Friday, January 19, 2024

Ghost Town USA? Half of US cities will be deserted by 2100 [Energy and Cost of Infrastructure Maintenance]

One thing I have been encouraging in my research is localized energy independence that is still connected and both a supporter and recipient of support by a larger regional system. In places like Escanaba, there is a discussion on whether or not solar panel farms should be allowed [Home based smaller systems and smaller farms have not yet been explored.] . To me, the discussion is not truly a political one but a practical one on cost, the health of the rest of the grid, risk of dangerous electric outages/blackouts, etc. 

Places like Escanaba have a chance to become capable of electric and water independence while attracting people that may want to invest in smaller rural towns less prone to the harsh effects of climate change [One can certainly reject that option in lieu of other well thought out options. The key is well thought out and not political.]

The other question that arises is that when populations decline it means that there are less monies to pay for such infrastructure which could mean more problems in maintenance and outages. Is it possible for smaller towns to insulate themselves from those infrastructure issues?

[Kind of as a side note. I talked to a friend the other day and because of the growing climate issues and shutting off of electricity in some places during cold weather it may be wise to have a week's worth of energy on reserve for heat, cooking, showering, etc. A generator, back up kerosene/propane heaters, more wood for the fireplace on hand, so on and so forth. In the U.P. it gets freezing!  I was going to look on FB and have some logs delivered for the firepit and fireplace. I do this as a matter of course for pleasure, but should have some extra on hand for emergencies.]

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Production at U.S. Companies Rises .1% in December 2023

Production at U.S. Companies rose slightly at .1% which is a small positive sign considering for the year the U.S. was down and not at a high production capacity. Its small improvement but also a sign we need to do much more to improve our manufacturing base and sell those products at a price consumers will prefer them. While we do well in many high tech industries we need to do better on those products that have wide global appeal and can be improved through human capital development that is        matched with emerging technologies. 

[Products needed by most people and market leading root products are the two places that come to mind when I think of focus. There may also be opportunities to develop new industries as the environment becomes much more digitized. I have a theory on how to enhance, combine, and innovate cluster participating industries. With luck develop whole new industries based on scientific breakthroughs that comes through putting the right elements in the right place within a cluster. Innovation comes from things like market need/incentive, research/info, resources, and environment. There is more but you get the point.]. 

Let us see what happens this year because there are some infrastructure changes that might influence things......

You may want to read an analysis in Business Standard U.S. Production Edges Up 

Overview of the Federal Reserve Report Industrial Manufacturing Federal Reserve up .1% 

"Industrial production moved up 0.1 percent in December and declined 3.1 percent at an annual rate in the fourth quarter. Manufacturing output edged up 0.1 percent in December after increasing 0.2 percent in November. The index for utilities declined 1.0 percent in December, while the index for mining rose 0.9 percent. At 102.5 percent of its 2017 average, total industrial production in December was 1 percent above its year-earlier level. Capacity utilization was unchanged in December at 78.6 percent, a rate that is 1.1 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2022) average."

A few things to think about....

What do you think about the small manufacturing bump? A long term sign of growth or just a small blip? What is a trend [How many months?]? If localized in the auto industry or other industries could that give a hint to what might come next? Any underlining trends that might cause this? What is an environmental scan? 

Consider Reuters Eeks Out Small Gain

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting (1/2/2024)

Interesting to watch local government at this level because this is where we sort of think about best practices. There are changes and adjustments and that is pretty normal. Nothing stands still for very long. Likewise, some lingering concerns out there so we can watch and see where that leads. There also appears to be an improved orientation toward longer term goals and some of the opportunities that are presenting themselves. The electric grid issue is likely going to be a topic going forward.

[Basically, the town is isolated and should by general preparedness have some locally produced electricity. Things go down in a blackout and this town stays powered. Ideally! In today's world the name of the game is renewable so that is going to be the socio-cultural issue going forward. Where, how much, cost,  benefit, debate, etc., etc., etc.,]

[Its cold out there...stay warm and safe. One of my friends said it was like -15 degrees this morning. Today is should be at 5 degrees so people are probably preparing to go to the beach. :) ]

Largest World GDP [U.S. Competitive Position]

The U.S. is a position where great things can start to happen as the fundamentals of innovation and competitive performance come to head at time when infrastructure investments, business adjustments and the animal spirits of sentiment put more eyes on how to ensure we maintain the strength and health of our democracy going forward. Forget the politics for a minute [It can be hard but with the spirit of hugs, sharing and caring we can just for a moment pretend. 🤗💓☮], think strategically about what it would take to use this time and place in history to build in a bi-partisan way? A true focus on well thought out and strategically forward solutions [Here is some research on Team Effectiveness.]

