Saturday, August 5, 2023

Employment Rose 187,000 July, 2023

Keeping up with the news and the economy is important for understanding the general market. Economists are saying we may not have a recession at all. We may avoid it completely. The following is the lates and greatest employment section and where the positions came from.

The general description: "Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 187,000 in July, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in health care, social assistance, financial activities, and wholesale trade."

Friday, August 4, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting (8/1/2023): Church & State Discussion, Grants, Concerns, and Contracts

Sir Godfrey Kneller
As a representation of a person
who argued both ways 
at different developmental stages
of their lives.

This was definitely another action packed show of interest and intrigue. There were discussions that ranged from approving controversial contracts all the way over to religious discussions and its influence on governance. Discussions on grants and other interesting issues also came up so you should watch this one yourself. My opinion is below, and that is pretty neutral. I just watch because Days of Our Lives got really boring but this is like 3D exciting! (Popcorn in hand!)

I actually like some aspects of the introductory speech on the different perspectives of the nature of religion in society. It is an opinion and if given an opportunity to be heard there may be others with different opinions on how the nation was formed that may want similar time (Just to show government doesn't advocate for any particular religion. DEI was rejected but we do not know if the concept of diversity itself has been rejected. I don't think so, but I cannot say for sure.). Our goal is to just listen and understand whether or not those beliefs resonate with us as individuals (No need to accept or reject right away or even at all. You are a free person who decides things for yourself.). However, I do feel I would like to get some alternative opinions before I can come to a conclusion. I think there could be more to say on the topic. 

My only real concern is the venue for deeply religious discussions because it seems to send a signal that local government will be religiously based (I think that was the essential point of the speech. In some things I understand and agree but I disagree with specificity versus generality. Government should be guided by general principles of "moral conscious" and not on specific rituals or verbal artifacts of practice.). I think instead of soaking up too much public time discussing different religious and varying historical perspectives we might be better off using our time focusing on specific government functions and resolving problems to help our community. I think they may consider a YouTube streamed interfaith discussion on the nature of religion, religious living artifacts and governance, etc.. Just my thought. 

Related articles you can find on our beloved Escanaba Daily Press (They got reporters on the ground. A few good articles when you search out the county meeting. Opinions on racism, recall delays, new contracts, etc. News that keeps you up to date! If you want to advertise locally this would be the paper you would do it in.)

Rantings on Government and Religion (Is There a Reason Why They are Separate?)

During our founding fathers/mothers time most things in life were seen as having religious connections in natural form. Religion was interwoven with our understanding of the world and it is deeply embedded in our perception of society (We still debate religion and state. See The Establishment Clause.) Religious dominance become so encompassing in some places that the Pilgrims fled the stifling nature of religion in England in the earliest years to be able to practice their own religion in a far off land. Our founding fathers and mothers did not feel comfortable or welcome in England. Some might say that they were persecuted and hoped to find peacefulness and fairness in this land (This is why I respect that tradition and swore oaths to the Constitution and it rights.). Overreaching religiousness into all aspect of governance can sometimes lead to problems as we have seen in history when there is an inappropriate crossover of responsibilities. ie. government's job is not to teach specific religious adherence but can promote general societal values.

The pilgrims fled persecution and we have learned from them and incorporated those hard won lessons into our Constitution through protections for freedom of religion and freedom of speech (This is why American is the land of freedom and opportunity!). The root of many of our modern traditions blended preChristian Greece, with Judao-Christian-Islamic (There is lots things to show the same root values are apparent and woven into our history. Free and Slave alike.) as well as some of the blending of Native Americans organic beliefs (i.e. we beat the British by learning from the Native Americans.), and adopted their best to create modern American society. We can trace that democratic line all they way back to the philosophers of ancient Greece who could separate state from religion in order to advance the needs of society. We base our governance philosophy on that division of power concept because it ties the most people together into a single vision of America (i.e. not American and "American, or First and Second class Americans, White or Black, etc. where division exists it typically means toxicity has entered the political arena.). Faith of our Forefathers

