Saturday, February 18, 2023

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: Chinese Balloons and Bullets

I'm just watching this now and sort of grasping the nature of the discussions (I suspect it was tense.). Let us say that things are very frosty between the U.S. and China right now. No Valentine Day exchanges I would suspect. Let us put aside the contentious balloon incident for a moment. I understand why such balloons exist and I understand why we must protest against their use (Even thought its not likely to be the last timeIts not our birthday so please don't send any balloons next time.). 

The bigger concern is China support for Russia. It didn't take much to figure out from prior tv appearances that there was going to be some coordination between China and Russia. Remember Putin's comments on "world hegemony" or something similar and his jovial step? You can tell from his comments, and the whole tiff about taking off shirts with EU leaders (ok you either read it or you didn't), that he was sort of semi-bragging about it without saying it (You know how this backroom stuff goes. Someone pours two glasses of middle of the shelf value scotch, cigars get lite, one looking at the other, the other looking back, no one says anything but the room feels tense, etc. etc.) 

Here is where I think China is making sort of a strategic mistake. Russia is a country that doesn't exist in the communist world anymore. It has some ideological roots but those are lost on the majority of the younger generation. Most of the world is not happy with Russia right now. China might have a hard time balancing between a business oriented country or a communist oriented country (One is to connect the other is to spread an ideology.). 

If they are a communist oriented country they will sort poke their finger at Western countries and continue to carve out a new Cold War Curtain (Digital Curtain). If they are a business oriented country, they may not want to get too far into the weeds with Russia. Putin is older, his moral arguments are low, and at the end of the day its unlikely to look good for him or his supporters. 

I'm kind of curious if China will sort of tip toe with lukewarm support for Russia or jump two feet in thereby making an Cold War curtain split. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to create an economic shock that cuts them from many of their suppliers and customers. So I suspect its just enough hot and cold water to keep the bath sort of like Goldie Locks porridge of neither too not or too cold. 

Let us also add to that there is indication that Russian economy is losing billions and if there is a major route on the battlefield it is highly possible that Russia could collapse. If the younger generation is proWestern and not supportive of the war, then how might that look for China? They could lose an entire market depending on who rises to power after a collapse (I would suspect a pro-Western oligarch but it could be anyone.)

Balloons are in bad taste but selling bullets to Russia is an ideological statement. 

When Local Clan Laws Supersede National Laws: The Subjective Rule of Law

Local laws are important. However, when local laws are clan based and give a free pass for racial and religious cleansing behaviors that come forward, that isn't a violation of the law its a break down the order of things. It is a clear sign that not only have we looked away while laws are being violated, we also failed to step up when it was necessary to protect the integrity of the system. We have become our own worst enemy. 

This article is about thinking about better paths forward and how that encourages better decision making and more unification between different peoples. We as a nation should think about how we manage going forward and what that looks like. To me, that looks like people working together toward a shared future. There are some, who care very little about these things. Having a universalized perception of justice and fair treatment is our pro growth torch going forward (i.e. human capital development)

I have never been afraid that our nation would have a problem from the outside in so much as it would have a moral lapse and suffer from the inside. This occurs when race, religion, and good old boy networks are allowed to misuse the law to protect friends and associates from the consequences of illegal behaviors. Worse, to help them enrich, accompanied by a number of related issues members of the community brought forward at other places and times.

While I understand that the consequences for being a half citizen with Black children are very high, nevertheless one would think at some point the law would step in to do the right thing. I'm not talking about the wink and nod, identity based kind of laws we are so accustomed to implementing on people. I'm talking about the universal application of law. The one in which is fair for everyone and uses wisdom in its final resolutions.

I thought justice and fairness would be the primary way in which we want to run our nation. However, what I found is that while a local judge, sheriff, and a number of clan members may have perverted the laws, the wider systems feels compelled to provide that freedom to commit crimes then and into the future. When  you coordinate, meet with perpetrators, engage in cleansing type behaviors and walk from such actions that would normally be an issue for people with a value system. Depending on what that value system means.

(Before you get too far in your thinking. I have a great amount of respect or nearly all officers except the few that coached their friends on how to go after people. I have also met and talked to many Sheriff officers over the years and as good people I encourage them to report what they know {Follow your policies but you may want to report outside of your department to Federal and/or State entities}. Of course, being married into such groups and having close friends with such groups does sort of help in keeping things "under the table". While a judge may or may not have been part of it, I suspect he/she was well aware, he/she did not take action when it was blatantly obvious such action was needed. p.s. not the kind of action that circumvents the rights, laws, and natural protections of those we deem as less worth and less "desirable" in society.)

