Wednesday, October 25, 2023

U.S. Air Force Special Warfare—Combat Control

 If you know me I'm a big supporter of the military and public service. The more we can get the young involved and tap the best and brightest the market has to offer, the stronger we become. If you heard the calling, then the youth might want to join as an avenue of personal development. I saw this video while looking for something else so I thought I would share. From time to time I will share inspiring videos from different avenues of how to serve your community and nation. 

$3 Billion for Diverse Community Lenders Announced by U.S. Treasury (Broad Based Business Development Thoughts)

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s annual Freedman’s Bank Forum, the Economic Opportunity Coalition (EOC) announced $3 Billion for community development financial institutions (CDFIs). The goal is to maximize the benefits of supply chains and financial opportunities for a variety of businesses in underserved communities. You can read more about that  US Treasury Diverse Supplier Program 23'

Administrators have called on companies in semiconductor manufacturing, clean energy manufacturing, transportation, heavy industry, and biomanufacturing to diversify their supply chain to 15% with underserved communities and minorities. The mechanisms finance will be through loans, grants, and forbearance for small businesses.

A Few Thoughts: 

Research generally supports the idea that diversity provides positive benefits to companies and to communities alike. There is some indication that companies that expend 20% of their supply chain to diversity programs receive 15% of their annual sales from such sources. There can be as much as 133% return on diversity supplier programs according to an article MSU-Divers Supply Chains 23'

There as been some criticism that wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands and that is limiting broad based growth. From a macro perspective this program may have some influence but certainly doesn't solve the whole problem. It does influence social signaling to businesses and it also helps develop different perspectives of business that can improve national innovation in the long run. 

While government is a big influencer, business is generally is a bigger influencer. What we want to see is an economy where such programs are not necessarily needed because the natural mechanics allow for new and emerging businesses to start from any location through market influences. That will require thinking about how the small business environment is not yet maximized for higher and diverse innovation that leads to higher national returns and adaptability. 

Mike Johnson Chosen As House GOP's New Speaker Designate

 So far sounds good and Congress gets over one hump. Our ability to overcome challenges are central. I'm sure there will be more challenges and humps coming but today Congress nudged things forward.  Congrats to the new Speaker of the House! The work of the people resumes for both parties. 

 (As a side note the suit is awesome! The tie is of particularly good taste. The next time I update my wardrobe I'm gong to try and find something similar. đŸ‘Œ)

The American Values Study: People Are Concerned About the Future of "The Great Experiment"

Research and studies help us answer many questions in society and life in a way that leads to pondering better paths forward. Siena College Research Institute conducted the The American Values Study (2023) that delves into the values we have and the concerns we are facing as a society. The central values want to protect "The Great Experiment" and people are hopeful but are concerned about the nature of politics.

The study includes 6,077 Americans and extensive open-ended interviews with 20 citizens. (Its one study but there are others that seem to point to the similar concerns of the general population. As an observational point politics often focuses on those most willing to vote and the term "constituents" typically means only those who voted for the particular person and not necessarily all of the society or those that have an alternative political perspective. Threats to American Democracy 23')

In general, the study found that participants love their country, see it as a land of opportunity, but race issues, selfishness, media, and political leadership is dividing the nation. People are concerned that the whole is at risk because of behaviors of a few.

They also found that the vast majority of most Americans share similar values and that all people should be seen as equal, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, physical appearance or other characteristics.

The following was quoted from their Press Release

  • Not everyone starts off with the same set of tools or skills, sometimes we need to level the playing field by giving some people a head start.
  • No one, not even the government, should be able to restrict another’s pursuit of happiness.
  • Everyone can speak their mind in public regardless of the viewpoint without fear of punishment.
  • Advances in areas like health, technology, business or personal development, rely on the careful application of science.
  • It is important to achieve something specific and measurable each and every day.
A Few Thoughts on a Hypothetical (Illustrative Purpose Only):

I'm what they call a light right in my political perspective and feel that people of various perspectives and backgrounds should engage and share their knowledge around core central universal values that put the nation in the best possible strategic position for the next generation. Some would call that a Rino-Dino while others might call that an inclusive critical thinker. One's personality and value system influences how makes sense of ambiguity. I encourage leadership to minimize hyper politics so as to solve problems that lead to highest outcomes.

