Thursday, March 30, 2023

Committee of the Whole 3-28-2023 Meeting on Job Description: Education vs. Experience

This meeting was primarily to get a good job description for the county administrator position. While there are some issues linger as they relate to an admin firing, the ability to narrow down a description is helpful for any future work expectations (No matter if new or older admin.). Placing job postings in the right venues will be important to lure the right kind of candidate.  (How to Hire the Right Person). Actually, half the battle is defining your description and right channel. The other half is selection and recruitment. 

Selection methods can be hugely complex if one wanted to get into the weeds on this in significant depth. I guess Michigan Works has some selection methods and are offering to help in this situation. Here is a solid study on Executive Selection.

I have to admit, the meeting looks a little more functional this time around. It might be that the focus is more narrow and open ended type questions don't loom. The questions are related primarily to the qualifications so while there is debate, it is of limited scope. A feather in cap meeting I guess.

-Profits vs. Non Profits. Both make money but one is restricted on how much they can keep from year to year.

-Education and Experience. I agree in general that education gives you the broader systems constructs that is necessary to master executive level management but the experience is going to indicate what you can expect from any individual candidate. Personality will determine the ability to truly influence others, persist or adapt to challenge.

-Private sector versus public sector. One feels we are pushing private more. 

-True on somewhat subjective on best. Its a shared best that is key for moving forward.

-I like the discussion on the job description. Because this is a key piece of concern for people having a transparent and productive meeting like this looks good. 

-Concern of distrust expressed also a word of praise for one of the commissioners.

-Good conversation on Public Act 214 Veterans Relief Fund veterans service organizations. They are going to lend the county an attorney's time to set up services on vets. Good job on the vets. They earned it.  

Recession Expected in 3Q 2023: Market Indicators

We are expected to have a recession this around he 3rd quarter (look into the crystal ball.) They are talking about indicators which are numbers they use to understand what is likely to happen at some point. For example, one might look at inventories in order to determine future potential slow downs. I guess if someone got good at looking at the early indicators they could determine which industries and companies are positioned to take advantage of market trends. Here is a little something on understanding Leading Economic Indicators.

A Few Reasons Why Its Hard to Find Firefighters (Tapping into the Enthusiasm of the Youth)

Many departments are struggling to find new volunteers. Young people seem to not be interested in public service and the recruitment has moved throughout different venues such as policing, firefighting, EMT, and other fields. To ensure these departments appeal to the younger generation they must be connected to their communities in a way where they are seen as viable and valuable options for our youth. I think we would want that to be a good pathway to their development through positive community engagement.

A Few Reasons Why Its Hard to Find Volunteer Firefighters

There are many reasons why many departments are having a hard time recruiting (not necessarily all). For example, I have heard people discount volunteer firefighters not realizing that they are doing most of the work nationally. Its a good thing people are giving up their time and put themselves at risk with little more benefit then knowing they are helping others. Yet we have people who feel that firefighting isn't serious work and those who put themselves at risk are somehow not of particular high value if they are not paid for it. 

Many of our problems are related to assumptions and the inability to see a new direction for our youth and for our society. Sometimes we have to flip the script to get people motivated and believing in building a world they want to be part of. Motivation comes from moral sentiment and need and there is no reason why firefighting shouldn't be part of that cause with Global Warming and other environmental issues hitting the airwaves regularly (Trust me, the youth are very concerned about that and yet we recruit from a mono-perspective and often from homogeneous groups. There is a reason why we do this unconsciously but that has nothing to do with firefighting itself or the skills it needs.)

What I will say is that I encourage our youth to get involved. We need diverse firefighters (and other public servants) and we need them to be drawn from all different types of backgrounds. We often recruit heavily certain traits and backgrounds that don't have much to do with firefighting at all. In some of the other industries like policing diversity is extremely low. To appeal to a wide group of people, to maintain support in a declining recruitment environment. We need all of our best and brightest to be involved. We can start with coaching our youth to become familiar with these fields and bring their new ideas and values with them. We will need good guides that can understand a younger generation even though there may be differences among backgrounds. 

