Saturday, April 13, 2024

Can Human Capital and Technology Improve Economic Prosperity? IMF Thinks So! (Innovative Transactional Theory Development)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that GDP will decline for some nations in the mid term future. On a global level, there appears to be a slowdown in growth, and could impact investments in human capital and technology. Further, low growth and high-interest rates might make some debt unsustainable. The IMF suggests tackling labor, capital, and allocation, known as Total Factor Productivity (TFP) because it was responsible for approximately half of the declines since the pandemic. 

But wait...there is a silver lining......

(While they don't say this the U.S. was somewhat of an outlier because it is growing and with the right policies can grow further past a 5 year projection. i.e. midterm.)

As a person working on a rapid innovation transactional theory that relies in part on technology and advanced skilled labor (education or training), I agree with the concept that access to education and technological advancement (innovation) to better to allocate our human capital talents with emerging technology is important. Thus, we start seeing a similarity in concept forming across various entities and different research pieces.

To me, we can improve labor capital growth by encouraging accessibility, cost, and quality of education to help people update their skills for rapidly changing jobs that will emerge from new technologies. We should also focus on innovation (i.e. things like transactional cluster theories and other innovation supporters such as grants, research, academic-industry-community growth, etc.) to build on top of our updated infrastructure so as to boost the productivity of the whole nation in a way that fosters upward lift in the nation's advanced manufacturing global value chain.

What is it like to be a target of a hate group? (Update on Hate Theory Development)

Hate is a growing issue in society and we are struggling to find an appropriate pathway on protecting people's rights to have opinions while still ensuring they are not being destructive to their fellow Americans; including the long-term health of democracy. To me, I pick no side other than the side of good moral conscious and the strategic options and value systems needed to encourage togetherness as a people (You don't have to be a saint to have moral conscious, you just need basic values and a willingness to think prosocial.). Sometimes protecting freedom requires challenging hate with win-win arguments (...again assuming the goal is win-win).

Keep in mind it is never a 'better than you' or against reasonable mistakes. We have a moral obligation to society, at least those who believe in it, to challenged shortsightedness, bigotry and hate in a constructive way. While not each person can hope to have a positive outcome when challenging hate, we do know that if we don't challenge hate, toxic souls will spread the narrative to infect our society with mayhem. If we say nothing because of fear, than we become part of the problem (Also be kind and helpful even when challenging because we are still in the same ship together and things do change. You can have constructive conversations without being dragged into the mud with the haters....the key power hate groups have.)

You can consider reading, Cause for Concern 2024: The State of Hate (I don't know the organization but the information seems beneficial for understandingI have been using Update on Hate as a series of hypothetical discussions to explore the topic in a politically and socially neutral fashion as is needed when the same moral values apply equally across peoples. i.e. Universalism.

The following are based on a hypothetical example used for illustrative purposes only. They are theoretical in nature so may not actually be true but certainly could be true in some situations and places where the central tenants of our nation are not fully upheld. Hate is usually connected to other poor behaviors because it is a tool to cover inner distortions that lead to chronic poor choices for them and those within hate networks.

Those who complain about such behaviors are often sidelined as some people mock "rights" with a rolling of their eyes. I believe that victims have rights too no matter what anyone else thinks about it (Rolling of the eyes is an attempt to minimize its importance and the hard earned freedoms of our society.). Those earned freedoms are what makes us free and that is fundamentally what people support and protect. We are free because we positively challenge hate to maintain that freedom (Republican, Democrat, or Independent it makes no difference! You should never sell out your nation for your politics.).

Sometimes these groups working in social networks and chatter and as they act on their distorted beliefs in a way that creates increasingly more issues for others because they can't manage their bias. For example, what is a microaggression such as rude behavior and what is overt displays of extremism? We don't have a good grasp as a people so these groups are somewhat immune.  

The following is an attempt to start defining what these behaviors look like and what should be avoided in a universal democracy where each person is seen as having full rights as a citizen and valuable contributor to society. Where we fail, we morally fail, and where we win, we strengthen the roots of democracy. Leadership should manage for all of society and not partisan or extremist groups that use hate and intimidation as a tool.

This are just illustrative examples that I believe would apply to all different types of people such as White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc....its makes no different their color or their religion; at least it shouldn't. 

Concepts for Hate Theory Development:

Rumors/Hate Narrative: Rumors and false information is the first method in which they prepare the stage for targeting. That gets moral buy in among normally reasonable people.

Intimidation/Violence: As groups get hyped they engage in micro and overt displays of aggression that include incidents of attempted or threatened violence. It tests the boundaries and seeks to dominate fellow Americans based on unAmerican perspectives.

Subject to Corruption: Where such groups are associated with corrupted officials, the misuse of power may end up being used to further the hate agenda within social networks. Hate is a distortion in the mind based on illogical symbolism of self and society. Thus, hate is associated with other issues and problems through a pattern of choices.

