Saturday, July 1, 2023

General Milley Discusses Innovating the Military: New Technology for New Times

I'm a big supporter of the Military. They have been in field of protecting our nation for centuries. It is a primary place where it doesn't matter your ethnic, racial, or religious background. It has been an avenue for growth and development for human capital consistently ahead of other institutions. To some its a universal right of passage in development (and adventure). Others may have their own opinion but that is mine and when values and behaviors are focused on key principles it is a good thing. That being said read this.....

US military should speed up efforts to modernize its forces, top American general says (The Stars and Stripes is a cool paper.)

We are in a new world and innovation will speed up so it is doubtful most people are going to grasp these changes. (Think of playing Atari versus VR) Thus, staying on top of the tech and military development game is important. We must have the most advanced and mobile force on the planet. That requires a new way of thinking and competing.

I see this as two advance split. One level we want push new industry-military development that can help both (profit and patriotism) as well as ensure our military has the technology to function even when the technology shuts off. High tech with low tech abilities to function as strategic units. Such divergent skills and abilities can also develop off of each other in unique ways.

There is a lot to be learned from understanding both that might not seem initially apparent. Having high tech abilities is essential for beating out other technology and the low tech capabilities lead to adaptable units that understand the essentials of modern warfare. It is a changing and robust field and I suspect it will continue to be in the future as we are always in flux. “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus)

If someone shuts off the switch (i.e. either physically or through other advanced tech) these units can navigate through it independently if necessary (its a competency). That comes from understanding high tech and low tech environments which are likely going to mirror the types of battles we as a nation are going to engage in with different world actors at different technology development levels. 

Understanding high and low technology also allows one to piece together a creative and divergent thinking style during challenge to find new solutions. Our skills will need to develop in order to ensure that both sets of knowledge can be conceptually blended into excellence (Its just an opinion and idea but there may be many others. See this study on divergent learning in students with high and low creativity. Effects of divergent thinking training on students’ scientific creativity: The impact of individual creative potential and domain knowledge)

You may consider how these skills could change 192. New Skills Required to Compete & Win in the Future Operational Environment. Notice the author brings in lots of new data concepts. Thus, the basic skills recruited, developed and enhance may change. Some of the tools and tactics might change to function at their maximum. That is necessary. Yet the basic values of these institutions will maintain their line of development in a way the puts these tactics in context of cultural connections. See Marking a Point in History, Military Leaders Teach Business Executives, Changing of Military Honor

(What I respect about him is he walked the talk when it was needed. One might agree or disagree but in hindsight for the most part he was on the right side of history. I think he is again and our nation will likely begin to grow and adjust in ways we haven't seen since the last Renaissance. Good men can sometimes be hard to find. That is my opinion. either way...check this video.... We Swear an Oath to the Constitution)

We can train and we can talk about innovation but if we do not have a strong underlining mechanism to do that innovating in a financially stable way we will continuously outstrip our resources. As manufacturing comes back to the U.S. let us build the best environment we can for industry and government to both receive the benefits of innovation investment and development. One sustainable method is to build the supply chain and infrastructure to use focus on military and industry co-development (Think of this as a resource and economies of scale issue. I kind of thought Rapid Innovation Systems would speed up innovation 3 to 4X its current pace under the right environment. I could be wrong but its an idea.)

Clarity of Problems and Solutions Through Perspective and Systems Thinking (Shades of Grey Poem)

Education and knowledge are important to one's life and I think the more we can give that to people the better civic and business leaders we will create. In every business and system problem there is a solution. Often insight comes from understanding the many different parts and perspectives that lead to lasting long term solutions. 

It is as much a perspective of issues as it is deep knowledge (i.e. focused data digging and wider data application. I came across this study on how to improve problem solving and insight.). When we have the data and we have the broader issues in mind we can then start to brainstorm the many different solutions that would fit both. 

Systems Thinking for Principals of Learning

I put together a quick and unvetted poem for you (Yes, I'm an amateur poet so don't laugh.

The Shades of Grey

The morning light,

Not so bright.

The darkness of the night,

still some sight.

Shades of grey,

One could say.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Mackinac Bridge Photo and History

 I was driving across the Mackinac Bridge a few weeks ago. I took a nice photo from near the fort. You can read the history in Mackinac Bridge Authority.