*This blog is designed to help you think. We have two doors before us. The one we choose makes all the difference. I opt for everyone is part of the same growth opportunities. Others may differ with my opinion but the choice would be telling. Thank you for learning with me. Have a nice day! 

** Civic Engagement. CE. Construct on the health of the system in terms of voluntary engagement, event attendance, meeting participation, etc...Just the idea of total engagement by different sections of the population to participate in society.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

U.S. Gets Win on Oil and Energy Production As Leading Euro Supplier: Digital and Physical Infrastructure Changes

Energy production is important for the world. While we transition to clean energy we cannot neglect the older structure of oil production. We can't just make a huge leap without weaning off one and onto another in a sustainable way. There will be for the foreseeable future for oil production for the health of Europe and other places. It is a good place for the U.S. with its vast reserves to get involved to increase national revenue streams but also further allows for a smoother transition from one energy system to another. We are seeing both the physical and digital shifting on a global scale. Much of that is based in the deeper concerns people have over Russia and China partnerships 

(That is why I kind of thought it wasn't a good idea for China to get involved in the conflict because there are deeper mechanics of what people are willing to support and it forces nations and businesses to make a conscious choice on which system the are going to connect their economy and receive their supplies. Its not a full transition but as the New Cold War is fostered by Russian and Chinese actions we may see these splits become more pronounced. This is where China might decide whether there is a liability in that path. I think there are long term risks. I'm a supporter of open markets with equal rules for everyone. We have struggled with that for decades with China and it would appear that national development was their primary concern but in many ways have put some of the countries they traded with into a subservient position.)

Consider the ways in which energy is a huge thing to economics and our life. From manufacturing to getting to work (Unless your a digital nomad but they like to get out of the house too.) We are moving to renewable energy but are not yet ready to make a complete switch. It would be unwise and a little risky if we do not have both systems running well. The best place to be for everyone is redundant, multi source plug and play energy infrastructure. However, managing the oil through our own production can make it cleaner and can allow us to phase it out in a sustainable way to strengthen the whole system with newer energy adaptation.

Consider the physical ways to "Beef Up" U.S. Oil Production on Russian Oil Supply Restrictions

What we find in the modern world that there is a physical and digital components to infrastructure. They both have value and in turn they both must be developed for national strength. In my Transactional Cluster Theory I'm working on you would have infrastructure, technology and human capital. They get very complex because infrastructure include energy, export, rail, telephone, highways, etc. Technology and innovation are connected with market leading products. Human capital includes ideas such as quality of life, education, judicial integrity, training, development and much more (We could develop a formula for it to create a benchmark on how a country is doing. We would just need to look at the definitions of other formulas and see if we can use them to represent these data sources and in turn can be test for validity as a formula. As a benchmark its not proving anything but only measuring it based on these factors. You would then see if those factors appear to relate in some way to a nation's pace of development.)

You can see the digital representation in Data Supply Lines Begin to Shift Between China and U.S.

Consider the impact of knowing when to press on the gas to get things done. Here is one win for the U.S. in the energy and infrastructure development. Strategically we might want to think that every time China makes a step to support Russia they adjust the market. We should find the potential market openings that might occur from those actions so as to capitalize on certain behaviors that are meant to take advantage of a difficult situation and turn those into possible strengths. Think of SWOT and how to analyze a wider market. 

US has replaced Russia as Europe’s top crude oil supplier

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

DOD Budget Indicates Changes to Capitalize on New Innovative Designs

Read the report below and you will notice new opportunities brewing for larger scale innovation throughout our defense networks. That is occurring because we are now aware of the growing threats overseas (We were always aware but the environment has changed to make such issues more pronounced). New developing through innovative practices is likely and it will be interesting to see where all of this goes. 

