Monday, March 18, 2024

A Universal vs. Non-Universal Justice System

Justice is an important concept in our society and when systems are not universalized they do cause problems and break social norms and contracts of fair treatment. As a nation we need to ensure that institutions function at their highest level possible and do so within the confines of our social contracts and values systems. Trust comes from consistently doing the right thing and when that doesn't happen it creates lower trust. Responsible authorities always look toward improvement where failures are repeated.

Let us explore an example of universal versus a bias system...

First let us say that the science does indicate that some bias often exists but the extent is in debate. Politics has become more important than our central value systems as a people so we see practical matters turn into political matters that creates chaos for others. We see that in our nation now with hyper politics lacking the ability to solve important societal problems and incorrectly framing behaviors.

One study indicates no or little bias occurs. Another study says that Implicit Bias does exist. They are meant to provide two perspectives.

1.Race, class, and criminal adjudication: Is the US criminal justice system as biased as is often assumed? A meta-analytic review

An example and two outcomes. 

Hypothetical Example: A minority family was targeted through a hate narrative and that was intentionally spread widely as possible to create as much harm and destruction as they could; i.e. the hate narrative. The goal was to force this family out of the area, enrich off of them, create disparities based on their racial or religious beliefs. Perpetrators were associated with a number of officers and utilized their position to tap into a corrupted network (i.e. police gang) who shared similar distorted beliefs (Bad officers impact their profession through lower recruitment and make it much harder for good officers to do their jobs. Wise people support integrity for the entire institution.) Each time this hate clan saw the victims they stalked them, violated their rights, attempted assault them and much more with plenty of witnesses. Others came forward with similar complaints and the local system ignored them and retaliated swiftly. Hate crimes against such minorities have risen and they typically go unreported or uncorrected depending who is the target and who is the perpetrator. Much is dependent on social networks and perceptions of value. 

(This article is for illustrative purposes only and should be seen as theoretical dribble.)

The difference between a biased and universal system..... 

Biased system: No matter how bad things get, how overwhelming the evidence, how many witnesses, or how destructive the perpetrators, the local justice system exonerates and protects such behaviors. Corruption through lack of checks and balances. The use of the word immunity is common and political discussions provided protections for illegal behaviors. Local extremists networks have mocked minorities and human rights. The system failed to correct and there are no recourse because the bigger purpose has been supplanted for ulterior purposes.

1. If you were a minority (Muslim, Jew, Catholic, White, Black, etc.) and you are aware that these systems seriously violated our laws and continue to do so to others with immunity would you trust them in the future?

2. Should we expect these behaviors to continue based on patterned behaviors?

Universal System: There was a reasonable attempt to correct the problem at its root and do its best to protect the rights of others. It makes no difference the racial, religious, or legally acceptable differences in human life as the system respects the Constitution in terms of how these differences should be seen. The system corrected the wrong and trained officers on how to be effective and fair in their activities because they have a deep commitment to serving the public. 

1. If you were a minority (Muslim, Jew, Catholic, White, Black, etc.) and you were aware these behaviors occurred, and the system corrected the situation, would you trust them in the future? 

2. Should we expect these behaviors to continue based on patterned behaviors?

Its an important discussion because where systems move into third world and clan orientation they also begin to erode the social fabric. Those who protect that social fabric are the types who encourage law enforcement and public stakeholders to work together to find solutions. Those who are destructive by nature protect poor behaviors and fail to correct them when they take on characteristics that are not helpful for the nation. I always advocate for improving all systems to their highest state of development. That requires commitment to that which we all believe. 

What kind of system do you want to see? Which do you think is best for communities or the nation?

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Hypothetical Feather Party Encourages Critical Thinking During Election Season

The Hypothetical Party encourages all voting citizens of the United States to use critical thinking and wisdom when casting their vote during this year's election. There is no advocacy for or against any party. We believe that if each person takes a moment to truly vote their conscious that the nation as a whole will become stronger. Democracy seeks to collectively understand the needs of millions of individuals.

A few minutes of critical and cross evaluation can lead to greater insight, choices, and outcomes. 

Two descent articles on Critical Thinking....

