Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Leadership a Moral and Ethical Business/Economic Issues: 90% of Employees Want and 12% of Leaders Consistently Act

Leaders have a greater responsibility in society because in their roles they must care for a larger group of people. When one moves up an organization they become more responsible for people and should have the inner characteristics that support that increased responsibility. Trust in leadership rewards companies through increased engagement and performance. Our collective values determine which type of leadership we want and the type of organization/society we seek to create.

The issue we face in some organizations, as well as in society, is that we sometimes support short term performance over long term organizational objectives. Whether one is in a public role or within a private company position the higher moral thinking is a sign of stronger leadership and corporate/organizational potential. Intuitively we know who has it and who doesn't but that may not stop us from supporting poor leadership for self gain (i.e. blind followership.)
The Mocking of Human Follies
Frans Verbeeck 1500-1550
As a representation of 
human errors in
judgement and sometimes

There are times when organizational culture declines because the rewards and benefits of an organization are not in alignment with what would create long term success. This is when we must begin to reform an organization and encourage that higher moral thought. As you will find in the video below, failure to support good leadership eventually collapses the whole because people lose faith and take on secondary objectives that detract from collective gain and retards shareholder wealth. 

In my experience, I have seen strong and week organizations based on the quality of their leadership and the ability to correct and encourage more ethical performance. When an organization becomes filled with poor leadership and inappropriate rewards it will eventually fail because it looses trust and commitment of those who do the work (Moral Leadership and Organizational Performance). Thus, we should support moral and ethical leadership at all levels of an entity because it leads to improved profits and innovation that stems stronger employee engagement.

(i.e. this is why its your duty to support good leadership, integrity in institutions and corrections when there are moral, ethical, and legal lapses. To not do that means the business and economic system suffers. In my experience, you can't always sell it to those who have the most to gain by not acting with high moral standards.)

Any society and organization that does not support ethical and moral leadership will have a bumpy ride and economic/financial troubles that will lead to general organizational decline. That becomes a net loss for the organization and you can see that at various places and metrics if you understand how to measure appropriately. Putting your friends in positions they don't deserve, not having rules that remove poor actors and/or not rewarding good leadership decays the foundation of the collective action/motivation that would encourage organizations to outperform others. 

(Quiet Quitting as one sign of lack of trust and belief in collective benefit of engagement that results in a 59% of workers quite quitting and a 9% loss of global GDP. If true, it might be a higher loss through lack of innovation and effort. i.e. human capital as a important untapped source of development in the U.S. ). 

Companies should be built on trust and a shared sense of collective benefit or otherwise people may lack commitment and not do the things that make that organization great. Most of us know that on a deeper level and when we don't support strong leadership we are inadvertently encouraging collective loss. It and of itself it is moral failure and we as individuals own that.

A study The State of Moral Leadership in Business. 90% of employees want moral leadership but only 12% of CEOs consistently act that way. 

A Few Principles:

1. Support ethical and moral leadership. Remove and/or not hire or promote those who don't have it.
2. Build structures and reward systems that support good leadership, motivation and ethical behaviors. 
3. Think mid and long term when making strategic decisions to maintain focus on organizational success and develop the capacity to compete.
4. Inability to correct, recruit, or adjust to encourage ethics and morality means an organization is on the decline. The question is not if but when.
5. Strong leaders understand the deeper mechanics of how groups and society function and know how to tap that for higher moral and economic performance.
6. Those who knowing and blindly follow immoral leadership unlikely qualified to take on the roles of leadership in the future. 
7. Seek out companies that have high ethical standards and good moral leadership. Do your homework when looking for a job and planning your next career jump. Avoid those that are not doing the right things so as to encourage market based reform through lack of competitive abilities. Develop your personal commitment to a better society and world. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Collective Will and Deeper American Beliefs Shall Overcome Our Current Challenges-We The People

We as a people and as a nation have things we need to work on and that rests in our values as a people who seek the strongest society we can create. Everyone has an opinion and based on our ability to see the bigger picture most of our opinions are self beneficial. However, while each person in society acts in either their or society's collective interest they must find the balance between the two so as to maximize gain for everyone. It is in our best interest to preserve the whole and the higher order values systems that have kept a nation striving from generation to generation toward a collective benefit. 

