Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Difference Between Rational and Irrational In Modern Politics and National Development

Let us discuss the difference between rational and irrational in modern politics and national development. Right now we are hyper political and people who are seen as in the middle are often sidelined in support of the vocal fringes of the political spectrum. Let me give you a few examples based in some modern issues we are dealing with and how there might be differences in perspectives. (Recently, we have turned a corner now we have seen some of the risks of supporting irrationality at the expense of national unity around shared core values.) 

Before I do this, let me say that not having enough information is not irrational. Especially true if we are logical about those gaps in information and hedge them with our strategic choice optimization. However, jumping to conclusions that would not be most likely true by accepting some information while ignoring others of equal value based our own faulty mental filters (i.e. selective attention) likely leads to poor decisions not based in evidence. In many ways that is irrational.

1. Policing: Rationality might say that while most police officers have a commitment to our ideals there is room for improvement. Irrationality is that no police officer can do anything wrong or right no matter what the circumstances and there is no room for improvement.  (I might say 80% excellent officers, 19% need to be managed, and 1% engage in criminality. One could study it and come to more accurate numbers and that will depend on their research population. Another might say 100% all good or all bad.)

2. Politics: Rationality might say that based on the science of problem resolution and the way teams form that if Democrats and Republicans work together they are likely going to solve some national problems and come to legislation with wider public appeal. Irrationality might say all Democrats or all Republicans are evil and stupid. (I might say evidence based Rino Dinos might have value in solving political problems. Another might hate the other side so much they are willing to commit crimes against those they disagree with.)

3. Race and Religious Conflict: Rationality might say that based on our Constitution and trajectory of democracy's development that all Americans have value and should have their rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion protected. We should also encourage people to engage in society as much as possible and shared thought out perspectives. Irrationality might say only some people have value and we should silence them through intimidation (I might say our nation can develop its human capital be standing by its values encouraging a growth environment. Others might say that we want the environment to limit the performance of some for the benefit others through discrimination and extremism.)

Not sure what rationality means in our current politics but I believe we should support the next generation and not throw that away for irrationality or selfishness. Let us continue this discussion between rationality and irrationality without the use of power over dynamics shall we (i.e. the rationality of shared perspectives. We already know what some others might say....)?

"Many of the things you can count, don't count. Many of the things you can't count, really count." Einsten


Voicemail Hints at Modern Politics

We are in a place where normal rules of civility do not function well. Our judges should be holding these behaviors to account. Where there is support for these values people are slow to condemn or socially minimize repeat behaviors. We are slowly learning that encouraged poor values and rewarding unamerican behaviors has consequences.  Its time to grow up and use this as a learning opportunity.  Our nation's leaders should start the process of self reflection. Create a national vision and work together to achieve them. Hard sell.

Human Capital Development: When Monkey's Teach Humans?

Human capital development in any nation is important and I will say that when there are not enough opportunities for people to get ahead there is a level of lopsidedness. The best and brightest are unlikely to come forward in toxic environments and nations suffer when the rules are different for different people. That is not politics, that is just the nature of people and social groups (Forget politics! It has shown us a lot of destructive tendencies in the last 5 years. Recently it has improved but we should have known better a long time ago.)

Whether we are talking about opportunities or we are talking about decision making at the very highest levels it important to ensure we stick to our central values and create environments where fairness and shared values are important so as to grease the human capital wheels that lead to economic development. In the U.S. we have certain rules, codes, ethics, and social contracts. Many people follow them and there are some who throw them (Not kidding! They couldn't care less because they don't gain off of it.). Each acts depending on their deeper beliefs in those values and their willingness to stand for the greater good of society.