Mackinac Bridge Photo Gallery

The U.S. is Growing and China is Slowing (How Long will it Last?)

It looks as though the US economy is poised to grow and the Chinese economy may be facing some problems. There has also been a shift by countries to work more with the U.S. and allies. Upward trajectory in the U.S. and slower growth in the other might be a major reversal of trajectory. What we can say is that the U.S. seems to be picking up speed with manufacturing investments and new infrastructure development while China could possible have experienced some problems with over capitalization.

(I think China used a more Communist approach of top down management which pushed growth but may not work well in to the next era. This is interesting to see if U.S. innovative push will further encourage longer term upward US growth that could outstrip China's in a few years. I'm thinking about 23/24 as being a type of transition time. One might even wonder if we are entering into a new digital platform homeostasis. There is a prediction of a recession this year so we will have to see if that plays out. Likewise China is expected to rise next quarter. However, numbers haven't been following traditional patterns as they should. It means there is likely an extraneous confounding variable our analysts haven't found. I would think perhaps more or less lots of digital transactions that are not being covered well under traditional metrics making the variability range much higher than normal. I could be 100% wrong about it, that is ok.)

Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised Estimate), and GDP by Industry, First Quarter 2023

A couple of key points.....(quoted)...

-Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 2.0 percent in the first quarter of 2023 (table 1), according to the "third" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth quarter, real GDP increased 2.6 percent. (If you are wondering what Real GDP it includes GDP accounts for inflation and deflation. See Real GDP Formula)

-The increase in real GDP in the first quarter reflected increases in consumer spending, exports, state and local government spending, federal government spending, and nonresidential fixed investment that were partly offset by decreases in private inventory investment and residential fixed investment. Imports increased (table 2).

Fox News has some interesting information GDP increased in Q1 2023, but experts forecast recession

You can Federal Chair Jerome Powell's discussion June 14th, 2023 Federal Reserve Transcript

Thursday, June 29, 2023

What should you expect when your the target of hate? (The Longer Term Perspective)

George Caleb Bingham, “The County Election,” 1854
Hate is a disease in our society and as I reflect on the things people have said and done I have become aware to how embedded some of those distorted values are in our within our social networks; maybe all societies. I can't figure out how someone's race or religion can become the most defining thing in another's life to the point where nothing else much matters. Many nations deal with this disease in different ways and I believe we will likely overcome this issue in the next era of development. 

The underlining aggression of certain behaviors are sometimes apparent even though we may be scratching our heads as to how the people who engage in these behaviors seem to believe wholeheartedly without alternative explanations that "those people" are responsible for everything negative in their lives (Even responsible for things that are not rationally connected or associated. Their choices often don't factor into the situation). Hate is pure projection with sometimes little to no conscious awareness by the perpetrators. 

When you are the target of hate do not expect the laws to always function as they normally would if targets are seen as having higher value in society (Society can be defined in different ways. I would say your daily interactions is the most common perception). There are a lot of people who understand the laws against hate but then seek to circumvent those laws as much as they can to help themselves and/or their friends. In some cases its likely willful intent to harm. 

Yet, one might not be so sure as to why and how such things became so important that seemingly good people engage in such behaviors with little regard for others rights, values, or societal contributions (Looks like patterned behaviors of them and closely associated officers. Don't expect there to be a correction to avoid these behaviors either. Hope and expect are different animals. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't but don't expect it. It depends on many factors of which most of us are not in control of the outcomes.). Then I realize that we are not always a rational people, nor do we all share certain values, nor do we all share the same perceptions of our nation. 

(One interesting part of this discussion is the Milgram Experiment where a researcher forced others to electrocute people just because they were told to do so under a little pressure. While the study has validity issues, it  did show its still possible to force people to act in ways that might not have happened without those pressures. I guess the same thing happens in our social networks when there is pressure to teach chose targets 'a lesson'. Considering this possibility, its more macro form in other nations, we can say it is also part of human nature. Milgram Experiment. If possible, it make sense to ensure there are more pressures to do the right thing than the wrong thing. That will require an environment that respects the inherent rights of individuals. Something inherent in the Bill of Rights that we assume are fully supported by all members of society.)

