Sunday, April 2, 2023

Video on the Decline of Patriotism: What are the Central Values We Should be Supporting?

Over the past few decades I have learned that we have a lot of things to do to improve our nation. We have so many different opportunities that present themselves to us and each time we make a choice to maximize those opportunities or not maximize those opportunities. According to this Brownstone Institute's Jeffrey Tucker there are certain values that should transcend generations and sometimes they don't come out. 

I agree that many of us don't walk the talk and we have reason to be self-reflective and develop our nation. I think these values are coming back as well because our best path forward is to be a single people with a purpose. We are a strong and resilient people and I think that our central values will become increasingly important as we are faced by new environmental challenges. 

We have a national calling to spread certain central values to the world around us.  To me Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech are central to that calling. We pledge to Liberty and Justice for all and should ensure that all of our institutions are focused on that end. When they are not, they need to be adjusted and/or reformed depending on depth of that dysfunction.

FULL EPISODE: Escanaba, Michigan-Main Streets

This looks like a really nice video. Its a pretty place. Nice to visit. I grew up here. Lots of good memories. Lots of great people. This town is on a new path as of late. If I have contributed in some small way I have been truly blessed. Let us see where the future takes this town.....turn page........

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Poll Show Decline in Patriotism and Religion in U.S.

A decline might be a product of the political environment and a transition on religion. To me emphasizing core American values in a way that resonates with the young is helpful. A new generation needs new ways of looking at the world and that is through universalization of the democracy. We all must be part of the same process of building something great. Its helpful to find some goal out there that resonates with them and then get them involved in it through different pathways.

Its a learning process for us now. We will become universal because we will have to in terms of our diverse society and because it puts us in the most strategic location competitively. Its also the right thing to do. People want to feel part of something. To me they should be part of building our nation to new heights just at the time infrastructure and technology are coming online (Each new societal platform brings with it upswings in economic activity through increased activity. Think of how the Internet or Railroad sped up nations.)

Furthermore, emphasizing kindness and community in religion (positive soft traits) would help make it more of a support to people. Young people love self-help and chat about these topics all the time in one form or another. They are discovering themselves and their world. Religion is a positive support to life and keeps people focused on something bigger (I think a lot of people feel judged sometimes and that keeps them away. That is why religion should be welcoming and kind.)

GDP Up 2.6%: Industry Growth, Retail Trade, Mining Growth, and Fishing

Economy is doing well. We have to see if what it will be next quarter to see some trajectory signs.+ Q4 2022 GDP Up 2.6% BEA based on, "increases in inventory investment and consumer spending that were partly offset by a decrease in housing investment."  You can read a solid article on....

-Real GDP increased in 16 of the 23 industry groups. (The type of industries is important because it will tell you about what activities are occurring in the economy.) "Professional, scientific, and technical services; information; and real estate and rental and leasing were the leading contributors to the increase in real GDP nationally."

-Retail trade increased in all 50 states (People buying things despite inflation. Interesting. I'm done buying. I just want an old pick up truck and a fishing pole. Maybe some philosophy books. Dang....the good days. Fishing Near Escanaba. Come up and visit and throw in a line. Go down to the library and get a book. There is a bookstore on main that is pretty cool.).

-The mining industry increased in 49 states and was the leading contributor to the increases in real GDP. (We are bringing back infrastructure and manufacturing so let us think about metals a precursor to maybe some future activity on a bigger scale. Its probably related to not only return of manufacturing but perhaps large scale infrastructure investments. Maybe.)

-The agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry decreased in 20 states. (A positive trend would be better. We rely on this stuff for tourism but the good news recreation is increasing in the area which is really good. We would like more fish and small scale fishing industries. I wonder if we could maybe allow more small scale family commercial vessels to use up the extra capacity if anglers are not fishing as much. If its not automatic for long years it will ensure the boats are smaller because if there are not enough you could be left out. Its not a full time gig. its a hobby craftsman thing. Likewise with the hunting. However, I think that individual hunters should always have preference. Maybe just allow a certain amount of extra bagging. The small scale commercial hunters in the U.P. could also take up some of that excess capacity. I think its a possible idea. )

Why I'm Now a Supporter of Police Reform

For the most part I have been a supporter of police and the important work they do day in and day out. Over the past 20 years I learned the other side of the argument and have come to see civil rights as central to our nations health. To understand something that is important means we have to see things from multiple perspectives (Sometimes 4 or 5).