Political Extremism and Hyper Politics: While this isn't direct impact we can find that part of the issue of corruption might be related to political extremism and hyper politics where divisions in society give cover for poor behaviors. Where race and religion are thrown into a discussion in a non-civil way, we have outward expressions of internal beliefs.

Dehumanization/Civil Rights: Where corruption and hate are associated we will find dehumanization and violations of human rights. Those who challenge hate were dehumanized before and such hate rapidly escalates to create more tension and intimidation to warn the victims their lives, opinions, contributions, and value to society are little to nothing; i.e. disposable second class citizens. The goal is to prompt others to harm.

Job Rejection/Enrichment: The hate narrative mixed with corruption allows hate group initiators to reject qualified candidates, manipulate the law and ultimately advantage themselves or their group. They will block people from jobs, pressure them to leave public service, use the hate narrative to damage their credibility, and seek to isolate them and keep them poor, uninformed, and not able to influence the assets of local governance and/its institutions.

One thing that targets of large hate groups should be aware is that it doesn't end just because someone said it should end. There will still be people out there that fall outside the normal line of correction and their microaggressions are lingering catalyst to again spark the waves of victim blaming and hate targeting. The lingering hate chatter creates long term risks of lone wolf actors, tension, and seeks to encourage interpersonal conflicts (i.e. the good old boy networks).

The long tail of hate occurs because the perception of minorities (White. Black, Hispanic, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc. in a highly diverse society) has been tainted so the victims have few practical options. Complaining doesn't always work well so one must be constructive. Challenging poor behaviors with a toxic personality may lead to another wave of hate but in the long run it is well worth the price so the next generation doesn't have to deal with lingering segregationist perspectives that have held our nation from its true potential (Notice you need not make a distinction by race, religion, gender, or politics. It applies equally. i.e. inching closer to the ideal.). 

Theory development doesn't yet come with an easy solution because there are structural and non-structural aspects of hate that move across different social, political, and in the case of corruption institutional lines. Social and coordinated hate are amebic in social networks but when its found in needs to be addressed quickly so as to preserve the integrity of such institutions. 

Hate should be rejected by all parties and peoples for the good of the whole. To think critically let us envision rejecting hate completely in our society and then let us think about what embracing hate fully in society looks me I prefer rejecting hate and its supporters. It seems the most logical and moral thing to do. Just saying the truth....

"“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson

If you want to conduct research on hate there are some grants available from the National Institution of Justice NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes. Personally I think researchers should collaborate when conducting research on hate for general validity and protection.

*This article is designed for illustrative and learning purposes to understand freedom of religion and freedom of speech in our society.

Friday, April 12, 2024

CPI Inflation Up March 2024: Could it offer a few opportunities?

Inflation is pretty sticky at the moment and seems to be climbing a little which means we are operating at a much faster pace than before. On the surface that appears to be a negative thing based on a short stock dip. That can be a good thing if we can figure out ways to reduce inflation. For about 15 years I have been discussing human capital and Digital GDP through a rapid innovation transactional theory and how the U.S. may have moved into a higher performing platform based on a type of digital renaissance. 

(I checked my stocks the day after the CPI announcement and almost all went red that day except a few. Most bounced back the next day but there still is a heavy red going on. I am considering those greens on my watch list as potential hedges so if one market goes down those go up. Not stock advice but just an observation on fickleness.)

Thinking about human capital and the digital era (i.e. infrastructure, technology, etc.) I came across an interesting study on Asymmetric threshold effects of digitization on inflation in emerging markets that seems to discuss that investment in education and digitization leads to lower inflation if countries could reach a certain threshold. 

Let us play with this idea a little. If we improved access to higher education, the quality of education and the cost of education (I think the same can be said for training), along with new technologies (and infrastructure) we can lower inflation while still having higher growth rates (relative to the size of the country). 

(Bumping up into a new platform Economic-Sociological Platforms)

Maybe or maybe not? What do you think? We don't want inflation to rise but we do want the economy to grow...are there ways to do that?

 A couple of good articles:

Morning Star-March CPI Report: Why Is Inflation Still So Sticky?

Bloomberg- US Consumer Sentiment Slips on Dimmer View of Inflation Outlook

The BEA CPI Index:

BEA Consumer Price Index Summary March 2024  Quoted....