(Furthermore, if you knew me, my value systems, my kids, my history, my struggles, my success and my failures you would not discount every word I have to say simply because it doesn't fit your preconceived notions of the world in which you live. I earned the right to talk about things that many of these judges will never understand no matter how they appropriately or inappropriately use the laws. The difference being in their moral development and capacity to say "no" to their social groups and stand for the essential values of this nation. Clan or Country?)

Internationally it may be illegal and the moral choices may be considered horrendous; maybe not. However, at present it doesn't appear there are adequate laws when dealing with those we deem are different and/or take advantage of for money. Its just how it is! A type of truth behind the words of reelection. We are in a vortex of values where for one reason or another we don't really care about fair application of law. We are more concerned about politics, money, prestige, self flattery, political campaign funds, and all the things that broke every nation historically. 

I'm a proof in the pudding guy. One can say whatever they want but if they don't actually do the right thing at the end of the day they become worse then the perpetrators. Think about it. They know, they were part of it, became consultants of alleged crime, they committed certain actions that could be considered questionable, and they walked; maybe if this wasn't a hypothetical discussion 🤷. 

That is how we fulfill the laws sometimes. That isn't how they were intended to be fulfilled, but that is how they are often applied (Save good judges who have developed to a point they earned their spots. That is not everyone and there are almost no methods of resolving corruption. We have few options but to encourage the system to self correct because the mechanisms of correction is low and not very adequate to the task. Pudding?)

Misapplication of law is not the wisest way, but it has sometimes become our preferred way. Its a shame! Until our system serves all Americans people like me , and others, very good people (unfortunately not the self preservation minded people) accurately point out the obvious glaring issues we face....even as a half citizen (There are many others that want a healthy nation too.).  Half citizens are those in which we provide laws and protections on paper but then sort of put those aside when it isn't convenient (P.S. Yes, I recognize its not wise to speak up for your fellow Americans when the power structures are as such. However, let us take a more historical look for those who encourage more responsibility in the use of power and encourage greater moral enrichment beyond lunch.). 

When a young person comes to me and asks about what they should do when they see obvious wrongs and no one steps up for it.  I will say be your best, be polite but don't sugar coat. You will give up much, they will take much, talk about much, damage your character, laugh, and nothing will change as long as we accept a lower value system as the standard. Be prepared. You can't tell the truth very very long until someone wants to implement their version of "truth" on you. However, also recognize that our nation was built from many sacrifices. You will lose much to make your world and nation a better place. Do so in a way that helps strengthen your communities, improve people's lives, and allows you to keep your head high (...even when corruption tries to teach you something different. For "Americans", we understand why these things are and they are obvious. For Americans {I'm half American and half "American"}, they are quickly becoming aware of the need for a single conception of a nation and the laws that create the playing field for everyone; as intended by our forefathers/mothers.)

*This article is designed to get you to think. It's likely to be just a thought experiment because we know for a fact that people don't make clan based decisions anchored at times in racial, religious and social based biased. A pure statistical impossibility! So this obviously wouldn't have any bearing in any way to actual life events; unless that magical Cinderella's slipper fits. Purely a story for entertainment and general teaching purposes. Let it go in one ear and out the other as nonsensical fantasy! As an essay quiz, Do you see the moral in the story?

Friday, February 17, 2023

Escanaba City Hall Meeting February 16th, 2023 (Restaurant Week)

Nothing too exciting going on during this meeting. I must be kind of hungry because I'm thinking of food. Restaurant Week is Feb 26th to March 4th! I didn't find the flyer he was holding to repost but you might want to check regularly at Escanaba's DDA for any postings (...and downtown investment opportunities) as well as some of Escanaba's Dining Cuisine

May I make a dining recommendation? Check out the fine fish fry's at the Elks or the succulent beefy burgers at the Eagles. If your moving to the area, these are two clubs you might want to join (Fraternal Orders Actually.) Most people would invite you in as a honorary guest if you were considering joining. You will likely have many introductions right away. They also support good causes! 

Billerud to Bring World's Largest Carton Board Machine to Escanaba (KM7): Local People to Help Lift!

