Friday, May 12, 2023

Technology Hubs Can Create "Smart Cities" (Escanaba and Gladstone)

There are some Technology Hubs being developed across the country. Escanaba and Gladstone are in ideal locations for some of this Tech Hub investment.  We have everything we need to attract and retain new start-ups and talent. Its a vacation area with new tourist coming, has received significant international investment into the papermill, and it is in a place where its downtown could use some work but is affordable.

Obtaining resources like this as well as attracting younger entrepreneurs can do wonders for revamping the downtown at a time when people are moving into the area and government is interested in technology. Going from A to Z and convincing government officials that this place is the place to try something new is difficult at best. I guess we just get used to doing things the same way and expecting different results.

For the most part, I like what the administration is doing. While I might argue this way or that way is better we do need to do more for the middle class and small business. We are big business heavy and we need younger and fresher ideas. 

U.S. aims to turn middle-American cities into new tech hubs with $500 million investment according to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo

-The Department of Commerce announced a notice of funding opportunity, or NOFO, for the Regional Technology and Innovation Hub program, known as Tech Hubs.

-$15 million in planning grants for Tech Hubs.

Biden-Harris Administration Launches First Tech Hubs Funding Opportunity

A Few Lessons from the Free Pass Clan System of Justice

All systems should have a level of integrity and when they do not there should be mechanisms to fixing those issues least they morph out of control. In the American system, we have a somewhat clunky mechanism for navigating through different layers of governance. On a local level, we have few to no checks and balances unless supported in word and deed. If the situation gets bad enough, a state or federal system might step in. In order for it to work well, local police must be honest and forthcoming to work with outside stakeholders in a way that resolves issues.

Yet, it doesn't seem like a very healthy system if certain behaviors are allowed to continue on for long periods of time before being addressed. I can think of the actual and potential victims of such carefree attitude when it comes to certain acceptable norms that would likely be illegal if scrutinized. The culture appears to be off and supportive of the wrong type of values and the people who promote those misaligned values. That discussion will likely lead us to create some avenues of improvement.

Lack of correction becomes increasingly dangerous when we are dealing with a social network, of which includes some are law enforcement members, who also appear to hold racial and religious bigotries. In some cases it also appears they are willing to spread hate speech as well as encourage people to act on those biases to intimidate (in the right circumstances harm) people outside those networks (i.e. minorities and others). (There could also be some indication of psychopathology within that social network. I doubt they would understand how some group behaviors are extensions of key personalities. In other words, some of the people who act on these behaviors are willing adherents and others useful and discardable tools. They each leave a mark as to group goal direction and the strategy as a tool. Psychopaths only see power over and do not leave room for doubt.) Their goal appears to be not only cleansing of the community but also to commit as much harm as possible.

(These people were intentionally cruel and I think they wanted the community to know that they are in charge. Its a very power over way of dealing with issues. They are known to be an aggressive and loud group. Yet not on this level but mental health can change the direction of their leadership. They are social influencers, coordinated in their rudeness and willing to lie and spread rumors. You begin to realize that deep down these officers might be afraid to enforce the law in a small town against their social networks. It is also an indication of a lack of objectivity as well as courage. This is why that group was not only good at targeting but also knew they were immune from local prosecution before starting their campaign.)

I think as a people we sometimes don't address these issues before they become bigger issues. They call this reactive management. During George Floyd everyone got really upset and people started to change and then everything settled down. There will be other incidents and everyone will get angry again and then things will go back to normal. So on and so forth. None of it really solved the problem though. A few places changed but most didn't. Its lingering under the surface ready to come out if we have economic or social issues that highlight those divisions.

 (Also why I encourage our politicians to think ahead of the curve and what will truly be needed to compete as a large nation in a dynamic and changing digital world. We can't function well off 40% of society being allowed to engage fully while the rest are governed under different application rules. I have even heard a few politicians say that only certain religions should be allowed to engage in governance and civic life. Some of these members of this group I believe subscribe to those extreme ideologies and attempted to enforce those values on Good Friday as an indication of misuse of official power for nefarious purposes.)

I often wonder when we there be meaningful and significant change? To be honest. It hasn't come and I don't think it will come until the competitive economic and social pressures are enough to get people to think about our best path forward in dealing with these challenges. I'm not a pessimist. I just think there are lots of legal and political loop holes that end up dehumanizing some of our fellow Americans. I think the law should be wiser and more proactive to looming societal issues that are requested by millions of Americans. We should strive for universal justice and the fair application of our laws in the best interest of everyone. 

