Sunday, March 31, 2024

What is Lost Moral Authority?: How Partisanship and Hate in a Free Nation Can Lead to Decline

We are a free people and a free nation and the rules and laws should apply equally across all citizens. Moral authority occurs when we have leadership that acts to protect those essential freedoms. When that doesn't occur, or there are intentional lapses of law, then it opens a question of lost moral authority. Ensuring that ethnic and religious violations do not occur is important for protecting not only the economy but also the fundamental way of life that leads to a strong civil society. 

Read this article to get a sense of moral authority and the economy. Why moral leadership matters now more than ever

Three negative examples: 

1. Religious and racial groups targeted using official positions of power in unofficial ways to block worship and remove minority Christians from a community (swap with any race or religion in a diverse society).

2. Hate groups mixed with some officials ostracized, mocked, created a hate narrative, and acted upon extreme bigotries. Social influence continues to corrupt institutions putting the community at risk.

3. Once serious human rights violations were discovered against minority Christians (swap with any race or religion in a highly diverse society) perpetrators misused positions to protect and reward unAmerican behaviors and values.

Three positive examples:

1. Religious practices of minority Christians (swap with any race or religion in a diverse society) were protected and encouraged as fundamental moral and civil rights in society professed in our oaths of "liberty and justice for all".

2. After the behavior or hate group members were discovered, fraternization rules were created and enforced to ensure that there is no undo corruptive influence on our institutions. i.e. protecting integrity.

3. Once serious human rights violations were discovered against minority Christians (swap with any race or religion in a diverse society) authorities quickly removed perpetrators, corrected the damage, and made policy changes to strengthen fundamental civil rights in society.

Imagine if the three negative examples were on the rise and the later positive examples were declining. Match that with intentional political partisanship and you can see a much bigger problem emerging. A fundamental problem that could influence the fundamentals. One way to build trust with our emerging youth is to ensure that these institutions serve the general will of the public (with a specific eye on the needs of the next generation) and that members who serve either their own, political, or religious ideologies are not in positions of authority.

Fifty Years of Declining Confidence & Increasing Polarization in Trust in American Institutions

While we know that strong economies rely on basic trust in society. Maintaining that trust from generation to generation is fundamental to keeping the American way of life present within their hearts and minds. Democracy, human rights and broad based capitalism are worth standing and protecting no matter what one's religious or political persuasions. 

As a Catholic, Muslim, Jew (As a conception of believing in the value of their messages as well as some genetics Gifted opennessEinstein Religion and a type of universalism), and a person with mixed-race children, I am concerned about growing corruption and protection of extremist behaviors. Where it occurs and is protected, it needs to be removed for the sake of the whole of society. When it is allowed in one place, it is a good sign it is allowed in other places. It creates risks to our way of life. 

We should ask ourselves where we see ourselves in 5,10, or 20 years if we do not universalize our values to all of society? We can only understand the future by understanding the past. For that you have to open a history books. This is why as a loyalist I believe that our Constitutional freedom of religion and freedom of speech are fundamental to our society and the long-term health of the economy. Fairness views and cooperation under varying levels of economic inequality

What does it mean to be an American in today's world? I have my ideas, and I'm sure others have theirs. From a strategic, logical, and moral aspect, mine is probably more in alignment with what the country's and the youth's needs. I know that because I don't mind being wrong, but I do mind not encouraging tolerance and kindness. Some will lie to look honest and some will be honest to look like they are lying. What you see is who you are in any situation. We Need to Do More Research on Honesty

Socrates Quote - "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."

While you can't control the world you can think critically about what you believe and act according to your values. If you can't do that then you failed your society and yourself. There are many ways to sell out your nation and that first comes from selling out yourself. Think deeply about what you believe and what you support because nations are a collective of values. Kitchen conversations count so speak to your, not others values. Be an independent thinker. 

*This article is for leaning and illustrative purposes only. Philosophical dribble, feel free to discard.....

Saturday, March 30, 2024

US GDP Revised Up: Economy Still Moving Forward

U.S. GDP revised upwards to 4.4% and real GDP to 4.9% influenced by consumer spending, government spending, exports, nonresidential fixed investment, and residential fixed investments. People love to spend and that does encourage economic growth. However, what one truly wants to see is rising income and improved exports as an indication that we are producing value and exporting it in such a way that fosters wealth for the average American (Ultimate societal stakeholders 💁.) 

