Friday, October 20, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 10/17/2023: Positive Change is a Good Thing

The information contained within this county meeting is interesting to say the least. You just have to watch this yourself. There is little point writing about it as things don't really change unless they change through necessity (I usually write things out in great detail but in this case it is counter productive). Sometimes we only change when there is no option. Its a problem when everyone is so sure they are correct and fails to understand alternative opinions or the big picture. I guess its the nature of modern politics and the one track minds that go with it. Change is usually most beneficial when we are proactive about it and foresee the need to focus on the greater good. There are lots of positive things going on in the county from grants to helping the homeless. There are some things people are questioning and for good reason. Just watch and formulate your own opinion on why positive change may not be as fast as people would like or hope for.  

As a county we will get through this. Hopefully that includes a net positive for all of us. Inclusively all of us. 😢

We can fly over Wisdom of the Geese or we can sail across Wisdom of Ants, but we have to do it together. If you can see the other side, you can bridge the gap.

Early Bird Military Brief: October 20, 2023

 What you will find in this article is a few concepts that are interesting to ponder. Nuclear build up, strong military retention, expanding Navy recruitment, no aliens in sight, and military pay concerns. Supporting the military and their defensive purposes is important.

1.) China increases nuclear weapons. I personally believe we should be reducing these numbers worldwide. 

2.) Military retention is strong. That is a good thing. 

3.) Improving Navy awareness among new populations.

4.) 291 UAP reports this year. None have been alien yet. Likely more interesting to watch performance abilities (I wish someone would invent molecular surface propulsion with no pollution footprint. Sorry its just unvetted brainstorming. Maybe not even possible. 😳)

5. Concerns on junior pay. Culture dissonance continues.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Net Worth Rose 37% for Americans between 2019 to 2022

 Income rose for most families but the change wasn't uniform across all demographics.  Changes in U.S. Household Finance 2019 to 2022

You may also read a solid analysis at CNBC Net worth

-Medium net worth was $192,900 at 37% increase from 2019-22
-Real mean family income grew 15 percent.
-28 percent, reported that their income during the 2021 calendar year.
-Homes and stocks didn't necessarily rise for the bottom 20%.
-Bottom 25% had net worth of $3,500 while the top 10% had $3.8 million in 2022. The top 10% had $3.8 million.

Is it possible that some of the increase in consumer spending didn't go into the debt category? 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The one answer to hate is......


A scribble in a public bathroom

There is only one answer to hate....that is forgiveness. 

When hate derails local systems and there is a lack of accountability or striving for a higher moral conscious it is a short term gain. 

The long term gain is to forgive. There is no place in this country for hate. Forgive those who delve into hate for they know not how they limit our national potential.

For those who have experienced hate we have to make a choice. My suggestion is to choose the higher road. That doesn't mean they should not be held to account nor the local entities that supports such hate shouldn't go through reforms. Such behaviors were dangerous and intentionally destructive. It means that the disease that causes such hate exists among some people and as a society we should limit its influence. We can do this by forgiving and reaching the next rung in our development.

Forgiveness and accountability are two separate things. I believe that the higher moral order will prevail and it has almost nothing to do with punishment even though that may be an outcome. In some ways our future as a nation depends on learning how to handle situations just like this and creating a universal perspective of justice (While most are doing the right thing some are doing the wrong thing.). This is a chance to learn and no bad can come from new knowledge. Research on the Science of Forgiveness.

When someone tries to give you the gift of hate politely decline and say "I forgive you..." and state why you believe what happened here was immoral. It is in alignment with our duties and oaths to encourage as much integrity as we can so as to avoid future incidents and limit poor social learning.

Every religion I have seen has some form of the power of forgiveness.....

Unethical Behavior In Organizations and Society: In and Out Group Social Learning

Immoral behavior becomes more common in groups that have been accustomed to accepting and allowing such behaviors as long as they are conducted by fellow in-group members. When racial, religious, or social, political or power considerations come into play in the judging of these behaviors we may find that poor behavior increases as in and out groups become more defined. Likewise, as officials (in public, business, or social circles) support such behaviors they become legitimized and more likely to be repeated in a way that creates risks for the long term financial viability of the whole organization.

Hypothetical Example 1 (Social and Institutional): Someone seeks to exploit racial and religious differences for self gain and uses a network of official and unofficial members to target, bully, and exploit out group members. Behaviors become repeated and grow among a large group of members based on a lack of controls or correction. Voicing disagreement could lead to increases in intimidation and mistreatment. The location had experience economic decline over the past few decades.

Hypothetical Example 2 (Business and Organizational): Executives have used their positions to enrich themselves and have created cultures of corruption that lead to behaviors among many employees, expectations of different rules, and eventual loss of revenue that led to organizational insolvency. Policies and procedures against such behaviors were weak and those who attempted to uphold the missions of the organization were constructively discharged. Stakeholders were aware too late to correct.

