Friday, December 29, 2023

Test Your Dark Factor: Business and Life

Interestingly, I was browsing the news and came across a study on the Dark Factor in personality. This isn't pop psychology. The Dark factors are those personalities that are agenda driving and self oriented. Such individuals act more or less consistently in their own self benefit and do not take into account the needs of others as much as they should. Many people might use the term toxic but I believe Dark Factor traits move beyond that into a disorder that keeps reverting back to a basic unmet need (psychology theory).  Sometimes we meet such individuals in life, organizations, or while engaging in business.

Dark Factor Test

If you ever disagreed with someone high on dark triad traits you will find they are often shortsighted, self seeking and highly manipulative. I'm sure most of us have bumped into a person or two in our lives that we think to ourselves, "There must be something going on because that was just mean spirited!." You can see the percentages of people who scored at different spectrum levels.

Where did I land? Well 80% of people are meaner then me, which means I'm low on the Dark Factors. I do not enjoy being mean spirited to others and seek to create as many win-win situations with people as I can. We don't have to be perfect, we just need to be descent human beings to each other. Don't jump to a quick judgement and take a minute to think. 

That doesn't mean I haven't met people with dark factors and when I recognize it I generally keep my distance. Such individuals create havoc in the workplace and seem to create a drag on the positive ethics and values of a place. Eventually, they become so toxic and costly that they are removed. Unfortunately, they often leave a mark that reverberates throughout the organization for a long time.

If you are hiring employees and/or managing a team how might someone with Dark Factor Tests impact team cohesion? Are some personalities rewarded in business more than others? How might different fields attract people at various D levels?

*I have no affiliation with the researchers and have no endorsements of anything. If you want to take the test, great! If not, great! The video and the research were not taken from the same place but adds conceptually. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

How Environments Can Restrict Maximizing Human Capital (Learning from Gifted Performers)

Organizations and nations thrive when they are able to develop their human capital and put that capital to good work. Without that human capital the benefits of the information pipeline slows and industries fall behind in products and revenue. Worse, beyond the loss of money, is a decline of standards of living [not just the economic side]. Because innovation leads to economic expansion and that expansion requires a strong supply of human capital, we might consider looking to maximize environments to further development through understanding the gifted and talented performers [Those that realize high performance and displays of genius.].

 [Thinking of human capital as a root micro transactional factor that creates synergy with other factors such as technology and infrastructure.]

Often studies and conversation about human capital is lost in the large stats of economic analysis . Focusing on small groups of high performance individuals and how they relate to their environment creates an additional lens to see human capital development. Gifted and talented as seen as having potential for exceptional performance but needing the a receptive environment to maximize performance skills. Using the micro and macro lens can narrow some gaps in the literature and improve policies [Whatever those policies may be. i.e. moving beyond the hemlock poison approach common in history.]

[Keep in mind that economics is the lens but what it does measure is macro human behaviors based on imperfect measures. Things outside of those bell curves are lost in the variance of statistics but could be fundamental to solving a bigger problem.]

You can read something on how people at the top and bottom of the bell curve understand their environments differently and react to those environments in  Neurocomputational Model and a piece on Problem Solving Abilities. Research supports the idea that gifted people are more sensitive to problems, often care about them more, and can detect the subproblems that create the issue. Thus, they become sponges for their environments through their deeper neural processes. 

Ok great! So what? I use sponges to clean my sink. Well......

Failure to develop these abilities means we don't have the top talent in the industries at a time when we need them. We may also run into situations where new inventions or ways of doing things don't come forward because limitations of the environment that have an exponential impact on new successful initiatives and top talent retainment. If organizations, entities, or others inadvertently [Hopefully not intentionally] limit maximum performance by poor strategic approaches or inability to accept new ideas then that organization will eventually decline and die.  

Let us take hate for example. Gifted people know that hate is immoral and a broken ideology based on highly superficial and ulterior motives that have little to nothing to do with fact or accuracy. A gifted person knows this intuitively and comes to understand what factors cause these poor environments to persist [...and thus lack of performance in academic, social, sports and other arenas of life.]. They may also know how certain norms institutional bias limit human capital development in a way that limits the potential of different demographics.

 [Actually, not even in their benefit in the long run. Shortsightedness damages decision making accuracy and impact. People in authority should not be short sighted least they impact many as well as themselves with such poor decisions.]

A gifted person may feel a moral leaning toward ensuring people and institutions follow the highest moral conscious and treat all people as valued members of society. They do this not only for the ethics of things but also because it creates integrity and higher national-societal performance in the long run. However, short sighted policies, poor values, and self-interest would scoff and discard such ideas because it doesn't reconfirm their narrow sense of understanding [They know that the inconvenience of poor choices in the long run is more important than the inconvenience of solving problem at their root.]

 [In other words, the ignorant can't see what is in front of them but are often adamant they have all the answers. They are also the type who often misuse their authority to ensure their ideology, as based in their benefit, is the the primary narrative. Thus, wiser people should take leading positions and more underdeveloped people should avoid positions of influence. Being open to different possibilities and outcomes avoids the Dunning–Kruger effect.]

