Friday, February 24, 2023

Institute for Study of War and AEI Critical Threat Project Release Ukraine-Russia War Map Time Line

Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and AEI Critical Threat Project provided the Time Line Map of the Ukrainian-Russia War. ISW was launched during Iraq to analyze ground situations  while the AEI Critical Threat Project focuses on national security issues.  You can learn more about Institute for the Study of War (ISW) HERE  and AEI Critical Threat Project HERE. Basically, in that world they are knowledgeable institutions that provide policy recommendations.

I was actually looking for a study on quantum level time manipulation findings I read this a.m. and in my search for that I came across this time lapse map of the Ukraine -Russia conflict (The other important development is in energy fusion). For those of you who sort of follow the news and its implications there is much that can be learned through difficult situations like this. We should always seek peace and when that doesn't happen learn and apply as fast as possible.

I'm thinking in terms of conflict management, technology development, strategy formation, and economic posturing as it relates to geographically important areas. Not actively of course, but more or less, 'What's going on over here and how is that impacting our local and national markets and economies?' Conflict of this magnitude mixed with ideological loyalties does impact the business market (i.e. how supply chains reform along ideological lines.).

There are of course other considerations such as supply chain enhancement and closing the gap from innovative prototype to small batch production (i.e. small specialized clusters for equipment, ship retro fit, vehicles, etc.) Its is the small batch production that leads to larger production for either military or industrial purposes.  All of that is part of stronger capacity development by focusing on specific needs and methods of more quickly creating capacity to meet the challenges of increased supply stresses. 

We have struggled as a nation to launch new things fast enough to maintain advanced technology superiority. I don't think rapid innovation is impossible but I do believe a level of mixing organic self entrepreneurial interest with structure guidance, incentives and collaboration that provides the right innovative environment that is neither too bureaucratic nor Wild West. Such a cluster would require a level layered local, state and federal support.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Firefighters and Fitness: The biggest risk is their big hearts! (A Few Resources)

Source: Fire House
Training is vital to the long term success of any firefighting team. When teams train together, they get to know each other and in turn begin to find ways of tackling tough situations. In rural areas such as ours, we have to train regularly because we encounter a variety of environments that range from hundreds of miles of forests to cars falling through the ice. House fires are sometimes part of the risk but so can be carrying heavy hoses and equipment around. 

In the rural world we rely on everyone and anyone who can reasonably help. Our department has been pretty good at attracting younger people and we want to maintain their interest to get them through required training in a safe manner. It takes time, so being interactive is helpful.

Of course there is a place for people of different skill sets . Some will bust down doors and some will run the trucks. Some will lift heavy hoses and some will tell them where to lay those hoses to gain the most  power and reach. We are a team. Each team member will need to know their limits and training will help them determine not only their abilities but also their limitations. 

Training gives one a fairly good understanding of each persons capacity and abilities. It also provides you insight into where some firefighters might need some help and where they can help others. There are risks to being injured during training but the benefits far outweigh the costs.  Physical overexertion can become a major issue if you are unaware of your physical condition but are pushed to the max during training or during an actual live exercise situation. 

A good place to start for everyone in rural and volunteer departments is for firefighters to be aware of their physical capacities and know their limits. Engage in activities that match one's fitness level. 

You may want to read this research study by NFPA that helps highlight the need for training. U.S. Firefighter Deaths Related to Training, 2009–2018 

Key findings (I put in brackets those things a department could consider.

Fahy, 2020 NFPA
• Between 2009 and 2018, 12.9 percent of all on-duty fatalities occurred during training.  (Thinking safe practices and look through the scenes and activities to ensure risks are minimal prior to training. Having proper equipment, expertise and support.)

• The largest share of FF deaths occurred during physical fitness training and apparatus and equipment drills, with both shares accounting for 34 percent of the training deaths. (Thinking about providing fitness guidelines and allowing firefighters to reflect on those needs and/or or talk to their doctors about them. There are plenty of roles to fill in a department.)

• Three-quarters of the deaths were attributed to stress, overexertion and medical causes.   (See fitness needs above. We may also consider getting a fitness trainer to come out and talk to us about nutrition and food. Show us some basic exercises. I probably could do some of that myself.)

