Thursday, October 5, 2023

Semiconductor CHIPs Act and Senate Commerce Committee: How does innovation make its way through organizations?

Innovation is an important thing for any society and moving into this new technology era will determine countries that are on top or bottom of the technology product generation game. Changes often spur advancements in related industries such as transportation, space, technology, military, etc. Innovation and development lead times will likely start to shrink once these industries are up in full scale and their products move into byproducts at other companies. 

When we delve into the roots of technology we often impact whole supply chain and the very nature of scientific and economic development.  The Digital Era is here and has been so for the last 3-4 years while the underpinnings of it have been around for 10 years (rough guess) and a number of decades if we include the Internet capacity development time.  

While not 1 - 1 you can read about Digital Transformations such as IT impact organizations as new technologies make their way into different organizations. i.e. the long tail of innovation development.. Digital Transformations Impact on Business Organizations 

(Its funny to think about where we might have started depending on which theory of human development you follow. We used to put monkeys in spaceships to test organic based space flight. Some have argued that Monkeys have just entered their Stone Age while we humans are now in the Digital Age. Each species based on their capacity to learn. I would suspect they probably learn a lot from watching us now.  Ok sorry...different path of thought on that one! 😬)

A couple of pieces.....

450 companies interested in Semiconductor funding. 50 community colleges interested in semi conductor work programs (I wonder if our local Bay de Noc Community College has a hat in there somewhere. They have a technology center) August 9th, 2023 White House Fact Sheet Chips

Global Context of Chips Act

Senate Committee: Commerce, Science and Transportation Press Release

You can watch some of the clips at C-Span Discussion on Chips Investments

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

IRS Tax Rules are Out: I guess I'm Staying In!

New IRS tax rules are released. I guess the threshold went a little higher this year. IRS releases new income tax brackets for 2023. The full breakdown HERE

As the rules come out, I should probably decide to spend less and stay in. 

Labor Strikes: Game Theory, Labor Movements and Industry

Strikes appear to be rising as of late and there are likely many explanations and reasons. Scientists and economic gurus are looking at it analyzing different causes and outcomes (Philosophies of Labor and Work).  Each has their own philosophical school but I will say that as incomes at the top rise it would make intuitive sense that incomes in labor would rise as well. Unions are a bi-product of those economic factors because effort and wages are sometimes not in direct connection. 

Craftsmen, Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky
1390-1349 BCE
The other issue is worker participation and their feeling of being part of the bigger picture. While money seems to be the main cause of labor strikes (vs. working conditions) in recent times it is associated with many other sociological activities across industries. People want to feel part of the overall system and want to feel they can make a contribution. Disconnection to society has consequences from a sociological labor perspective.

To me, it isn't a pro or anti union issue because those factors are not central to the need to increase human capital and improve upon worker innovation (They are different avenues of making that happen but not central) Technology implementation and human capital development can be fostered by labor unions or they can from outside labor unions (policy issues and perspective of shared benefit.). Unions were created to protect labor and this appears to be a similar factor coming into play during increased labor behaviors (Think about that and why that happened in the past and why its happening now. There are historical industry and global reasons why that could be occurring.)

The issue is how we see workers and how as society develops workers are part of the bigger purpose and process. For example, if I'm a CEO who just earned $10 million more this year should some of that benefit of work also be allocated to labor? Up and down (Right now it appears to be a desire for up. Labor unions made concessions when industries declined and feel wages are too sticky upward). I create great ideas and manage large systems so I should earn the rewards of that but so should the people that enacted and enhanced those strategies (Many companies fail because of strategy implementation and not necessarily the quality of that strategy. Failure can occur from a unit level supervisor and labor level because of a lack of buy in to the strategy and organization.)

Likewise, I hope workers feel that the success of the organization and our collective societal benefit rests much on what they are doing. They are a valuable part of economic machinery and in general to societal growth. Rewarding innovative actions, training, and productive longevity in an organization makes a difference. The more a person contributes and increases organizational value, the more valuable they become through actualized performance so as to foster human capital development (no difference between labor and management on this function. See above.)