On another interesting point. The DOD appears to be actively courting technology industries to put in some dollars for mutual development. That means they may need places where they could test new ideas and concepts. One advantage of creating economic clusters also means that certain towns, with certain characteristics, could potentially capitalize on innovation as innovative incubators and prototype labs. (We would just need to find a place that would have good infrastructure, multiple terrains, ability to create incubators and small towns, attractive to investors, great place to vacation and have a healthy judicial system. I know a place but its just missing one component.)

I have sort of been working on an innovative cluster model that hopefully could be a win for government and industry. As a vet and an academic with a history of looking over the horizon I say that we are moving into something new and unique and I support development of our national capacity in this arena. If industry also gets a boost by such models, that is a win-win for development. That is something wholly unique about America and the root assumptions of capitalism and democracy. *

Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Budget

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Why Judicial Integrity is Necessary for the Nation. (Louisville KY as an Example)

The Death of Socrates
As representing the voice of 
truth, justice, and wisdom 
supplanted by a corrupt
disdain for truth.
Corruption is something that is like a rot on our social conscious because it lowers the trust in our systems and that should be sacrosanct for our judicial officials. We know its wrong but its often so hard to catch. It takes a deep and thorough investigation into all the cupboards, nooks, crannies, and other places to ensure it isn't happening and hasn't happened to others. That is how important judicial integrity is to society and our department of justice (That is also what builds trust.). So let us ensure these institutions are in alignment with the current and long term needs of the nation. *

The big ones that sort of really concern me are "engaged in protected speech critical of policing." and "probable cause". One must have the ability to speak freely so as to ensure our total system adapts to higher forms (Right now the populace has adapted past the system's ability to catch up. We have to adjust the system to a higher form of truth that applies universally for a more competitive generation.). Without freedom of speech and without assumptions of safety some areas start looking "regimish" through an embedded network. So we must avoid breaking a judges sacred duties at all costs. We don't want to find luck 7's of corruption across multiple departments which would indicate a total justice failure like we saw in Louisville.

When we crack down on that speech we risk not only the long term health of the system but also the trust that helps it continue to improve. I love our officers, and hope others do as well, enough to not allow the shallow few to destroy trust for a great many people locally, nationally and internationally. Situations like Louisville pain and stain the national heart in a many areas and places. Not only because of the legacy of hate and where that came from but also because it smacks the face of liberty harshly. 

We must correct it and work together to do that. Judges and "The Judged". Its that important! 

The problem with judicial corruption is that it is hard to detect and often works in the background with other conspirators. While sometimes it could be a money or political issues at center there may also be other racial and religious considerations that come into play (i.e. implicit bias.  If there was a question one could go through each and every case involving a minority and see if there is a statistical difference based on a number of factors. In theory I mean. 🤔 Each DOJ investigation would be different I guess. Lets see what the future brings....). If true that would bump such corruption to a serous potential charge and likely a violation of multiple state, federal and international laws (Don't ask me, I don't know much about these things. I'm just trying to understand so we can build our nation.  🤷.)

(Economic systems are developed by good judicial systems that ensure fairness across the board. That is important to my cluster theory. I think there are a lot of people that want to see this theory come to a positive end because it can tie in a number of different sociological problems we are facing as a nation. We are competing against bigger issues for long term national improvement and wisdom is important.

When we break trust in our judicial systems we slowly erode the foundation as those that are supposed to be impartial decision makers but have inherently moved down a very dark and dangerous line of acting and thinking. In such situations it would be just and fair for people to be upset their democracy is being undermined and should report such corrupt crimes to the appropriate authorities. Where would you do that? You might try FBI Report Public Crimes  The tips section.  You can also report at Federal Civil Rights Violations. The State Attorney General might want to know. There may also be different organizations that might also want to be aware. 

