Friday, November 17, 2023

Will 2024 Be Another High Performing Year for the US? Goldman Sachs Projection Says "Yes"

Goldman Sachs dug deep into the data while conducting business intelligence research in order to bring forth projections predicting the state of US and world economy in 2024. Sifting through a bowl of economic spaghetti, analysts found a few tasty meatballs 🍝 of patterned data they could review for the seasoning of reason (Sorry, trying to improve my writing to make it more interesting. ✍😐 You shouldn't also worry too much as it was gluten free data spaghetti. 👌 😌 Also, you may read about spaghetti plots and spaghetti data.) One may gain additional knowledge from and insight into their projections by perusing Outlook Better than Expected and Macro Outlook 2024: The Hard Part Is Over

Influential factors that impact the projection ranged from geopolitical issues to receding inflationary pressures. In analysis like this, the projections come from reviewing and understand the data from different factors and angles as measured by metrics of manufacturing all the way over to geopolitical conflicts and issues. You can read a news article that brings forward some insights in Investor Place 2024 (Its going to take you a minute to read it so go make a cup of coffee).

People look into the crystal ball of the market because they seek to understand the environmental/economic changes that will impact their strategic options. Knowing what to do and when to do it is worth a lot of money to people who rely on business intelligence. Investors and businesses want to feel confident as to where they can reallocate resources to maximize investment outcomes. That level of strategic decision making requires sophisticated predictive analysis. Forecasts are a type of advance notice system.

(Morgan Stanley indicated that it expects the S&P500 to increase in 2024 Reuters: Morgan Stanely 2024 Projection which would fall in line with Goldman Sachs on at least some levels. I did not yet take a look at the similarities and differences.)

Notes and (Thoughts) from the Report:

-Increasing economic growth

-Reduced inflation

-Global unemployment is down to below pre-Pandemic levels.

-US probability of recession is lowered to 15%.

-GDP in US is expected to slow to above 2% while Europe and UK are likely to accelerate. Consider that financial policy drag will be lower in 2024.

-Movement of industry toward service. Manufacturing long term levels return.

-Recession may not be necessary to bring inflation down (Keep this in mind because it could be related to economic market homeostasis. Would this be new or old homeostasis will depend on historical and emerging economic data. One has to first develop a type of trend and that takes time to establish. The market had initial chaos during the Pandemic but seems to have narrowed its wide swings to a more normal range of variance. Where countries settle into that new "Normal" indicates long term position and prospects. The U.S. may be a unique case if manufacturing, innovation and human capital lead to broad based growth that raises long term GDP -physical and digital.)

-Developed countries unlikely to cut interest rates until the 2nd half of 2024.

-Supply demand labor to be more in balance (Where we should maximize technology and human capital)

-Adaptation of AI and the economic benefits that come from that (We might call this widespread movement into the Information Age/Digital Era that was launched officially by the Pandemic and large swings in virtual work. 10+ years before its time.)

-Notice world growth is seen as 2023 2.7%, 2024 2.6% and 2025 2.7%. The U.S. is 2023 2.4%, 2024 2.1% and 2025. That means the projection includes a dip each year while world growth is relatively unchanged. (While I didn't see it specifically it could have to do with lower government intervention and thus market distortion. 2025 is a long way off but that is one possible influence so we should expect some market normalization.)This opens a question of why this dip exists? Let us see...

a.) When looking through the Macro Outlook 2024 one can see positive trends based what the analyst is discussing in the 'There's Just No Need for a Recession' around pg. 10 and the four reasons for optimism. Having a lower projection is interesting and might be based on additional background metrics, dashboards, and algorithms used to make such assessments. This is likely what creates much of the value for forecasts and those that can do them.

b.)There are some risks of the unknown as listed in the 'Elevated Uncertainty' section on pg. 18. Data volatility and higher then normal long term risks mentioned. They move on to further discuss inflation rate, manufacturing, and geopolitical issues that create levels of risk. Investment returns on bonds and such should be lucrative.

-The report discusses that we may be in a more "normal" and stable market. (Is this a new homeostasis and is it different when compared to the last era and/or few decades? Likely too short to tell in the long run but could indicate increased stability. Other factors could be impacting the pace in which the market is normalized.)

-Higher return on non-cash assets.

-Eventually we come to the section "Surviving Higher Rates" and find that higher than standard interest rates may impact the U.S. economy. They also mention that small business financing can be impacted because of cost of borrowing (A balanced system needs lots of new businesses of each type growing, changing, dissolving, building, splitting, etc. to create higher levels of GDP growth through innovation and wealth recycling that leads to more social mobility.).

-The case for U.S. growth outperformance was strong.

Side note: I'm doing some economic research from a theory I half invented but likely borrowed parts some from other people (innovation and research is additive) as it relates to Transactional Innovative Cluster Theory. The theory is based on trying to understand the subfactors that lead to macro outcomes in a industry-industry, industry-society/organic or industry-government investments that lead to higher levels of innovation and economic growth. What I was interested in seeing is if COVID pushed the U.S. into a Digital Era (like the Industrial Revolution) where such micro transactions increase in a way that improves advanced innovative economic outputs. In this particular case, whether post COVID US economy will have a new equilibrium that is on a higher growth state for mature economies through innovation and adaptation (i.e. advanced manufacturing and knowledge creation. A type of renaissance in science and technology that leads to wider butterfly implications.)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Few Good Homespun Bargains at Presentation Academy's Shop & Sip

Finding a few hours of free time, missing a show I had hoped to attend, I went down to an event in holiday shopping spirit. I also have a tiny side business that I donate from so I like to attend these things when they occur. It wasn't what I expected but I still bought some home craft pieces and learned a little about different educational pathways in Louisville. 

