Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Recall Efforts in Delta County MI. Different Judge to Hear Case

For those who have been watching the local meetings you will find that there is significant amount of commotion around the firing of a prior county commissioner. I suspect there is more to that story but that remains to be seen. The rumor mill is abuzz! (My general advice is to avoid rumors unless you have some factual anchors. Even then, it is best to generally not repeat them unless it is a matter of serious importance to resolve an issue.)

Read the article below and you will get a sense of the changes in the county and the sort of legal maneuvering that is occurring. Some residents want a recall and of course there may be some that don't (i.e. supporters) The three commissioners named appear to not want it as well so the courts will be involved. Either way, there is a threshold that has to be met before anything serious gets into play. 

You can read....

New judge to hear county recall appeal

I'm neutral on these issues for the most part. It is a general process that we go through when there are questions and/or people may feel they want different representation. What is more or less interesting, is how quickly this is sort of changing the local landscape and highlighting community expectations. Only time will tell what happens. That is not for or against anyone or anything. If I have a well formed opinion, I will state it. My only opinion at the moment is that solving problems is a good thing.

Turn the page....

Global Warming Blamed for Increases in Heat: U.S. Can lead the renewable market.

Global Warming is blamed for the ongoing rash of heat waves experience across the globe. The science is coming out increasingly more clear that we need to live cleaner. The move to more renewable energies is helpful. Phasing out fossil fuels in a way that continues to reduce pollution consistently to stay allow the planet to recuperate is helpful. 

The world is starting to look for solutions. I think new U.S. renewable manufacturing may be able to help. This is why we need to stay on top of the emerging technology fields. Just like medical, the renewable clean energy is going to have a big market and is going to help improve the environment. Win-win.

U.S., European heat waves 'virtually impossible' without climate change, study finds

You may also find that the second largest source of energy in the U.S. is from renewable energy sources according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Trying the Non-Gym Integrated Work Out

Today I lapped swam a lake for 
about 20-25 minutes. 
Beyond loving the water,
I also found a treasure of 3 golf balls.
Someone was hitting from the shore
Some of you know that I have a fitness trainers license and have a past playing a few sports. Personally, I liked mostly individual sports that I compete directly with others. I like team sports but prefer knowing that my failures and success are directly related to my performance. 

Like many of you, the gym has been a great motivator for me because I can interact with others. If you really get into it, you will find a whole community of super fits that live their lives around the gym. I want to try something a little different even though there have been times when they let me tag along. 😐

Like many digital nomads I live online, work online, shop online, date online, etc. We have need to get out of the house but we have lots of reason to be mobile within our homes as well. Thus, integrating workouts throughout the day is good for one's health and for their overall performance. 
To experiment with this idea I am putting all of my gym memberships on hold. I'm not getting rid of them because there is a good possibility I will return. However, what happens after a month of integrating workouts throughout the day?

Integrating means working out regularly throughout the day using various activities. Weights, Pilates, yoga, HITT cardio, walking, biking, etc... We are not working out, we are moving and using resistance throughout the day. 

My current workout routine for the month includes shorter bursts of....

1. Cardio: Lake and ocean swimming, biking, walking, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, dance, self-defense, etc. 

2. Muscle: Weights, bands, Pilates, body weight activities, climbing, natural work, etc.

3. Flexibility: Yoga, kickboxing, dance, etc.

In the end I want to see if it is possible to get in or better shape when compared to going to the gym if one works out regularly. I will let you know. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Benefits of Applied Psychology and Research to Business (R&D)

Source: National Science Board
U.S. and China spend most on R&D.
U.S. could focus within industry clusters
to maximize government-industry-university
Matching that with the right entrepreneurial 
and recreational environment can 
lead to intellectual capital draw and retention.

Applied psychology and business research impacts just about everything in the business world ranging from employee selection all the way over to marketing. One of the ways in which academics and business gurus can stay competitive is to keep up with the current literature. That literature should be freely published and encouraged so as to maximize its benefits for business use. That becomes especially important for businesses, industries and even nations that want to be innovative. 

