering people hate to lose money I thought it was interesting. First, we can turn to a definition from Investopedia of what a low-risk anomaly is HERE. These are sort of things that differentiate from predictions of financial and economic models. 

My model I'm creating looks at selection of stocks within a certain value range and certain growth industries. They ae also selected in part based on analyst perspectives as well as how they fit within a long-term perspective. No day trading in this thought process. This is sort of what I have figured out. 

1. Find a range of value to look at in terms of stock price. I'm looking at lower priced stocks that have room to grow.
2. Use current and future market trend projections to determine whether they fit in an upward swing. 
3. Diversify among multiple stocks in different industries versus a single type of stock to protect the whole portfolio. 
4. Look for stocks that hedge each other. When stocks are declining in some arenas, they may grow in others.
5. Undefined...still thinking about it. That is as far as I got. :) To be continued.....

Happy hunting my fellow broad based capitalists! Broad based capitalism is an idea that that strong systems generate wealth at various socio-economic levels. You may be interested in a traditional definition of capitalism,  IMF-What is Capitalism?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

3 Ideas: Police Integrity Research Group Bowling Green State University

Let me start out that I'm a big time supporter of police and believe that we should support police 100% and civil rights 110% (The proper balance). While there are likely millions of people who agree with me on that concept there are some who oppose improving the institution so that it catches more bad guys/gals to keep our communities safe and at the same time removes bad apples to encourage good officers to excel. 

Hypothetical Example:

This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A number of officers associated with a hate network engaged in serious civil rights abuses and violated a number of state and federal laws. Good officers were afraid to come forward and any citizen who complained was quickly retaliated. While this network was a menace to society and acted in un American ways (i.e. not respect freedom of speech or religion in the example) they were provided with immunities that appear to be derived from partisan perceptions and disdain for the diversity of life (party neutral statement). 

To counter such a situation one might consider three possible solutions. 

1.) Promote Good Officers and Remove Criminal Officers: Because the vast majority of officers are good people they should not have their reputations or departments damaged by poor officers so improving the ability to report and remove those who are systematically violating laws and/or engaged in extremist type behaviors is important. 

2.) Ensure Diverse Recruitment to Minimize Poor Cultures and Group Think: It is helpful to recruit from a diverse pool of candidates to help minimize group think that leads to cultures of corruption and lack of check and balances on that corruption. Different people come with different perspectives and when that is hedged it can improve the whole.

3.) Pay Officers More For Additional Training: When officers attend training classes on ground or online as it relates to diversity, culture, Bill of Rights, Constitution, jurisprudence (philosophy of law), ethics, tactics, methods, etc. they should receive additional compensation as public servants. The more knowledge they gain, the more they are going to understand and uphold the spirit of the laws in an effective way that helps communities. 

Supporting our offices is vital and important so that recruitment can rise and good officers can be retained. Let's support our officers to ensure they are in environments in which they can strive and thrive! They need the best and brightest to join their ranks. Any problem can be solved in a way that is supported by the vast majority of society's stakeholders if we have an earnest desire to focus on the bigger picture.

A Program at Bowling Green State University:

Interestingly, Bowling Green University has a program called Police Integrity Research Group that maintains The Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database of officers that were arrested. There are a number of variables they look at in their research projects. What roles around is my head is that some of these crimes are likely related to mental health and the difficult nature of the work while dealing with some of the most challenging members of society. We can have empathy over those who suffer from the disease of hate and aggression but we should ensure we protect the public first. I thought about being a police officer once and still like to help reach out a helping hand when I can and when it appears most beneficial to society. 

Police Integrity Research Group

State of the Golf Industry: Mission Bay Golf and Practice Center

According to State of Golf Industry 26.6 million people played golf in 2023. That is a rise of a million golfers! Makes you wonder how many are good golfers?🤔

Because I'm not very good I like to hit the driving range for some fitness and getting my swing down. I must say that I'm getting a little better and more consistent. 

One of nice places I go is the Mission Bay Golf and Practice Center. San Diego is a golf town because it has nice weather year round. 


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Higher Education and the Path to Self Actualization (Anything but the Herd!)

Self-actualization is a pathway in and of itself and in many ways its own reward. Life is a struggle but some struggle with a purpose and eventually they reach a plateau where things make more sense. While that can happen organically through the random nature of events, higher education allows for more focus in that process. One must not only have the knowledge but also the ability to overcome challenges through self-growth and determinization. Most importantly one must be self reflective and capable of learning.

Read this study on Individual Self-Actualization to gain an understanding of what self actualization looks like. 

Ponder how being self-actualized might come from not only being diligent in your studies but also overcoming and learning from adversity. One must be able to recognize the beauty of life as well as the deep ugly. For example, they may have experienced coordinated group bigotries but then learned about human nature from those experience and still seek to foster a better world despite the abundance of ignorance. 

Each person on the path to self-actualization has their own struggles. Sometimes its poverty, sometimes its abusive backgrounds, and sometimes its the world itself. Self-actualization is difficult if one who has a perfect life, follows what others tell them blindly, and comes to the same socially constructed answers to complex problems they cannot grasp. To be different means to think differently and that will make some people upset because you can't accept the most self-interested answer.

To be autonomous means one must learn the limitations of such thinking and in some ways find the comical side of inner human desperation that leads people down blind paths. The world needs more self actualized people and our nation (or any society) needs more self-actualized leaders to ensure the compass points true north. If the best and brightest do not rise in their organizations and society the whole will be less competitive; or even worse!