• Sudden cardiac death accounted for two-thirds of the deaths. (Include some information in training about these deaths and how to minimize them.)

• Most of the deaths occurred at the fire station or at off-site locations controlled by the fire department.  (It sounds like most of these deaths are related to fitness and readiness versus actual injury. Its something good to keep in mind.)

Firefighting Fitness

I'm looking through fitness to share with my fellow firefighters and department. A couple of resources I'm going to share include. 1. Training Accidents Stats, 2. Stress Test Requirements, 3. FF Fitness Drills

A Few Resources: Fitness NFPA Requirements, NFPA Official Site, NFPA 1582 Physical Requirements, CDC Firefighter Resources, IAFF Physical Fitness Tests, Harvard Study on Firefighter Injuries.

Interesting in terms of how reliant we are on volunteers but have various readiness levels.

Grand Chute FD Needs Recruits and EMTs: 38% EMS are cross trained with Firefighters. 5.9% of WI firefighters are career based while 79% are volunteer (That is interesting. They are close to the U.P. so I would suspect we are similar.)

This article is free to share. Its a helpful article so take some of the resources back to your departments. If your interested in contributing to a good cause and volunteering you may want to check us out on Facebook or Google Maps. We also appreciate donations as we are looking to replace a grass truck $100K +-, battery powered extrication spreader and traffic equipment $30K, and expand training based on new investments in the area.

The Winter Snow Keeps Coming in the U.P.

A couple of pictures of us being dumped on. The weather people teased us again. Initial forecasts were expected to be less. 4" to 8" inches today and 1-2 feet over three day period. I would be surprised if we get that much. 

Its cold, it will be awesome for winter sports tomorrow, and we are out shoveling our driveways and sidewalks.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Invest Escanaba: Ship Building in Esky? Trends Say It Should be Considered!

Escanaba Light House
Source: Escanaba Post Card Museum
Sometimes its a good idea to capitalize on other investments to maximize impact and dollars. We do know there are things coming into the area that will likely change some of the landscape. We also have other infrastructure advantages such as ports, road and rail. As infrastructure develops, and the Navy considers how to maximize its innovative capacity, they should consider Escanaba as a candidate for an advanced medium to small vessel shipyard. 

Before you judge too harshly the idea. Consider ship building in Marinette-Menominee and how that might be able to hedge coordinated ports in close proximity, the space launch site going in north of Marquette (I think its still going in. I have to check. 🤔) and some other awesomeness in the area. While it would be great for the Navy if they pass we want to attract shipbuilding in general as a cluster advancing industry.

The Escanaba
Source: My Michigan

Let us look at three sort of trends emerging.....

1.) Growing general need for ship building internationally. Growth Ship Building Market Report 2023

2.) China has larger ship yards and more capacity. China Ship Building Outpaces US

3.) Escanaba has a developing deep port (Military, tourism, ore/commercial, ship building, etc.) matched with some local production (Local SME manufacturing and metal work). 

4.) Large infrastructure development in the area. $200 Million MI Esky and MI. Spends on Infrastructure

5.) Innovation and small business military. Rapid Innovation Fund

6.) An "incalculable". Something unique about the place and why its a good cluster location with key characteristics that can't be easily measured or repeated by other nations. As economic synergy is created there is greater economic and innovative value thereby achieving the essential purpose of a cluster as a rapid innovation system. (The simplest answer is an innovative leap under the right economic condition brought forward by a functioning microcosm of a cluster. ) A Decade of Change and Fourth Industrial Era (i.e. the Digital Era. Unknown DC)

Light reading. DC Great Lakes, MultiCluster Ship DC, Esky Downtown Incubator, Incubator Econ GrowthOutperform China

Monday, February 20, 2023

Happy Presidents Day! Grasping for Stars is the American Way!

Presidents are our leaders chosen through our democratic processes. Its the process of choosing that makes this country unique. Whether you are current like President Biden, a recent past like President Trump, or one of the first presidents like President Washington, there is a sacred oath that binds them all to a line of presidents before them. They have a responsibility to guide our nation to greater heights, further than we have ever been before. 

