Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Will the Hypothetical Feather Party Emerge During 2028 Elections?

The need for a third party is increasing and the benefits to national decision-making might be profound for the long-term health of the nation. Considering partisan deadlock on a significant percentage of important national decisions, the Hypothetical Feather Party may help tip votes in the long-term interest of the nation and the next generation based on long deeply rooted national values supported by evidence-based decision-making.  

(*The Hypothetical Feather Party (HFP) is non-existent and used for learning purposes to explore the idea of a stronger third party based on a loose collection of independent thinkers and politicians. You may learn more about the Hypothetical Feather Party HERE. HFP doesn't exist so please don't attack it. ðŸ˜•)

However, while HFP doesn't exist it will discuss perspectives on different issues as they arise. It seeks to use a forest-for-tree approach that helps guide longer-term outcomes that benefit the nation and its rooted values. It can do that through supporting broad-based capitalism and a universal democracy. (It is for discussion on such important topics such as the budget.)

The Presidential Elections 2024

Two articles sort of highlight some problems we may face as a nation. Because this is a hypothetical discussion the idea is to be neutral on both parties' perspectives because the perceptional anchor is different. That does not necessarily extend to being neutral on ideas. Thus, the two articles below are not meant to be political but a broader understanding of decision-making and hype politics that limit that decision-making ability.

Less Productive Congress

Tone Down Political Rhetoric

The art of politics is about influence. The questions of motivations and ultimate outcomes are often amebic but likely rooted deeply in human instincts of self-preservation which not only influences partisan filters on how they process information but also their susceptibility to misleading information. Depolarizing American voters: Democrats and Republicans are equally susceptible to false attitude feedback

While unscientific, but still fairly accurate, we do know that we need critical thinking to get through these thorny issues when there are choices that must be made under imperfect conditions with imperfect information and under time constraints. The success and failure of any organization is based on decision-making ability and that will require critical thinking by both parties. What is Critical Thinking?

What would it take to influence and tip votes to protect the essentials of democracy and the nation's health through decision-making? That will require more research but one might start with a thumb in wind 10-15% of the political class and a broader 30%+ of society. Thus, strategically it would make sense for the HFP to focus on the values of the next generation as their voting demographic is likely to grow and are at this point in history the inheritors of the current political choices. 

Attracting youth happens through resonating with their own self-interest and youthful cognitive capacity/flexibility to understand that evidence-based strategic thinking designed around the values and needs of the next generation will create the greatest mid and long-tail positive outcomes. It provides youth with a party they can support that in turn worries more about their needs and the nation's needs beyond any other consideration or varying goals; parties included (HFP encourages people to join those parties they feel truly resonate with their beliefs after careful insight and self-reflection to encourage political fluidity.).

*Hypothetic Feather Party does not exist and is used for learning and discussion purposes. Feel free to click off and enjoy your day.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

To ESG or Not ESG? Mixed Research Results and Neural Coding Preferences

There is some level of mixed research results on the stock advantages of companies that invest in ESG. Bloomberg put together a solid article 'Academics Question ESG Studies That Helped Fuel Investing Boom' that indicates research may not support the stock return value of ESG. 

One of the researchers Andrew King stated, "Despite exhaustive analysis, we found no reliable link between corporate sustainability and future stock return.” (King, 2022, para 2).

Is that the final answer on ESG? Not really because there may be others who have a different view.

First, let us define ESG. What is ESG?

Some have argued something different and provided a meta-analysis around the same time period that would indicate an opposite effect on ESG and Financial Performance. There is a neutral to positive advantage to companies that engage in ESG.

Let me say that when there are mixed results one cannot conclusively say with absolute certainty whether supporting ESG makes a big difference in firm performance or not. What we can say is that by the limitations-delimitations of the studies they may in some cases and may not in other cases (Assuming that both studies are valid.)

This is where researching the fine details of each study can help and under what conditions ESG is or is not helpful. That still would not give you a final result. However, as more research comes out what we often find is that the conditions and parameters are defined through the body of knowledge. 