There are some who feel they have the right to act in any way they want to others (i.e. entitled to things, people, and others. Narcissists and the criminal element take it to the next level. With the right friends there is no accountability.). Typically that comes from the influence of their social networks (Except in some cases of mental health and criminality which can be their own catalyst). If such behaviors were seen as poor they would have been shunned. If such beliefs become acceptable, as they were in this hypothetical case, it would have been encouraged.

What should you expect? Expect nothing! There are laws but they are not always enforced as intended or as written. While I personally don't want people to get in too much trouble, I do recognize the danger of allowing such behaviors to continue unchecked because they have become embedded as shared values within their social networks (This is a hypothetical situation so we don't have to worry about anything. This stuff could never happen in real life! Ever! So the good news everyone will act with the highest amount of integrity and we don't need to do anything. Easy street now......keep on sailing........)

I have also come to expect nothing in terms of local justice because of social interests (I do believe the state and federal governments understand some of the long term ramifications of allowing people to continuously circumvent good moral conscious and our laws on a micro level in a way that sometimes leads to macro scale consequences under the wrong circumstances.). When hate is on a rampage, we know in history what the outcome could be if left unchecked. Thank goodness, we are rest assured that these past atrocities are long, long, long ago and will never be repeated again! Never Ever!

As a nation of diverse people, we must push our systems to grow so as to better fulfill/ensure our social contracts are seen as central to decision making (i.e. why the sacking of the Capital was a stark reminder that democracy can be challenged. I discourage the erroneous belief that it was a singular phenomenon that could not happen anywhere else or at any other time. It is important to understand that these sentiments sometimes exist in our hometowns and people act on those underlining beliefs without thinking. We struggle to see or recognize the root of these behaviors and thus we as individuals and as a nation will be plagued by them unless we grasp their essence.) At present, I cannot say 100% of our local justice systems represent all of their people adequately or fairly. While most might, I cannot guarantee that each town and city throughout the land care enough about everyone within society to fix the problem (It often depends on the cultural perspective of the actors involved in a somewhat closed system). 

Convincing people that there is also great underdeveloped human capital at our fingertips in developing all of our population also seems to be difficult to sell in some social circles; most understand but some don't. I'm not sure why. It makes sense, its supported in research, its the most humane thing to do, the most moral route, and likely leads to the best strategic outcomes for everyone. I think we just are not there yet and have become complacent. There are political pressures that have nothing to do with what is moral or just in the end (We should encourage rallying around those American principles old and young, Republican and Democrat, Black and White, Muslim/Christian/Jew/Hindu/Atheist believe in. We don't need extreme nationalism but we need to stand tall to keep our torch lit and our flag flying high. I focus on the youth. Others can focus on the grumpy old men and women in their political parties. See poll on American Pride. I'm proud we are in that place where real change is going to secure our longevity as a people. We just got to guide our youth to believe in a vision that resonates with their generation. Let's not sell out America to them, but get them to buy into our democracy as the place they can be the best and have the most opportunities.)

Despite some of the failures, perceived or real, that doesn't relieve you of your responsibilities to society (Even if you are the target and even if our more central laws are discarded). Two wrongs don't make a right. Because we cannot guarantee that people will do the right thing, we do need to encourage others to be more open minded and discourage Constitutional circumvention when it becomes apparent. As a large body of people, we must remind others of the ideal state that we strive and continuously reach for lofty goals that push democracy to its more pure forms (We are no longer talking about ancient Greece as the ideal democracy but one in which educated, empowered, and valued people having a meaningful contribution to society and share fully in its governance and systems.).

I do believe simply based on practicality and our line of anthropological and sociological development we will become increasingly more universal in our values and perceptions of value (Perhaps there are slightly more people who want to have a singular society then those who advocate for social and institutional segregation. We have moved beyond legal segregation but have not moved past social segregation because culture sometimes lags behind in some places. It has only been a generation of difference. Thus, we should expect some social segregationists out there to flex their muscles. All in all unless something big happens, segregation should be on the decline and until we know its not going to rear its ugly head, we should hasten its decline into the annals of lesson learned history.). To compete as a nation we will need all hands on deck through equality of treatment. There is no mincing of words here. Trust is a consistency of behavior and choices. We must increase the consistency of good judgement in a way that leads to the best benefit to the most people in society (Its not pro police or pro protestor. It is a mater of proper management around shared moral and ethical principles).

