Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Philosophy as a Guide to Life

 Philosophy has always been a guide to life. It has also been part of my life as far back as I remember. I'm not sure there was ever a time it wasn't in one form or another. Its not always the high end philosophies that we find from just ancient Greece (or others) but perhaps the philosophy of life itself, our purpose in this world, and how we can do good things. Not everyone understand the value of philosophy nor do they understand the basics of many things. Those that gain that sense of understanding did so through the path that most others have not followed, nor do they have the resilience to learn on their own. While philosophy isn't much rewarded in modern society, it is nevertheless what modern society was built upon. It has impacted everything around us include those things we hold sacred in society.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Forecasting of Market: 65% of CNBC Indicate Systemic Risk - Interest Rate Hike? No?

Tomb of Old Kingdom
Ancient Economic Thought
Economies are based on thought
and behaviors.
Forecasting the market can help companies make decisions. What you will find from the forecast composite in the video is that people are not really sure. You have 40% numbers and you have other things going on that would indicate variability. That uncertainty has real impact on the market and isn't necessarily a bad thing if caution leads to strategic choices to invest in upswing industries that might include industries dealing with examples such as ship building, core technologies, nano tech, batteries, human capital, etc. or something else that might lead to greater return rates (You have to do your homework to figure out what those are. These are just examples for illustrative purposes.). 

When we are accurate with forecasting we often find that we can make better choices and invest in upswinging markets. Knowing how strong those markets might be depends on the ability to take various forms of data and then make inferences based on prior economic research. Many times these are done by hard calculations but I might do them by anchoring to human adaptability and behaviors that leads to collective choice. Yes, economics is about human behavior. 🤔 

For example, I had hoped we would finish out this year strong and then move into a more stable homeostasis based on some underling changes in the market.  Things like ease of transference all the way over to normal organizational pattern disruption during Covid are part of that thought. Am I right? No idea...don't care...hope so....because its good for the economy. If I'm wrong does that make me a poor forecaster. Nope...forecasters are often wrong about a lot of things! Me too! 😲 

Covid was novel and the quick influx of digital GDP may make some forecasting more difficult until there is a body of research developed that better allows for model generation and accuracy of those forecasts. Likely why the Fed is sometimes not completely sure of what to do in all situations. Its just not easy and there are risks to every forecast when broad policies have big impact. There was an article on Wall Street Mojo Economic Forecasting 

You may not want to miss this tomorrow......

LIVE: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell speaks on interest rate decision — 9/20/23

Biden Discusses Support for Ukraine at UN

 The video is a short clip of President Bidens speech at the UN. Democracy is important and so is boarder integrity. Russia is in this for the long haul and the UN will also need a similar commitment. That also means in some ways we need to develop our supply chain to ensure we can maintain munitions and other vital resources. Its a good opportunity to think about our supply chains and long term capacity.  You can watch Live

The Marine Corps Teaches Integrity

Integrity is a big word. Its what and who we are when we have no one supporting us and when no one is looking. Integrity is defined not by what people say but what they do in difficult situations. One could be a street sweeper and one could be leading a nation. It makes no difference. Integrity is fundamental to character building. 

While one doesn't necessarily have to be in the military to have integrity it is certainly a good grounds for gaining that skill. For those who served, they understand the concept of integrity. It is one of the reasons why I believe our young should consider serving as a path to their development but also the ability to develop the character they need throughout their lives. 

When Muslims Become Targeted: The Need for a Complete Justice Overhaul

The Statue of Liberty Illuminating the World
Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi
As a representation of upholding
our most cherished laws 
not only for our democracy but also
to support freedom 
in other democracies.
Imagine for a moment there is a general disregard for minorities not only within local police departments but perhaps even within the state police. While things like targeting, put kids in harm's way, defamation of character, enriching friends through false witness so and so forth would be illegal we sometimes find that we have a long way to go to enforce our laws fairly and adequately. 

*Remember this is just story for teaching purposes only. Integrity in all systems is important. That can be at time a huge struggle depending on politics and general integrity of some leadership.

It puts minorities in a tough spot because reports do not seem to make much of an impact (unless its evidence collection stage.). The multi-department targeting hasn't ended no matter who is aware or whether complaints were filed. No matter what, if they are wrong about their assumptions this would be serious Constitutional and Civil Rights violations that should make any government or court system cringe.

 (Thats assuming we view minorities as having rights. Also assuming they have faith in our American principles. In this case it does seem that race and religion are part of the decision making factors even though these officers are not aware of the religious principles of the targets. i.e. attempted arrest on Good Friday as a sign of religious based extremism and intent of some of these local government officials to circumvent the purpose of these laws.). 

Yet we often find that this doesn't happen and crimes against this family are not enforced locally no matter if they, or the people around them, are put at put at serious risk of harm (The father was volunteering and these officers may have been stalking in places they cannot be trusted to be in with extremist leaning beliefs. i.e. poor decision making and a lack of respect for minorities or rights. There were mixed race kids there that, depending on how deeply embedded the extremism, could have put them at serious risk. There has been a history of targeting the family's kids so I suspect they wouldn't respect these kids or their rights either.). On a realized level minorities are not always respected by some and hyper politics creates a situations where misapplication of laws create difficulties in protecting targets of hate; children included. It makes no difference whether they are vets, first responders, etc.  When hate takes over there are no backstops and systems seems to quickly default with no apparent avenue of correction.

