Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Plight of Firefighting: Some Departments are Bucking the Trend! (Could Use Additional Support)

To the Rescue
by Norman Rockwell 1931
Firefighting is tough business and it doesn't pay well so it is more of a labor of love on behalf of communities. Much of the country relies on volunteer firefighting and without them we really wouldn't have any way of handling the national increase in fire incidents. 

You can read NOAA's 'Wildfire climate connection' to gain some knowledge of how climate change and dry material are impacting the size and frequencies of fire. (NOAA is a great department. I once contacted them for a ship we were diving that didn't have any name. It wasn't listed so I guess I am the first to officially report it. Is that technically a shipwreck discovery? I mean, there were a number of local divers but no one remembers who first found it but it definitely wasn't me. You can actually see it on Google Maps. I don't like to share its exact location because people go and strip them and the history is lost.)

This a fabulous article that goes beyond the basics. It discusses how some firefighters are on food stamps, have limited opportunities and often struggle with basic things. Volunteers do it for free without any support. They do it because they care about helping. 

We are also struggling to recruit new firefighters like we are in law enforcement and the military. New approaches will need to come forward to deal with these issues. 

The national emergency no one’s talking about: Firefighters are quitting in droves. Here’s why.

Anyway, we need to think about how to attract our youth to these important occupations. They have concerns over climate and they have concerns over democracy and opportunities so those are underlining motivational things we can tap into. If we adjust the PR and the nature of the work to be more interesting, rewarding, and have living wages then we can perhaps fix some issues (Its not all about the money, these are rewarding careers overall.)

There are some departments that are doing it right and I have seen them grow and blossom. This is what I have observed from those growing departments (I pay attention but I'm not the authority on fire departments but do have some understanding of total organizations.). 

1.) They do a lot of training and do so with other departments. 

2.) Positive, polite, and create a sense of community. 

3.) Members are devoted to their departments and its mission. 

4.) Actively seek out new recruits. 

5.) Fundraising consistently (They need more support but because they are not a large department I'm not sure they are getting all the opportunities they could. We need more effort on funding and developing that which could work well.)

6.) Training as team building.

7.) Managed as a democratic group of interested members with voting.

8.) Seek to help the community above all else. 

What is Learned: Firefighting recruitment relies much on the community and retention is related to a sense of community. Community seems to be a big part of success.

I see these departments as opportunities for community stakeholders to send potential recruits, local colleges to partner with, and general focus on the development of the best firefighting practices we can create. That takes equipment, funding, and effort. Mostly it takes commitment to seeing what works and emulating that in other places. If we want to solve problems like this, we are going to have to look at what works and what doesn't. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Why Its Important to Challenge Hate? (A Story on Items in the Isle)

Talking to some friends tonight of which one has a mixed race child and has experience poor behaviors by some (Most are awesome so its easy to remember the one's who are less then awesome.). While I'm open to different people of different backgrounds I don't advocate for or against anyone as I believe our country should be neutral on race and religion. It is a matter of freedom and a free society to accept differences and find a way in which we can use those differences for the best advantage of everyone. 

The first thing we sort of agreed on is that most people are very good but there are a few knuckleheads out there who seem to cause most of the problems. They also are not held to account very often because they have a sympathetic ear in some crowds and social networks. Knowing the right people also seems to help in circumventing responsibility.

When I think about it from a deeper moral standpoint, I wonder who has the right to create toxic environments? I have two sons and she has a child and both are concerned about the environment. A third conversation participant related an experience (I think last summer) that drew her attention and contributed somewhat to the main point. 

According to her,  one lady at a store literally pushed with her hand/arm her neighbor's young Black kids of grade school age to move them out of the way so she could get something from an isle (I guess it wasn't a hard push but she still moved them without the parent's permission. Power over dynamics on children when conversation would have been better. Imagine for a moment. Someone was raised in a power over family, angry about life, then pushes that power over dynamic on two random grade school Black kids. Fair? Why should these kids need to deal with the adults "issues" and "uncomfortable feelings"?). 

Sometimes people just make up stories to be part of the conversation so I was curious and probed a little to ensure it seems somewhat parsimonious (I can't be rude and must accept on face value. Its a light probe.). I mentioned maybe she did so without bigotry involved or she was just having a bad day and it was bubbling over. She stated yes but she also looked angry and she didn't appear to like seeing these particular kids giggle. She mentioned they were good kids and very polite and this lady had no patience for them.

I thought about that for a second because I have seen some similar type entitled behaviors. In my mind, I can't imagine touching another person's child to get them out of the way unless I know them very well and there has been preestablished trust. I would be afraid to put my hands on another's young child unless it was an emergency and/or part of treatment to create positive interaction (I used to do social work so I sort of understand when it is and is not appropriate.). 