One hypothetical example that helps highlight some of this dysfunction is a family with a Muslim sounding name (Could be any religion such as Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, etc.) being targeted for many years with no local recourse based on extremism within a network of individuals and officials that may have a history of committing similar behaviors (potential crimes) against others (Making a distinction between those upholding universal American values and those giving lip service that leads to toxic environments.). Others have expressed similar and somewhat related concerns. 

What makes this interesting is that such behaviors could not occur unless there was distortion in the local political perspective, which partially mirrors the wider political environment, and long stemming misalignment of shared values (i.e. one might see these as unamerican values that create unnecessary walls and divisions). In this hypothetical example, freedom of religion and freedom of speech may have moved from central universal American beliefs and into something seen as disdainful and socially thwarted (i.e. I may not agree but respect that right for you to share your perspective in a civil way vs. everything you say is stupid because I devalued you.). Mentioning American rights usually resulted in rolling of the eyes and direct attempts to circumvent those rights.

A Few Words of Encouragement:

What I encourage both parties and the general population to think about is how to create the best path forward that draws everyone in to a shared vision for the nation. We need leaders that see universal beliefs and all Americans as having a untapped contributor value. That is not a Republican or Democrat debate as both share in this responsibility equally. It would also be helpful to create an environment of science and critical thinking that leads to evidence based decision making. That can lead to collaborative bi-partisanship as a more supported pathway (i.e. I won't work with those people mentality even though we all the suffer the consequences when they can't.). 

Good leaders of both parties (as well as future leaders) should be encouraged while toxic leaders should be voted out of office and their influence minimized. There are many good leaders doing the right thing but they are sometimes drowned out by the self interest of poor leaders and their blind followership (The smallest sliver of society with often the loudest and most destructive voices.). 

The future belongs to the youth and their diverse nature (Gen Z). Standing up for one's values and beliefs revolves around protecting the sacrosanct nature of our shared social contracts as codified in the logic of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Pledge of Allegiance. It means we need to work together to get over some of our internal and external environmental struggles we face as a nation.  If you don't believe me about the challenges we face, just read the crazy as it sounds! 

"Always stand on principle...even if you stand alone." John Adams

Questions for the Youth:

This article is thought be thought provoking in general and the intent is to get people to think about the future and what are the best pathways to maintaining America's leading role in the world. You should think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. They are not definitive for anyone.

1. Is partisanship or bi-partisanship going to lead to the best long term solutions?

2. Does maximizing engagement or limiting engagement by certain societal members and classes lead to the greatest human capital development?

3. Should decisions be based on evidence, science and critical thinking?

4. How might one infuse the young's value systems into our current political process?

5. Are there challenges we face as a nation that could be overcome with a shared vision and purpose?

6. Are there ways for you to politely, peacefully, and conscientiously encourage positive universal values?

7. How might your vote and millions of other votes help to ensure the course of the ship is focused on the long term over the horizon future (Any party or no party at all)?

8. What ways can you contribute your skills to the development of your nation?

9. What type of policy changes would you like to see?

10. How might understanding others perspectives and creating shared solutions lead to high national performance?

11. How might civility and active listening promote innovative ideas and accurate strategic decision making?

12. Do you have thoughts of your own?

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Escanaba City Council Meeting (Oct. 19th, 2023) Chicken & Ducks, Water, Retirement and Global Investment Portfolios!

 Escanaba is one of those towns that recently has within the past year or so emerged on the global market and has received significant investment in its paper mill (Billerud) as well as infrastructure upgrades. There are other opportunities as well. As you will notice from the city council meeting they are also using grants to improve their water safety and making lots of changes that are leading to a town that has turned from slowly declining to growing and attracting international interest. As with new changes come the pondering of big things that relate to how to attract additional industrial investment all the way over to whether chickens or ducks should be allowed within city limits. This is where the old and the new come together to create something new like a smart city located on the Great Lakes in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (Map of Esky)

The kids will probably like the chickens and ducks đŸĻ†đŸ¤ 😜 (Babies, Chickens and Ducks). The adults may be more interested in making sure they have good paying jobs when they grow up. See below.....