One of the greatest carton board machines in the world is coming to Escanaba and that is an amazing thing! I think this is really great and it is a time to celebrate these important partnerships. During that celebration let us not forget the local stakeholders of Escanaba. One of the reasons why people voted and made changes is to help the community (That is the way I see it anyway.). They are a people who care about the jobs that young people are going to obtain and want them to stay closer to home (Many who finish college often leave so this is a chance to get them opportunities in the paper industry. Most want to see their grandchildren grow up in the same town. Some leave and want to come back.).

There will also be some infrastructure improvements that are also very helpful to the community and that will lead to potential greater growth in other local job markets. This is why I think Escanaba should consider improving its small business market attraction to lure start-ups in a way that draws resources to the small business community downtown (Some of these may be new vendors for the mill and some new tourism/outdoor businesses for downtown.

While I'm a light right Republican, I will say that I like to think of these things as potential win-win for the region and for the people of Escanaba (I mean that as local in terms of 50 miles range that includes the tribal members and Gladstone, Rapid River, Bark River, Ford River, etc... If we wanted to be gracious maybe Rock.). Yes, I care more about the little people than the big people most of the time. I also believe that benefits should help the average Escanaban/Gladstone/Tribal citizens in ways that increase local revenue and improve parks, lives, libraries, health, education, and opportunities. 

The longer term opportunities related to this and other investments should really give the community a chance to reconnect to the global market. For those who know me, I can talk all day about economics, politics, life, religion, fishing, boats, cars, etc. etc. talk, talk. Philosophy is my favorite. Blah, Blah, Blah..... (I'm pretty brutally honest about most things I think. I got to work on tact.)

My philosophical side says, "Wouldn't this be a great opportunity to show how revitalization really works as potentially one of the first digital era advanced manufacturing towns? A type of rebirth in relevancy as a microcosm? (You sort of have to understand communications investments, industries served, wider stakeholders, other activities, etc. and how this money can transform us; mostly for the good. As I have seen in my life, money can bring good but also can bring the bad out of some. That is here, that is anywhere on the planet.)

While I have met many investors in my life, and I think in many/most ways they help make the world go around, I'm more worried about the people in my hometown and ensuring that the jobs that are provided will sustain the next few generations. I like economics and dabble from time-to-time in some silly economic theories (Discard them quickly please...also I didn't go to an ivy league school for very long so likely not to have much value. I also failed an economics class once so certainly not on a good track record. 😬). Most theorists believe the tools they develop should be used for broad based growth (hopefully human capital development)

Trickle down, trickle up, trickle sideways economics. Its a good article.....

‘Historic’ investment will bring largest piece of machinery in the world to Escanaba

*I'm a little person that came from a very little person background with most chips stacked against me. Money can do wonderful things in giving additional little people a chance to succeed and fulfill their dreams. It can also be just another score card for the "country club" (I like country clubs too! I'm probably going to join The Highland Club this year just because my gramps was once a member and maybe I can get my kids to become members someday as well. I have memories from that place.). The point being that we are a community of real people and while we talk about economics on a theoretical level let us not forget the little people and how opportunity impacts their dreams as well. For me, its about giving back now. Ok off my soap box......

Republic Party Might be Splitting but Not Over Government, Taxes and Guns!

I'm reading this article on the Republican party and the coup type activities that have come to impact half of the districts (...according to the article. I wouldn't think the aggressiveness in half the districts but let us wait and see what happens.). I'm a light Right Republican often known in modern form as a Rino-Dino by critics and by some perhaps an Old Guard Republican connected to the ideological line that goes back to the beginning for those who still believe in the founding of Republicanism and its inherent freedoms (At least in some party history books that discuss core ideologies.)

I've seen the party move more right then initially thought. Its not like believing in smaller government, lower taxes and gun ownership in and of itself that causes a problem; assuming its a problem. (I guess it depends on who you ask.) These are part, not whole, of the essential beliefs. Its the application method and the finiteness of the solution that doesn't consider other stakeholders that might not work (Taking from a longer term whole nation and international community perspective. Remember what we do here isn't in isolation globally.).

Not all the ideas are inherently bad or good. For example, one could make an argument that more efficient government that uses less resources, improves personal freedoms/choice, and is more responsive to people would be helpful. That is awesome stuff that can be sold to people because they know its helpful to their long term collective needs!

We might also argue that efficient use of government resources, effective deficit reduction, and actions that improve revenue would help reduce taxes while funding those programs we find are worthwhile on a national level. The better we can make government, the better off we will be as a people and a nation. This is something that Democrats and Republicans can sort of agree with as a central idea.