I'm compiling different ways to sort of look at public information to better outline the types of behaviors this group is engaged in and how they could be coordinated across multiple departments in what appears to be cleansing oriented activities. Things like complaints, arrests, court outcomes, lawsuits, etc. all help outline the problem and I believe there is a way to outline actual clan membership. 

Because these departments are either unaware, or worse know but fail to act, it falls on the shoulders of the public. So I'm starting on that path to see if the world of big data can highlight a clan network of what appears to be intimidation/violence oriented coordinated behaviors of an extremist leaning group (We should not be shocked. This has happened in many other places in our country and people talk about these aggressive tactics all the time and lack of protections they receive. I want to change that in honor of two victims who did not get the protections they should have. The longer these groups go unchallenged, the more victims they create.).

Lesson: Officers who are aware of illegal activities within their departments should be required to report those to the appropriate authorities. 
Lesson: Coordinated clans share social networks and certain characteristics that help define them as different to the rest of the population. 

Lesson: There will be certain markers of the behavior hidden within other data. Putting all of that data together and cross analyzing will likely lead to further highlighting of that network and understanding the nature of the problem. Checking with the local Native American population and other minorities can help greater awareness of this embedded discrimination. 

Lesson: There needs to be a mechanism of separating the very good officers from the corrupted officers they work with. Because of the Blue Code and other internal pressures they may not feel empowered to act on the behalf of society and report these behaviors without fear of retaliation (If they know these officers are engaged in intimidation and violence what do you think will happen to these officers if they report the behaviors? Case studies have show Whistle Blowers are often buried in defamation and legal obstructionism to "protect their own". That in and of itself means it has an alternative objective to the power entrusted in them from our official legislative process. That is what they hope to hide, and the change that comes from that.
Lesson: Internal controls must be strengthened within these departments with an outside contacts for more dicey issues. They need this outside mechanism so that when a problem arises and it is known outside the area the officers do not feel comfortable retaliating without risking consequences.

Lesson: Because some of these behaviors appear to have mocked and circumvented central Constitutional rights it opens up a few other concerns. If we agree that we swear loyalty in our oaths to the Constitution which includes as central values 1. Freedom of Speech and 2. Freedom of Religion then we must wonder as to their commitment to that Constitution if behaviors are designed the circumvent these rights. Would this group/clan then be consider un/anti American in orientation if the Constitution is fundamental to our shared American understandings? (I'm thinking this is also why certain domestic extremist have an anti government flavor. There are differences between rightful criticism and anti Constitution anti government sentiments. I'm not sure if anti or un American is the right term to describe some members of the clan.)

Lesson: The use of publicly reported complaints of public mistreatment (i.e. redacting specifics for internal-external investigations and officer privacy/protection) may be able to help officers remove clan associates that are violating laws and engaged in "magical badge" aggressive tactics. Sometimes they may need help and this will give external pressure to act in the best interest of society. When they don't act to correct it could be an entire department problem.

Lesson: Look at local hate crime reporting to see if they are under the average based on similar demographics. I suspect they don't report many hate crimes and there appears to be an attempt to silence through harassment and intimidation those who rightfully criticize poor behaviors. 

Leading explanation:

I can change this depending on what we are finding so that will take time. It appears to be a homogeneous clan, as defined through social networks, that have been misusing the local legal structure for self gain of themselves and their members. In one department it appears that the senior leadership is well aware and possibly encouraging illegal behaviors. Some of these behaviors appear extremist oriented, use para-coordinated aggressive tactics, and have a support among this clan affiliated network. Some community members appear afraid of this network and/or disagreeing with this network for fear of social and employment related retaliation (It appears that way and I will discuss that later. One can consider the local college rejecting candidates based on the smear campaign of the clan based network.). Other departments may be aware of the generalities but not the specifics but likely should have known based on the widespread and open way in which these clan members act. The close association of these officers and departments reduces overall objectivity while bias increases risks to victims. Creating the right perspective may prompt these departments to start solving their own problems so others don't have to solve them from the outside. This is called "getting ahead of the story" so they can fix an issue to fully bring themselves into compliance with national laws and norms.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

H.R. 1822, the PLUS for Veterans Act of 2023: Protecting Veteran Benefits from Misuse

There is a new H.R. 1822 bill the PLUS for Veterans Act of 2023 that was introduced in the House of Representatives March 28th, 2023. I briefly read through it and I can see the point. I'm not so educated on VA affairs that I know all of the problems but just through life experience I can say anytime there is money to be made some people will try and find a way to make it. A certain percentage will cheat the system. Having ways to minimize that makes sense. It appears that there is some push for transparency on fees and ensuring not overcharging in the bill. On the surface, yaaa why not. Makes sense.