What is Self-Actualization?

Maslow and Rodgers, two famous researchers on the topic of self-actualization, indicate that people who are self-actualized exhibit autonomous choices and engage more fully in activities based on internal motivations and capacities.  They are not herd animals and are capable of independent thought and action. That encourages them to be natural leaders who are not as influenced by ulterior motivations or limited perceptions. Mature adults among needy children.

 Common traits are....

Efficient Perception of Reality: They understand fakeness.

Accepting of self and others: They are aware of differences in society and people. 

Problem Centered: They recognize problems and help solve them for self and others. 

Ability to be Alone: They can spend time alone. 

Independence. They are independent and think for themselves. 

Appreciation: They appreciate others and they appreciate life. 

Peak Experiences: They have cosmic connected conscious and as well as focused narrow conscious. 

Openness to Humanity: Feeling one with humanity and accepting its nature. 

Deep Interpersonal Relationships: Can connect with people beyond superficiality. 

Democratic: They take into consideration the needs of others.

Means and Ends: They know the difference between right and wrong.

Philosophical Sense of Humor: They understand and take pleasure in humor and use it for teaching. 

Creativeness: They create things. 

Resistance to Enculturation: They live by their own rules and not defined by the rules of others.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Elder Abuse by Scammers and Family Members [Study]

Elder abuse is something that detracts from our society and it an act should never be normalized or accepted as appropriate. There are those outside our society that do this and we know their motivations. However, some of the biggest abuse is by people within the elder's family. A study conducted at University of Southern California found that 48% of abuse of the elderly was by family and 61.8% was for financial reasons. 

Study: Financial abuse of older adults by family members more common than scams by strangers

I'm saddened that we still do this in our society and we do not enforce protection for elderly and sick as much as we should. Because of this lax enforcement we are encouraging others to engage in these behaviors.  

As a hypothetical example for learning purposes only an elderly person who was diagnosed with cancer and dementia was exploited financially by family members. They kept the illness secret, manipulated them and siphoned off the wealth. The perpetrators also engaged in manipulation and threats of violence against those with questions in order to ensure the issues stayed quiet. This was acceptable because of their close connection with a number of officials who were suppose to enforce these laws but felt compelled to protect their social networks. A timeline of illness, bank accounts and behaviors could easily be constructed but its not considered important because of subjective use of laws. The perpetrators were given a free pass to continue forward with their ill gotten gains. A type of lawlessness!

Because these things still happen and we do not always protect the elderly we should consider the long-term ramifications of not protecting our most vulnerable or having different laws for different people. Some behaviors are shameful and normalized as acceptable depending on who is doing it and who it is against. To me, anyone who intentionally takes advantage of the sick and dying should be held to account. Yet, that wisdom is quickly discounted when things like race and religion skew the decision making process. Moral authority is lost so we should expect others to learn and do the same if we can't enforce our laws against the in-crowd. 

Motis Brands LLC is Setting up Operations in Escanaba: Production, Patents, People and Places

Motis LLC a manufacturer of powersport, medical, recreational, military, and industry is coming to Escanaba and bringing some jobs with it. This is another sign that Escanaba and Gladstone in Delta County Michigan is fast becoming a small rural northern city actively aligning back to the global market. What makes this more exciting from an economic standpoint is that the town has had relatively neutral growth for decades and now is in a major upswing in industrial, recreational, vacation, and nautical investments.

You can learn more about Escanaba HERE  and the Delta County Chamber of Commerce HERE just in case you have your own investment ideas. Likewise, the downtown is in active development so if you have about $100K and want to start an entrepreneurial business that can help aesthetics, locals, vacationers, and with luck exportation of custom products, let them know they may be interested in hearing from you.

Motis to Locate Manufacturing Sector in Escanaba indicates that they will have a total capital investment of $675K and $75K Micro Michigan Business Development Program to produce 9 new local jobs. Keep in mind that may be just the beginning of industrial interest as well as the type of jobs such businesses create if they grow. Treat them well as a local community. These type of businesses are where the bread and butter is (i.e. Billerud was a major win for the area so lets build on it.)

The Micro Michigan Business Development Program helps to draw in new jobs into Michigan. Such grants and programs are something that Escanaba and Gladstone in Delta County can use to draw new investment interest to create net positives. Remember some ideas came forward and that will require new revenue sources. You can learn more about that program HERE.

Motis Brands Webpage

Motis LLC is located in Golden Hill San Diego which is a nice area. I used to take some classes in that part of town. Good Map Looks like SoCal and Escanaba have a potential courting. Almost love at first sight! Both are laid back areas and apparently both San Diego and the U.P. now have surfing. :) Love surfing. I wonder if their executives also hit the waves in PB sometimes. They probably don't hang out in OB but you never know. See ya on the waves dudes and dudettes! 🏄 <<<Always wanted to say that! 😂

Motis also is military veteran supportive and this is something every business in Escanaba and this country should be doing. They even received a Patriot Award! Thanks for being a great company! You can learn more about that award HERE. Local businesses should consider hiring vets and check out the Escanaba Veteran Center.

They also have a LinkedIn Account you can follow if your interested HERE.

You may also find out more about Motis Brands and some of their patents HERE. Patents are important for maintaining leading edge products and outcomes. If it was a publicly traded stock I might have considered investing in it (I'm probably closer to the world's smallest investor but hey I dabble and you got to start somewhere!)

Btw...did you know that local patents improve economic growth. Check out the World Intellectual Property Report 2024