Good leadership is important from both parties and that requires coordination, active listening and a focus on solutions. Our leaders, whether the president or other politician must be willing to create and encourage others to grasp for a shared vision. 

Wishing all of our Presidents (Past, Present and Future) a wonderful day and good health and good tidings. You can read the history of Presidents Day

Its a little silly but very good video. 

Billerud Expected to be a Strong Buy for Stocks (ROE) Return on Equity

Pretty Much Same Place as New Mill
Early 1900's
It might be the biggest any more
but Esky is the Best!
Source: Escanaba Post Cards
If your a stock guy/gal and you have interest in traditional companies that have a long long history in communities such as ours you may want to check out Billerud. While Billerud is a new Escanaba resident, the company comes from a long line of sister background not that much different then our own. Growing up in the cold and woods probably has its environmental similarities. Snow, woods, good food, fresh air, good friends, family.....seems similar (Check it out. Grums Sweden and Escanaba Michigan.).

I'm not trying to create a Hallmark moment here. What I'm saying is that they seem to be investing for the long haul and in may ways already understand the way in which we live our unique histories as a people. They are a natural fit and I would like to see how such a large investment with State and Federal interest leads not only to an increase in stock value but also what the total economic impact will be 5 and 10 years out. (Sustainable Image 1 and Sustainable Image 2). 

Ok, sniff, sniff, I put away the box of tissues and pictures of generations of loggers. 

I really like this article and I'm going to share it with some people. Great stuff....really good! You are teaching and writing. Its the way it should be. News with a purpose! If want to be a guest author sometime....hit the "contact box". 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Escanaba's Downtown: Cold, Crisp and Fresh for Investment! (Keeping the Fire Bright)

$200+ Million State Invest in Infrastructure
$1.06+ Billion Billerud
+"Incalculable" winds of fate
Its cold this morning when you walk down Escanaba's main street. I pull my color up to keep the brisk air out and take notice of the sun just starting to peak up over the building tops as a few shoppers begin populating main streets. It is a morning like many other mornings on Great Lake coastal towns that has seen better days but is now on the investment upswing. It wont look exactly this in a few years as fresh paint, flowers, people and new stores move in.

While I might miss some of the cracks in the sidewalk and chipped paint on a few old stores that haven't been updated in a while. I remember coming back and seeing it about the same, with a little more sadness, then what it looked like when I left (Back then it was too small a place for a young buck. Not a lot of opportunities for college grads so they leave to go to school, the military, or to get married.) Within a year some of the empty store fronts will likely get some new life. While some aspects of our town may change, much of the flavor and life will stay the same. 

I'm an old, new guy. My roots in this region run deeper and wider than most of the other families. I have been gone for a while; maybe 20 years. Doing something I thought was very important. Understanding the understandable of human nature and I have found what many people will never see (I could try and explain it but I'm still in the process of sort of formalizing it. I will share someday in my own special way. Promise. Shall we continue?........)

This town has that same spirit living within it. That spark that allows a town on the verge of collapse to become a new, bright, vibrant and living entity that will be around for a long time (Most have no idea how close it came to being a ghost town and ending the connections for many people and their families. I really don't think many have the experience of making difficult decisions that seem like cold numbers on an SEC filing, but yet have the power to impact people's lives on the other page in ways those numbers can't calculate. If you read the SEC filings over the years it will tell you the prospects of future investment. The trend line has changed for the better and may reach synergy at some point if it continues upward. Theoretically anyway.). This town has not only got new life, but perhaps the first of its kind and the first of the digital era (It has almost all the basics it needs.).

As the tourists start coming this spring, as the sounds of infrastructure fill the air with greater sweetness similar to what you might hear at an exquisite performance of something like Cold Song at the Opera . We will see change, we will see new things, and we will be better for it. (The vast majority of change is very valuable and positive.). We are becoming "connected".

As I ponder the history and future of this place and make my way to my favorite gym to get in some early morning cardio I cross paths with a Native American man walking toward me on the sidewalk. Tucked warm in his jacket with long flowing grey white hair reaching out from under his fur lined hood. (You know that type of long shinny hair that is hard for most men to grow. I think the fur was beaver but I was distracted.).