"The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in March on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same increase as in February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose in March, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over half of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 1.1 percent over the month. The food index rose 0.1 percent in March. The food at home index was unchanged, while the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in March, as it did in each of the 2 preceding months. Indexes which increased in March include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, medical care, apparel, and personal care. The indexes for used cars and trucks, recreation, and new vehicles were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.5 percent for the 12 months ending March, a larger increase than the 3.2-percent increase for the 12 months ending February. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.8 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 2.1 percent for the 12 months ending March, the first 12-month increase in that index since the period ending February 2023. The food index increased 2.2 percent over the last year. (BEA, March CPI Index, 2024, para 1-4)

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (04/04/2024) Massive Advancements in Infrastructure, Engagement, Growth (Transparency)

The Escanaba City Planning Commission Report looked at the activities over 2023 and came to some remarkable conclusions. The City is on the upswing and is attracting additional interest as a destination and investment hot spot. The people in this area are generally committed to its success and I think it is helpful for entrepreneurs and investors to take a gander just in case they find a spot. Downtown could use a few new businesses.

Review the local agenda and information in May 4th, Escanaba Agenda and you will notice the town is very transparent. This makes it attractive for investment (Transparency in Local Governments: Patterns and Practices of Twenty-first Century). 

Escanaba 2023 City Planning Commission Report. "During 2023, Escanaba witnessed massive advancements in infrastructure, community engagement, and sustainable growth initiatives, highlighting our unwavering dedication to crafting a thriving and unified city."

-Culture Preservation

-Committee related to master plan might need to meet more often. 

If your interested in investing or getting involved in an emerging town see Escanaba.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Arrogance in Investing Can Be Costly: Falling Stocks (Research on Investing and Decision Making)

Arrogance in investing can be costly! When it comes to investing and making business decisions it is important to not make isolated choices without considering what others might think about the options. Sometimes as we move up the ranks in society we fall victim to the delusion that we are more aware and more knowledgeable than others around us. 

Source:Conceptual model and hypotheses.
Credit: Journal of Consumer Research (2022). DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucac054
For investors, CEOs, and executives that can be costly! Especially costly if you are dealing with others' money and a lot of people rely on those resources to make their mortgage payments and put food on their table. Executives have responsibilities to society beyond themselves and should think about where and how they invest resources (
Less of an argument if you are investing for yourself and more of an argument if you are investing government or corporate resources to create net positives for society.). 

Over the years I have learned that important decisions should not be made in a vacuum without considering the various other perspectives that can create a 360 degree view of an issue and its solutions. While that applies to many different facets of life, it does seem to resonate with important institutional decisions. Choices should be well thought out and they should consider some of the big contingencies.

Let me put a disclaimer, I'm a kind of student of the business world (You never stop learning!), have some business-owning experience, and do dabble in investments from time to time. Personal maybe philanthropic interests have brought me back into the markets again (Yes I'm getting old and thinking about the next generation) I will again write about investing in general (Basically, talk to your investor and don't listen to me unless I make sense! Your choices are your choices and I have nothing to do with. Invest in organic horse manure, I don't care!).


Trust me that falling stocks suck! I once put some money into a stock and it went to almost zero a few months after. Obviously I got something wrong. 🤷 This research says that one of the reasons why I did this was that I was overconfident and new to investing. Personally, I think it is because I didn't go read enough and listen to seasoned people. Again, it wasn't much money so I just shrugged it off, however I have learned over the years the importance of doing your homework. Keep your nose in the books!

(Also, I'm thinking through a process to help best select stocks with the greatest potential values that are in alignment with emerging trends. Its not as easy as you think but I have a few ideas bubbling.)

Dominik M Piehlmaier et al, The One-Man Show: The Effect of Joint Decision-Making on Investor Overconfidence, Journal of Consumer Research (2022). DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucac054

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Delta County Commissioner Meeting (04/02/2024): Moving in the Right Direction-Could Focus on Creating Value

An interesting meeting that teases the tantalizing mind and tickles the tongues of democracy. This is how things work on a local level in which we all relate to each other in many cases daily. If you notice there are discussions and there are votes. The vast majority of things are moving in the right direction. There are a few questions and concerns that have come up and its important to sort of ponder that for a minute.

(Hold judgement and just reflect. One you thought about issues critically then make a judgement. Be open to changing that judgement when new information emerges. Its a tough skill to master and it often takes half a lifetime to sort of figure out the basics.). 

County government is important because this is where people have influence and where they are most impacted. They know each other on a personal level and most everyone has concerns over the community and its long term health. When I look at governance I think of a few things in my lens as I weigh and judge the possibilities, detractors and opportunities. 

(That is not a judgement on anything or anyone...but only a judgement on governance itself.)

-What is the mid, short, and long term impact of choices? Thinking about each choice as important to achieve predefined goals. Typically I think in terms of maximizing strategy. If you don't have goals you don't have a navigation point nor does your ship have a rudder. Most managers anywhere and in any organization move over wave after wave but don't always have a sense of direction so not much gets accomplished (General concept). 