Notice the upward swing in GDP and in what categories. There is also increase in income Because things are more connected with post covid adaptations there are likely more transactional activities that lead to value and wealth. I might call this a platform because it impacts basic infrastructure but others might use another term. Digital GDP

Gross Domestic Product, Fourth Quarter and Year 2023 (Third Estimate), GDP by Industry, and Corporate Profits



Becoming a Leader: Leadership Learning in Business and Military Fields

 The military is a path of development for those who want a more adventurous way of living and contributing to their society. Much like the business world, military leadership is not completely different then the development of quality business executives (Whole person ethical leaders). Thus, each of the fields borrows from each other in their way. 

Human development is going to share similarities across different fields of study. The specific information should be mixed with the environmental information to create maximum implicit and tacit-explicit learning that is deeply embedded (You can define how that would work. I sort of came up with an idea on how to do that in part in an online environment to create deep learning through symbolism and a few other specific and environmental factors that create cognitive problem solving relying in part on unconscious and conscious knowledge mixed with available information and logic. Not fully formed but you get the picture. Its about activating neural networks in new ways. Theoretical dribble feel free to discard....)

A study in the Journal of Military Psychology indicates that both formal and informal education leads to the development of officers. What you notice in the study below is that developing oneself as a leader means creating confidence in leadership skills, mission clarity, and general concern for subordinates. 

Being and becoming beginning military leaders: Implications for leadership learning

First, let me say that there are many paths to growth and development as a person. Business is one and the military is another. The skills learned in business are also needed in the military and vice versa. 

Second, you will notice that setting clear goals (i.e. mission), gaining leadership skills, and employees (i.e. subordinates in the study) are fundamental to both fields. Become a Military Officer after College.

Friday, March 29, 2024

PCE price index +2.5% (Feb. 2024): The Economy is Still Strong and Inflation is Coming Down! What the Heck?

The economy is strong and there may be an interest rate cut coming in June but it is too early to tell. Right now the Federal Reserve has increasing wiggle room and moving out of the post-Covid chaos era that was projected by some to move through the initial economic adaptation '23/24 and into a type of higher performance platform based on improved digital transference. 

(Are My Projections Still on Track? 2020 Projections on 2024. Theorists should never be concerned about the outcomes. I made a few initial sketches in my head for up to 2028 but there are some big contingencies I haven't thought through yet. We do not have a full discussion on economics because we often get anchored to specific theories and few vary from them. Dr. Powell seems to be a doing a very good job balancing current knowledge/theory with shifts in the market.)

PCE  price index has been released at February 2024   +2.5% Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index

Definition of PCE price index: ?A measure of the prices that people living in the United States, or those buying on their behalf, pay for goods and services. The PCE price index is known for capturing inflation (or deflation) across a wide range of consumer expenses and reflecting changes in consumer behavior."

A pretty good article by Investor Business Daily Key Fed Inflation Data Keeps June Rate Cut In Play; Powell Is OK With Dissent. Look at the overall trend of inflation. 

Partisan Animosity and America (Research Study)

It looks like partisanship, the disease infecting our institutions and some of our politicians, is not as overarching as initially thought. According to a study conducted by Dartmouth College, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University, most Americans do not support partisan violence. That means the average American is much more wise than those who support hyper-politics. 

No one should want violence yet when we take some of the biggest mouths in the country put them in positions they are not qualified for and give them a microphone we are likely to run into these situations. Partisanship impacts have a warping effect on our institutions and more people are becoming aware of its destructive trends.

(For example there have been places where you can commit any crime against people seen as "the other" and there are no backstops or protections because of partisanship corruption. Encouraging violence was not an issue for them. Partisanship is a type of irrationality that limits alternative perspectives. Its important to ensure that it doesn't circumvent what is central to the health of a nation. )

The danger is that people get rigid in their thinking and then demand that everyone around them agree with their distorted views.  If not they get violent or encourage mistreatment and feel little remorse. When they get angry or frustrated they engage in either misuse of authority or provide cover for such behavior through political power. 

(For example if I say I support police 100% and civil rights 110% people get aggressive. To me its the most rational answer because civil rights is central to the cohesion of society and police have a function to protect that society. Police are necessary so we should encourage them and improve the institution where we can to make it as high function as it can be. Wishful but not extreme. Respect police and respect the rights of people.)