I have also come to recognize there are not enough checks and balances to ensure integrity in the system. There also appears to be mixed political support for integrity measures. The root of liberty is in our oaths of "Liberty and Justice for All".

Furthermore, I believe the vast majority officers believe in those healthy principles. They are not always in environments that help ensure such central values are at the forefront of daily decision making. This is why we have to continue to work on the culture of policing (There are ways to test culture and build benchmarks, matched with proper training and better recruitment tactics to increase physical and mental diversity would help. Of course you also need good leadership that is thoughtful, fair, and open minded. Let also add doesn't feed the rumor mill because that makes things worse.)

When a minority of officers moves beyond those central values and form groups they sometimes take a dark turn in flavor and accept lower values antithetical to good governance. When complaints rise and behaviors go array the system struggles to reform and hold to account. This is why politicians should always be willing to adjust the system to make it effective. It might be behind the needs of society right now so there is some dissonance that popped up.

Without the will there is no way and such behaviors continue on unchecked creating a wave of destructive behaviors that are harmful to the community. Where judges should be holding to account such elements they often drop the ball. Sometimes in accident by not asking the right questions and sometimes by bias themselves. Either way they should maintain the search for truth and justice as central to their purpose. That is what I believe makes courts trustworthy. 

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion or even the acceptance of peoples race the way God created them is secondary to the unwritten rules these groups sometimes create ( If you think of like cults, extremism, and radicalism they often carry similar traits. That is why we can't have them and we have seen where it causes problems in other places. They become too comfortable with each other and then their missions switch to other things that are not related to what the public needs. I can go down a rabbit hole here so I'm going to move on.). Once they have a target of someone who is aware of misconduct the laws, rules and general moral conscious are thrown out the window. 

Because I recognize how distorted these groups can become, complaints of the community are at times ignored I have to say we need better more effective policing to ensure our central American values are protected. We must also take such complaints seriously especially when widespread. I now support reform in policing and accountability for those who intentionally violate those moral and written laws. I still love police and if anyone wants some heartfelt advice on how to restore full functioning and trust reach out. I'm pretty good at system creation in a way that can balance societal needs with that which keeps them effective. Got a few ideas on how to protect society and the need for good policing.

To be an American means speaking your opinion even when the environment doesn't support that essential constitutional freedom. It's a central value system that should not be violated. We either are supporter of these values or we are not. I happen to be and that is why police must always be somewhat subjected to the greater needs of society. That is why I say 100% police and 110% civil rights. If we reverse that all types of problems arise. 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Megabus, Indian Trails Coming to Escanaba

Great things are coming to Escanaba and people are responding in a positive way to our now little gem on the Great Lakes. The town is developing and people are coming to see what its like to live like a Yooper in a town that has just about everything you want from a northern smart city. 

Escanaba needs tourism because it has that as an option to help diversify its economy and bring in new revenue for businesses. That will of course mean some changes. For example, someone might want to reach out the bus line and ask them where they would like to park. 

The off load point being down by the park or near restaurants and bars makes a lot of sense. It depends in part on what the bus line wants to do. I think getting people downtown and into our parks and events makes sense. 

Megabus, Indian Trails to provide bus routes for UP

You can learn more about Megabus HERE. Checked them out. Kind of cool. If we do this well, we may find more in the future. 

