Friday, July 14, 2023

White House Discusses "Defying Predictions" and One Possible Explanation of a Digital Shift

There is some good news with the economy and some momentum that is starting to reverse some long overdo trends. Look mote toward some of the root changes that could be occurring. The article below has some interesting concepts and should be reviewed to get a grasp of these adaptive changes. The U.S. is growing and changing as a large entity and that has been somewhat of a turnaround. 

Focusing on some of the economic factors is important. Beyond rebuilding our nation to be one of the strongest in the world. The factor I'm worried about in politics is bipartisan open discussion and problem brainstorming and resolution (Bipartisan team management). The rest is sort of hype for both sides. There has been some good bipartisan work and I think its influencing the outcomes.

To me, based on some of the economic theories I'm looking at I want to understand if we are moving into a new homeostasis. It is possible, with no definitive truths or outcomes, that COVID set off a larger change in the global economy by pushing the digital fundamentals of the economic platform along with the prior physical aspects of the economy used in more traditional models (Of which the U.S. may become one of the very first large scale digital economies). 

If we are moving into a new economic platform then we should find things going back to a new stable normal and in turn find that functioning at a higher homeostasis level. The point being that Covid pushed us to change and we will see increased economic resilience and adaptability. It may or may not be true, but its just one possible wild speculation of what could happen (It hasn't been ruled out by logic yet and some things sort of point to it. Researchers should never prejudge but simply understand possibilities and the likeliness of a theory being true each time new information comes out.). 

Remember that speculation and theory development doesn't mean its true and I'm relatively indifferent to its truth (other then wanting my nation to be the best but whether I'm correct or not is not important much. This is what objectivity is.)but it would be nice if the efforts we made during COVID showed great fruit for the nation beginning next year and beyond. (P.S. I'm in favor of trickle down and saturate up economics.  ðŸ˜‚💨)

(I'm just sort of writing to understand things for myself and their possibilities. Your welcome to read or just go watch tv or engage in any other activity you desire. Maybe biking or walking would be better then TV.

ICYMI: NEC Director Lael Brainard: U.S. Economy is “Defying Predictions”

I just threw in approximates. Internet has been around longer but not on a wide scale until my late 20's

DOE to forgive $39 Billion of Student Loans. How will it impact the economy?

The Department of Education under Biden's Administration will be forgiving $39 billion loans for 804k students. The Supreme Court had declined the push for a larger loan forgiveness program. However, it defined the strategy by moving it into an administrative function. There will be debate that is sure and I like to listen to both sides. I'm curious how the forgiveness will impact human capital, national debt, and the economy. Let us wait and see.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Harvard Professor Claims to Have Found Alien Technology

A professor, and team, from Harvard believe they have found remnants of alien technology. I believe its wise to be open to all the possibilities of which one is alien technology. We should remember that we do not know all things in the universe and we are limited in perception like many other species (i.e. dogs and hearing is a good example). Thus, we may not know what we do not know. 

What we can say is that the discovery should perk ears as one possible explanation. Because one cannot make a direct observation they are relying on secondary, third and even abstract data based on our current understanding of physics. Be open to it being UAP and be open that its something else. 

Let the data and future research break down the logic of possibilities. There are gaps in that logic that need to be filled by science. Either way, its an interesting find that could lead us down some unique discoveries and paths if true. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Inflation Slowing, Rent is Expensive, and my Latte at Airport Tastes Better

Sometimes it's nice to smell the roses and look at the bright side of modern working life. Inflation is cooling a little, air travel costs are down, unemployment is low, wages are up and for some reason my nonfat latte tastes a little better! (It probably tastes the same but maybe psychologically tastes better.🤔)

As a nation we will continue to need to capitalize on our strengths and hedge our weaknesses. For example, I believe it's possible that inflation can come down with new technology implementation and infrastructure development but wages can also rise based on new learned skill sets that maximize that technology. I'm thinking, increased US advanced manufacturing and intellectual/creative capital.

Let us also consider the commitment by the US and China to avoid decoupling. It helped us realize there are critical industries that are central to US Digital Era Renaissance and that will impact many other industries. If we get those right, it is likely we get many other things right. China will likely try and match but under their own system and perspective (They may lag a little if the US can master its human capital issue. This is why we should be less political and more objective  in a non partisan way. You must have the goals before you can sell them politically. )

Inflation: Consumer prices in June rose at slowest annual rate since March 202

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Elon Musk Reveals New Optimus Robot Video! (2023 Tesla Shareholder Meeting)

This is very interesting. Think of the Digital Era and how these technologies will become cheaper, more common, and used in industry and other applications. It can be a good thing if managed and it does pose some risks when misapplied. In addition to infrastructure, batteries, and new technologies we should consider being at the top of this market (i.e. think of space flight exploration, dangerous work, deep diving, and military). 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Janet Yellen Holds Press Briefing In China, Stresses Opposition To Economic Decoupling

There is a discussion on decoupling and recoupling. While this has been going on for some time because of conflicts in Russia and some aggressive trade policies one must say that two larger countries will need to find market homeostasis where they enhance the size of the total market. Greater communication is needed to ensure that there is general alignment to the need of the wider of the market. Market relationships based on basic international rules where that creates market stabilization. 

I do like that she says we do need to ensure the U.S. Supply chain is robust, adaptable, and maintains product/service movement. One issue she brings up is the business and investment environment. China will also need to ensure their practices are fair for American businesses (i.e. dumping and intellectual theft). 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Pinta Ship Photo

 I was in Louisville last week and went and visited the Pinta. History of the Pinta. Its not the greatest picture but i'm going to include it anyway. 

Purchase the Pinta in Gallery