What is Critical Thinking?

Predicting Everyday Critical Thinking: A Review of Critical Thinking Assessments

(We don't agree with or disagree with the research/articles but that they provide a perspective of critical thinking.)

Vote for any party or person you wish. Republican, Democrat or other! Just make sure you took a few minutes to check in with your personal beliefs and values so as not to be swept up by unexamined social perceptions. In this way, you have done your duty to democracy. You want to avoid voting strictly party line for convenience reasons if these values are not truly in alignment to your personal perspectives.

We wish everyone a happy election cycle and desire the best candidates to win. We have no loyalty to any party; not even our own.   (Technically we don't exist. See below.). 

*The Hypothetical Feather Party does not exist and is for learning purposes only. It is illustrative in nature to explore the possible benefits of a third party of independent voters who make decisions using critical thinking, long stemming democratic values, and the needs of the next generation as decision anchors. The Hypothetical Feather Party and HFP Decision Making . We are not on the ballot. :) Please don't attack a party that doesn't exit. Its silly!

Death Threats and Politics: Not the way to go!

Sending threating emails is not what people should do when they are frustrated. We have a democratic election process in place and people must use that appropriately. I would agree that the person who sent this should be investigated and if warranted brought up on charges. This is where police can do a lot of good for the community. 

I encourage people to take a chill pill and relax. No one should step outside that political process because it provides guidance passed down through the years as how to handle disagreement. Open dialogue and discussion makes the biggest difference in outcomes. We are all in this boat together.

Its likely to be a mental health issue but we will have to wait to see the outcomes. It seems childish but also in the crazy world we live in, worth investigating.

We as a nation should be getting tired of political threats. No matter who, the political perspective, or the issue. 

Firefighter Motivation: The Psychology of Firefighting

When thinking of applied psychology we may often think of business but it applies equally to public service as well. By understanding the traits that leads to certain strengths, it is important for helping future firefighter departments. The Psychology of Firefighting delves into the nature of firefighting in modern America. Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience was related to firefighter psychological skills use. 

You may donate to Michigan Fire Museum.

The Benefits of a Universal Justice System: Developing a Nation's Human Capital and Business Capacity

When we think of human capital and business capacity we often envision the hard aspects of business science and strategic management. Most of business and economic success is not in the cold hard sciences but in the soft way in which we treat each other. When we treat some different when compared to others, we are unlikely to maximize our human capital. Serious people and leaders think beyond their group to the possibilities of what could be and into supporting what we should be.

They used to call this visionary leadership and loyalty to a higher national purpose.

Two studies that are not necessarily conclusive but sort of just highlight some points.....

The study discusses how human capital has an influence on economic development. Revisiting the human capital–economic growth nexus in Africa

Another study indicates how disparity in the labor market limits economic opportunities for some people. Disparity in the Human Capital Market.

Two examples that sort of highlight the problem on a micro and on a group level:

1. The Lawyer: Lawyer was hired to investigate a tragic surgery death. He delayed the investigation to run out the clock. When questioned about it, he stated that no one cares about those people, insinuated she and everyone part of a religion was dangerous, no one cares about black people around here, and denigrated the dead and her children. Political, religious, and extremism warped that person's soul and likely reflects the values of their firm and social networks.

2. Hypothetical Targeting: Someone who worked with law enforcement wanted something and made up a hate narrative using race and religion as a dividing point among a large group of homogeneous bullies. This group went down a line of aggressive behaviors in full view of public officials. Appeared coordinated and well practiced. Others came forward with similar complaints.

These are two different types of cases. In the first case, it is the perception that one has the right to do what they want as long as its against certain minorities (White, Black, Muslim, Jewish, Asian, Hispanic, any...) and in the other case they can misuse entrusted authority for that end. Both are connected to the essential concept that the decision makers are more tied to their social, racial, and religious identities than the needs of the nation.

In both cases the hate they feel for others is transferrable. The young lawyer will likely grow up to be a person who will do anything for money and will sell out their soul to the highest bidder. The second example, corruption mixed with extremism will continue to create victims. They will continue because their environment normalized those behaviors as preferred methods of treating others.