Where one might push/move/adjust a child (From the description it was not hard but it was moving them to the side which still is a little out of place.) a kinder soul might instead smile at little kids and ask them if they could grab the item for them. One might say something like, "Thanks buddy, your a helpful young fella." to socially encourage them to repeat positive behaviors (Notice the difference in subtle signals.) Furthermore, I might be annoyed by kids giggling if I'm in a bad mood, heard bad news or something, but I can't imagine touching another's kid. I would just be annoyed and move on because that is what people do when they are annoyed (Be honest, sometimes kids are annoying. 🤷)

I would be rightfully upset if an angry stranger touched a young child to move them out of the way (It would look like bullying into the child's space and then discounting their presence as annoying. It goes deeper than that. Its a discounting of their value all together as secondary to an item.). Which sort of leads me in some ways to the current issue in which I felt I needed to step in to protect their rights and appropriate boundaries. That doesn't sit well with people who feel that they are the center of their small fish bowl and they can easily manipulate their social networks (Like I said they were immune from the beginning. I can't say what the end will be. That is not up to me, nor do I much care anymore. It is about forcing the system to have a moral conscious. If we can get them help and/or derail these behaviors from happening in the future, that is all that is required. What is done, has been done already, so life will move on.....they were already forgiven because I understand what dark place this comes from. They did make a choice to engage in these behaviors so that is an issue. Anger is one thing but coordinated group anger is another.)

back to the story...

While these kids didn't know what was going on, from the sound of it, she noticed the rude behavior and she felt like the lady really didn't care much (She is not a particularly culturally aware person but I suspect one can sort of see when things don't really look proper. I'm assuming that the story is true, which it could also be a fabrication. I don't know. Its not my story.). She felt that the lady did not want these kids to be in her way. 

I suspect if you asked the lady she might say, "Kids are annoying" but the impression was specifically these Black kids are even more annoying (The subconscious works with feelings and those are sometimes manifested into our environment in inappropriate and destructive ways. However, feelings that are drawn inaccurately from our environment could be an indication of mental health. Its a logic and paralanguage thing. One could theoretically decipher the logic of paralanguage to determine what those feelings are based in addition to observed behavior to not only include facial expression but also word choice, sentence construction, tempo, pitch, etc.. .). 

While the vast majority of people are good natured, loving, open and kind there is a minority who are not and bubble over even when they are trying to avoid getting themselves in trouble. They are entitled and get away with bad things when they want something and/or feel they are better then something (hypothetically). There are even groups in which dehumanizing comments are common and they encourage others to act in ways that create perceptions of superiority (even over kids.). Few are going to stand against social groups that have accepted hate narratives and have blind loyalty to their social networks (i.e. "The Clan").

No one comes forward and says that they acted in inappropriate ways because they hold bias, but you can see it in their tone, how they stare at kids in parking lots use inappropriate terms and other such things that are unfair to children and create a hostile environment for them (i.e. why they are not around much anymore. They will be coming back soon once these issues are resolved.). Even protecting your kids through boundary creation from increasingly inappropriate behavior can even get you in trouble with "the clan" and their close law enforcement friends (Local friendships move throughout institutions. When the goal is to help something beyond the stated propose of that institution it opens another issue. I do understand its impossible but hypothetically.)

So my thoughts on these hypothetical situations are that the hate narrative is likely rarely based in true ignorance. It is goal directed, even when people are not aware of the goal. Manifestations of mental heath distortions can be in one case subconscious and in other cases very conscious (i.e. telling the family we are doing this to you because you are Muslim). At the end of the day, there is something wrong and those on the receiving end are expected to accept poor behaviors just because that is the way it is supposed to be (Social expectations that violate social contracts. So accountability is needed to ensure such social expectations don't supersede general social contracts as embodied in our Constitutions, oaths, and professed values.). 

Free passing inappropriate behaviors leads to an encouragement of repeat of such behaviors that can make its way into people's social, economic, family lives and even the environment of children. When we dehumanize others we can go as far as treating children disparately and unfairly with our without conscious awareness. When such behaviors become increasingly accepted it impacts people in profound ways and thus early intervention in hate speech and behaviors is helpful (Even when they are our friends.). 

I pulled this article below. Changing the narrative is one thing but when people are posting things on social media and/or demanding their social networks cause another person harm this moves beyond subtlety pushing kids out of the way. There should be certain rules and laws in place that could handle these situations. If not, I think we might need to consider some new ones. 

Principle: Acceptance of poor behaviors may lead to other manifestations in overt and subtle ways that can impact the enriching environment for children (Not that this is seen as a priority of any type but it can happen when signaling is incorrect.)

Principle: Others may have experienced similar types of behaviors so accountability may help provide a more correct environmental signal. 

Principle: Accountability may be dependent on other things then universal application of law and/or moral sentiments. 