A Study on Immorality with In Groups and Out Groups:

Consider a study observed (im)moral in/out group membership and how that changed decisions related to justice in punitive, selfish, or dishonest choices. Research on In-Group Out-Group Immoral Behaviors. Some of the key points and findings are below (Vives, Cikara, & Feldman, 2022)


-Immoral in groups lead to immoral behaviors.

-Immoral out groups didn't have a significant impact.

-Compassionate and generous people didn't make people more moral.

-When there were loop holes (free pass) it didn't curb immoral behaviors.

-Out group honest members improved in group moral behaviors (i.e. moral conscious through modeling and reflecting.)

-In group immorality licenses poor behaviors while out group members buffered against it (a possible additional benefit of diversity)


Consider that in both hypothetical situations the behaviors went down a line of thinking and did so because lack of checks n balances that were not strong enough to correct. The end result was a total net loss to the organization, institutional trust, and performance outcomes. Those that sought to change such poor organizational performances are often sidelined or removed in an effort to maintain a status quo in a way that enriched and helped a few at the expense of the organization, society and its stakeholders.

The problem organizations face is that there is a lack of checks and balances as those within the system have difficulty seeing how their thought processes and moral lapses were costing many others and ran counter to missions. Correcting that is difficult in power over situations where in and out group behavior is common and hyped. Sometimes people within such systems are aware of illegal, immoral or unethical behaviors but have no way of having grievances addressed without serious consequences and backlash. 

What executives and leaders should learn from this is that even though illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior could have helped some succeed in the short run it comes with a cost to the long term value of the organization and/or society.  Thus, it is important to build in checks and balances in policies and procedures to hold to account poor actors who were aware of their behaviors at they time they were engage in such activities least they spread through social learning. Strong ethical leadership is a must for long term success.

Questions: A few questions to ponder

-Why do some organizations act more moral and ethical than others?

-How might leadership quality of the organization determine its performance financially and ethically?

-Do organizations have a vested interested in ensuring the best and brightest come forward versus those within their social circles?

-What are the risks to organizations, institutions, or nations that have higher corruption rates?

-Why does power over dynamics often exist in organizations where immoral and unethical behaviors are encouraged?

-How might the policies, procedures, unwritten values, and written artifacts influence an organization's long term performance?

-Is it possible that toxic leaders (or good leaders) socialize others to certain values through norming?

-Why are their poor environmental and internal performance in organizations where immorality exists?

Vives, M.-L., Cikara, M., & Feldman Hall, O. (2022). Following Your Group or Your Morals? The In-Group Promotes Immoral Behavior While the Out-Group Buffers Against It. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 139-149.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation : Aligning employees to organization mission and goals

Executives often wonder how to motivate their employees and tie them to the organizations mission.
Sometimes looking at studies helps us understand the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of employees and how organizations can influence and encourage engagement for greater company performance. Read The Effect of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Employees (Public) and consider the basic key points below. While it is related to public employees the ideas would carry over into the private sector.

Let me also say that in experience many organizations do not do a great job of stating and infusing the values of their mission into everyday working life. As they get busy with the hustle and bustle of life the bigger purposes can get lost and employees pick up on that as there are difference between the official goals and unofficial goals. Ensuring alignment in official and unofficial ways is important.


-349 questionnaires

- Extrinsic motivation was considered more significant than intrinsic

-Positive significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations with employee engagement

-Extrinsic motivation was stronger on employee engagement


-Find ways to motivates and drives employees.

-Utilize motivational techniques with each employee.

-Communicate organizational purpose

-Find alignment between employee and organizational visions.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Retails Sales Up: Spending Contrary to Inflation and Interest Rate

The Commerce Department released some advanced estimates for Sept. HERE  You may be interested in their Economic Indicators for additional information. For the most part its positive news and heading into the holidays we will likely find additional increases in consumer spending. The question on where that money will come from with high inflation and not having wages increase is an interesting one. 

To me improving human capital, orienting the U.S. to the highest place in the global supply chain, and new technology could improve worker value and income. Remains to be seen but there are trends such as manufacturing returning that could make that possible and open a window of opportunity. 

ABC put together an informative article Consumers Defy Prices. The information below was pulled from that. 

-Retail sales up .7% 2x what economists expected.

-Some products decreased and costs were similar so increases were based on spending.

-Sales online rose 1.1%, restaurants .9% and general merchandise. (Increases online likely related to increased digital era integration and socialization of behaviors as younger generations are more familiar with and have preference for online consumer behaviors.)

-Federal Reserve trying to cool. 

-Issue with household income and spending not in alignment. 

-3.5% possible quarter growth for nation.

-Inflation was flat from last month with prices at .4% versus .6% last month.