I'm an advocate for fair treatment. I envision that as a universal democracy and broad based capitalism that judges and treats their fellow Americans based on merit and not any racial or religious difference. This value appears to be the most logical and in alignment with our trajectory of national growth and stated social contracts/artifacts.

We should work to do to ensure that the fundamentals of human capital are present and supported. Without treating every American fairly and with universal respect we won't be able to maximize that human capital. People learn from the unwritten codes and values more than they do from the written ones. This is why I believe in the wisdom that comes from generations of philosophers and religious leaders that states hate is a dark disease in any society and robs us from our true potential as a nation and as a people. Broadly speaking.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index Rise: Economy Growing Still (Transactional Platform Theory Development)

Will inflation still nip at our paychecks like little pariah's snapping the kernels of savings right from our fingertips? Snip snip be careful because these little inflationary nibbles do make everything else a little more expensive.  However, in general inflation is coming down and that is a good thing. It could be a sign of a new homeostasis as an economic benchmarks that balances between inflation and growth. That will depend on what happens in the next few quarters (Sounds good anyway. Maybe not? 🤷.) 

(The ultimate goal might be to increase the economy by expanding various sectors that minimize inflationary pressure at the root. This is why I think supply chain, human capital, resource allocation, innovation/science, expanding new markets/product lines, and stronger institutional focus can lead to growing economies in a more unified manageable level. Its a thought anyway. It encompasses much more than one might initially think. Perpetual Sustainable Economy )

The following was taken from the BEA Consumer Price Index for Feb, 2024:

"The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.3 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment. 


The index for shelter rose in February, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over sixty percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 2.3 percent over the month, as all of its component indexes increased. The food index was unchanged in February, as was the food at home index. The food away from home index rose 0.1 percent over the month." (BEA, March 12, 2024, para 1, 2)

Two articles are provided. This one because the author was one of the first to post on the topic. NBC Consumer Prices Climb (Must be a digital nomad.). The other puts the inflation reading into its broader perspective which is not as bad as a falling sky perception.   Inflation since 1872  

You can also read a White House press release and how they break down core inflation into core goods, core services excluding housing, and housing in February 2024 CPI Report. They provide a solid explanation and you will want to read it to understand how such events are evaluated and perhaps some of the next steps that might be eventually taken. 

You may also ponder the Producer Price Index Summary. This metric lets us know that inflation might still have significant lift in the near term. 

"The Producer Price Index for final demand rose 0.6 percent in February, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices increased 0.3 percent in January and edged down 0.1 percent in December 2023. (See table A.) On an unadjusted basis, the final demand index advanced 1.6 percent for the 12 months ended in February, the largest rise since moving up 1.8 percent for the 12 months ended September 2023." (US. Bureau Labor, March 13, 24, para 1).

Initially I was thinking when the labor numbers came out that it might be time for a rate cut but this inflation information would counter some of that thought on timing. It looks like we are trying to glide the economy into a soft landing but keep experiencing economic lifts.

Discussion on theory....

It appears that the economy is still growing. From my research interests, it is modeled COVID forced the U.S. to go more online and that, along with infrastructure improvements, could lead to a higher Digital Era platform for a large country like the U.S.. COVID happened after the initial theory but it seemed to do well explaining quick fundamental market transactions. Thus, it was projected during COVID that in '23/'24 we will begin to see a higher economic platform start to emerge. If inflation declines but growth stays high, we may have meet a threshold for a new economic platform (I'm not sure if there are actual metrics for platform changes. In the past they may have took decades but this era a matter of 5 years to an initial start. Think of how fundamental things have changed in the past 5 years ranging from infrastructure to AI.) A type of digital era renaissance where new technology and socio-cultural shifts that create greater focus on innovation, human capital, and advanced manufacturing. With theory development one should accept that there is a null. A null is equally important. 

Veterans Center in Escanaba

Veterans are an important part of society and we owe them much. Two videos I found interesting about Escanaba as they relate to our care for veterans. You can find these discussions going on at the County level and within the community. Thank you for your service.

You may learn more at the Escanaba Vet Center.

Furthermore, there is a VA Research & Development