The UN has a pretty good description of the long term dangers of unchecked corruption. "In his first report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur emphasized that corruption and organized crime are undermining the rule of law and the capacity of States to promote systems of governance accountable to and compliant with human rights standards. Corruption also undermines the ability of the judiciary to guarantee the protection of human rights and directly or indirectly impedes the discharge of the professional functions of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other legal professionals. Corruption also has a devastating effect on the entire judicial system, as it diminishes the confidence of citizens in the administration of justice." You can read more about that in Report on Judicial Corruption and Organized Crime. We should also be concerned about these numbers about court systems in Trust In U.S. Institutions Hits Record Low, Poll Finds

Here is the point I want to make. I think its important to report these things as to give an opportunity for various departments to sort of look closely at the issue and ensure that there are no serious state, federal or international laws being violated. It might take a little digging into multiple arenas and areas to ensure there hasn't been a history of judicial corruption. Because we are in the age of extremism we have to be doubly sure we are reporting to more than one agency to ensure there isn't that one demented soul out there that lacks empathy for their fellow human beings and a healthy respect for the truer forms and meaning of the law. (That is also important to international stakeholders who launched a program to improve judicial integrity. The UN launches global network of judges to strengthen integrity in courts.)

Multi department harm is so sad and I weep for all of those people and all the others that stayed silent. We must treat each other better. 😢 I really do sometimes think of all those people in history who were hurt. Not fair and we have to stop these things the best we can by being positive and persistent. Do so with love and do so with the knowledge that the data we will have tomorrow (as we are now discovering with this situation) are going to tell us a lot about some people and how authority is misused (A more accurate mirror.)

The Role of Justice in Development: The DataRevolution (What I like about the research field is sometimes we build off each other's knowledge as a network of scientists and discoverers. It is not an easy field and sometimes when you report corrupt entities retaliate and that creates more liability. Huge! Huge! if true.)

There is hope Americans and "Americans" can someday be the more enlightened AMERICANS (The one's who are going to beat our competition.) First step in human capital development is to clear the corruption to start leveling the assumptions for everyone. Beyond survival we need the true assumption of security and stability to start the process as such needs are rooted prior to advanced learning. This is what thoughtful judicial integrity can do......create a level playing field that allows all of our different colored and seasoned eagle eggs to grow in an environment that is nurturing (Assuming we are all important. As a person with a Muslim sounding name and multi-racial children I'm horrified there may be judges working in such third world manner! I've seen this in action and it is often built on years of corruption.

Investigation of the Louisville Metro Police Department and Louisville Metro Government

* Note and see how we are universalizing our values into a universal democracy. Then sprinkle that human capital with technology. There will be some cultural push back and some extremist perspectives and foot dragging mixed in but at the end of the day the will of the people will overcome. 

Delta County MI. Board of Commissioners Meeting (3-21-2023): Development, Vets, Housing, Old News......

Things are sort of moving along in a little better fashion then they were before in the best interest of society and its stakeholders. There seems to be a getting back at the key concepts and issues. My goal is to understand the economics, to help my community, and in many ways to show that different types of people can work together to accomplish great things. So far I think everyone is sort of doing well and focusing on the big picture. Some hiccups based on what appeared to be a retaliatory firing based on freedom of speech issues (It sort of looks like from a distance a freedom of speech retaliation issue but one would have to sort of talk to someone with legal knowledge. I'm not making a judgement on it because people say all types of things that end up not being true. Its the backroom conversations that will be important if this comes to a head. You can watch the initial video here and make up your own mind.  The Daily Press sort of outlines the overuse of police to silence members of the audience. )

At the end of the day we all have a moral duty to be good to each other. Sometimes these issues are from poor behavioral patterns and quick reactions. When people get upset they sometimes verbally lash out and say things in an attempt to circumvent those feelings (Those might need to come out if there is a court case of some type. Because this is a one time issue we can't really judge from a labor relations standpoint but much is going to be in the details. However, if other reports of retaliation come up for freedom of speech it will be a huge liability for the county. Looks like they need some training. I would put that on the agenda so we are using our taxpayer dollars well and in the best interest of the county. I say that as a concerned citizen. I don't want my dollars being used to defend lawsuits that could have been avoided by patience, kindness and avoiding heuristic judgements about others motives and intentions. This might be where a prosecuting attorney might consider doing an internal investigation to ensure there hasn't been other retaliation issues for freedom of speech so that liability doesn't continue forward. I don't know for sure if that is the case and I doubt anything would come up but you never know what fate brings. )