As with all things there will be some who care little about others and there are some who care a little too much about their fellow man (I like the later more but balance is more healthy.). Society carries with it a collective wisdom that helps us learn why its important to keep a balance in individual and collective rights and gain. Don't be too selfish and don't be too selfless so as to not take care of yourself. Balance leads to the greatest gain. (Such beliefs delve back way into history and in almost every society and this is why America has a place in teaching the world. Ying and Yang.)

On a deeper level our existence is only possible through collective effort. Civilization is a process of ensuring society is developing to higher states of functioning and in turn protecting our individual and collective self interest. This is also why I like democracy in general because if it is run well and moving toward a universal democracy everyone has a touch of influence in collective decision making.  Those who are too selfish create conflict and disparity and should not be supported by word or vote. 

(A lesson here could be not to support those who we know on a deeper level are not capable of supporting society through mental health or through darker values. i.e. quick to attack and slow to understand. Psychological Distance and Self Control. Good values and moral conscious be your guide. On a deep biological level we are designed to know the difference between helpful and unhelpful behaviors. Just about every religion and moral code teaches us that. i.e. they tap into our collective conscious.)

Hypothetical Situation 1: Someone(s) is considered a minority and a group of people spread rumors about that person and misuse their close connection with authorities in order to intimidate and threaten for illicit gain. Instead of checking into facts it sets off a chain effect of potential violence by lower order individuals that cannot think for themselves. Freedom of speech and religion are quickly violated.

(Lesson: Never support those who support destructive violence or manipulation and especially not those who support zero-sum self-interested outcomes. There are almost always paths to win-win A developed person would never do that because they can see the balance.)

What we find in this hypothetical is that it is easy to misuse close connection of authority in order to enrich oneself but it comes with a cost to society. It begins to break down the moral order and reflect negatively on those institutions where there are not appropriate checks and balances on such powers. Power is neither good or bad but is best used to help everyone; at least in the moral person. 

Hypothetical Situation 2: Someone is elected to a high position in office and the begins to manipulate others, encourage violence, self-enrich through divisionary tactics and blind followership. It makes no difference the place or country. The more people fail to stand for their central values, oaths, and moral conscious, the more pressure to damage the checks and balances that come from institutions in an effort to gain ultimate authority (i.e. good for that person, or a small group, but not for everyone else.)

Thus, an advanced person can recognize the need for the greater good of society by ensuring that the intent of our laws and the purpose of our laws help to protect the greater good of everyone as well as him/herself. That requires a sense of common good for one's fellow man. Where higher moral purpose declines such individuals can easily put undue pressure on their social networks to undermine the collective good of our institutions (i.e. notice the difference between discussing improving institutions and undermining their purpose.

Each person in his natural state wants to do what leads to the best outcomes (homme naturel vs. homme artificiel). This is why we as a society create oaths, values, artifacts and other things to provide us a guide on how to handle these destructive situations. Oaths and social contracts help us maintain the balance between our own individual liberties and those of society. Where there is social pressure there are sometimes defaults. Stand fast to your values and oaths and that won't happen because we ensure the balance is maintained.

To correct means to stand by those oaths as a collective whole because deep down we know that that society benefits the most from environments of freedom, safety, opportunity, and other individual and collective issues. As a collective people we know our most strategic path forward is to maintain the highest levels of integrity of person and society. We strengthen our institutions and ensure that such individuals are held to account so as to maintain the social order of things for the best interest of all. (i.e. individual and society benefit versus only an individual and not society.

The higher states of individualized man understand his/her natural needs and seeks to support the collective good because it is the best way to achieve his/her own needs. In the U.S. we have the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches and these work well in so long as we profess faith to our centralized values and act in good moral conscious when dispensing their duties (Oaths are important to the whole because they are important to use as individuals.). 