The info.....

Presentation Academy held a fund raiser shop & sip event to support the all girls education. Interestingly, the school started in 1893. I don't know much about the school but I did buy some heat pads for my kitchen. 

Thoughts on Private and Boarding Schools: I like private schools and wish we had more. I think that they are declining because of expenses and the environment isn't conducive to private independent schools. Liabilities are high and expenses are astronomical. The smaller and more intimate educational communities are often helpful in education and social learning but may not be able to afford it. 

To reverse this decline I think we should find ways to make sure there is variability in education and as long as certain standards are met, we seek to improve the public-private-boarding-religious school balance in society. 

Cognitive variability is important for innovation and so is in many ways educational variability that leads to that cognitive variability. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Delta County Commissioners Meeting (11/07/23): A Few Questions on How to Improve Business and Government Prospects?

These meetings are becoming more interesting as time goes on and with each session (Almost as exciting as Days of Our Lives). The community interest doesn't come from the disagreement alone but also from the hope and desire of engaged residents to make a positive impact on their community. Many good things mixed with some concerning things all happening at the same time so one is likely to find a little for everyone. Progress is still being made but it could be faster so as to maximize opportunities at a time when Escanaba and Gladstone have received interest.

There are issues that need to be settled out and concerns residents have brought forward. Not neglecting those issues, let use consider some general things that can be done to improve outcomes.

1.) How can the county draw in new revenue and businesses? Think of the many ways in which they can create a pro social and a pro business environment. 

2.) How can Escanaba, Gladstone, and Delta County work together to attract new investors and entrepreneurs to the area? i.e. create a plan, update website, work with marketing company, put together grant packages together, understand which businesses are likely to succeed (i.e. tourist related and custom exporters), work with the banks for small business finance packages, etc., etc. lots of things but they are all doable. 

3.) How might one improve local institutions to make them pro growth and pro community oriented (Not saying they are or they are not but that they can be improved and when we can do that research shows it has an impact on entrepreneurial activity and business where unique personalities are needed and institutions that handle cognitive differences well.)

4. ) Are there places where we can make adjustments that improve transparency and improve a shared vision?

Public Letter on Legal Council

Friday, November 10, 2023

Poem on Salty Dogs: Old Boats and Old Dogs

Poem on Salty Dogs

Salty dog wag,
The sea waves.
The salty dog stands tall,
the sea covers ankles.
Salty dog sits,
the sea ripples.

I took this picture last week. Yes it is kind of a dumb poem but the point is that its an expression. The boat was beat up but was seaworthy in a way that would be a risk unless one was a salty dog and spent much of his/her life on a boat. I saw the captain get off the boat and head up the walkway. He had a beard, skinny, and a bike. You can tell he is used to traveling and carries with him knowledge. In his 60's. Nice guy but likes his time at the sea from what I can tell. 


Happy Veteran's Day - Honoring All Who Served (Keeping the Torch Bright)

There are a few professions I have a great amount of respect for and the military is one of them. They are givers who have devoted themselves to a greater cause. There are other professions that live by honor codes and support their people and nation as well, but today is Veterans Day. If you want to make a difference and support the defense of our nation and many other good causes consider joining. If its not for you then consider other ways to contribute including being nice to our veterans or becoming a better person.

 As our nation struggles with its most recent world conflicts and internal societal change, it is institutions like the Military that provide opportunities for the young by keeping our shores safe and provide a sense of stability through the ages. For millions of young men and women the military provided them the structure and opportunities they need to succeed in life. It is an often unexplored avenue to personal development (There are things we can do to improve it as a path to draw in additional high talent). 

No matter one's race, religion or ethnic background this nations stands for all of us. To support that universal freedom it is important to get people involved and encourage the young to join public service, make a contribution, and nudge a difference in the development of our nation. It is a shared generation to generation responsibility that we all own a part of.

New minds bring new ideas and a commitment to our American ideals. While we wobbled a bit in this generation, I believe it is the next that will raise the light higher. As our generation hands age, it is the young that will put theirs over ours to brace the stem of liberty upright to high to keep it illuminating the world. Respect what people have done for us and respect our veterans. Respect them by being the best person you can, while maximizing your contributions. Veterans sacrificed for you, so don't waste your chance to be part of something bigger then self.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Escanaba City Council Meeting (Nov. 2nd, 2023): Christmas Trees and Performing Arts

There were many big topics but one of the biggest is how theater improves people's lives. There are many that believe that the arts have no purpose in modern life but that is far from the truth. The arts teaches us values and further teaches us about the deeper meaning of life. For example, theater can improve empathy and in turn empathy can lead to greater togetherness and pro social learning. Empathy and Theater. Thus, arts is not a useless endeavor but is one of those things that transfers certain values and expectations from generation to generation. It has a deeper purpose in society and Escanaba is aware of that purpose and supports its arts programs. 

 Patrons of Escanaba Schools Performing Arts

November 21st Christmas Tree Lighting 

December 1st Christmas Parade

Nov. 2nd, 2023 Esky City Council Agenda

*Sidenote. This is a town with potential as infrastructure, global market, and local offerings seem to be in closer alignment post COVID so the community has experienced significant increases in investment interest ranging from hotels to the papermill industry.