Principle: The vast majority of people are excellent, awesome, loving, and encouraging. There are knuckleheads who damage that environment but few challenge them.

Principle: Mental health may impact hate.

I will work on educating and the law can work on universalizing.

Role of education to address the root causes of hate speech and advance inclusion, non-discrimination, and peace

Deer Photo in the U.P. (Local Wildlife)


In the U.P. we are one with nature. It loves among us and we live within it The Wildlife in the Upper Peninsula.     

The settings on the camera were not set up properly so the blow up quality is low. Should have been 50 mp with this new camer. I made some adjustments.  It didn't make it into my gallery. Consider my little gallery PhotoArtMart

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Understanding and Resolving Toxic Personalities, Hate and Self-Enrichment (A couple of tiny assumptions)

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn,
The Visitation, 1640,
oil on cedar panel.
City of Detroit Purchase, 27.200.
The sad thing about toxic personalities and exploiting hate as a tool is that those within those social networks who hear information often believe these things to be fact without direct observation. When they dig into it logically they can't make all the connections so they default to the understandings and heuristic explanations of their social group. Once these distorted beliefs become unquestioned and repeated there are few ways to help them see a deeper truth beyond the cultic perceptions they have so willingly embraced. 

(In history groups like this sometimes go down some dark paths and its hard to derail them from their thinking so we might need to explore ways to break the self-containment.).

Let me share this obviously hypothetical fantasy. Someone wants something of financial value, is accustomed to being at the center of a social network, the social network thrives off rumors, they are intermingled with some law enforcement officers, feel a sense of entitlement as "true Americans" and are willing to bully people if they don't like them and/or can profit off of them. If we add onto that ethnocentrisms and disdain for outsiders and minorities (Which one could determine by regular verb/language usage, repeated behaviors and histories. There is a scientific way to show this depending on the amount of information captured over 4+ years.) then we start seeing a bigger problem. 

If we went back and analyzed all of the information we may find that what was professed and the observable reality are very different (I cannot say what is or what is not but right now I'm likely 85% correct about most of it. Hypothetically as a thought experiment.). Its one thing to acknowledge possibilities based on available information but it another to make and act on conclusions without facts. Where you get your knowledge is important. General its best to read broadly and listen broadly about topics instead of relying solely on one's friends, one media type, one station, or one Facebook group discussion. (This is only partially related. It does hint as sourcing of information and critical thinking Americans Who Mainly Get Their News on Social Media Are Less Engaged, Less Knowledgeable)

What the group believes are based on self-serving manipulations of their leadership who created a socially constructed reality often known as the hate narrative (What does 'The Social Construction of Reality' Mean? - by Dr. Dennis Hiebert)

. Toxic opinions become the leading voice, values, and influence the somewhat loosely coordinated behaviors of the group. They sort of follow each other and when an opinion becomes dominant everyone goes silent. Mostly followers. 

(As an interesting perspective, what makes this group ugly in terms of how people who have more experience/exposure might see it is also what makes it beautiful. That small charm and warm social connections can turn sour when people are exploited. The needs of the community, the safety of children, the very rights or our institutions were not thought of or considered in their behaviors. An indication of improper anchoring of values based around a preexisting poor group socialization. They could not check their assumptions and they could not manage their own behaviors even though provided opportunities to do so and think about the potential outcomes.)

This is also why I think they call me "the bitch" because I don't let others define me nor do I follow others rules. I'm a total social violator! Social violator that I may be, its not about me, it is a projection of their own issues, concerns, fears, and failures. And if I am in someway the factual "bitch" as they like to yell out to my kids, then I accept that as a badge of personal development. My kids had a discussion on how this group defines "bitch" as a nickname and why they act in such ways$. I was never a big money guy, I think its just sort of stuff to enhance a life but shouldn't consume it. Curiosity sort of drives me ever since childhood. i.e. space cadet and specigram were two childhood names. All science terms. Personally, I kind of like the a nickname like El Gato.  Who doesn't love a friendly Cat?. Thanks. 😂💨)

It is not easy to change their minds even when their reality starts to break in front of them through more accurate information. It depends on the assumptions they are using and their ability to logically go back and determine that something doesn't seem quite right with the narrative they bought into and living proof of the embodiment of some type of mystical evil as contained in "the other" (Consider that most of the country is confused about race because of somewhat poor policies of the past. For example, my kids are mixed are White, Black and Arab. Let us say that pure Black influence is 30-40% of their genetic make up but White, not include a touch of Black Foot Indian from out by the Potawatomi Trip {I think my grandmother family were resettled there when the Black Foots lost in conflict. I don't really have the facts just stories and tid bits because that stuff really wasn't recorded and people who were mixed would sort of hide those things that got them shunned from the society. Good thing we don't shun our fellow Americans anymore based on racism!!!!}. Anyway.... if they are 45% White, 30% Black 22% Arab and 3% Native. The law once lumped them all into Black. Is that accurate or a miscategorization? It seems scientifically inaccurate but it persisted as a social belief in our policies even though the accuracy of that could be easily be disproven as accepted fallacy. Policies of Racial Classification and the Politics of Racial Inequality)  

It will be interesting what the next steps are...... 