-To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the review of claims for benefits under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

A motivating video on vets.

HR 1822: 5 ‘‘PLUS for Veterans Act of 2023 

Debt Ceiling Crisis: A chance to hammer out differences in a reasonable way?

We are at a debt limit impasse and must decide which direction to take. Both sides have some good points and we do need to get a handle on debt so the right resources go to the right places to increase our national functionality. I do believe both sides should start working diligently to decide which programs are necessary, how to adjust programs for focus and effectiveness (We need 3-5 shared Republican and Democrat principles to create focus to coordinated decision making across different entities. I do not believe we have 4 or 5 focused objectives principles everyone agrees upon in broad terms. It is necessary to ensure micro transactions of decision making become aligned. When people are unsure they check these broad principles to help them make a decision.).

A word of caution., I would not shock the system with a debt default. Creating pressure is ok but we will likely need to extend these negotiations. One might consider month by month until we have a workable budget. Each small extension could cause the market to react in a negative way to the potential risks so I wouldn't use a "game of chicken" tactics very often. If it was me, I might move to a 6 month extension under the agreement of a focused task force to hammer out reforms and changes. Just my thoughts. 

Letter by Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen: You can read the actual letter 'Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit'

Yellen Twitter:

As every Treasury secretary has known, the only option that leaves our economy in good shape is raising the debt ceiling.

Congress must stand behind the basic principle that America pays its bills and that we're not a deadbeat country.— Secretary Janet Yellen (@SecYellen) May 9, 2023

Explanation: You can read this. ‘Economic And Financial Catastrophe’—Yellen Issues Stark $31.4 Trillion Warning After Bitcoin, Ethereum And Crypto Price Boom'

Bambrough, B. ( ) Economic And Financial Catastrophe’—Yellen Issues Stark $31.4 Trillion Warning After Bitcoin, Ethereum And Crypto Price Boom, Forbes

Yellen, J. (May 1, 2023). Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit. U.S. Department of Treasury

No One Needs a Legal System of Disparate Laws: A Conservatives Perspective

Let me say that being a light Right conservative in today's world is not easy as there are pressures to conform to more robust perspectives. If you are a divergent thinker you can often see the validity of perspective of both sides but then get caught into the political encampment. Some will see you as not far right enough and others will see you as too far right. No matter these differences, there is one thing that should not be politicized and that is our laws and law enforcement. 

Regardless of if you are the farthest of all far right perspectives or the farthest of all left perspectives we should agree that we need our laws to apply universally and we need our police to act with integrity. I believe, that if we get down into the weeds of the discussion even most police officers would like to improve their functioning and get better at protecting the public. 

(Personally, while there are good and bad police. Most of the problems don't come specifically from them but the toxic environments in which they sometimes work, the wishy washy political perspective, and a general lack of awareness and proper oversight by our courts.  Its not fair to put all of the blame on police as 80% are doing the right thing but the 20% who are staining the shield have little boundary control and dominate some of their department perspectives. The same as when they violate our core national laws.)

That requires vision by our leadership and often they are so busy arguing that they forget how important policing is to protect the public from criminals as well as ensure they do their jobs with integrity. I hope someday these leaders will come to see the value in honest and thoughtful policing. We should always reach for the lofty so as to create the right perception of improvement.

In theory they would agree but in their ability to actually truly create that environment I'm not sure they are 100% sure they know what they are doing. I believe anyone in this changing time would struggle to know where the right path may lay. However, we should know what the wrong path is and that is providing immunity for any crime committed by officers. 

(Not all of our politicians, academics and scientists know what to do. It is a discussion but what can't continue is the allowing of poor behaviors based on our ability, or lack thereof, to manage the system properly. We are not enforcing our shared laws in some areas for social, racial and religious affiliation. It's a federal and international crime in some incidents.)

Even if these crimes are against the very nature of human development, freedom of speech and freedom of religion we are confused why we would want to avoid allowing them to continue. Just like I have seen an extremism leaning clan circumvent and violate our laws without accountability, I have seen a failure to uphold our laws with appropriate checks and balances. Its called a default (At least from a minority perspective where the application of laws are sometimes highly subjective.)