I saw this GDP interactive and thought it was interesting. It highlights how GDP growth can change. Wise managers never get complacent as it is the journey of improvement that leads to results. 

Point Loma Farmer's Market

 I went down to Point Loma Farmer's market. Lots of great stuff and they have it every week. Bought myself some fresh veggies because I'm on a health kick for a different kind of project. Research on LA Farmers Market

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Four Signs a System is Overcoming Corruption

There are 4 signs that a system is changing it processes to protect against corruption and its sister cousin extremism.  I have been using a hypothetical example of a minority family [pick a minority or out-group member ] being targeted by an embedded corrupted/extremist leaning group with few local backstops. Within the fictitious example, presents a moral quandary where the stakeholders of the system must choose between the free future and the segregationist past [and the distortion that breeds corruption and extremism]. Two paths are presented but only one can be followed. 

[Serving the will of the people and the purpose of institutions isn't always about getting people in trouble. That is often the biggest concern beyond self-gain those who support poor systems are worried about. It is about ensuring these institutions are not derailed from their purpose and hold back the development of all society to appease a few. All systems must change or begin to decline on trust, functionality, and outputs. That is all systems in any genre as adaptable from generation to generation or rigid. A poem on benefits of adaptability. I'm not that great at poetry but I try.]

Here are 4 signs system is overcoming corruption. 

1. Recognizing Past Mistakes/History: A history of corruption and complaints could be an indication that prior issues were either not collected properly, not reviewed, or not seen. A change in process and oversite is often needed to make the unseen more seen. Adjusting systems will change to better fulfill their purpose and limiting risks from poor behaviors.

2. Lack of Objective Review/Perception: When similar stakeholders are reviewing and come to conclusions in ways that confirm existing bigotries without understanding the alternatives, we have a type of self-confirming bias that continues to play on repeat. Lack of cognitive and cultural diversity can make systems blind to itself. The risks are compounded for smaller localities where intimate social relationships determine most affairs.

3. Correcting Corruption and/or Extremism Outcomes: When issues of corruption and/or violation of basic civil liberties/human rights occur there must be a correction to show these values are still central to system decision making. Sometimes smaller issues need smaller corrections while larger embedded issues need larger corrections. This is where wisdom in management, or lack thereof, can be found.

4. Tackling Problems Earlier: Corruption and its sister extremism doesn't breed well in places that are seeking to finding meaningful solutions to problems. When people work together those seeking to exploit don't have much wiggle room because actions are judged against shared goals. Corruption, and its sister extremism, are impractical and thus practical systems do their best to remove such issues when they arise to prevent further incidents.

Don't expect these derailed systems to change quickly. Some will recognize their folly and some will need outside intervention. The same immoral justifications that cause a problem often protect that same problem. People who believe in basic moral goodness and the value of freedom and democracy sometimes have their concerns muted. It is an orientation toward the greater good and central social contracts, versus ideological-ethnocentric preferences, that must make its way through complex players. The proof in the pudding is the outcome of that system. Most of the time it seems reasonably good and in some cases reasonably not so good. 🤷

*Thought experiment purposes only.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Personality of Photographers [Ocean Beach] Activity Outlets

According to research, photographers scored high on openness and social responsibility [You can learn about Holland Codes Here and how they are used in helping select careers based on personality. You can actually take a Holland Code Quiz Here.].  Anyway, here is the research on photographers [even bad ones 😊 Its a hobby! Don't blame me!] ....Personality of Photographers Research 

Life is short so make sure you find a balance to fulfill all of your needs as a person that ranges from business to art. Consider finding outlets for the other side of your life. There is some indication that putting your work and personal activities in balance can lead to enhancing both. It steps a touch past work-life balance and into thoughtful activity that contributes to other skills.

Ocean Beach 2024 Photo in The Wooded Pathway Gallery