Thursday, August 24, 2023

Michigan Flooding: What to know if your car is damaged in flood

Extreme weather patterns seem to be part of the mix. Many others are saying the same thing. Some good advice within the article about your car insurance. 

You may want to read the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA)'s article 'Climate Change Indicators: Weather and Climate'. It states weather patterns such as heat waves are increasing. 

Nelson Full Complete Concert Show Escanaba Michigan July 21 2023 After The Rain Gunner & Matthew

 This was a music show in Escanaba. Come on out next time. Lots of fun things going on!

Lessons from the Dock: Post Hurricane Hilary (Boating Recreation and Industry Increases)

For those of us who like boats and engage in outdoor water activities we often find interesting situations that create learning opportunities. There are always learning opportunities that we can pay better attention to in the future. Tid bits of knowledge that come from life. In this case it was post Hurricane Hilary and some of the lessons offered by spending time on a dock. As with everything, pay attention and you will pick up a few key ideas to think about next time.
1. Beeping Boat: Sometime around 6 or 7 PM on Tuesday, a day after a hurricane, an emergency buzzer was sounding an alarm on a dock at a local boat yard. You could hear the beeping sound at night because there is very little noise in harbors and sound resonates a considerable distance. I called the business I thought owned the dock and left a message. The next morning around 11 AM, I called again and after another hour took the kayak out and hunted the boat down. (Trust me, its hard to listen to that all night and day!)

Interestingly, the boat was found loose without its owner/sailor. It could have came unhooked, as I heard there was a loose boat in the harbor during the storm, or the owner could have fallen overboard with the chaos of the waves. In this case it was at local ship yard that didn't seem to be taking very good care of it (Ask the service department why they ignored the call?) Just fyi. They did eventually come out, inspect the boat, and shut it off. (As a side note these warning buzzers tell you if the boat is taking on water, has issues, something isn't working, etc. They are emergency buzzers so they shouldn't be ignored!)

Lesson: Tie up your boats well and/or harness yourself in while sailing in storms and choppy water. 

2. The Free Floating Boat: This morning I was up early and noticed a boat floating around loose on the water. I already knew the owner and the water was calm and luckily there was no damage I could see. It looked like all of the ropes were inside the boat as though either someone untied it or he forgot to hook it up the night before. Its a work boat and all scratched up anyway so little bumps are not going to make much difference in its aesthetic appeal. I jumped in my kayak and dragged it in. He will probably wonder why it looks tied up differently. I will mention later today If I see him.

Lesson: Double check to ensure your boat is secure. Alternatively, put a cam on your boat if you think someone is playing with it. (I actually ordered a cam for my boat 360 degree. Put it on the mast and you can get a good look at your boat. Also might take good recordings while sailing. When I'm not around I can turn it on and check out what is going on. It has solar panels to keep it powered.)

3.) Wet Floors Post Hurricane. I came back to the boat after the hurricane Hilary (more of a big storm) and found almost everything in place. Water did seep through the hatch because I forgot to seal it properly. The floor was wet in the main hallway. It rained nonstop for a few days and water will leak in that hatch based on some air hole designs. Next time I will tape it. Pumps worked well. Wasn't a major issue.

Lesson: During hurricanes tape up all the hatches and equipment with a large sheet of plastic. 

Interestingly, I also found this research by the National Marine Manufacturing Association in their PR release More than Summer Fun: Americans’ Increased Passion for Boating Creates $230 Billion Wave of U.S. Economic Impact  "The 2023 NMMA study reveals recreational boating saw a 36% increase in annual economic activity from 2018’s $170 billion to $230 billion in 2023 and a 14% jump in recreational marine industry-related jobs from 691,000 in 2018 to 812,000 in 2023."  What we also find is that MI., CA and other areas have budding industries. 

-Michigan: $10.2B, up 60% and 45,000 jobs, up 45% from 2018.
-California: $15B, up 33% and 48,000 jobs, up 18% from 2018.

(As a side note the town of Escanaba has a growing recreational industry with an excellent marina. They also have an underutilized ship building industry that is poised to grow if they can capitalize on the growing ship building market. The industry for military and civilian ships are also growing. If you don't know where that is at, you can click Visit Escanaba. The boats in this case were in San Diego. Consider 'Republicans Call for White House Shipbuilding Boost to Support AUKUS Attack Sub Sale' and To shipbuilders who think they can build more, CNO says: ‘Prove it’. This is in relation to economic cluster theory.)