(Even with the Capital Riots and the potential for public execution of our politicians if the extremist mob turned down one hallway versus the other doesn't seem to faze the idea that extremism is a universal problem in every culture, race, and religion but we have a very ethnocentric approach to dealing with it which makes us blind to the problem and to the solutions.)

Situations like this have long term consequences when we fail to enforce the greater national laws on these rogue elements and those that profited from shadow behaviors. It is just a sign of rot and decay and the lack of perspective on what it means to be an American in today's society. It sets up the American and "American" systems as separate that should instead be fused into one. 

(I believe that time is coming with big data that will force us to recognize how poor some of our decisions have been and with luck those who failed to step up to the plate when they were called to stand up for our central values. As with all things, its mixed.)

Here is how I see the new conservative and more modern politician. Wise enough to understand the subjectivity of the sometimes ridiculous and manipulative arguments brought forward for political gain. They put the American people first above their own needs. They truly want to build a great nation and avoid slipping to #2 due to lack of ability to work with all societal stakeholders. Support our Constitutional rights and protects freedom of religion (Not just one religion) as central to our national existence (As a full and shared identity of diverse people). 

The modern conservative should more free market but fair and free market that is not manipulated by large business or political interest groups. Basically, we need leadership development. I guess its the same for Democrats. We need conservatives that go back to the root of conservatism which includes effective use of government to achieve more with less in a way that limits the need for such a large foot print, reducing taxes by ensuring we are using tax resources wisely, standing for freedom of religion (a free nation of religious practice), and encouraging general values and performance in society through freedom of speech.

(These are just ideas. They are also not popular and sometimes violently opposed through political and ethnocentric violence. We are just at that spot where the path forward looks like we need real solutions to real problems and both sides of the political perspective own that. Let me be the best friend of our local police and help them help themselves manage officers with bad behavior. I can do that fairly and honestly and supported by research on how certain crimes may be given a free pass. How to challenge corruption and create the context so these department heads fulfill their sworn oaths and duties. Especially the ones to our flag and the people who value it's hard won words. "liberty and justice for all")

First Week April 2023 Jobless Claims Bump Up to 264K: Unemployment Rates and Shifting Job Market

Jobless claims bump up to 264K which is 22K higher then the previous week. The numbers are the highest since November of 2021. Changing economy and changing nature of jobs might be at work. Watching the unemployment rate gives us an opportunity to see the happenings of the labor market as a general resource and input of the economy.

What these numbers indicate is a slowing but it appears the market is relatively still healthy. There will likely be some adjustments in the markets as the economy heads to a new normal. No one has defined what that new normal looks like yet but eventually it will find an average.

It should be remembered that the economy is different now and COVID pushed the system 10 years forward in digital and remote development. Likewise, jobs will be shifting so we should expect the unemployment rates to flux during those transitions.

An article by Mike Ott did a good job of explaining what happened, 'US jobless claims filings highest since 2021, but job market remains healthy'


Ott, Mike (May 11th, 2023). 'US jobless claims filings highest since 2021, but job market remains healthy'. The Hill.

Week ending May 6th 2023 Jobless Claims 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"Free Pass" Clan Systems and Un Constitutional Perspectives of Policing in American Society

What I find most interesting about this local system of justice is that they are slow to act on what appears to be crimes against others. Whether elderly, children, the sick, minorities, or anything else they seem to have signed up for the Code Blue "free pass" for what looks like cleansing behaviors. I believe they do not want to investigate these behaviors because they have officers involved and they don't want them to have their lives ruined (I do not want to ruin their lives either, however we have to protect the public and correct obvious dangerous deficiencies and misalignment of values/loyalties. There will be differences between mistakes and intentional mistakes and I believe stakeholders want to know those differences. You have to start with accountability.). 

As a side thought. If these department heads are aware their officers are committing crimes and they are aware that they are giving free pass to other crimes because of marriage and close relationships we have a major problem on our hands. While its possible they have been doing this for years, no one ever challenged them and the ones that did may have received retaliatory justice (i.e. the rumor of an underaged intoxicated girl having sex in the back of a cop car that was then stalked by a number officers until she killed herself and named one or more officers in her suicide note. There was kind of another pattern that formed in another situation where officers might have been afraid to get in trouble and used the same stalking/targeting behaviors which might be an indication of the potential truthfulness of that rumor). 