I'm a believer in universalism as a light R. All healthy-positive religions are acceptable to practice and people should have religious freedom to worship as they please. They also have the right to engage fully in government, civic, military and other affairs without being forced to accept another person's religion as dominant and/or superior and/or more truthful (In history some have misused religion to harm others. i.e. fights between Catholics and Protestants, fights between Sunni and Shia, etc. It is a human problem perverted by narrow religious perception/lens that damages the togetherness and humility that religion was trying to teach us. As far as I have read from the history books, Jesus was darker skinned and he advocated for love, kindness and the soft nature that often comes with highly intelligent, gifted, spiritually endowed individuals. Thus we should accept diversity for some of the best of us were not all the same shade. If you want to take a more spiritual view, all life is goal directed.) 

I believe in a free nation where every man and woman can practice any religion as it was intended. That is my conservative side, smaller government, and all the other stuff seems to make sense but is strategic not religious. To some I'm a Rino for not being Far enough right and perhaps to some others on the left side I'm a Dino for not being liberal enough! I say that my beliefs are my beliefs. Feel free to toss them out and adopt your own. My only suggestion is to encourage togetherness and respect those people and leaders who seek to tie us together into shared goals and are humble about their religious beliefs as a truer sign of deeper faith. If we really knew our significance and insignificance in this world we would have no option but to be humbled by our awareness.

A Lesson Learned: Religion at its root can teach us so many good things about people and the nature of life and the universe. It should be humble and encouraging and guide many of thoughts and actions toward prosocial outcomes that lead to better societies. It should never be forced, but only be like a worm to be dangle and lured in ever so slight manner. If the fish notice and nibble, then they are on the path to salvation (Depending on your religious beliefs). They call it a term like path, hearing the call, enlightenment, and inspiration versus forced march, genocide, cleansing and other such words. 

John Locke pushed a very tolerate view of religion in society "I may grow rich by an Art that I take not delight in; I may be cured of some Disease by Remedies that I have not Faith in; but I cannot be saved by a Religion that I distrust, and by a Worship that I abhor."   John Locke, 1689 A Letter Concerning Toleration, p.31.

Benefits of Employee Multifunctional Cross-Training: A few tips

The Clock Maker
Jefferson David Chalfant
Representing the need
to update skills to 
changing technologies.
Employee Multifunctionality allows for increasing adaptable workplaces. The world has a growing need for updated skills and training will be a big part of developing such workers to meet emerging needs. The digital era and the technologies inherent such as AI and manufacturing advancements will put pressure on workers to increase their capacities. Cross training can help meet some of those gaps through knowledge and skill breadth.

Cross training fits well with many fields and can increase the abilities and skills of employees to meet emerging demands.  This article discusses 14% of the global workforce may need to update their skills by 2030 (In some ways it makes a case for online education.). The author discusses that industries that have a need for additional updating of knowledge due to artificial intelligence and technology. How cross-training could be the solution to the growing skills gaps in tech, health care, manufacturing and beyond.

What we often find is that that cross training is more then updating skills but sometimes gives the depth and breadth that employees crave as they grow, change, and adjust in their lives. A study found that cross training employees may lead to greater retention of high quality employees and save on recruitment, selection, and staffing issues (Keep in mind there are times to recruit in-house and times to recruit from the outside.) Benefits of Cross - Training : Scale Development and Validity

Cross training also leads to increases in skill as well as additional employee retention. One provides job depth and width in a way that leads to new opportunities. In such a way we can design employee training and progression paths that continue to move to greater depth and greater application of that depth to other areas (i.e. innovation and higher human capital). The employees skills not only are enhanced (depth) but also the context and application of those skills into multiple areas (cross knowledge fostering

A few tips on cross-training tips....