(Keep in mind freedom of speech/press is used to support these institutions by criticizing what is bad and encouraging what is good. Even more important to individuals that step outside of a conversation without fully exploring improvement within as profess in their sworn oaths and values. When people talk and learn from each other, violence and/or the encouragement thereof is against one's sacred oaths to society. Makes no difference ones role or position..)

Those who seek to gain unfairly through intimidation or violence from others are damaging to the whole of society and should be brought back into the fold of collective order through all three branches of government if necessary. We do that through supporting what is good in our institutions (including upward adaptation of such institutions to be more inclusive of the collective whole) to ensure that the wants and needs of selfish individuals do not have undo influence over the healthy trajectory of society (i.e. tyrants, dishonesty, manipulation, etc.

Leadership is important for adjusting society to navigate immediate issues but societal structure ensures that leadership works in the best interest of society from generation to generation. Power with is much better than power over. Society is slow but when it acts it can check the misuse of power for self gain by pulling it back to collective interest (One could argue its rooted in our biology to find ways to coexist through societal order.

In other words, support your society so to support yourself by encouraging higher moral conscious and those leaders that can walk that talk. One path and one indivisible people with liberty and justice for all. A sign of leadership comes from respecting the past to protect the future. If you can't do that, you are too far into the selfish and not enough into the needs of society. In the past and in the future. Be brave and bold Americans in preserving your freedom in word and most importantly with your conscience. We the People. Yin and Yang. 😬🙈

Monday, September 25, 2023

City Council Regular Meeting (Sept. 21, 2023): Beer Battered Fish in Escanaba?

 Is Something Beer Battered Fishy in Escanaba? Might be the Restaurants. 🤷

Great conversations over locally brewed beers fill the beer halls of Ludington Street. Getting people out of deer camp and into town.  The voices of an eager and youthful new administration is seeking to bring back roaring 20s to Escanaba. Who says a local beer and fish can't come together to create something tantalizing to the taste buds? After tasting the local cuisine perhaps we can develop something that finds its niche in the world market as a tourist place and an attraction to young entrepreneurs.  

Putting on the foil brainstorming cap because you never know where a good ideas can come from.....

Escanaba Marina

 What might a mad scientist have created? Sometimes good food can help us discover a lot about the world and all of our local peoples.

Let us say we get a little crazy and take some New Belgium Beer, mix that with local flour/corn and put that on some Great Lakes fish from one of Munising's or local commercial fish outlets! We might invent a truly unique entree to offer at our marina (We might also consider putting Dobbers Pasties, farm to table seasonal items, and Native American traditional food on the menu in addition to standard menu food. A community affair! ).

 Sure, it might only be one entree of fish of the day but people might pay more for it because its UP made local and tourists love that stuff. Then offer dessert from our local candy factory Sayklly's. (Consider local restaurants supplying the specialty dish so to retain their knowledge and then use a scannable code on the menu highlighting which establishments they came from. Tourists like to explore and eat in multiple places. The menu becomes a tourism advertisement.) 

OMG the insanity keeps going! What if we also hosted in addition to standard drink offerings some of our local signature wines from places like Leighs Winery and the new distillery or a pint of favorites from Herford & Hops. A one stop shop for good fish but also a nice sampling of local offerings? 🤔

Going deep for good ideas!

Keep in mind the pricing strategy for our visitors and locals. Competitive Food Analysis

Food sells big and often attracts a lot of visitors in addition to other area attractions.