It makes you wonder whether these officers and their departments are willing to stand up for our most basic American principles and ensure they are doing things fairly and in the best interest of the public in mind. Some of these officers appear to have chosen their homogenous clan over the principles of our people and in turn were allowed to continue to commit these crimes with awareness of other officers (immunity), the department heads and I suspect higher (It may be possible to build a case all the way up the chain)

Keep in mind that when officials know a crime has been committed and/or is occurring they have a responsibility to investigate and come to an impartial conclusion (Which I do not believe anyone locally is able to make decisions over these issues anymore. As an example a lack of reporting hate crimes). If they fail because they don't want their fellow clan members to be held to account, but are willing to put the outcomes of such crimes minorities and victims of our society, then their role as officers in society has become confused. They have in effect broke an important social contract that ties to our Constitution and core as a nation. It is incumbent on the rest of the system to hold them to account. 

Likewise, if there are rogue networks of officers and their clan associates are unconcerned about the Constitution and its protection (I think some of these officers mock civil liberties and rights in their extremist leaning perspectives. Some of their friends have made jokes about my "nigga baby" children and even yelled out "Your father is a bitch" or something similar to my kids. There have been other behaviors that lack of human dignity and devaluing of life. Intentional acts of cruelty that like came from psychopath origins. None of these seem to count in the local system.) they are in the wrong line of business and constitute an unchecked and unmitigated risk. The worst thing we can go do is give officers who don't respect our laws a badge and a gun. Seriously, think about the type of person and personality we need policing. If true, I don't believe we need their kind (There have been other complaints of rudeness and aggressiveness during traffic stops against locals; doesn't appear related to minorities alone. There os a lack of mechanisms for managing the "magical badge" syndrome where weaker personalities and poor values use the badge as a way to project power without respecting where that symbolic power comes from. These are often the root behaviors that lead to clan based corruption we may be seeing here. We need better mechanisms of reporting and ensuring they follow up. Foot dragging and protecting ones social networks seem to take more precedence in some instances than the needs of the community and nation. Thus, because of a lack of meaningful addressing such issues these complaints should be formal and public even if the specific names are redacted. There should be some reporting requirement of officer complaints and determination of any patterns of poor behavior. i.e. multiple complaints about similar thing.)

Without account it is a statement about the what kind of nation and people we are and what kind of leadership we have. Its not the peoples fault we struggle to see the benefit of fair and impartial treatment and/or the universal application of justice within our systems. The people have the right to be protected against those who willfully violate the law. That becomes even more important for public servants. Throw the symbolism of the badge in there and they misuse the respect that is inherent from actions of the hundreds of thousands of officers who care about their communities and actually believe in "protect and serve". Its a good will symbol (We have to make an assumption here that crimes were committed. I believe they were and I would suspect they would say no. However, I think if you say no and it ends up being a big crime later, and they knew it, then I think the penalties should be higher.)

Good officers that care about their communities are an asset and in an noble profession. Extremist leaning and corrupt officers are a liability and should be removed promptly before they damage more innocent people. The system should be capable of recognizing the behavior, acting on it, and removing the risk.  That same logic applies to their clan associates and the one's who started the problem. We cannot allow criminal behavior to be unchecked just because of social networks.

Sometimes department heads and local systems don't correct these deficiencies on their own without additional prompting. This is why its not justice to allow department heads to be aware of problems and fail to correct to protect the public. I put together this little chart that is one way to ramp up the pressure moving from no/low crime awareness elements into the more core members of the group to create avenues by which they can report these networks that eventually leads to awareness, leverage and correction. 

Btw I support police 100% and Civil Rights 110%. I'm their best friend because unlike their leadership I will tell them when their wrong and have a problem (Like an alcoholic drunk off the feeling of misuse of community given power). I will help them correct like I would with my best friends. We are having a frank discussion and then I'm moving down the path of ensuring OUR American principles and the Constitution are followed wholeheartedly. 

A Few Ideas:

Transparency Improvement: Encourage people to report poor acting officers and appreciate good officers so as to encourage appropriate protect and serve perspective. That may also include posting the details of complaints on officers and using that as one metric of encouraging officers to act in good faith. Good or bad officers may also be highlighted in such systems. 

Lying and Leadership: If people are lying and if leadership is aware then I think this moves beyond simple criminality because they have in effect accepted that the inherent rights of the American populace is based on their ethnic homogenous clan membership. In other words, they have sworn a loyalty to something else. Reward those who tell the truth and throw out those who lie. 

