Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Motivational Rowing Video (Getting Down the Time)

Rowing season has started and I have spent some time conditioning at the gym to get my numbers down. Some of the Master's group members are going on teams and now that my numbers are solidly in the middle I could probably have joined them on some of the races. Not enough time but perhaps I will hit a couple this year.

My numbers started higher and slower than most within the group. Most of that was due to body mechanics versus fitness restraints. As I worked on my timing and body mechanics I probably dropped around 30 seconds  in 6 months.

Life is about doing new, fun, exciting and interesting things. Balance work, play, intellectual, fitness, spiritual and social aspects of our world. (Not this team, this is just a cool video I found).

Monday, April 24, 2023

Days River Trailhead Hike

 Days River Hiking and ATV Trail. Google Map. This is the ATV trail next to the hiking entrance.

Improving U.S. Military Capacity: Innovation, and Prototype Development

by Emanuel Leutze
Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851
The need for faster innovation and prototyping in industry and the military is becoming increasingly important. This is why we should explore innovative economic systems designed to raise the level military development as well as raise the emerging product offerings private industry stakeholders. Government is often slower at adapting then industry so its important to ensure there is a win-win incentive for both the military and industry codevelopers. 

You can read the following article to understand the "Valley of Death" problem. Keep in mind that putting stakeholders together in the right environment might shorten developmental time frames and in turn be more lucrative for participating businesses. I mean hypothetically if all of the components were put together in a way in which different economic contributors support the others within a cluster to create synergy once momentum is started. 

While the technology might be similar they can be developed at some point into two different lines of products. For example, a new propulsion system might move into military capacity but some aspects of it might move into industry development to ensure that the U.S. companies are staying on top  of the market (There should be some guarantee by participating industries that they don't share the tech with our rivals.)

That all starts with developing and testing the first proto-type that if successful moves to larger scale production. That is where economic innovative systems do their magic. They create an innovative environment where multiple industries can share, collaborate, and build. The Federal and private investment dollars help steer co-development of technology to the most practical ends that solve military and industry problems. 

Excellent depth and description of the process in 'The Importance of Early Prototyping in Defense Research, Engineering, Acquisition, and Sustainment'

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Ford River Fire Dept. Hosts Fundraiser. Donations Welcome

Ford River Twp. Fire Department hosted their fundraiser at Highland Golf Club this AM. If you missed it you can check them out online and if you have the desire donate to FB Ford River.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Is the Economy Reaccelerating? Manufacturing Show Improvements and Inflation Coming Down

According to Chris Williamson, S&P Global Chief Business Economist and Kim Forrest, Bokeh Capital Partners Founder & CIO the economy may not be as bad as originally thought. It doesn't seem they are addressing the recession question directly but indirectly through an improved outlook. There is some indication that data massaging has improved the outlook.


What I Think Freedom Looks Like and Why I Oppose Extremism

Being culturally aware and knowing lots of people helps us understand the shared similarities of people across different cultures and backgrounds. The one thing that seems to separate good people from bad people is a concept called empathy. It is the ability to see others just as valuable as one may see themselves. The worst I have seen are extremist leaning who view others as less worthy and not entitled to the same rights as they lavish on themselves. The best of I have seen are positive oriented empathetic people go above and beyond what is expected to help others. 

First, let us be clear anyone from any race or religion can be an extremist. There are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and just about any other religion that can have some level of extremism (Its not based in the religion but the psychology of the person and or a group using religious or ideological justifications.). There appears to be a certain percentage of people who are willing to run in that direction based on misperceptions of their own value and in turn the value of others. The world they cling to is a distorted one and it is often a disruptive to the peace and tranquility of others.

However, of that distorted subsection there is a smaller but noticeable percentage that will use intimidation, potential violence, and other illicit behaviors to harm those they see as different. No one is immune to such behaviors when groups are targeted (minorities, intellectuals, children, people who rightful correct, etc.) laws are thwarted, fights are encourage, self-enrichment and all the major sins become justifiable. The goal of punishing others for perceived wrongs at the expense of any check and balance in conscious or law is important and interesting concept that indicates deeper psychological catalysts beyond the ideology. 

We don't often see it this way but the goal of extremist is to limit access to things that are seen as important to societies that rely on positive civilian participation. For example, governance/voting, societal participation, worship, opportunity, a sense of safety and security, etc. They do so using group pressure, uncivilized behaviors, hate speech/defamation, and if necessary misapplication of laws designed to ensure group dominance over others (typically minorities or those of different religions or political perspectives). 

In my limited perceptions of what America should look like, we should strive for a universal democracy as a layer of progression. Its not a lofty radical conception but what we are destined to when leadership starts rowing in the same direction to build a healthy, adaptable and high functioning society. While I can go into many reasons that can be supported by research it is not the intent of this article. its just to raise the idea and argument. We need a singular vision for the nation that appeals to Republicans and Democrats alike.