Let us talk about general committee functionality. This occurs when there are shared goals and people are willing to listen and compromise with each other to reach those goals. Public committees often have amebic type goals to a very broad key stakeholders. Having a few key principles while working on Invest Escanaba (I guess one could use Delta or Gladstone but I'm just using Escanaba because it is sort of the main entity of the area.) type initiatives will help align. All economic choices are filtered 
through these few goals in order to ensure they align and are the best use of resources to achieve them. You can read a layman's term Secrets of Successful Committees

Delta County to discuss requirements for administrator post
-2.48 Starts with alien probing sounds. 👽😂
-Question of procedure issue. 
-Veterans Relief Fund. Thank you to all of our veterans and constitutional republic. I agree with this. 
-$1.10 assistance for our veterans for emergency relief for 3500 vets. I agree there need to be some changes. If your going to have a fund, you need to fund it well.  
-Online reservation for campers.
-Construction of 2 x 800 communication towers that are about $3.5 million. The signal gets blocked out.
-There are rules on the order of listing degrees. However, quartering for such issues went out of style a long time ago so we are probably good now. 
-Prosecuting Attorney: Outlined the different skills of the department. Kind of an interesting line up for different types of issues. Criminal and Civil do sometimes overlap. Civil for about 5 years. Some board members want civil attorney. 2 statutes MCL 49.71 MCL 49.155. I think the members of board would have to show they can't represent but that would be unlikely to be the case. They don't appear to have dropped any major legal balls to make that claim. Changing the coverage might open the county to lawsuits. $100-250 per hour. $10K in one suit. Each agreement is likely to have different rules. * 
-21.30 Parks and properties: Fixing parks, parking and tables. Michigan Trust Fund (I wonder if this is the MI. Natural Resource Trust Fund) $7K to Cornell Twp. Fire Department (I know a few others that would put that money to good use.). DNR wildlife commission with grant Whitetail Association. 
-Billerud might be using biomass. That would be interesting and probably save them money over time if they operate in this wooded area. However, as usual, one must run all the numbers. 
-By 2029 the parks will be self sustaining. 
-Want's to make sure that the job description of County Administrator is adjusted. If there are two people good at finance there should be no issue (maybe audit the county). MA or BA degree versus MA degree with 5 years of experience. Wants public admin experience and education. The MA degree has stronger awareness of the field. Argument brought forward on wider and narrower applicant nets. (One could prefer a degree and degree as a process ensure that they are given preference over and to hire someone without those preferences would require a group vote.). Michigan Works has special tests and skills. Free. (I like that concept). One commissioner brought up the idea that he wants to ensure the public understands that there are not individual commissioners pushing for certain agendas (He didn't say agenda but the term approach was brought forward by someone else. It also a sense of urgency in some board members to get the position solidified. ) Line by line. 🖉
-Tabling items passed quickly. 🤷
-Adjustment in finance meeting to avoid rushing. Finance Committee. (Making sure policies and procedures are followed to ensure integrity.)
-Conference in Lansing for administration. Approve out of county travel. 
-Zoom vs. YouTube Live. (A key point was made. Covid bumped government digital functioning upward.).
-Radio outreach person appointed. Concern over who the outreach represents. 
-New applicants. All of them seemed descent. Review of Master Plan
-2.23 One wants to explore attorneys. Many times its cheaper to settle then to defend a case. 
-Sense upset feeling of a comment. Sheriff to ask to ensure people be quiet (I think that has happened every meeting potentially showing a pattern. I would train on that to find a better way to sort of deal with that issue. As a public servant one would sort of want to step above the buzz of conversation and be polite and ask kindly, the second time ask kindly and then remind them of the general rules and what the consequences, and finally if they violate it again one might then politely ask if the officer would "kindly" remove the person. If it was me, I would probably also say sorry and please come back next week I want you to be involved in government and feel free to comment about important topics because its important to good governance. I think I would mean that. Its vitally important to let people feel comfortable to express themselves without feeling concerned they will be judged or retaliated against. Its not good to give that impression to investors nor to people who already have a crisis of confidence in government. I very much am concern about that in today's world and want transparent and kind government in the best interest of people. Its an uphill battle but with time we will all agree that we do best when we work together.
-One commission doesn't believe we should have such lawsuits. Another argued that the prosecutor can't handle all things opening up to them. Lists a few things not concerned about. I'm not sure if he comments on "specific" issue but not sure if that is a general comment or related to a specific incident. 
-MDOT and Escanaba utility project support. MDOT Superior Region (I would like more info on this. I will need to search it out because its a primary infrastructure issue for the area.)
-Airport grant. That airport should start seeing more business this year. 
-Support veterans with millage. $4K but want more. 
-YouTube needs to allow public comment. 
-Concern veteran help should have been more forthcoming.
-Airport grant money. I still think its beneficial to connect Esky to Detroit and Chicago for possible start up, design and other manufacturing. People need easy access. Same for vacationers.
- veterans center.
-Economic, Tourism, Manufacturing.
-We paid for conservation district so not free one lady states. 
-Concern over private hunting camp.  Million dollar grant was to be managed for recreation and wild life. 
-1400 acres isn't open to public. Two 40s block access. Deaf ears. Wants to ensure issues address.
-Application for position.
- We should be supporting law enforcement. Need more protection for court. 800k grant mentioned. 
-Counter argument on land misuse. 
-Feels upset people criticism everything. Happy on Vets help. Wants public experience for Admin. 
-New housing needed for construction work. Group. MSHDA housing maybe. No renting available for long time. Get projects started. (Depending on the type of grant I wonder if they could use that to ensure all the buildings downtown that have apartments are up to code and updated. That would probably be the easiest to do. We may need to build some new buildings and apartments. Be wise on the design. Make them like condos so you can resell to seasonal vacationers when people leave. Also, consider creating cabins because they are quick, easy, can be used recreationally, or sold for cheap to middle class people from Illinois and Lower Michigan who want a summer cottage but have limited budgets. A secondary use after people leave. Some old Victorian houses when turned into boutique apartments and condos often fetch a good return. While we may not have had that type of market before, we may have that going forward if everything turns out well.  An opportunity to increase tourism and maybe sustain it.)
-Wants people to look at property, roads, etc.
-DOJ ADA regulations on website for county.
-Wants paper copy.
no-good Queen Voyages stands for crafts. 26 visits.
-American Rescue Plan money for court.
-Pathways board member.