1.) Cross train using existing skills as a bridge to new skills. i.e. they know how to build a widget using a certain tool. Can they learn to use that or a similar tool in a different situation? 

2.) Think of longer term market changes. If we know what the market is going to need in terms of skills within 5 years we can start to infuse new skills demanded by the market as well as cross train those into other functions. 

3.) Cross training with higher level process knowledge can lead to awareness of ones position in relation to similar positions in the production chain. As employees learn related positions/skills they have a greater understanding of those positions that supports efficiency and adaptability. 

4. Understand motivations and abilities of employees and enhance their interest to encourage a path of development for growth leaning employees. Keep them engaged and motivated.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The State of the Economy (August 2nd, 2023): Credit Rating Down, Recession Unlikely, Manufacturing Looking Hopeful.

Ships Trading in the East 
Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom
Representing increased
economic activity.
The US is in an interesting place within its economic reemergence as an advanced manufacturing nation. There have been some past positive news such as manufacturing return, low unemployment, etc. mixed with inflation issues and other problems. Certainly it would give economists some serious headaches trying to figure out what it all means. Are we growing or declining, moving to a new economic platform, has the world events and economy impacted the U.S.?, etc. are the type of questions will likely come forward (They may say those things academic language while using data but essentially they are just seeking to answer the bigger questions.) 

In this hunt for understanding I came across a well informed article from Bloomberg's US Manufacturers Are Showing Signs of Life After Slump. A bullet point of the main ideas are....

-Fitch adjusted US credit rating down.

-China encouraging local bond buying for infrastructure creation (It looks like China is trying to compete. The race for the digital era is on and if the US solves some of it political issues and makes strategic bi-partisan choices in a way that maximizes on our diverse human capital it will likely come out on top. The advantage the US has is based in untapped human potential while what China has is economic control that pinpoints resources. Generally, economic free acting agents do better than top managed systems. Creative destruction process. Yet that is only true when diversity is managed to clear goals and different thoughts and ideas lead to new options. i.e. cognitive diversity.)

-Manufacturing index declines but sub indexes like orders are showing improvement meaning pace is picking up. They used Caterpillar as an example of industrial equipment at the root of development.

-Bank of American removed its recession forecast and there is indication the economy will continue to expand (See projections). 

-Spending and income are at mismatch which could be an indication of increased personal debt.

-Bond market is up.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Developing High Performing Organizations Through Diversity Maximization (Cluster Recruitment and Environment)

Source: HERE

Diversity can be a challenge but once mastered it can also take high performing human capital and make them exceptional and unmatched in the market. While many companies (nations) have highly skilled workers, and can develop more highly trained workers if needed, it is the diversity mixed with the right environment that leads to some of the highest performing teams. Innovation requires unique thoughts and ideas. An environment of openness to difference and diversity often creates open avenues of ideas and adaptations. In such environments, everyone must pull their full weight to maximize their unique contribution to solving ongoing problems. An environment of natural and fair competitive collaboration takes hold.

In my research on economic clusters, I desire to understand if an increase in rapid industry innovation can be improved by enhancing the essential rudimentary transactional aspects of a cluster. Through component building it may be possible to increase innovative activities 2-4X current innovative trajectory through focused industry co-development within a semi organically developed micro-economic environment (i.e. the components are implemented but they take root in their own unique way to blind to the cluster and improve the essential transitional micro adjustments that elude forced systems. DC MultiCluster and Transac Sub). Creating the right diverse growth environments is part of that process of idea sharing and exploring.

Diversity can create enriching organizational (i.e. company, nation, innovation cluster, etc.) environments that lead to improved team performance in key areas of innovation and management practices. New perspectives and new opinions helps teams adjust to master new talents and challenges. The same perspectives often lead to seeing the same problems in the same way and using similar tools in ineffective ways. When managed properly, diversity can lead to brainstorming new solutions through new insight from co collaborative development.