Sometimes a little experimenting can lead to bigger industry cross connections that enhance the whole and the local economy. Let us ponder more local food offerings along with attracting young entrepreneurs to our main street as well how to coordinate marketing to tack our declaration of economic revolt to declining towns in the U.P.! We will Red Buck the trend as a mythical place

Notice the related factors of community engagement, local attractions, and other trajectories that seem to align with the Five Factors Driving Economic Growth in Small Cities

A couple of articles:

Homecoming breweries on Esky agenda

Who knows maybe we will lure a local commercial fishing boat to support our restaurants and name it the Escanaban or something. Local Native American tribes could consider buying and sponsoring a commercial fishing ship. i.e. not only catching fish but taking people on 2 hour tours for $$ that teach about Great Lakes fishing, Native fishing histories and ecology of Great Lakes sustainable restoration. Perhaps let them keep a fish or two. Two ways of making income and allow for fishing rights to help the tribes and the community. Three if you consider the possibilities of fishing expeditions or four if one occasional extends a casual outdoor dining experience on a boat. Not to mention enhancing a smoked fish industry that might encourage a wider brand for tribe revenue diversification and local enhancement (i.e. farm and natural. U.S. imports seafood.). i.e. exportable product. Park that ship right out in front. :) 

I'm hungry now! Where can I buy some fish sticks?

UAW Strikes. Good or Bad for The Economy? Maybe it Depends on How We Think About It

UAW is on strike and there are others that have been on strike as well (i.e. writers). I'm not going to profess whether its good or bad because that depends on outcomes and the broadness of the benefits thereof. The EV market is growing in MI and we have concerns over wealth distribution outcomes. What I am going to say is much of that depends on the short and long term impact. Raising wages is a good thing as long as national industry competitiveness rises and output grows; not neglecting pay disparity issues. In the meantime we can watch the events unfold and listen to the intellectuals debate its significance to workers, business and the economy.

To me raising worker value and productivity through education, training, and technology implementation should come with significant increases in compensation to balance out wage disparities. If industry competitiveness and compensation rises so should the broad benefits to society. In other words we have to become more competitive through human capital development and need the incentives that encourages broader based economic engagement. The disagreement seems to be more market driven as a factor of shifting underlining economic assumptions that require a touch of evolutionary economics to master.

The Strike
Robert Koehler
Striking Scenes

One might consider a more capitalistic fluid approach of base compensation that rises quickly when people learn more skills and are able to fully utilize their skills on the job. Assuming the structure of the organization allows for that. If not we might need to rethink some things as adaptable organizations should not be defined only by past structures. Invent an improvement share in the benefits, learn a new skill and get paid more, so on and so forth to improve employee engagement in company success. One could also consider company improvements from labor generated ideas having a large percentage going back to labor for their contribution to the whole. Developing Human Capital to Support U.S. Innovation Capacity

Union membership has declined and companies have complained changes are difficult but perhaps it is a chance to rethink some middle ground. Union membership might rise in the future as people feel pressure to make sure they are getting some of the cake. Many of these debates are based in historical anchoring in an argument seen as a battle between labor and wealthy. It should be more anchored in total system improvement that encourages personal and company growth as one method of enhancing both. While they may not see it, they are in the same big pot (except the ultra wealthy that might move to the Cayman Islands or something.)

This very well might be a sign of broader market changes where people seek out more opportunities and compensation that goes with increased competitiveness. The key words are increased competitiveness of the industry through labor enhancements. You can read more about the skilled labor shortage in world's second best paper Marquette Mining Journal (after Escanaba Daily Press and then followed in third place by big name paper brands i.e. Bloomsburg, NY Times, so on and so forth...🙏 ). 

Sorry the article.....I digress......Skilled Labor Shortage

My personal opinion is that its not politics but more a factor of market changes. We will have to see how it turns out. Do I have the answers? Nope! I hope that our nation wins and everything moves upward in a net positive.  What do you think would help companies, industry, employee and nation (not in any particular order)? Its probably unconventional to think win-win but that might also be why I don't get paid the big bucks. :) 

Side note...I worked in skilled labor and management so I understand the basics of central ideas of both. No one put a silver spoon in my mouth. Hyper politics sucks but people are awesome (most anyway) American born and bred! 💁

Does Your Organization Have The Right Personalities For Its Purpose? (Creative and Managerial Types)

Does your organization have the right personalities for its purpose? Organizations often try and balance between entrepreneurial creative types and managerial types. The personality of employees is highly important for the type of business one seeks to create. Knowing the difference is also important not only for organizations but also nations. New business need creative people to keep it nimble and enough managerial types to help it be structured. Know who you are hiring and what the mix should between the two types of people.