-How do I build connections and agreement around a shared vision? Once a vision is formulated (i.e. Delta County as one of the best places to live and invest around its geographic, community and human capital assets; or something like that as a quick thought.) then it becomes easier to sell people around that vision. It allows interested parties to see how certain actions lead to many choices and a larger outcomes. Further, would be investors can see that vision and decide to invest in the community.

-What are the best ways to create greater engagement, trust, and participation by the community so their voice is heard and governances is reflective of the whole community? Increasing transparency, actively reaching out to different community members, soliciting ideas via email/website, etc....While there may be groups one must have a globalizing perspective to connect a big picture and then systems thinking to enact it in a way that benefits all the groups ( many as possible. Were all in this ship together.). 

-Where can I minimize the destructive impact of partisan politics and those who delve into such dark arts? Encouraging the community to manage for the whole entity and not allowing national or personal politics to distort the narrative around things that won't have a positive influence on local life. Remember that in politics, people and parties sometimes have all types of motives that may not be in the best of our communities. My suggestion is to think for yourself and not worry about the parties or their politics. Parties should align around your needs as a community and we should not align around theirs or the system gets a little warped (I get will never happen!). Reflect and decide what you want on a personal level and then consider joining a party or not joining one (I'm starting to like independent third parties now just to improve thinking for both parties by reducing blind button pressing and improving diverse voting perspectives). The ultimate goal is the community and not the ideologies. 

-How does one create net positives where investments and activities move beyond paying bills and into creating wealth and quality of life improvements for the community? Quality of life and improving opportunities through investment is vitally important for the long term success of any organization (govt. included). Draw in new business, find them a place, improve employment engagement, train people, clean parks, build bike paths, etc....

-Do you have any ideas of your own? In a free nation such as ours we encourage openness of conversation and openness of ears to encourage a positive dialogue. Those that don't are not really qualified to be in positions of authority because they can't compromise and that can create havoc on taking advantage of strategic opportunities. Do that long enough and the entire entity suffers. 

A few links I thought might be helpful:

National Association of Counties Learn about counties and governance. You can see where Michigan counties get revenue HERE.

Evidence Based County Policy Making

Community Resources:

We should also look at some resources to attract high growth industries (including entrepreneurs) as well as community improvement. I didn't look at them particularly that close but examples of how some things can be improved on a local level by funding future net positives to improve the wealth of the area for local residents. Feel free to read and discard...some might not be perfect but I'm more or less just bringing up the point where some focus could be placed to grow the area and the appeal of the area. If they are good look at them if they don't fit move on and find something else. 

Still building a landfill so this might help a little. Recycling Grant and for the Solar Panel Discussion Local Energy Grant as well as Rural Energy Grant. One might be interested in Community Health Innovation. Perhaps something on Digital Equity

Monday, April 8, 2024

February 2024 US International Trade Goods & Services: Wishy Washy Exports but Up Over 12 Months

Were still a little wishy-washy on imports and exports. The trade deficit grew a little, exports rose 👍 and so did imports 😖. Over a year there was movement in the right direction that includes a 2.8% reduction in goods and services deficit. Exports moved up while imports moved up slower. It's not terrible news because there is some positive data mixed in from a trend perspective.

Thrift Stores of the Past Photo in
The Wooded Pathway Gallery
Representing Retail
What we want to see is exports rise based on new infrastructure improvements that increase in the speed, quality, and value of such transactions. Infrastructure, the digital era, robotics, education, AI etc. contribute to investment profit potential and societal-economic growth when outputs are high and profits are reinvested back into the economy (perpetual sustainable development).

(Not so great if someone sells us out for a couple pennies on the share and moves operations overseas.)

If the highest value in the supply chain becomes the U.S. we will draw more resources (i.e. human capital, investment, innovation, etc.). If the trend of decreasing deficits and improving exports continues along with a digital platform change (some argue that so much stuff went online that we bumped up in our national economic platform) we may find more sustained and stable growth. 

We still have issues with political uncertainty (decision-making and compromise around big national goals) as well as geopolitical issues that are part of the environment we live and work in. We also have countries seeking to reemerge so that the environment is in constant flux and should be seen as ever evolving. However, we certainly can work on our stuff to improve our national competitive position and that typically means a plan, focus just over the horizon, and a sustained commitment to national development. 

The following was quoted from, U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, February 2024

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $68.9 billion in February, up $1.3 billion from $67.6 billion in January, revised.

February exports were $263.0 billion, $5.8 billion more than January exports. February imports were $331.9 billion, $7.1 billion more than January imports.

The February increase in the goods and services deficit reflected a decrease in the goods deficit of $0.3 billion to $91.4 billion and a decrease in the services surplus of $1.6 billion to $22.5 billion.

Year-to-date, the goods and services deficit decreased $3.9 billion, or 2.8 percent, from the same period in 2023. Exports increased $9.3 billion or 1.8 percent. Imports increased $5.4 billion or 0.8 percent.