Whether labor unions grow or not, the ultimate goal should be to improve the industry and improve the lives of all Americans. Investors have a big part in building our society because they often manage the capital and that capital can best be managed by improving the fundamentals of the economy, the industry, and its total broad benefit (Taxes, wages, opportunity, poverty reduction, etc.). Increasing the flow of benefit and performance can limit the conflict (i.e. base pay with quick increases for human capital development, technology tool learning and general contributory ideas and outcomes.)

Organizations are in effect collectives of people and effort....we have become removed from that closeness of perspective in modern times and it impacts our decision making (big theories versus human to human exchange. How many executives and labor workers have worked in both areas to gain a full perspective?). Treat everyone like family and share fairly in the collective outcomes (and pain) and we will all benefit through new ideas and shared perspectives on the value of individual and group performance. We all benefit from broad based economic engagement and human capital development.

Being on higher on the organizational hierarchy where responsibilities rise should come with higher pay but to what extent should that outstrip workers based on comparative input? There will be long term issues if the top and the average become too removed from each other (See CEO Pay Up and Down

Should we expect labor and other movements to create upward pressure? Would technology implementation and greater human capital development improve the whole system as a net positive in the digital era (AI, wearable tech, robotics, etc.)

What I would like to see is industries grow and the benefits to be widespread in a capitalistic way. Tell me something new and ask me tomorrow and I might change my mind. Labor vs Management or Labor & Management 

A few pieces on notes and ideas:

Falling wages and unequal income distributions could be a major catalyst for strikes. Why are workers striking now? 

Indication that strikes before the 80's obtained 5-10% improvements but have not been as effective in non union environments. Economic Outcomes of Strikers in an Era of Weak Unions 

You may also consider the economics of trade unions and how it benefits workers but remain open on its benefit to industry. The Economics of Trade Unions. as well as the Power Model of Labor Movements

There are different types of strikes and the National Labor Relations Board has some guidelines on what is lawful and what is not lawful. The Right to Strike

Game theory also makes its way into some of the decisions through economic leveraging. Game Theory and UAW Strikes and Game Theory and Nash Equilibrium.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Strong Justice Systems Lead to Economic Growth (Moral and Economic Development)

Justice is an important concept in our society and supports the moral and economic development of our nation. Supporting a strong justice system leads to higher economic growth through engagement and business trust. It is a type of glue that binds society together through a shared understanding the framework in which people live their lives and conduct day-to-day business activities. In economic development of clusters, a strong justice system can lead to economic growth through creation of healthy social and economic environments. Regardless of one's background we should always support enhancement and functioning of world class justice systems because in many ways every societies social and economic futures rely on it (All systems are collectives of trust based transactions and essential justice ensure such systems function properly at their root.)

Allegory of Justice
Gaetano Gandolfi (1734-1802)
Representing that
justice is central to healthy
and free societies that flourish.
A higher and universal moral conscious order.
I'm a supporter of the justice system and its strong functioning as an aspect of encouraging growth. Adam Smith a leading economic philosopher in which much of capitalism is based is also a supporter of justice so as to  protect the fundamentals of the economy like property rights, civil rights, contractual rights and a general safe social exchange. Adam Smith, Justice and Economic Development.  Keep in mind that business and economic development are not unhinged from morality and ethics. You may also consider a discussion on human rights and overall development. Economics and Human Rights 

Two Hypothetical Examples:

Example 1:Let us say that one business cheats another business and the dispute can't be resolved amicably between the two parties. If both groups trust the system they will use this resources to resolve such issues. If they do not then they won't use that resource and issues will spill into other areas. Strong justice/judiciary systems enhance the general trust in the total system and encourages economic development through shared perceptions of fairness (i.e. the moral authority to decide).  Business itself down the roots of exchange within individual transactions are based in trust. Break that and you begin to break the system down. Trust in Business Transactions.