A word to the wise, be careful because managerial types are often rewarded over creative types and companies risk stagnation and eventual death. Capitalism can fix the macro aspects of this error in human judgement by ensuring plenty of opportunities to start business and rewarding creative activities that lead to innovation. Fostering creative types and managerial types are a human capital management issue but if you are unaware, you are unable to manage well. You are now aware!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Learn to take it One Day at a Time! Where Bronze and Brains Come Together! (Lessons from The Navy Seals)

 With each day comes new challenges and triumphs. Thinking out of the box matched with these skills would be unstoppable. One must wonder if this is the future of elite forces. Great video. Hats off to our Seals! 

A Few Observations on Corruption, Civil Rights and Closed Systems Locality Performance

 Throughout ones life we will come across places and organizations that engage in corruption. All too often we look in the other direction where obvious wrong doings are involved. Doing so causes great harm to businesses, government and communities. As our nation transitions with an emerging diverse younger population along with more digital porousness of ideas there will be greater pressure to put our nation on the most strategically aligned path to performance excellence. One may go so far as to say a possible American Renaissance of ideas and technology that comes from digital era infrastructure matched with human capital development. Tackling corruption and authoritarianism is part of rejuvenating our democracy and it is incumbent on every American to encourage the most adaptable and efficient system we can create.

Let us first make a connection between the need to protect human rights and taking the wind out of authoritarianism. Fighting Corruption and Authoritarianism, while Protecting Human Rights.

Because corruption is inherently based in selfishness and lack of deeper values it relates to misusing authority to take advantage to others. Power over dynamics take precedence where power with would have led to more democratic engagement and in turn trust of institutions. Corruption strives in closed loop systems that discourages participation of non in-group stakeholders so as to benefit of a few at the expense of many. This is why democracy at its highest state is universal and inclusive.

A few quick observations: 

a. Silencing criticism through intimidation, defamation of character and/or violence to minimize discovery. 

b. Misuse of institutions and their resources for personal or group gain. Often this is allocation of money and resources for a small group of individuals. i.e. embedded group.

 c. Creating barriers for community engagement by some members to limit access to power and/or influence. As an example, a rogue group of public officials trying to remove others who may not be accepting of corruption or the status que through pressure in order to keep loops closed. 

d. Use of ideology and hyper politics to keep people divided as a method of manipulation and crowd management. We must constantly seek to be a single indivisible people.

e. There are many more examples but I just want to highlight a few. I'm sure you can come up with a few ideas of your own.

We may also find a few symptoms of corruption and/or mismanagement that could potentially indicate an issue. We might find population declining, quickly dismissing valid concerns/complaints, inability to attract investment, so on and so forth. We saw this in Detroit before the big Operation Northern Hook initiative where a collective fight against corruption led to over 130 charges which fostered helpful improvements in the city for many of the residents. Old man Detroit got up off its knees and started fighting back to reclaim its place in the global arena. While he still has work to do to revitalize his full vigor, he is on the path that hopefully someday finds a fuller benefit for residents and businesses alike. More examples at National Association of Attorneys General.

As a broad perspective we may best tackle these issues by tracing and mapping a system to ensure open feedback loops and greater civic engagement through broad based inclusion. In one example of how this works, one small town began to gain new investments, exposure, population and higher institutional trust through collective action that has exposed alleged corruption and the process of removing such cancerous elements. 

I found this article because I thought it was interesting. As nations we have no place for any level of corruption at any level of government. This is why I support those institutions and people who investigate and hold to account bad behaviors (100% police and 110% civil rights.) The more we root it out, the brighter our future through engagement and effective use of resources. People can do their part and can do so by reporting, exposing, and correcting deficiencies in moral conscious and fiscal judgement. Treat each other well and expect excellence in leadership and performance. Its not specific to any city or nation. 2022 Corruption Perception Index