Thursday, November 2, 2023

Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: Ensuring Technology is Safe

Technology is here to stay and its going to get smarter and more adaptable with time. Just like the Internet changed the fundamentals of the economy, AI will push further adjustments that twists toward efficiency but at a cost of variety and uniqueness as ways to solve problems. Because is a mass tool it constitutes both a benefit and a risk. Easy tools help the herd but lowers the search for answers that are non standard. 

Some sort of legislation was bound to happen so this shouldn't come as a surprise. Usually government legislation is much further behind industry yet in this case I believe they see its importance of getting ahead of issues. 

To protect privacy one can look at the way the algorithms search for information or one could protect the root information. Scrambling storage of data is also going to be helpful in addition to other protections that limit technology privacy creep. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Importance of Integrity in Local Criminal Justice Systems

The following article is to highlight the importance of creating strong justice systems so as to help tackle issues like hate crimes, corruption, extremism, intimidation, etc. The closer we align institutions to their central purpose, the more they will be supportive frameworks that help foster efficient use of resources and create pro growth environments. Strong justice systems help us in many ways as they create safe neighborhoods, uphold contracts, settle disputes, respects rights, etc. so as to develop a pro growth environment our nation needs to maintain the long term health of a democratic society. 

The Importance of Integrity in Local Criminal Justice Systems

Imagine if you could do what you want, say what you want, enrich who you want, harm who you want and target who you want with no recourse through local systems? One might postulate that the cause could be too much power concentrated in too few hands and it logically would encourage corruption without appropriate checks and balances. Such behaviors might represent a situation with a closed system that impacts everything associated or influenced by that system through a long tail of narrow decision making. 

(NotesOther systems must maneuver to hedge the poor decision making of non optimal systems (NOS). Corruption impacts many other aspects of society and it can be traced back to its source.) 

Now imagine if multiple people came forward with concerns of mistreatment and these were quickly sidelined and dismissed based on racial, religious, ideological, and extremist leaning views that persist in some social networks. Those who were socialized into those networks feel particular disdain for those with degrees of difference. Where the law makes no distinction, these individuals do.

If we further went down a line of thinking and added that each time citizens came forward they risked retaliation in a way that perpetuated the silence. You could block them from jobs, follow them home, engage in threats and intimidation, use rumors to restrict opportunity, frowned on participation, subtle ways of restricting positive engagement in the community, ignored hate based enrichment, and for some officials double down on protecting the corruption versus embracing positive change.

The good news is that most people and officials would agree with the importance of maintaining integrity within our local criminal justice systems. The bad news is that far too often there are no checks or balances against those who violate our cherished national and historical laws. That is something we need to work on. As a people we are becoming more aware of the problem and will likely adjust awareness in new ways of ensuring our professed and enacted values are in as close in alignment as we can make them. We learn from understanding.            

Integrity in the Criminal Justice System and the Public Integrity Section

A Few Questions to Ponder

What kind of character and values within the Justice system would you like to see? 

How does accountability become a deterrent against future corruption?

Should there be more controls for internal poor behaviors and would they hamper or improve effectiveness in police outcomes?

Are there unexplored avenues of adjusting culture to create more open systems that are able to take in new environmental expectations?                   

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Plastic Eating Bacteria and Enclosed City Systems to Save World?

Plastics brought a lot of good and bad. New discoveries in plastic eating bacteria and worms could transform our plastic plague. The other thing is self contained cities where the natural waterways and city waste and water are not connected. i.e. runoff being diverted back to processing. Enclosed systems save water and make barriers with the natural environment that protects the later.  Plastic Eating Bacteria Maybe we can get plastic companies to have a small percentage of profits go to funding research for plastic biodegration. Helps them and society.

Stellantis' Belvidere Assembly Plant to reopen after company strikes tentative deal with UAW

One could suspect from the Ford tentative agreement that there would be relative faster paced flipping of the other auto companies. GM and UAW have not yet made a deal. Not sure how long the auto manufacturer will hold out but I would not imaging for a long time as pressures are rising now that the other two companies have settled (Who knows maybe GM will really hold out for some time but that comes with risk and cost as well so it would be a tough long term strategy to take.). Of biggest interest to me is how they negotiate technology and individual/collective initiative. 

Thinking about this beyond the immediate and into rapid innovation within the industry and the ability to grow that industry with labor maximization. The contract will determine the ability to be nimble under faster changes. Think about electric vehicles and how that technology will develop with three companies competing globally against foreign manufacturers. 

Let us wait and see what happens. 


Friday, October 27, 2023

Muslim & Jewish Americans Report ALARMING Rise In Hate

This is an important conversation about a concern of a rise of hate based crimes. I've seen where hate crimes are not reported and people misused hate to self reward. No matter what goes on in the world we should treat each of civilly even when we disagree with each other. The video makes a good point on choosing words wisely so we can not fan the flames of an already difficult situation for everyone. There are people out there very afraid of individual and group actors. Furthermore, lets get better at reporting hate crimes so we can more effectively understand and deal with them.

The two reasonable solutions I have heard people bring forward is 1.) a viable two state solution or 2.) complete integration. I think this is where the world powers are leaning. 

No matter what, working toward peace and protecting innocent life is sacrosanct. 

Mike Johnsons Seek Separate Packages for Israel and Ukraine

Speaker Mike Johnson indicates he is going to have 2 different packages while President Biden seeks a single package. Either way works but the approach is different. Putting them together protects Ukrainian budgeting while making them separate allows for greater vote choice and debate. Likewise there are also budget differences in how they are funding. I'm not sure if this is a to-may-to vs. to-mah-to issue or something else. Ukraine and Israel Funding Packages GOP

Let us see what happens. It does look like there is good intent here to find solutions. I also think it is an opportunity to build our own supply networks. (I'm a light R Rino-Dino so I look to understand the policy more than anything else.)

(Fashion Tip: As a side note I'm noticing that the colors in the tie are matched to the suit. Looks pretty spiffy. Gentleman's Journal on Tie Matching.)

Manhunt on the Way: Community Provide Tips

When I see the community coming together to catch something as drastic and dark as this it is a wonderful thing. Over 500 tips provided. I hope they catch this guy, understand his motivations and put in place greater measures to avoid in the future. Everyone should feel safe when they walk down the street, go shopping or engage in other activities. Just by day to day conversations I have heard people say they avoid large crowds now just for reasons like this. It has an impact on sense of safety and that impacts other things.