Saying you believe in your nation, its people, and its central American values sometimes gets a hypothetical car outside your house, or following you down a dark country road, but alas we are still on a path of development despite those who don't support our American principles. Understanding a large system also means understanding what things can be improved and our responsibility in encouraging that improvement(...even when there are personal risks to self. Most of the time we don't recognize the little things people do everyday to support freedom and democracy. hint hint youth even the smallest acts of report crime or corruption can help.). We are all in this boat together so let us row together as a single team. If there are teammates who are toxic or only want their less performing friends filling the seats on the team, I doubt we are going to win many races. 

Everything in this life is a choice. So be it as individuals, as a community, as a society, and as a nation. We choose to reach over the horizon or to settle with only a partially obstructed view of the top of the hill. So let us be positive and polite and ask our politicians and officials to please stand for their oaths and for our country. They either set upon that path or they find ways to not set upon that path. It is, what it is! Maybe someday we as a society can do the things the right way and receive the national growth bonuses for doing the American thing! In many ways, failure to protect our citizens rights is a little selfish and leads to poor results (Don't listen to me, by some I'm not even a full citizen even though I was born and bled for this nation more than most. What is in a Muslim name? I guess it depends on who you ask and what type of national values they hold. The only thing I'm going to say is that I'm happy the capital sackers turned down one hallway versus the other least the rest of us might be on our own when dealing with these/thesis issues. Be polite, state the truth as you see it, challenge poor behaviors when apparent and hold your boundaries. Ask them if there is a way in which we can all be on the same team and say so with pure intent. Let their actions come to define them.)


One potential solution is better reporting mechanisms. We can ensure that hate crimes are reported correctly so as to address them and we can ensure that people understand that hate crime can be perpetrated and received by any race or religion in society (In a universal society we are all treated as having value so race and religion are secondary to the principle itself. i.e. "we hold these truths to be self evident...") We also may want to be more engaged with police and connect them to all the different people within our community in a positive way. We want to raise those officers to leadership positions that display the right values, temperament and tactics and ensure those who are doing the wrong thing are kept away from misusing public trust. (Recent issues can be a growth issue for everyone or they can be one that divides us for a long time. I advocate for learning from adversity and using it as a tool for adaptation and development. In this case, we have an opportunity and a risk all at the same time. I believe if protestors and police start sharing their perspectives they can come up with solutions. Both must be in the game for a better society for everyone. Hard political sell but often in science, even if we disagree with a perspective, it helps us understand so as to open doors to resolution.) Perhaps we could encourage politicians to model appropriate conflict resolution behaviors so as to find common ground on looming national problems. Solving problems and learning are a perspective as much as they are an action.. Creating a singular people with a singular focus is a matter of habit in word and deed and would be helpful in this respect. Finally, raising our children together in a way in which we treat ALL of them as a valuable and precious helps sew the fabric as a beautiful background for a bright and sunny tomorrow. We must protect our small eggs to protect our futures and that is based purely on the choices we make. I advocate for evidence based solutions and some others seem to be involved in magical thinking (I'm not sure how to solve a limited perspective issue. 🤔 Maybe we need a thought experiment to explore these hypotheticals so as to ensure we are modeling properly solutions. Maybe not? 🤗😗 🤷)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse 1889 (Picture and History)

Mackinac Lighthouse 1889
See in Gallery for Purchase
This is a picture taken a week or so ago while driving downstate. History is something that tell us about our past and can often tell us about our future. One might even say human behavior on a macro level is patterned and repeated throughout history. 

The difference is that we advance as a people and we can learn from history so as to improve our future. We learn, develop and grow and with luck successful adapt to environmental changes.

For example, this is a lighthouse that tells a story of some of the dangerous history of being in the wilderness like this. It also tells a story of economic and commercial activities on the Great Lakes.

Old Mackinac Light House park information.

Waterfront Wednesday Louisville 2023 Line Up

A friend and I went down to Waterfront Wednesday to hear some tunes. It was pretty cool. A little hot but not anything over stifling. Food trucks, lawns, music, lots of people walking around. It looked like people were enjoying themselves. That is the way events should be.

Its a beautiful city and with lots of friendly people. 

2023 Waterfront Wednesday Line Up

This would be an example of a green infrastructure that seeks to maximize natural resources. The river front attracts people and can be used to increase growth. 

River-city recreational interaction: A classification of urban riverfront parks and walks