I guess, if we were on a roll we might even throw in an argument that general gun ownership for hunting, self-defense, and sport is ok and would be a nice recreational outlet. Assuming these are bought for peaceful purposes, designed for non military uses, and can't be used on your neighbors who might have different opinions and/or voted differently (From any ideological perspective right or left. I'm not against gun ownership, I'm against gun misuse designed to infringe on the rights others with a bent toward violence and power dynamics.).

However, there was mention of armed guards and/or intimidation tactics used against fellow Americans. None of that should factor into Republicanism in any way, shape, or form and no longer represents a viable party behavior party that will lead to a positive end. You will also drop supporters quickly I think if such behaviors are true and continue (Its an article so I cannot say if its true or not I can only say that is my understanding of the meaning of the words in the article.)

I think at this point donors need to really think about the long term health of the nation, and their business environment, and find candidates they trust to place their money. There are different value systems at play and while both claim Republicanism not both will likely keep the party in tact if moving too far right outstrips the larger traditional conservative (non vocal) base. Penny wise and pound foolish is not a normally admirable trait in executives.

My recommendations are to support critical thinking candidates that know how to compromise and have a single conception of a nation. No matter who wins, such candidates will bring us closer even if we don't like their ideas. That is of course if we did a risk assessment and looked to see whom is likely to provide stronger growth policies that create an inclusive nation. There is actually research that will show which style leads to an expanding economy.

I see a few candidates out there that would fit that mix but I think they are trying to keep the elephant manageable and at some point that might not be possible depending on internal party politics. If there is a split it will be a little chaotic in party shifts and adjustments but there will eventually be a homeostasis that arrives. That is when different parties will have interactive negotiation to collaborate on shared agendas (or not) and will likely limit the power of the other (Which might push some party fringes more radical.)

There is no good path that comes from far right and left radical ideologies using intimidation tactics (Its only alleged at this moment. I have not experienced it by active members but I'm not really that active. I have heard some creepy stuff but its not from central members. These are sort of fringe members that would be present in both parties.). The evidence rational center is where we want to be. I understand its not popular to think critically and do the right thing for ones nation (both parties). Some of us believe in our oaths and many of us have perverted that message. It will be the sanctity of that central method that will determine our path to a more universal democracy.

Let us be careful about who represents us. Will you step/vote toward national growth or national decline?

The choices continue...... 

Far-right Republican groups surge in swing state Michigan

*Again, this article is just to get you think. Some of the stuff is likely true and some likely only a possibility depending on thoughts, choices and actions of the many. If you tell me its not true and its an impossibility then I will say "I agree! But which parts?" For that we have to wait to see how the possibilities turn out. In other words, feel free to continue to read or click off and enjoy your day. My only opinion is that under certain circumstances there are always possibilities; however unlikely.

General Milley Says Russian Forces Struggling: Ukraine Finding its Rhythm and Russian's Without Dancing Shoes

Ukraine is finding its rhythm and starting to work as a well greased machine which helps to strengthen their flexible capacities against a much larger but less trained force. While the projections are rosy I never believe in calling it over until the other side has thrown in the towel. When the Russians have returned from where they came, and work to restore their good standing within the world community, then we know freedom brightened the darkness of the battlefield and pierced the heart of an ideology that seeks to consume all nations in its path. 

Once the ground situation improves, it will be a new challenge of building an environment that creates pressure to restore Russia to healthy and stable pro social outlook where it can positively interact with its international neighbors (Ukraine being one of them.). Baby steps. However, that is in part for the Russian people to decide but the international arms are likely to be open to welcome a healthy Russia back (That doesn't mean they don't need to make amends to the Ukrainian people and put in place better protections from overreach Czar type leadership styles. Everything in life is a choice I guess. 🤷 )

Let us go through a little thought experiment. If' one were a rich Russian Oligarch and saw the wasted resources, lives, and economic opportunities squandered based upon the frivolous gross miscalculations of ones own puffery. No longer able to rise to the occasion, sterile in effect, one must go back and consider the best way to save face, maximizing future opportunities, minimize more loses, and chart a better course for a country. Failure to do so might cause serious instability in Russia if a collapse becomes imminent. No one ever really knows but it could be possible if there is a total rut of forces. However, its just hypothetical ideological logic mixed based on acting in self and societal interest. No? 🤔

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 2-7-2023: Ummm Some Complaints and Grumpiness!