A single father standing up for his children and other's children to a group of 100+ people where some of the members have been circumventing the rights of our fellow Americans simply because it doesn't fit some poorly developed sense of superiority being called a bitch. Trying not to ignore the many aggressive acts of intimidation in the thought process. Considering the masculine trend of involving kids and spreading rumors to make one look "super cool". I mean hypothetically, it would be interesting if this group has other interesting metaphors they would like to continue to share. (I mean, I don't find "nigga babies" jokes funny but some of them do.). Hypothetically!

What does resolution look like? Some might say, "Remove 'those people' because they said no to us!" or "We should crush anyone who holds a line to protect their kids." might be some ways to temporarily silence alternative opinions and constructive criticism. However, does that really solve the problem and does that resolve the now open can of worms of how many other people were targeted and had their rights circumvented? (If you think based on all of these behaviors this likely occurred at other times then I suspect one would have to investigate what appears to be patterned behaviors. Typically, if you think about it and it seems plausible then I think it meets and investigatory bar least it comes out in a few years it was true and no cared enough to act. Especially in an environment where multiple people are claiming corruption from different areas where they felt their freedom of speech and sense of safety was violated. Hypothetically!

This is where living our values and oaths can help resolve in a peaceful and long term solution that encourages greater development of society in the best interest of everyone (See I'm a lover not a fighter! I'm a pseudo pacifist so making assumptions about people with Muslim sounding names probably doesn't start the conversation right. Am I different because of me or because of how they see me? Charles Horton Cooley 'Looking Glass Self'. I like to call it mirrors or reflections. Theoretically you can test how people view you based on how they react to you in different situations. As long as you sort of watch and listen you will allow the natural beliefs and behaviors to come forward. You don't need to do anything but be polite, engaging and helpful which is what we all should do. They will reflect in you what they see. Much of that is what they see in themselves. i.e. he is low because I feel low, he is crazy because I feel out of control, he is a liar because I feel disingenuous, I feel there is something wrong with him because I feel there is something wrong with me, etc. )

Old Escanaba MI 1920 Ludington Hotel and more

I was looking for something else and I came across this amazing 1920 video that shows Escanaba. Many of our relatives are here. I will further say that it was a happening place and I believe the Roaring 1920's are coming again. A few things going on....

1. New Investments in Industry and Infrastructure.

2. Tourism is significantly UP. 

3. People are much more into recreation. 

4. The downtown is ready for entrepreneurs if we can put together an investment packet and contacts to lure entrepreneurs, improve some of the investment buildings, and prepare the area for the major influx of 2K workers for Billerud. (Remember that this is a shot in the arm to the downtowns so we should maximize the housing and appeal of Escanaba downtown. Gladstone looks pretty good already.)

5. New House of Ludington Ownership and new Hampton coming in in the same spot. I heard through the rumor mill that another restaurant is coming in the same area. Something about wood pizza I think. (Shhhh its a secret but we should excited!)The area is going to attract some interest. 

Gladstone Beaches: Cabo Should be Jealous! Investments, Opportunities, and Beach Life

Ok sorry maybe its not exactly like Cabo but one might say that it is still pretty nice place. The advantage is that is affordable, good fishing, a little night life with the band at the Dew Drop and very nice groomed beaches. Both Escanaba and Gladstone have nice beeches that occasionally sport a food truck. It is a place to walk, exercise and ue the connected parks. 

There are also investment opportunities that when matched with the lifestyle can be a win win for entrepreneurs. Plenty of places downtown Escanaba that can be bought for $100K that include apartments upstairs and store front. I'm actually thinking of buying a place myself. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Blinken Says U.S. and China Meet to Stabilize Ties (The Concept of Economic Decoupling)

Communication is key to any conflict resolution and an adversarial relationship between Secretary of the State Anothony Blinken and China appear to have had a positive result in improving frosty relationships. Of course we don't know until we wait and see but we should accept the general process of conflict resolution on this level. As this conflict continued we have seen the world become somewhat polarized economically through a concept called Economic Decoupling. 

Let us also add that the global economy works well when there is open global trade (There have been complaints that China was engaged in unfair trade practices.). Conflict has caused some chest beating and that is leading in some way to divergent economic actions. You can learn about this more in Destructive Decoupling (I don't have a full opinion on this yet other then to say that the ultimate goal is free and open trade.)

A very nice article by CNN. Blinken touts ‘progress’ made in highly-anticipated Beijing meetings