If we want to develop high performing talent and create environments where innovation and economic performance is maximized then it would seem that the most cost effective way of coordination is in how we treat each other and shared societal expectations. As studies have shown, higher performing gifted people function best in environments that allow for that high performance to come forward. Thus, developing human capital is beyond education or training singularly and reaches into how we view and value each other on a universal shared level [Its almost simplistically stupid]. We develop people and our society by valuing people and drawing the best out of them without regard to the superficialities of difference [racial, religious, cognitive, etc...any different misused to divide.].

The following quote is an interesting one and seems a little harsh. However, the essential point may still be true. We sometimes need to hedge the different thoughts, ideas, people, and ways of looking at things in order to solve complex organizational problems. Even if such ideas are discarded in the end based on practicality or strategic necessity, one still gains from such diverse exploration new tools for the tool box. Wise people never reject alternative perspectives unless they have at least looked at it with an open an discerning eye. Only then they can say "most likely". 💁 just saying. :)

 “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Geese Pond: Using Blank Spaces for Innovative Insight

Great little view of a geese pond. These guys and gals look like they are regularly fed crackers and stale bread. Most people come up with great ideas when they step back and quit the scenery. Busy lives and busy brains sometimes skip over the most simplest of solutions to complex business and perhaps life problems. Work hard and then use inspiring blank spaces [double with exercise if you want] 

Executives learn from many years of overcoming business challenge after business challenge. It is similar process as gaining life knowledge. Some are wiser when they are older and some not so much based on their own developmental capacities. Some can see things others can't simply because they have the capacity to reflect.

As a wiser person you can only guide people but it is up to them to listen. Your simple role is to further insight to help younger people become more knowledgeable and aware so as to successfully fulfill their paths in life. In some ways it helps all of society to share knowledge and develop the young to their full abilities [Its central to our species.].  

Consider putting in a few 15 minute quick walks or a longer lunch walk to slow it down and let your brain generate new ideas.

I put this in my gallery. Feel free to check it out in the The Wooded Pathway

Picture: The Geese Pond

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tech Talent Hub In the U.S. and Canada

 Lots of great information with this tech talent hub map. I have been working on some economic stuff as it relates to small towns and rejuvenation through smart cities/towns that draw specific talent. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

U.S. Steel Generates Controversy

The sale of US Steel creates some confusion as an American central industry icon is being sold to foreign investors. Economically it makes sense to keep the industry in the U.S. and if there is something that is making it less competitive then new ideas, management, technology, and leadership influence can work on creating a fix for those issues. This is an industry where we have to retain knowledge, talent, capacity to feed other growing industries and general societal economic health.

From a funding perspective one might wonder if there are options to crowdsource buying options for Americans through offering investment pieces/stocks of the whole so different people can invest in a piece of history of a solid company. [It would be an interesting idea but may not have much merit. The company might willingly seek revamping its investment structure to offer more opportunities for Americans to invest in its future. That may end up being a lucrative approach under the right circumstances; or not.]. 

Furthermore, this industry is fundamental to many different aspects of our society and as manufacturing returns we may need that steel. The markets are changing and if we are going to grow in advanced manufacturing we don't want to sell out our most basic root suppliers [Root capacities]

It will be interesting to see what everyone else thinks. America is on a general economic upswing at this time. Let's further and buy into it. Industry can support and revamp each other from a macro perspective. Industry feed each other when properly aligned to the market and anchored in domestic networks [How wealth is created and retained in an economy. Wealth generation must come from domestic development network creation to maximize economic impact. i.e. the transactional micro connections between industries that influence sources of information, resource allocation/movement and products/outputs; or not. On could eventual create a formula for it if they took the time to study other similar formulas. As they connect, they create on strong infrastructure. As you draw in human capital you magnify those transactions and their alignment solving market problems; or not. In theory anyways but might equally be useless.]

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Biggest Ideas in Philosophy

This is a fabulous video on the philosophies of life. We put too much into our possessions, reputations, money, and much more. Many live their entire lives and make decisions based simply on self interest. I believe its important to contribute to society in positive ways. Become knowledgeable, learn, and share that knowledge so as to encourage stronger society.  I was listening to this and thought it was very interesting. Having a connection to deeper meaning in live can go a long way.


Exercise Reduces Illness: Rowing Through Life!

Good health fostered through exercise limits the severity of illness and minimizes chronic disease. We sort of knew this for a long time that there is a relationship between moderate exercise that leads to improved health. There is also research that moderate exercise also increases mental health outlook. You can read a study on exercise and improved health and body defense systems. HERE.

This morning I went down and rowed. I'm on a Master's training team which doesn't really mean masters but if I wanted to compete I could and hope to do it. When I started I was in the high numbers per my 500m but that number has improved substantially with adjusts in body mechanics. ERG training is about practicing form while improving general health. 

When that snooze button goes off it is so easy to skip and I have done it a few times. These are 1 hour sessions and people are up early to get it done. Its impressive to watch. Good people enjoying life. If your not involved in sports, clubs, or community activities it really can improve the enjoyment of our time. Do what makes you happy.

Being connected and gaining wisdom are really the only two joys of life. The rest is just life dressing that enhances and distracts us from the essentials. However, as a good piece of advice, as you go through your life eat well, laugh a lot, and engage in a healthy lifestyle! See ya on the water! Keep rowing through life!