I support a free people who can practice their religion in any way they want, born the way God created them (whatever perception of God) a separation between Church (Church, Mosque, Temple, Synagogue, etc.) and state so we all may live and be free as a people with maximum liberty against the protective layer of justice. Not everyone believes in those central American conceptions based rooted in the founding of the country.

Americans should be lovers of freedom of speech and religion, lovers of the intellectual exploration, lovers of developing opportunity, lovers of civic engagement, lovers of children, and lovers of community health and people. To me America should be the society that emulates the values we want the rest of the world to believe in and resonate with. As we struggle with extremism we should keep in mind that America as built by many people and not just the people who look like and worship like the person in the mirror. 

This isn't a specific comment to any entity but a broader conception of freedom for general consumption. One in which I strive and encourage others to strive. In edit process.

Escanaba City Council Meeting (April 20, 2023) OPRA, Taxes, Funding and ATVs (Not Sure if it Includes Golf Carts)

This meeting was very short but packed with lots of decisions and information. While I love watching the county's 4 hour meetings instead of doing other important things in my life, I do recognize the beauty of short and sweet. In this case, I still had enough time left over to consider cleaning my garage, going grocery shopping, paint a masterpiece, or write about the nature of economy and society. In this community of retirees and perhaps soon to be a younger economic draw, government was delivered quickly

You can read the Escanaba's April 21 Notes/Agenda (I like how they put the info up for public consumption. It keeps people informed and helps me so I don't have to sort of write everything down to understand it. I try to be accurate so if you see a mistake just post a comment.)

Property Rehabilitation Act

-No unfinished business. 

-Fiscal Budget to be discussed May 4th. 

-Marketplace to city dock Sept 24th. Beer Tent, Food, etc.  Labor Day Event. 15 bids. Approval of bid by Sticky Fingers of Gladstone. 

 Ordinance No. 1260 – Allow Side-by-Side UTV Operation on City Streets. An interesting discussion. They were discussing this last year I believe. I think golf carts would be cool. Save on parking.  We might need a no jumping ordinance.

-Money for parking lot. 

-$37 Million in total expenditures. 17 mills with no ask for more. 

-The city needs to draw new revenue. This is why I say its important to attract new entrepreneurs, businesses, and investment. I say this because it does three things that include new revenue/development, new young people, and new infrastructure. It also can open the door to other businesses and activities considering the area. Be a pro-business start-up, vacation, and investment hub. There are ways to do that but that may require rewriting webpages to attract new investment, an investment contact and someone who can guide them to buildings, grants and other resources they need. 

-Disabled veterans exceptions have risen.

-Lots of info in the agenda on cost of utilities which appear reasonable. 

-Policing is 48% of city fund appropriations.

-Marina revenue spiked 2020

-They really did a great job with the charts and being transparent with the information. This is what you want to see. Within a few days the agenda is up and it is complete. Check it out for yourself. 

-Delta Schoolcraft Community Labor Council will be placing and maintaining a monument to labor. 

-New city attorney

-Charitable gaming license from state of Michigan for Escanaba Wrestling Club. 

-Obsolete building. Local taxes can be exempt for 12 years. 1/2 rate for state 6 years. 27 OPRA in the area. You can read more about Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act (OPRA) . Interestingly there are other programs that can help the city attract revitalization interest. While this article by the Citizen's Research Council sheds a little negative light on one city it does recognize they can be used to positive benefit when done well. They further indicate its a mixed bag but it has worked in some places. With new interest coming into the area and the need to revitalize downtown my suggestion is to maximize these programs in focused areas and really give a big city coordinated push between multiple programs to improve our community real estate assets downtown. That should of course be included with some interest in attracting new business, investment, and vacationers. Putting a packet together of different benefits the city can put together to lure businesses can be helpful. If we can do it for free by getting banks, state grants, etc. to create a investor boost package that might also be nice in creating a honey pot for investment Pooh Bears. Read the somewhat critical article but read closely and you will understand why I included it as a person in support of OPRA, and other program use.  Detroit Foregoes Large Sums of Property Tax Revenues with its Use of Business Tax Abatements. If you read the article you will realize the programs can be beneficial. Specifically I like some of the other programs the document lists that could be useful. As with all things take what you like and dump the rest. 

-Law enforcement torch run for Special Olympics. That is good stuff. 

-Vacancies of positions.

-Welcome bags and yellow 3X wheel bikes to get people downtown.

-Harbor tower upgrades (I thinking it would have been a nice casino hotel. )

-If your looking for things to do. They were talking about clean up and Facebook. Tried to figure out what they meant but you can go on FB and to the page Things to Do in Escanaba Face Book. Cleaning up is probably a good idea with tourists...and keeping our town looking sparkling clean.