*49.71 County civil attorney; employment, compensation.

Sec. 1.

   The board of supervisors of any county by a majority vote of the members-elect may employ an attorney to represent the county in civil matters, whenever the board determines that the prosecuting attorney is unable to properly represent the county. Such attorney shall receive such compensation as shall be determined by the board of supervisors.

49.155 Opinions of prosecuting attorney or county corporation counsel.

Sec. 55.

   The prosecuting attorney, or county corporation counsel in a county which has employed an attorney in lieu of the prosecuting attorney to represent the county in civil matters, shall give opinions, in cases where this state, a county, or a county officer may be a party or interested, when required by a civil officer in the discharge of the officer's respective official duties relating to an interest of the state or county.

*I'm looking at the economics of a county so to finish off a theory. I built the structure of the theory and am seeing if the market can build the rest as practitioners. I do need to watch the county and city activities to see how they are doing and whether they are adapting to meet those challenges. That also includes world affairs and events. There will be public things that come up and those are important to understand. This is all public information and I'm a very nice guy and hope very much to help everyone along the way for the next couple of generations if I can. If in some way these ideas lead to greater development for other researchers, scientists, students, stakeholders, and government officials then I am profoundly blessed by influence and reach that I do not deserve. In all stories, is another story I guess. Economics is the macro study of behavior. Behavior is important in decisions and important in outcomes. Sometimes either the goal or the decision could be misaligned. Its about love and good kharma. Namaste. 🙏