It is helpful to look at journals in emerging science and technology. Applied psychology is a growing and emerging field that seeks to understand many different facets of life. In this case, we are thinking more about business. Applied Psychology Journal Ranking. This website provides a list of various journals, of which the leading journals are listed more towards the top.

If you browse around you can often access the prior publication and many of the articles for free. There are scientists concerned about publication and academic freedoms. Just like we should think about research from its practical application we should also ensure the environment welcomes and doesn't stifle research (i.e. making research subject to the political process and/or stifling research through direct or indirect methods.). 

In my economic cluster theory (Delta County Model) I have been working on there will be a need for focused research and a need for general new discovery research. Advancing clusters can attract R&D investments around key cluster-industry needs through the use of direct commissions, grants, equipment, etc. One could be implementing new research from universities and/or be building prototypes Research and Development: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons.

Here is a solid article on research freedom.

From Traditional Research to Responsible Research: The Necessity of Scientific Freedom and Scientific Responsibility for Better Societies


"My research journey spans a period of exciting new theories informing innovative practices in businesses and other organizations and a period littered with concerns about the research-practice gap, questionable research practices, and a strong emphasis on the number of publications in top journals for hiring and promotions. These recent developments led to the dilution of both scientific freedom and scientific responsibility in our scientific work. I offer my research journey to illustrate the importance of both, with the most recent endeavor in a global responsible research movement to produce useful and credible knowledge that will enable business and management practices to serve all stakeholders and to solve the world's most challenging problems. Emerging institutional changes in business schools, journals, associations, and accreditation agencies provide hope that scholars will soon find the conditions favorable for both freedom and responsibility to support their aspiration to pursue research that will contribute to better societies and meaningful careers."


"The mission of university-based business schools is to create knowledge to improve business practices that will bring benefits to multiple stakeholders, including shareholders. We emphasize multiple stakeholders because the business ecosystem consists of not only those who provide the funds (owners or shareholders) but also those who provide their expertise and labor (workers), those who purchase their products or services (customers), those who supply raw materials or parts (suppliers), and all those (citizens) whose life may be affected by the business indirectly, e.g., the quality of water, air, and soil, byproducts of the production activities of business firms. As social scientists, our goal is not only to solve the mystery of our social and natural world but also, more importantly, to produce knowledge or evidence-based solutions to business problems with the ultimate aim of improving the human condition. Yet, in the past three decades business school research seems to have been derailed by two choices. One is giving stronger preference to economic than to social outcomes. This preference is revealed in the predominance of scientific inquiries examining and promoting economic outcomes that benefit shareholders more than outcomes that are important to stakeholders like customers, employees, suppliers, and people in the society supporting the business. The second is the pursuit of publications by all means and at all costs, even if it means compromising the objectivity and truth-seeking purpose of science. Fortunately, self-correction has started. I think we can be cautiously optimistic about a bright future in management research."

Tsui, A. (2022) From Traditional Research to Responsible Research: The Necessity of Scientific Freedom and Scientific Responsibility for Better Societies Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2022 9:1, 1-32

What is Business Intelligence and Business Analytics

Business intelligence helps companies make decisions about their internal and external environment. Such knowledge comes from using business analytics to understand and manage data. The somewhat looser use of the scientific method is applied as the collection, processing, analyzing, and concluding of information. If validity and accuracy is not assured then then junk data and poor decisions could be made. 

Sometimes data "hints" at something. It means that while a causal relationship hasn't been investigated fully, the general data is strong enough to show there is something going on. For example, one can follow a chain of decisions over a number of years to determine goals, another might be able to look at various outputs of group behavior to determine form and structure. 

In the world of Big Data that comes along with the Digital Era/Info Age, business intelligence will be king on many things. While the market may have the data available, it is often the intelligent and creative class that has the ability to see new avenues to data that were not thought of prior. You must know where to focus your efforts and that is part science and part art. There are some more gifted at it then others. 

(I posted for the video content. I'm unaffiliated with the company)

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting (7/18/2023): Solar, Annexation, Growth, DEI

Benjamin West, 1805
The town is discussing 
the place for solar panels within 
their community.