Example 2: People within systems expect local systems to be fair and understand the bigger purpose of their roles. When this doesn't occur it impacts the total functioning of the system through unfair and disparate treatment that leads to social conflicts. For example, corruption or decisions based on racial, religious, political or ideological reasons would lead to mistrust and in turn lower future investments and retard broad based economic engagement through disparity in outcomes and laws. Holding corruption to account and mistreatment in civil rights will create actualized outcomes in growth.  Human Rights and Economic Growth

On a Federal Level you see strong effort to ensure justice functions in the best interest of everyone and by secondary influence the economic development of society. This is one reason why the U.S. attracts strong investment because of general trust in fair contractual enforcement and our traditional human rights record. Report Card Human Rights That does not mean that all systems function at their optimal at local levels where other concerns may have more influence. Where they don't or there are different laws for different people, or worse rewarding illegal behaviors, we have a moral and economic responsibility to adjust to maintain the health of the whole system. DOJ 2022-2026 Plan

*These articles are designed to open thoughtful discussions for understanding purposes.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Jamie Diamond Says AI Can Bring 3 1/2 Day Work Weeks: Longer vacations coming?

Jamie Diamon says in the video that AI could bring 3 1/2 work weeks. I think that is great and that is where technology really is going to bring some benefits. Like him, I think there are some significant risks to such technology and there should be laws around its common everyday use. Ethics and Technology.

What would you do with 3 1/2 week work week? I might grab my camera and go on vacation!

Kosovo Serbia Build Up-Lessons of the Past Should be Learned by Both

History should have taught us as people that little is gained by religious and ethnic violence. At the root these religions are very similar but people have made them to be dividing lines. We hope and pray that each side listens to their inner voice and their deeper value systems to protect life. Nothing will be gained in an escalation.

 It is not the time for people to toy with grievance that could be resolve with doubling down on good will and fair treatment. 

If anything it is time to think of lasting peace. Each person should be able to practice their faith as they wish and perhaps both governments can think of creating new bridges between peoples. It could be an opportunity to take a breath and rethink new choices and futures if it doesn't disintegrate into chaos. Wishful idealist thinking I know. 😪

Why Supporting Ukraine is Still Important in Negotiations: Europe is likely to do more.

The fight between Ukraine and Russia is a sad state of affair and lots of people are getting hurt and towns are being wiped out. The independence of Ukraine is at stake and so in many ways the long term health of the Russian people. The dropping, temporary or permanent, of funding must be a scary thing for Ukrainians. This is where Europe is likely to start supporting more to fill some of those gaps. Whether that is enough remains to be seen. EU Visits Ukraine

What might be of benefit is finding a way to settle out the conflict and find peace in some way or form. Independence of Ukraine is important to consider in that process. Is it possible to find a balance where Ukraine functions as an independent state while ensuring there is lasting peace with Russians? No one wants to be here again in a few years. I sure hope so and that would require both parties to come to the table with heartfelt enthusiasm.

It is such a complex situation and I wonder if there is any middle ground between the sides that have life and death interest in the outcomes. One can understand why emotions are high. People lost their lives. Peace and saving lives should always be the highest aspiration. I think the discussion should start where lists of requests are presented and the bright minds involved and in the world start to think of what long term peace looks like. 

What are the essential issues and has that been lost in the fight? Are there middle ground between the two conflictual parties?

In the meantime, I think that cutting funding at this time is unlikely to be helpful in negotiating that peace. Sure it might end the issue but under such circumstances its unlikely to end it well for Ukraine. It might also reflect negatively on the whole situation making such defending and independence moves very risky. Think about lack of long term support and its influence on decision making.

While this is Ukraine's (and Russia's) fight, I do believe we have some stake in making sure it ends in a way that supports and strengthens democratic institutions and nations. Once its been settled we might think of ways of mending long term relationships between all parties in a way that is helpful for everyone. That requires a structure of peace.

I suspect it will end in greater independence of Ukraine but not in a complete independent way (Likely immunities, except for intentional civilian atrocities, and stronger independence of Ukrainian institutions and financial management.). While its not ideal I suspect power sharing and greater international oversite might be on the table if they cannot secure full independence soon. As they say now or never because support is unlikely based on current public sentiment to go years into the future.

Perhaps some of that will considered as the nations go into winter low simmer (assuming).

Time will answer all questions on how this turns out.......

Mediating International Conflict