Global Investor Needs:

56% of corporate investors are changing up their portfolio that might give towns like Escanaba & Gladstone new opportunities. 31% are actively rethinking their market which means small towns with unique attributes that can provide solid infrastructure, a unique environment that is conducive to creativity and employee retention, as well as easy access are important. With geopolitical concerns places within the U.S. near Canada might have greater appeal for 74% of investors seeking safe stable locations. One may also ponder that 83% of investors consider climate change as well as 74% consider environmental and social impact. 45% believe impact investing is important and let me say they could transform this town with a few solid large investments into something the global market hasn't yet seen. In other words they, could potentially cocreate an environment that is good for people and good for business. Read the interactive portfolio and consider what this location may be offering and how it could direct some of its focus toward attracting these types of investors. 2023 Global Institution Investor Survey

Question: What kind of attributes would likely attract industrial investors to Escanaba?

Static and Variable Local Attributes:

When investing in a city consider static and variable factors. Static factors are those like natural resources and variable are things that we humans create.  Geography type issues such as a port city, strategic location within the U.P., and natural resources are static. The good schools, infrastructure, high speed internet, water infrastructure, open minded city council, schools, quality of life, skilled workforce, local skilled trade college, etc. are more variable. Escanaba has benefits in both of these arenas. City Attractiveness for Investment (2015).

Question: How does static and variable attributes work together to create a unique market offering?

A Few Unvetted Opportunities:

Areas of opportunity might include maximizing natural resources such as water front access, outdoor recreational tourism, small business tourism supporting export entrepreneurs downtown, relative flat land with industrial sites, zoning improvements, etc. They have done a good job with recreation, bands, attracting new hotels, and tourist ships. Custom ship building is also something that might work here. Creative start up firms may also be interested in such locations. Some of that might require coordinating grants to improve the downtown, special financing terms to new businesses, helping entrepreneurs find strong locations, building an investment webpage with pertinent information and reaching out to investors and entrepreneurs. Delta County Chamber, Census Delta County Visit Escanaba

Question: What type of industries are on the upswing that will likely be a good match for the area? (In a cluster theory I would think of how we can hedge current strengths and create transactional alignment to build and/or enhance additional industries that compliment and hedge each other for market ups and downs.)

Notes: (Just some briefs) October 19th, 2023 Agenda

-MERS: A statement on the value of their program. If I'm understanding the rumor mill correctly it is based on where investments are made, information on investments, and overall cost. 

-Pfas litigation agreement. Pfas explained

-Vans with ladder racks and 2 way radios. 88K City was awarded 60 million funds coming. Engineer agreement. Prep work and contractors. Installing meters. 40 million for water side and 20 other. Need tools and people. A couple of new admin and 10 more technicians. Possible multi use for workers in different areas. Majority of the communities in MI never got grants. Esky is a special place. :)

-Escanaba engineering firm. C2A. 2nd round $20 million grant for drinking water. 

-Sink hole. Need a filter for water. 

-Ludington lift station. 

-CM wanted more information on what the investments were. Would like to have some more understanding of the investment methods. Seek more choice in options and outcomes.

-Defined benefit plan retirement plan changes.

-Vacancies on 4-5 different boards. 

-Seeking grant for grid resilience. Energy optimization program. 

-Chicken and duck issue. If you are not aware we have a big debate if we should allow chicken and ducks within the city. Waiting to see if there are any issues with other cities.

-Gentleman came up and discussed record retainment length for elections. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

150 Car Pile Up in Louisiana: Highways can be some of the most dangerous places. (The Science of Wreckless Driving)

A terrible accident with 7 dead, 25 injured, 150 vehicles on a Louisiana Highway. The highway is a dangerous place and people don't give enough space between their and other's cars. More importantly truck drivers sometimes act as though they are driving a Pinto and come within a single car length behind other vehicles in the slow moving lane so as to push them to go faster (That may not be what happened here but I'm trying to make a safety point). I guess they are annoyed by traffic going 69 in a 70 mph zone. These are unlikely the first time these issues have occurred.