He was looking at me and I nod and say good morning as I fiddle to find my gym keys, "Excuse me sir" the man says just as I pass (He seemed prepared). I stop, turn around, with an inquisitive look I respond in curiosity, "Yes,"

He pauses for a moment thinking about something and watching my face intently. 

In a low voice he asks, "Where are you from?" 

Thinking my big city gym shoes, slightly smart winter jacket gave me away as a tourist! I respond sheepishly, "I'm an Escanaban".  

"No, no I can tell that!" he grumbles waving away my comment as rhetorically useless. Where precisely did you grow up?" (The term precisely sort of caught me off guard. Something said in that manner in a term that is not particularly commonly used around here. I can tell this man has seen a few things. Back when I was a kid I met people who were WWII, even relatives of mine, and I could tell some of these guys had gained some insight beyond the sanctity of our town. They know things that others didn't know, others didn't have experience in, from an angle that allowed them to see things from a higher perspective. Its not something you can explain to someone who doesn't know.)

I respond, "Well, originally I'm from Bark River and then moved into town when I was very young."

He affords me a half smile that we often see in people who have seen a world deeper than our own (For me, that is not common. When I sense it I become instant ears and quickly resort to an inquisitive student perspective made from years of socialization to institutional life. Boarding school, military, higher education, much of a person's life.).  You can recognize it because there is just a mannerism about it. Often a few short words and you can tell there is a lot going on up there then what is on the surface.

He says, "I thought so" with a drawn out ooo and a slightly upward linguistic tail. I pause expressionless not really sure I understand the meaning or what is actually being said here. I try for a second to figure out the multiple neural options and in what context they are meant but come up with a blank spot. I just can't put my finger on it! 👆

He could tell I was struggling to make sense of the comment. That is where you know your giving that "deer in headlights" look knowing you noticed something but not sure what exactly that must wait to find out. Anticipation for a punch line I guess. Except I was lucky enough not to have to pay for this entertainment (Like a puzzle).

I begin to read his face as he has already read mine except I have no idea what I'm looking for while I suspect he already knows and has found what he was trying to understand. A much more trained and discerning eye than my own (I'm aware but not aware of what I'm aware.) We are looking at the world from two different stories but very similar tales I guess. I sense no ill intent so I relax and give the man the benefit of doubt.

His wrinkled hands reach into his jacket pocket and I again cringe because experience has taught me that he is about to hand me a donation envelop, a lost item, a pamphlet, give him a ride, or be forced to accept to his religious/philosophical/'world view' guidance (....or cast me out as a cultural heretic!). Having spent some time in the big city as a general rule you don't accept anything from anyone you don't know; let alone talk to them!

I'm cautious of course. Yet this isn't a big city and people here are generally polite. So things should be much more on a personable level. We have a couple knuckleheads but they seem to have grown up over the past few years through exposure to the outside world. This person is out of the ordinary and deserves a little more grace in time before I excuse myself as quickly as politicly practical.

He places a feather in my hand. Not wanting it to be overtaking by the wind I instantaneously and intuitively put my fingers tightly on around the stem to keep the feather secure from being lost.

He looks down at the feather in my hand and back into my face. (The term into is intentional)

"You dropped this" he says as he rather abruptly and quickly turns around and walks back down the street with a snow cloud swirling behind him. 

I glance at the feather for a second, its cold, crisp and fresh. I've only see a few, not even sure of the kind of bird. Looks well taken care of and important.  I protest raising the feather into the air in the direction of the man! "Its not mine, I didn't drop it!"

"Yes, you did." I hear in a faint voice with the same upward tone that confused me last time. Almost a whisper really.

Realizing the elements might try and take the feather again, I place it safely in my coat pocket and once more turn directly into the cold howl of the wind to challenge fate.  

*The articles are designed to encourage you to think and in this case honor the many Native Americans I have met in my life. Mostly, to recognize the Native Americans from the Escanaba area and the interconnect lives we all share. As with all things in life sometimes things are not spelled out so obviously and there are no statistical 100% or books of indisputable facts. Perhaps a fictitious conjurer and wizard of words? Nothing more than misaligned strokes of an amateurs pen! As a species we have always learned best from stories. Its why we keep the inner fire bright. No? 🤷 👂😏