This was an interesting meeting to say the least. Good stuff going on in Delta County and that is likely to impact our future opportunities through diligence in clearing issues out and then moving to solve problems. Someday, I hope this will be a place that attracts consistent investments so as to reverse the trend of decline for many U.P. locations and show others how a community can come together to overcome market challenges.

 (In many ways it shows how democracy works on a grass roots level. Democracy is a conversation and shared decision making. It doesn't necessarily apply only here, but in all politics. We should always think critically about any information presented by politicians, leaders, etc. so as to make sure we understand them and their essential points. Many times we sort of just accept things on face value. Politics is the art of negotiation and building conversational that leads to shared understanding. The type of personality will determine how we use politics. If you are more of a good soul you will solve problems and bring people together. If you are sort of a darker soul, you might misuse politics to manipulate votes. The political party should not matter in that as it is a human condition. The environment will determine acceptance or rejection of truth or manipulation through rewarding or not rewarding certain behaviors. Politics should be secondary to good decision making. Politics should also be secondary to the needs of the community and good decision making. Parties should represent the people and be a voice for their needs. People should not be the voice for the parties. When conversation is drawn in reverse order from top to bottom we see greater distortion in decision making and behaviors. Conversation upward into party decision making keeps democracy focused on the people's needs so we grow as a society. Coming out and sharing your concerns is a conversation upward. The locals here have become very interested in the topics. Community Engagement: the innovations changing how its done). 

They have come so far attracting investment, interest, and opportunities. There were some issues that are still being worked out such as the annexation of Escanaba Township into Cornell Township. This was attempted in order to create one large solar farm in benefit of one of the commissioners. The issue of solar farms will continue to be debated for some time, but the issue of annexation is complete at the moment. Many are happy about that!

As a side note, if we do have solar farms in the area, I believe part of the deal should be feeding Escanaba first before the main grid and at a lower price parity point when compared to the open market. It would be one of the better ways of redistributing some of the benefits of local renewable energy and mitigate some of the cost to the community. That doesn't mean they would or could do that, but it would be something to consider if solar farms do go in somewhere (There may be the ability to use smaller farms instead of one/few large farms. i.e. the ability to remove relatively easily if they become obsolete. Concerns of pollution may be lessened using above ground metal structures to secure the panels and less deep anchoring.)

Like much of the country we are debating DEI and its benefit. Whether we call it DEI, or something else, we have a commitment to ensure everyone in the country is treated fairly, inclusively, and part of the same indivisible people. If the board decided they didn't want DEI, then I would have hoped they would have passed their measure with a statement on respect for the diversity of life. I didn't necessarily see a desire to maintain diversity even though they may disagree with DEI. 

(I don't want to get particularly religious as I'm more spiritual than anything. I do know a few things about different religions. I would say that most of the religious philosophers advocated peace and togetherness. They advocated trusting each other. Other then a few examples, the vast majority had some shade of color so I'm pretty sure the Big Guy/Gal/It/Being/One/Energy or however one wants to form it would not be happy if we are damaging his creatures and judging each other on shallow surface issues. Even when we disagree, we can have empathy. Don't listen to me, my beliefs are more in the middle and likely more accurate historically. Everyone is welcome!)

Let us see how these issues are resolved. Right now it would appear that a majority of the community have high political engagement in democratic society and want to ensure their town/area stays open to new comers and other people. 

A Day of Diving in the Quarry-Headed over to 4 Seasons

Originally I was supposed to go ship wreck diving more in a hunt for Queen City. However, that did not happen yet this summer. I did get to go diving the other day. Because I often need at least one other person and everyone seems busy I'm starting to opt for surface diving because I can take my wetsuit and go lap swimming as well. Its warm enough that you don't need it but its good practice because wet suits are buoyant. 

After diving we headed over to Four Seasons Resort which was said to be once owned/visited by a mob and is on its own island. I don't know if that is true. However, they do have good meals. Public Enemies Peach and Quit NY Times.