Things become more subjective when people engage in this black and white thinking behaviors that leaves less for the rational middle. I encourage the youth to reject the partisanship of those who misuse their authority, work together to build a great nation, and draw people back to the center. We owe it to this generation and the next. This is becoming an increasingly make-it-or-break-it issue for the health of the country when distorted souls hold the rest of the nation under the water. 

With love and peace peeps stay in there. Difficult times will eventually pass and people will come back to focus on what is most important. 💓 Togetherness and kindness and tolerance.

*This article is for illustrative purposes to explore whether freedom of religion and freedom of speech are still valid and an anchor. 

Escanaba City Council Meeting (March 21, 2024): Marinas and Astronomical Society

This was an interesting meeting that ranged from saving lives to how many pickleball courts. (Trust me! We take our recreation seriously! Come and visit our park and you will see for yourself why it's so beautiful. Throw a penny in the fountain and make a wish. I heard they come true. Try for yourself.) There are some tidbits of knowledge in the meeting such as appropriate conflict management and marketing through recreation that have led to increased interest in the Marin

Escanaba Marina 
Wooded Pathway Gallery

Why go to Europe this year when you can take a much shorter and cost effective trip to Escanaba? 🤔

Notes and Scribbles: 03/21/2024 City Counsel Meeting

You may want to read the detailed agenda (This place is very transparent with information. Information is readily available to citizens.)

-Saving a Life: Good job officers!

-New Planet Walk by Delta County Astronomical Society. The only one in a nation to be of scale in the country.

-Generator. There are some projected possible rolling blackouts next year so having the ability to maintain power for first responders is important. 

-Stormwater improvements. 

-A pretty intense discussion on pickleball and courts. Recreation is helpful to the area and it looks like they need more money to accomplish some of the recreation goals.  Pickleball discussion turns heated at council meeting

-Managing surface water. Grant funded.

-Committee vacancies are declining and people are getting involved in building their community.

-Marina hires new people, Marina Fest with bands, and a Great Lakes Sailing club coming with 60 boats. This summer should be fun!

-One-way streets and historic districts discussion. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Partisan Judges Should Be Removed from the Justice System (Moral Philosophy)

Americans deserve impartial and fair treatment and when they don't it creates long-term damage to trust. Partisanship has been a disease in our society and it has impacted officials and individuals (We should expect that and in some cases that is the intent.). Partisan judges pervert the rule of law to protect their personal-political values and beliefs with little consideration for the needs of society. When they protect corruption and encourage hate, they should be removed from the bench. 

(It's a party-neutral comment and there has been growing discussion on the damage to society from partisan judges of any kind.)

Seems simple enough, doesn't it? Yet things are not so simple, are they? 

The devil is in the details and protections when judges have agendas, biases (race and religion), or extreme political leanings. Protections are few and far between. The risks can grow if we do not find mechanisms to mute partisanship and its influence on our daily lives. Consider institutional damage in Trust and Confidence in Justice and some possible reasons in The Drives of Institutional Trust and Distrust.

We should protect what we all believe in and cherish as a community, people, and nation. Creating mechanisms that limit the influence of partisanship, ideological bigotries, clannism, and poor logical-moral judgments is important for maintaining long-term trust.

No partisanship is needed in keeping our streets and citizens safe. Where they can, it is beneficial to vote out partisan and political judges to protect the institution from itself. Support each other to draw our nation's leaders back to the center of our universalized American values. It's becoming increasingly important for the young to start moving into positions of authority to ensure the ship doesn't get too far off its agreed upon course. 

Reducing partisanship in judicial elections can improve judge quality: Evidence from U.S. state supreme courts

Side Note:

I'm less concerned about which religion or book these come from but for their deeper message. We can learn from almost all major religions on universal treatment of people. A few of our judges seem to have forgot the purpose of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. How do you sell the concept of America to them? Fundamental Freedoms

"Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right."- Psalm 106:3 💁  There is a statement posted in most/all courtrooms that does not differentiate on specific religion, race, clan, background, color or politics. 

A secular moral philosophy you can consider is "If it were not for injustice, man would not know justice."- Heraclitus

*This article is for illustrative purposes only and should be used for general philosophical learning. It is party neutral. There is always room for improvement.