Places to Check for Information:

1. Review arrest records and prior complaints. Look for disparities, patterns, issues of improper coordination, etc. It will depend on whether they are already transparent or they hide this information. Poor departments hide this information while good departments may adjust the information but also ensure the public is well aware of crime stats 

2. Check Promotions within Departments. Ensure promotion isn't related to clan membership, race/religion/ethnicity and social affiliation versus actual performance. 

3. Determine if they have underreported hate crime stats or if they failed to report hate crimes when it was obvious they should have. 

4. Internal complaints, investigations and results of those complaints. 

5. Social media critical of officers and see if others felt their rights were violated. I heard there were a number of videos up there. Saw a few about a month ago around Good Friday (It was a day they appeared to have used official government resources to enforce what appeared to be an indication of what religions the local law enforcement system will allow in the area. Something about their values was the impression I got. The ethnic-religious cleansing kind It appeared.)

6. Many many more. We just have to wait and see how this turns out. 

A Strategic Thought:

Getting other researchers involved in making an example case out of this might help sort of discover the "truth" behind the situation. Its a risk to do nothing and there should be a way to do this so it can help local police become batter at their jobs, reward those who do well, and remove those elements that are no longer constructive to the modern era (i.e. extremist leaning officers and clan affiliated members. Clan as defined as ethnically homogeneous affiliated group that coordinated in each other's best interested group. While that might be normal such clans can take a dark step when they view others of different races and religions as ultimately dangerous and of lower value then they see themselves. It makes it easy to exploit hate for destructive self gain through one's social networks.)

Two Studies and Their Implications:

The Causes of Police Corruption and Working towards Prevention in Conflict-Stricken States: The study helps us understand how important it is for police to work with integrity. The best way to combat corruption is a holistic approach and use of outside interview/investigations. Improvements might include increases in pay, officer rotations, and other behaviors that increase loyalty to the country. The study is more about volatile environments but might be similar to time pressure and risk of also being caught for such behaviors. (In this case perhaps our Constitution and its essential values. We have to assume that they are more interested in taking care of their own and their fellow clan members then they are in protecting the public. If undeterred it may mean certain members are acting in their own self interest and have a formalizable group with boundaries. I can almost sketch some of the potential connections for future review.). 

A couple of concerns came up. If there is decisions being made to support one's group, clan, etc. as based in federal violations we might see markers of that in the public. It is possible if there is corruption involved. 

I took the following as a quote from the publication. 

-Corruption of authority—attaining perks without contravening the law, such as receiving free meals, beverages, and services.

-Kickbacks—money, services, or goods obtained for business referrals promoting a company or individual.

-Opportunistic theft—stealing from people who have been arrested, engaged in accidents, or from victims or deceased persons.

Turning a blind eye—bribes undertaken for omitting a felony, arrest, or seizure of property.

Protection of illegal activities—protecting criminal groups or individuals engaged in illegal practices, such as protection rackets (drugs, gambling, and prostitution rings) in vice areas.

Fixing—undermining criminal investigation or deliberately losing traffic or speeding tickets.

Direct criminal activities—engaging in a crime against an individual or property to attain individual advantage.

Internal payoffs—when promotions, annual leave, and shift allocations are bought, traded, and vended.
Adding or planting of evidence—when evidence is planted to frame an individual or group, which is usually within drug cases

Police Corruption: An Analytical Look into Police Ethics  The article discusses some of the causes of police corruption and the need to develop officers with character. However, without actually enforcing and expecting that character within their departments, promotions and activities one can say that they are likely to get the opposite. There is a reason why these rouge officers have been doing this for some time, a reason why they have not been held to account, and a reason they participated and/or stood by when different people were victimized. 

1. Prudence: the ability to discern between conflicting virtues and decide the best action to take
Trust: loyalty and truthfulness in relationships between officers and citizens, fellow officers, and supervisors

2. Effacement of self-interests: without this, officers may exploit their authority to further themselves

3. Courage: the mean between cowardice and foolhardiness

4. Intellectual honesty: not knowing something and being humble and courageous enough to admit it

5.Justice: not in its normal context, but, rather, adjusting what is owed to a particular citizen even when it may contradict what is strictly owed

6. Responsibility: intending to do the right thing, clearly understanding what the right thing is, and being fully aware of other alternatives that may exist; taking responsibility, rather than finding excuses for mistakes or poor judgment