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wagner Group Leader of Failed Russian Coup Yevgeny Prigozhin DEAD After Fiery Jet Crash Near Moscow

This is interesting and timing is peculiar. Leaves you with a few unanswered questions that we are likely to answer over time as more information makes it way to the public. Remember this is a war zone so I would keep a skeptical eye on the information.  

1. Was he actually on board? Maybe just a roster or maybe not. 

2. What was the cause? Mechanical or other. 

3. Will someone find him living on a Beach in Cuba or somewhere a few years from now?

Time answers all questions. 

Are There Advantages for Rich Kids at Ivy League Schools? (Other Paths to Success for the Non Rich)

The Spirit of Education
Norman Rockwell
Representing how support
and role modeling can often
help in the education
process. Education
supports democracy and 
An interesting article delves into the value of elite education to students and what types of jobs graduates of these schools are employed. The publication presents statistics and perspective on how elite education can influence our lives and opportunities.  I browsed the analysis and enjoyed the authors approach to discussing an important topic in our society of what factors lead to some or our top positions. We may also extend the concept to also consider how we can improve overall adaptability through providing opportunities for different demographics in a broad based manner so as encourage higher position obtainment that contributes to the development of the whole nation (We can all go upward and that would be a remarkable thing. That requires pathways to development.)

What I will say is that there are advantages that come from attending an Ivy league school. Wealthier kids do regularly get more opportunities than others and that is pretty normal in almost any society. They have money, they have good benefits, strong teachers, and lots of recreational activities. They also have parents that are typically successful so they have home based models that help them. Lots of times more supportive networks of higher education (When I started graduate school people used to tell me I was too educated . In hindsight I can see some truth in that but not the way they saw it. I'm thinking about how education changes perceptions and often your social circles and responsibilities. Many students similarly don't have all the great support so when they do succeed, it is because they overcame many other social factors and economic problems. In other words, they were tested by live life with few resources but still had an upward trajectory. Can't get more elite in education than that! They know the details of how that works in a way that can't always be taught.)

There are other differences we should consider as well. The way in which the schools use language, orient their work toward a particular role level in society and set the culture expectations through a right of passage identity influences open doors (Remember most upper level jobs are filled by people within one's social and work networks. I think I read that statistic somewhere. Somewhere around 75% of professional jobs are filled without going to the general public.). 

The Problem We All Live With
Norman Rockwell
Representing the need to 
for education to our population 
and the struggles some face
that others never deal with.

There could be some risk from a societal standpoint if there is not enough circulation between social societal layers (Used to be broad classes but there are more factors now, with lots of levels, so layers seems more appropriate) and avenues for new leaders to come forward and take positions that lead to healthy societal adjustments to the environment. New ideas and new thoughts often lead to faster rates of change (Sometimes fast change is helpful and other times it is not. I believe moderate and steady change in society is to ensure everything adapts evenly with the least amount of hiccups. The immediate change and the long tail impact of change.)

Think of it this way. All societies must change and adjust to succeed in the long run. Typically this occurs on a much slower pace such as generation to generation as each generation overcomes the challenges of their era (i.e. Industrial Era, Digital Era, etc. are often spurred by world happenings and a need to meet those challenges.) That is naturally fostered through the ability to encourage motivated striving in society. This is also why I push "over the horizon" thinking that leads to novelty and better performance through consistent change.

As with all things in life, there is a balance to everything as we need stability as well as adaptability that requires knowing the optimum change-stability mix. How we approach opportunity is often deeply embedded into our society and each society will have an approach even if they do not know it (i.e. their culture is deeply embedded into economics). The U.S. could capitalize on having a strong flow of new wealth and opportunity from each of the layers of societal stratification (You don't have to take from the currently wealthy but you do need to put diversity and human capital to work to expand the opportunities.)