This is a devastating accident and lots of people got hurt. I think the problem is too fast, too many big trucks (and cars) not respecting the lives of others, and when something like this happens no one wants to take responsibility. The first thing one might do if they run into this dense fog is put on their hazards, go slow and consider getting off the highway. Trucks should move very slowly and not rush under hazardous conditions. Common sense I think but not so common.

We also need much heavier enforcement of vehicles that are being unsafe on the highway. Doubly so for large semis who take much longer to stop when compared to cars and do a lot more damage. Perhaps buzzers and loud warnings inside some of these trucks when they get too close might be helpful. The more annoying the better! Don't let them rig it to shut if off.

 Let me give you two examples I have experienced in the past year that could have been deadly. 

Example 1. Driving through construction zone around 50 mph between Toledo and Detroit and look in my rear mirror and see only front grill from a large fuel tanker. I'm in the slow lane and there is no shoulder because of barricades to my right and cars in the left lane (barricades there as well with no exits for miles.). I cant go faster because there are cars in front of me. I slow down a few mph and put on my hazards. Semi driver gets angry and gets closer within a couple of feet. If I would have needed to abruptly put on my breaks if cars stopped in front of me he would have plowed through 10 cars and dumped his fuel down a practical tunnel of cars, families, children. 

Example 2. Driving down state over the past weekend in the slow lane on 75 just below the bridge at 70 miles an hour on cruise control. A jeep drives up behind me and hovers about car length behind me for a few miles despite the entire highway being open. I reduce speed about 5 mph hoping he would pass. He gets closer. I slow down again 5 mph and he gets even closer. I wasn't upset so I just pointed to pass. He did. He drives up in front of me moves into the right lane in front of me and slows down to teach me a lesson. I move over in the left lane and he moves into the left lane. I move back into the right lane and he moves into the right lane.  

When drivers call in about dangerous behaviors and road rage I think someone should enforce these rules. We have a right to be left alone on the highway and not have angry and dangerous people putting others at risk. Usually when I pull out my cell phone as though I'm going to record them, they stop. Not always but most of the time. Because I travel a lot I'm going to consider putting in an aftermarket dash cam on front and back of the car that I can turn on when I need to just so I can record these behaviors. Perhaps a little sign that says "Your Being Recorded" (Not sure if that is legal but I might check) If there is an accident I want them to be held to account for it. Forget the "conditions" excuse when its obviously unsafe. 

It would be nice if some of these companies get major fines. Professional drivers should be professional. If you can't see in front of you then you need to slow way down or exit. This was sad and could have been avoided. Hope and prayers for the families and people hurt. It will be interesting to see what the investigation says. The Science of Wreckless Driving

U.S. Economy Growing in Q3 2023 (Consumers and Fundamentals)

 It looks like the U.S. economy is growing and expanding at a high pace in Q3 2023 when compared to many other nations. You can read a solid article at American Economy Hot Streak Fortune. What we find is that most economists projected in the past that we would be in a recession at this point. That recession projection has been delayed to sometime in 2024. Consumers seem to be lifting the economy during this quarter along with some economic fundamentals.

What is unique about this situation is that the U.S. could be moving to a higher economic platform through changes in supply chain, investment in infrastructure, and improvements in advanced manufacturing. We don't really know if that is sustainable unless we have a long term homeostasis of the economy. At present the U.S. is taking on some characteristics of an emerging economy (Emerging to what is the central question?). 

A few key points:

-3Q U.S. is expanding.

-July to Sept 4.3% GDP growth (Bloomberg Economy Survey 3Q)

-4% projection consumer growth 3Q, 2023

-Forecasts of 3.7% increase in the core personal consumption expenditures price index (removes volatile food and energy prices)

-4.7% projected GDP annualized pace and 4.2% projected consumer spending.

-Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI Index) moved to .02 from -.22 as projected in September (Gauges overall activity and inflationary pressure from 85 economic indicators)

You may also want to watch Federal Reserve Jerome Powel Chair Address on 10/19/23.  Fed Chair Econ NY. (There are some protests on the video. Can't make out what they are saying. Lights went out. đŸĻģ)You can also check out the Economic Club of New York