Change a metric and you may find something different. A breadth of related research studies around similar topics will provide a greater perspective. That takes time and scientists. Our nation needs more scientists!

This is where you have to answer the questions for yourself

1. Does ESG have profit, moral, social, or environmental goals?

2. Should government legislate or not legislate these issues?

Where things are grey they are defined more by our personal values and our outlook on government and life. Hard Decisions Shape the Neural Coding of Preferences

Sunday, March 10, 2024

What Does Freedom Mean? Define your life blueprint

Freedom means a lot of different things to different people. To me, freedom was earned from the sacrifices of society. While we may have forgotten, we lost a lot for that freedom (I have met so many vets and regular people who have given up much for that freedom.).

Many people have come before who stood for freedom, got knocked down, got up, got knocked down again, got up each time to smile defiantly at those who mock that freedom. They may even have done that many times throughout their life (Maybe missing a tooth or two but they were still there.👆).

As you move through your life and navigate changes in the weather, remember we all part of the crew that keeps this vessel seaworthy from generation to generation. Back to our beginning as a  nation, and before, each generation had its own challenges, we had ours and you have and will have your own.

We are free because we still believe in that freedom and the obligations we have to each other.  Be kind, considerate, and care about each other. In other words, be the best person you can and bear the fruit of the best that freedom can offer.

Your job is to be the best crewman/woman you can and max out your skills and life ability for a more noble purpose beyond oneself (You have to write your life blueprint. How can you contribute to your community and our society? Volunteering, getting involved, learning a new skill, going to school, hitting to the gym, be the best you can be, investing in our nation, starting a business, starting a charity, self improvement, being inclusive, whatever that blueprint is, you have to go find it. Each of us have a role and purpose in this life. The first stage of your life is to go find it and learn the skills that help you succeed once you do find it. The second stage is to maximize its utility and the third stage is to give it back for the next generation. When you get to the third stage, give back to ensure the compass always points north. Teach the young the wisdom you have learned. Intelligent Adaptivity of Wisdom)

The video gives you somewhat of a philosophical perspective on liberty which takes into account collective obligation driven freedom. 

Escanaba City Council Meeting (March 07, 2024): Water, Zoning, Trees and Helping an Autistic Child

The most important topics that came out of this meeting wasn't the water expenditures, or the clearing of trees, but the willingness of government to give individual consideration to local citizens. 

It is often the little human-to-human exchanges that make up a nation and many times seem removed from big government decision making. Here in Escanaba, people care about each other and they seek to help where they can. 

Those differences include working with stakeholders to sell a business through taking the individual time to research zoning or putting up special signs for an autistic child. 💓 What is Autism?

This individual consideration, along with geography and skill of local human capital, is one of the primary reasons why companies should invest in the area. It benefits the companies and the people. 

Can you imaging the long term benefits of government and people working together? How Does Good Governance Relate to Quality of Life?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Batman and Public Choice Theory: A culture of corruption.

If you know me I'm very much against corruption and believe we should encourage a higher value system. I believe that when we act ethically in the best interest of society we will all collectively gain. When we break the laws or circumvent them for ideological, social, racial, religious or financial gain we are working against the grain of the common good and stated oaths and values. We all have a responsibility in doing the right thing and those that don't are not on the same team as the rest of society. 

Report corruption a do so widely when it occurs.

Photo Marquette Coast 24

 Just in case your interested in Art. Took this one a few weeks ago. 

You can purchase this piece and others Marquette Coast '24
The Wooded Pathway Gallery

Training Stipend for Firefighters Amid Recruiting Difficulties

It takes a lot of effort to be a firefighter. There is training and regular commitment to the department. While I have seen some great departments in the U.P. that have lots of interest that is not the case in other places. The cost of training is high and call volumes are rising amid other department declining budgets. This $500 to $1000 stipend might be helpful to Michigan if departments are struggling to recruit.