If you went to an Ivy league school you should be happy for the blessing in your life. Also consider the other places where people learn and develop their skills. The doors may not be as open as we would like, yet we still grasp that different perspectives are what creates an opportunity to craft more effective strategic options. Diversity of thought and perspective fosters new and unexplored avenues for this country. Other options to the top should be fostered for those of us who are not so blessed (I learned that through the school of hard knocks. In may ways life is a school but we can discuss later.)

To me, its helpful to ensure that our form of capitalism fosters as many opportunities to improve oneself and obtain goals as possible. Furthermore, it also helps to create broad based motivation that helps to encourage people to enhance their human capital based on our sociological historical lines of thinking. There are "go getters" in our country who when given a pathway can exceed just as much or more than our more polished members society (Both are needed in a growing system. Both can have high performers but the pathways are different and the rewards are not always well balanced based on merit alone. Tea anyone?). 

In other words, to have higher performing society to compete with other nations, then there should be a balance in the top positions between the elite and the nonelite. We need enough diversity to grease the wheels of ideation and put those ideas to good use for the nation. Elite education is helpful to the whole system but only will be helpful if there is a balance of freshness of thought and people to ensure circulation (There are sociological potential benefits to socialized eliteness as a communication and shared perspective for decision making. However, if there are not new people those advantages can dissipate when decision making capacity becomes culturally too narrow to find new solutions. Lack of diversity at thought can cause societal problems if the general system is not sufficiently overcoming environmental challenges). Stepping back can realize the value of both and help in finding the balance.

Performance of preparation (education) and performance of actuality (actualized) are different. The best and brightest are not confined only to the halls of elite schools (They are good schools and most of the time they are also good quality. Can't take that away. There is a reason why they persisted throughout the generations.) but higher performance can come from any common man or woman on the street when given half an opportunity. I'm ok with elite schools as long as elite performance is defined by more than brand. Good quality is the name of the game. (That is not my opinion on elite schools. I like some and not others but find them to be another way to learn. However, who your learning with sometimes defines what types of jobs you get. I make no judgment on that because there are many ways to look at the same issue. You have to make your own judgement. I think of the strategic and systems aspect of it).

New Study Investigates Why Elite Colleges Favor Rich Kids

*These articles are for learning and discussion purposes. They are not really written only for opinion but also because they provoke thought. Provoking thought allows people to move deeper. Sometimes people get furious when you say things they don't agree with so these are meant to provide an alternative explanation to things. They are not necessary facts or falsehoods. They are left to your personal perception.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Being Pulled Over by Police: Support Them When They Do the Right Thing!

Heading back to the boat after a hurricane we got pulled over by the local police. I mentioned to my friend that he was being tailed for a few miles just in case he wasn't aware. Sure enough we rounded the corner and he was pulled over. The interaction with police was professional and it was appropriate (As far as I can tell it was a net positive experience). My friend had an expired registration tag on his car and it made sense as to why he was pulled over (I mean he didn't say it was the air freshener or something.) It is logical and I understand that. 

(Unfortunately, its his wife's car and he doesn't drive it much. He found the insurance, old registrations and the smog test for an updated registration but couldn't find the actual updated registration document. In general, his wife was good about those things and keeps her car up to date.)

However, despite him being upset at the ticket the behavior of the police were in general appreciated and they did their jobs appropriately. While I'm not excited about my friend getting a ticket while he was giving me a ride, I understand the overall reasons why he was pulled over and issued the ticket. They were transparent and everyone just communicated until they told him what was going to happen and everyone moved on. 

(In my mind, it makes sense to be very nice and polite when you get pulled over. It is also ok to ask questions but do so in a polite manner. If your in the moral right just let everyone make their own choices and deal with it later. Its not pro or anti police or anything comment. Because we know the good and bad guns can do, I'm always a little nervous when anyone has them around me because I don't always trust people's judgement. We don't need the frontal cortex to get activated and derail rational thought; as a general rule for everyone. Move slow and move deliberately and communicate what your doing if you sense any tension and/or body language postering. The goal is to deescalate and lower the temperature. Civilians and police can do a better job at that during interactions. It should be a relatively neutral or positive experience. In this case, there was no need overall but its just good advice to keep in the back of your mind.)