Improving Police Effectiveness through Good Will and Integrity (Stopping the Exodus and Improving Recruitment)

Policing is a big issue in our nation and people are concerned about it from multiple perspectives. Because it is a national development issue I think its important to bring that up here for discussion. Society needs police and we want some of our best getting into policing. There are changes needed in the system to ensure its functioning at its maximum abilities to serve the public. Starting with the basics of Good Will and Integrity can go along way throughout the rest of the system's chains. 

Consider on a human-to-human level we all want what is best for our society and best for our communities. Systems such as policing create a level playing field that improve safety and security (Maslow Needs of Safety Economy) as basic assumptions of communal life. That is the basis of any societal development and without that we have other issues pop up. So we want to ensure that we start with those good will and integrity assumptions as a basis of all human interaction.

Policing can have a huge impact on the success of an economy. When policing is community based and focuses on building positive relationships it can lead to a great many things (Including lower crime and illicit drug use). People engage more, they trust officers are doing the right thing, and they know that they have the best interest of society in mind. The goal is to develop one's community through thoughtful behaviors that lead to more pubic support.

There are times when a few bad apples spread rumors and misinformation about minorities in their communities and then encourage others to act on those rumors as true. That can create an intimidating situation but it also can create a snowball effect of civil rights violation throughout the entire system. So if we know this, then it is important for our judges to act on it. 

People sometimes ask what are my leanings on police? Mine are fairly neutral and as I am for police but am not unaware of its challenges and some of the legitimate arguments for change. In other words, I'm 100% for police and 110% for civil rights. I'm looking at it from a systems side primarily (as well as some other sides). 

Here are a few ideas on how to improve Good Will and Integrity

1. When we recruit we must do so with personality in mind. Remember that police have authority and that help people and/or ruin people's lives and create all types of difficulties (Including the trust in policing). Police can also be a positive influence on people and the world around them. Which tool they use is often based in their personality and department culture.

2. Intentionally seek to diversify recruitment because it will open up the thought processes to other possibilities and new lines of filling depleting ranks. For example, hiring people from different backgrounds pushes officers to recognize difference as ok (Its not actually different if 60% of society now is diverse.). Diversity shows that policing is universal (Which it needs still needs some work to get there. Its lagging behind and part of that is culture but the other part is because the system is weak on feedback loops and self-correcting mechanisms.)

3. Judicial checks and balances. Sometimes those with nefarious intent and misunderstand of others go down a rabbit hole and can't get out of it. Its a clear sign of bias. It impacts all of their decision making. The carrot and stick approach is helpful. Training on how to handle bias is important but so is discipline and/or removal if an officer continues to misuse authority. 

4. Ensure police are not spreading rumors on things they can't cash at the end of the day. For example, if someone along the line makes up a story based in their bigotry and then spread that as true because it gets "hype" is itself defamation of character and could lead to serious injury of families in the community (Simply based on that bias and immaturity of the officer(s)). 

How do we solve that? Its not easy because it requires greater awareness by our court systems and officials to ensure that they are not damaging their communities with their own bias. There must be a way to change that root assumption of "outsider" when it is not reflective of the realities we live in during the modern era. Developing human capital requires us to think broadly about engaging the full spectrum of our populace's talents and abilities. Creating the basics of that environment are what police can do.

My advice to the youth is get involved in policing and help make the system better and more reflective of our universal values. There is a lot of good in policing, and a lot of good things that come from it, but it needs more diversity from people who have good ideas on how to better connect communities and policing to the same positive end. New type of recruits from different backgrounds makes a lot of sense. Let us turn animosity into something positive with the recognition that change is necessary and can happen through more engagement and appropriate/accurate reflective feedback.

*This blog is designed to improve our systems and encourage thoughtful engagement across wide sectors of society. It is meant for mental consumption and solution finding. If you don't like it please click off. We have a greater responsibility to be truthful then to encamp to one or the other side (We should all be on the same side). I love solutions, I do not like useless rhetoric. Our youth could like policing if we make some common sense and well thought out changes that align these institutions to principles of a universal democracy. There is much to be learned if different perspectives share those thoughts and find meaningful and heartfelt solutions to put everyone on the same page.