Hypothetical Example: I like to use this hypothetical situation because it highlights how each person provides a data point perspective that can often create a bigger picture. Someone wants something and exploits racial, religious and social differences to create a dangerous and potentially violent situation on a family they see as minorities and less worthy. Intentional display of cruelty supported by others. People within their networks line up to harm that family and local systems default in support of those networks. The family is left out there to deal with those issues alone for years to avoid violence. Social learning based on a hate narrative occurred and the power of disparity and hate became embedded in some local institutions without correction. Qualified candidates were rejected based on extremist leaning rumors and robed the community of new opportunities. Many others came forward concerned about similar semi associated types of behaviors like corruption, extremism, mistreatment so on an so forth making it a widespread and in some ways a shared phenomenon. Denial and group protection continues. (That doesn't mean they are true but it was perceptual so there is likely to be at least a small amount of truth to it.) It persisted....turn page. 

As the monkeys in the video indicate there are certain perceptions of fairness that are deeply embedded into our biology. It makes no difference what background one has or what their political leanings are. It makes no difference their race, religion or place in society. What does make a difference is the perception of fairness and how willing people are to engage in meaningful shared vision work. When people don't engage in a way that leads to the highest level of human capital development, it robs all of society. Commitment to our shared universal values can correct that. Leaders who understand the deeper value of their people beyond self gain can make profound leaps in national development. 

Now back to politics. I'm a light R with lots of friends from all over the place of varying backgrounds. R or L I look at their genuine behaviors and willingness to embrace certain values. No matter what is going on in the world I try and anchor to our central American and their deeper universal and spiritual values. Not that anyone is a perfect person nor that they have the all the answers. I avoid destructive solutions and think about the wider perspective of collective gain. I would support anyone I think has the character or quality to build a great nation. What I won't support is intentional mistreatment or unfairness at any level. I encourage our leaders at the top to reach for the highest standards they can; no matter their background or politics.

No idea if we will get to that higher moral order. It appears our close cousins can still teach us things we haven't yet fully developed in our own species yet.....

Bonds, Supply Chain, and Debt: Prices Went Up a Little (Oct. 21, 2023)

Everyone is talking about the economy and inflation and it seems to be one of the biggest discussions out there. Typically, as prices goes up it is a sign that inflation is also going up. In September we can see that prices went up a touch and that has not prompted a significant policy change. Bond markets are also becoming more volatile and supply chain issues. Nothing appears truly decisive so a wait and hold strategy might sense. You may want to read Janet Yellen October Receipts, Outlays, Deficits

Personally, I'm going to just look at the long term and not the short term. Balanced budget, reasonable cash reserves and putting money in long term investments. Don't take that as advice because that is just what I'm going to do. I'm not that smart because lots of complex conversations out there. For the little people we don't have millions and billions but we can sort of do the best we can with what we have. 

If we could get government (everyone) to balance the budget and think about paying down long term debt we might be getting somewhere. That likely comes with a cost as well. The vast majority of us are living pay check to pay check. Government sort of lives pay check to pay check and borrows a little from the future increasing longer term problems. Perhaps an overhaul of expenditures and ensuring programs are efficient and effective would help. 

12 Month Inflation Rate

Statistic: Monthly 12-month inflation rate in the United States from September 2020 to September 2023 | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Friday, October 20, 2023

GOP Congressman Jack Bergman Says He's Willing To Be Next Speaker Of The House

Congressman Bergman for interim or full Speaker of House. He has a great career, a commitment to the nation, and honor. Likewise he is from the First District of Michigan so he knows the direction of the closest place to heaven you can get on earth. Just go north to enter the Yoop! (Sorry a plug for the U.P.).

President Biden delivers Oval Office address on Israel-Hamas war

Important speech for people to consider. I take no political perspective on these issues (Light R) but we should understand what is going on in the world and in the country. Informed citizens can make informed decisions and opinions through knowledge sharing and understanding. 

Humanitarian Relief and Peace are Needed in the Middle East

Humanitarian aid is the best path forward when there are so many opinions and lots of people being hurt. Long term peace is so vital and important to everyone involved. Every innocent life is precious. I hope someday we can get there. I have met Muslims and I have met Jews and at our core we are very much the same even though we struggle to see that. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. Pray for peace!