In this case, and many other cases, this is what police were supposed to do and they offered a level of honor to their profession (Positive and negative interactions add up to create a PR impression of policing and protestors alike. If people are complaining on a large scale what we are saying and what we are doing might not be the same in all incidences. The brand imagery and the customer experience are sometimes different; assuming they know who the customer is. So let us make sure everything is in alignment to reduce those tendencies.). This is one reason why I once thought about joining the policing profession a long time ago (That and I think they can help people because of their important role in society. I also believe they can sometimes be shady and corrupt if there is societal confusion of their role and the parameters of that role.). I think I would have been a good investigator. :) In my lifetime I have found corruption, helped police nab bad guys/gals, got a drug operation evicted, stood up to bullies, and lots of other stuff that includes having empathy for the essential needs of protestors, and lots of other things that people don't generally understand (Also why hate narratives mislead.) 

(If you really think about what protestors want and what police want they have similarities. From a biological, psychological and social level we seek alignment with different aspects of society. That may mean a policy, narrative or culture is out of balance. Some of these issues are with departmental management, a general distrust in some of the public, and probably many other things that create dissonance. Politics likely the biggest culprit but not the root cause of the issue. We might consider asking ourselves these two questions...1.) Are we treating all Americans as having value in all of our institutions? 2.) Do we have an environment that fosters the type of leadership that can create shared similarities between different perspectives (i.e. On a universal level there are shared desires of protestors and police to foster safe communities, fair treatment/justice, opportunities to engage, standard of living, stop violence, etc..)

(btw...I'm not a protestor either. I just want to understand.)

I generally take a neutral approach to police and encourage people to do so as to avoid the hyped up rhetoric. When they do good we praise them and speak about it, when they do bad we correct them and report them. This is how problems are resolved, it sets the expectation socially what is appropriate, and it creates and environment where good police are highlighted for advancement and poor police are eventually discovered and if continues removed (Also why I like the idea of a vetted complaint button on the main webpage of every department. Good interactions should have some influence on departmental policy if there is an essential goal to serve the public. Too many complaints with merit it starts to highlight troubled areas for improvement, training, investigation, etc.). 

The same can be said at other times and locations where I heard complaints but then found later found out the police behaviors are appropriate for the circumstances. Meaning they did nothing I can tell wrong. I've written about when I think police are doing the right thing and I write about what might happen if they do the wrong thing. As a society we have freedom of speech so we may learn collectively and set the expectations (In most places we do have freedom of speech in some areas we do not so its not universal across the land yet.). Stifling that freedom for political, religious, ethnic or clan reasons means we don't have a feedback loop, have no way of addressing troublesome issues, that when they go on long enough could derail the entire system if not detected or corrected early. It is irresponsible from a systems stand point to not want feedback loops to stop small problems before they become big problems. i.e. retaliation would be another silencer of free speech.

In this case, I have no complaints. I feel bad for my friend but it is what it is.  Don't be all this or all that in anything in life. Police are not good or bad as they are imperfect people (They have bad days too.). They work within a larger system that hasn't yet always grasped the importance of building the best police we can! (From what I understand much of it is more political than practical). Most are good people trying to do the right thing who have lives much like the rest of society. They get ground down by the negatively of their jobs and sometimes departments are good or toxic and that exacerbates other issues. My conservative thoughts are 100% Police, 110% Civil Rights and the propensity to do good or bad is 80% good, 19% shady, 1% criminal in nature. Ask me tomorrow and I might change my opinion. Your opinion is more accurate? That is great! Keep it, share it, throw it, makes no difference. Just don't create a toxic environment from it! We all have to find a way in this world together. 💁

*These articles are designed to improve our society and encourage greater middle path critical thinking on issues. Please feel free discard if you already have better solutions. 

Economist Believes We Should Save Our Money Versus Spending It!

You can watch a video on an economist that discusses the need to think about saving your money and not going into more debt as consumers. I don't necessarily advocate for counting every penny because you have to live life and society in general needs a certain about of dollar circulation, but I do recommend financial balance with a reasonable amount consistently going into savings (I know I got two kids in college with their hands out. It is what it is!).  Putting away money into a saving account, retirement and living within your budget does make sense (Bank of American put together an article, '8 simple ways to save money'

Here is the article that discusses prices, inflation and debt. US economist warns Americans to ‘hunker down’ and ‘save your pennies’ as economy overheats