(Keep in mind that serious threats and violence has been pushed on the target(s) at multiple times and places. There were witnesses and its well known there is direct targeting going on from officers in these agencies. Also some of their associates had picked fights in public places, stared kids down in parking lots, pulled over children multiple times, spread rumors, targeted other Muslims in the area, possibly other minorities like Native Americans, so and so forth. None of that seems to matter in the context of the situation. I encourage officers that are aware and faithful to their positions, to report suspicious behaviors to Federal agencies. Should make no difference if they are officers or not. Actually, it is more important if they are officers. The local agencies seem to struggle with hate crimes or managing their own rogue elements. One might need to step out of the local system.

This why I believe in complete justice reform. When you target and create dangerous cleansing situations for your fellow Americans you are doing wrong. Makes no difference their assumptions. This is why people are protesting on the street (I support peaceful protests and non-protest feedback loops like this designed to improve the functioning of the whole. That does not mean I don't support police. I'm more rational then most of these officers or even perhaps some of the local courts that may have free passed these behaviors.). This is also why this issue is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon without a sense of reaching hand in hand to uplift the torch of liberty to its highest universal point. Extremists know how to manipulate our laws and sometimes there is a very slow response to require compliance with the greater intent (i.e. its universal application.).

Complacency among some in leadership position seems all too common. If they are also aware that this is occurring and there is a general inability to either pass new laws or enforce existing laws then we have in some ways given up fundamental beliefs that have been shared from generation to generation. Somehow, the sacking of the capital temporarily ended but the sacking of our communities continues forth. Politics gives cover for hate and that risks snuffing out liberty if the line of complacency continues for too long and too many years. We are a free people and we have collective interest in maintaining the highest path of development.

Now, what makes this more interesting is that the person they are targeting has not only had a history of helping police but also turning in crimes. Turning in crimes at other times and places doesn't seem to factor into somes decision making. Not just against potential corruption like this, but also against other crimes unrelated (A long history of standing against crime and potential crime.). Even this situation is unlikely to change that perception as hate has come to warp critical thinking and the very foundations of why taxpayers support law enforcement (In other words they work for the taxpayers and community above themselves, corruption or extremist leaning embedded networks.)

Support police 100% and Civil Rights 110% (Civil Rights a dirty word in some areas.)

What is the solution? It certainly isn't to support what normally would be considered criminal activity that could move beyond extremism and reach the bar for terrorism if left too long unchecked (If you had switched up the roles and religions of the players you would have likely met that bar more quickly. I'm not the expert. Yet I would suspect intentional removing of civil right protections, incidents of direct and applied violence, and repeated behaviors over 5 years would have made such a diagnosis possible depending on the lens used to see it. However, if the anchor of the decision makers is that all Muslims are evil and all non-Muslims are not then we can't fix that at our current place in history until there is greater commitment to a universal application of laws intent. Be patient, we are just about there.). So with patience and peacefulness we should as a people be persistent in government integrity. Its important for all governments to think of the bigger picture of the laws and the future direction of a nation (all democratically free nations).

That becomes even more important if it is well known that violence, threats, removal of safety, defamation of character are well known among the community and local government officials alike. America and our values are more important than what these officers and what their supporters are doing. For the first time in my life, I wonder....what makes the difference between those who believe in their oaths and those who have sold them out (You should sit down during the Pledge of Allegiance Syndrome if you can't stand for them in word and deed.). We are in precarious times in this country and I think its going to get better as soon as we get through the worst.

Freedom of Speech or Religion do not seem to function well where corruption has strangled good foresight nor does there appear to be any attempt to uphold them as sacrosanct. How quickly some sell out if supported within their social networks. We made oaths to our nation and its Constitution (including other social contracts). There are those actively working on undermining those essential American principles and given the immunity to continue forth in those behaviors.

Question: Which laws and values do you think will ultimately prevail? How might either choice be a foreshadowing of the risks or strengths of a nation? I know what I believe America should look like and what place we need to be to not only enforce our laws fairly but also unleash human capital to encourage future generations to continue to build something the world desperately needs. These officers and those who allow such behaviors, don't seem to have to have that same understanding of our place in history. My faith in our ability to learn and overcome is high because this is who we are at our core (We are bouncing off the bottom in full trajectory upward faster then I can recall. Lots of people pushing upwards).

*Fictitious story to highlight how positive and persistence engagement will encourage higher standards of performance. January 6th was an attempt to overthrow peaceful transfer of power and perhaps our nation but these hate based behaviors continue in our communities and among some of our officials. To me, it is more important to be right standing for something greater and in the long term benefit of our communities then to succumb to threats of violence and corruption. No matter what. There are some in positions of authority that have different ideas I suppose. 🤷

For now just recognize the potential circumvention of State/Federal/International Laws, difficulty in detecting or holding to account extremism within local policing/officials, and the general difficulty in management these domestic extremism issues adequately leading to a dangerous environment for some of our fellow Americans. As a nation we are adapting as a learning organization. Feedback loops are being built. We must stand united as a single people. Good people will strive toward the horizon.  Reform is coming because it is the most logical end in the best interest of everyone. Turn the page....

Monday, September 18, 2023

Yellen Doesn't See Signs of a Recession

Escanaba City Council Meeting (September 7th, 2023). Updating Electric

Interesting meeting. Keeping updated on local development. Electric grid is getting updated and that is important. I wonder at some point if an update would help with local businesses that need this infrastructure update. Also, a lot of places have issues with electricity so I think its important to stay up to date as much as possible. Nice presentation. 

Decoding the cost dilemma: How can electric companies navigate a shifting landscape?