According to a study, 'Do Psychological Diversity Climate, HRM Practices, and Personality Traits (Big Five) Influence Multicultural Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance?' it is possible to attract individuals with certain personality traits like agreeableness, emotional stability and extroversion to create multicultural environments (See Global Mindset).

This article explains that culturally diverse workforce job satisfaction predicts job performance. It suggests that managers and human resource professionals should develop psychological diversity climate among employees, upgrade HRM practices as per diversity needs, and attract individuals with certain personality traits such as agreeableness, emotional stability, and extroversions (Aldoghan & Bhatti & Juhari, 2019).

What the study points to is that it is possible to create open environments that are not only diverse but also enriched through advanced employee selection as well as general cultural enhancements. Thus, if someone sought to develop a global oriented business they may, depending on legal compliance of the locality, be able to attract personalities and enhance those personalities toward higher performance.

A general principle I might apply here is this...

Principle: The culture of an organization can have a big influence its ability to use diversity to enhance overall performance.

Principle: It is possible to select for those personality traits that can enhance an organizations mission through openness to people and ideas. 

 Aldoghan, M. & Bhatti, M. & Juhari, A. (2019). Do Psychological Diversity Climate, HRM Practices, and Personality Traits (Big Five) Influence Multicultural Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance? Current Scenario, Literature Gap, and Future Research Directions. SAGE Open. 9. 215824401985157. 10.1177/2158244019851578.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Marines Meet Their Goals and Excel into 2024: Other Branches Struggling. Why?

The good news my fellow patriotic Americans is that we have serious recruitment going on in the Marine Corps. While the standards stay high, highly selective, people are flocking to challenge their best. They are coming to contribute and test themselves.

i.e. I think someone should ask them why they joined and how to get more of their friends. Recruitment survey to help out the other branches that may still be struggling as well as improve future Marine recruitment. 

Something like 33K open Marine positions were filled already and 30% of 2024's goals. They must be doing something right! When these Marines put their heads into something they can accomplish wonders. Hats off to them! Once, Always!

Fed Says that a Recession May not Happen at All: Economy May continue to Expand.

It appears from the next that the economy may continue to expand forward without a recession. The recession forecast was a very common recent forecast by many economists so to have a reversal in fortune is a good thing. In the article Recession fears vanish as U.S. economy shows staying power Federal Chair Dr. Jerome Powel is stating that we may avoid the recession completely and others are saying we may continue to expand (i.e. a new first time large scale digital age economic platform once homeostasis is reached.)

I think there has been a trend since before Covid and this is the time the U.S. can maximize from the Industria Era to the Digital Era and with luck encourage market leadership for the next 50 years and provide high quality employment to the next generation. The U.S. has opportunities now but they are a one shot opportunity. Infrastructure, innovation, and human capital can bring back advanced manufacturing (The trend has started). 

If we miss our opportunities for whatever reason, no matter who points the finger at whom, we may run the risk of struggling to get back on our feet. Continue the trend toward growth requires bi-partisan effort and working together. Not something easy when most are trying to please one group or another and not thinking about the big picture. 

 We will have to wait to see if the elections sort of put a major dent in that growth or not. This is why politics should follow solutions and not visa versa. Economic stability and political stability are associated in the literature. Bipartisan solutions will build a great nation while political pandering will cause our future to dissipate between our fingers (What is a vote worth? Its worth a lot in a democracy)

As with all things, maybe, maybe not. Its just a possibility with a little probability if the trajectory continues. It could also go other ways depending on political events. The digital era economy will continue to develop because its practical but our ability to continue to lead it and improve our innovative capacity is another story.  (That is politics!).

Related thoughts and articles on the idea:

GDP Contracts 1st Q of 2020-Is It a Short Lived Shock and Digital GDP Recovery?

US May Out Perform China in 2033 If "American's" Learn to Compromise and Coordinate a National Vision

White House Discusses "Defying Predictions" and One Possible Explanation of a Digital Shift

The U.S. is Growing and China is Slowing (How Long will it Last?)