The Delta County YouTube is open so you now can watch the events happening in real time (Delta County YouTube Channel). I suspect with public events there is also some risk to these events that actions and behaviors are also transparently public. In today's world one should expect it. Its an interesting meeting and there was a lot to cover that ranged from zoning to parks. Some adjustments in contracts and a few other issues. That is all normal course of business governance. An hot item issue between the County Administrator and the Board of Commissioners took the spotlight until the video stopped (I looked around for a second video but didn't see one. I heard through the rumor mill by attendees that the video was disconnected rather abruptly. Oh and there are likely phone recordings of the rest of it. 😶)

You can Read Feb 7th 2023 Delta County Commissioner Agenda ***

Source: Grumpy Old Men
Accusations 2:13 to 2:15 on Video: OMG there is a tiff between the county administrator and some of the members of the board! This isn't a little tiff as there are accusations of abandoning oaths and self-enrichment. While one from the outside cannot say whether these are true or sour grape comments, one must nevertheless take them seriously. It has provided an impression to some members of the community and there has been a lot of follow up public chatter on and offline. It created a ripple. So this is where a fair, impartial and likely out of county review is needed if it constitutes a potential ethical and/or legal violation (There have been some other arguments from other sectors that some peeps sort of help their associates and friends while neglecting more important duties. Some of it might be just rumor chatter but some of it could actually have merit. I can't say one way or another until there is more information. Not necessarily that one has to look very hard because its sort of publicly displayed.) Wait before you make judgement if you do not have knowledge of such things, but keep an ear out so that we ensure that we as a community are functioning the best we can. Remember its our money! Just understand the context of comments and behaviors. What I will say is that if decisions are being made in individuals self-interest and the interests of their clan/friends/associates then that is an issue. We need transparent government and that isn't a Republican or Democrat argument (I know! I know!...we could almost be bi-partisan in our beliefs for a land of opportunity and freedom. However, sometimes smaller arguments take precedence. I understand we all look forward to lunch but perhaps after we fill our bellies we could agree on the concept of good governance as an appropriate path forward. No? 🤷). I cannot say if they are transparent or not, I can only say that there is an allegation brought forward and it fits within a context and there is a need to ensure that such allegations are not true either way.

Do you remember the Delta County Jail Project? (Long long time ago, ancient in the online world I guess. About 6 - 12 months ago in a time almost forgotten. Almost. Fading, fading, fading, ooops its back again. 😏) At first people thought something criminal on a local level was going on. 🙈 It ended up being poor data management and someone stole the money through hacked emails (I'm still confused how that happened because you would think we would be more protective gatekeeps of that money but what do I know. 😞 Some old lady isn't likely that good of a hacker so I suspect she had some help from somewhere in South Africa or somewhere else. One would need to sort of reroute IP addresses through foreign servers. I agree its probably not worth the pursuit but is worth reporting to appropriate Federal Agencies and/or organizations that track this stuff. Civil Litigate Hackers. See Phishy Theft DC-Prox. That is why I like Escanaba Public Safety. I think they are trying to do the right thing, and willing to make efforts to protect their community. I'm sure they would love bright young minds to join their justice cause in protecting and serving their community. I really mean that. If you have a good head on your shoulders and want to make a contribution I would love to see that department have the pick of the litter in applications. Empathy is important. I have seen empathy on their faces. I know they are good people. Escanaba Public Safety). That doesn't mean there isn't more to the story and we can agree that pulling out of some of the deals and projects was rather abrupt. We seem to be on a better track with that whole affair and it looks like its on course to be a net positive for everyone. As a consequence some of that led to an election upset so politicians should beware if they get on the bad side of public support.

3 for/2 against she was voted to be fired! Pay attention to sequencing of behaviors and activities because that timeline is what will determine if the focus is leaning more toward poor performance or more toward unethical behavior.

Let us see what happens......

I'm actually rather neutral but I do like the spirit of young people and prefer their noise when compared to that of grumpy old people (Yikes! I'm now Old and I'm Grumpy Too! Ok I sheepishly admit that comment was unprecedented and I myself. 😬😅😲🙊💨). Yet, in this case I sit a passive observer of the flavor of local governance. Why not? Isn't that what informed citizens do? 🤷

*FYI there is a small error in the title of the video. Trust me, I make mistakes all the time. Typos are my favorite. I'm awesome at it! 😂 "Delta County Board of Commmissioners Meeting 2-7-2023"

** Some of the audio appeared muffled. You got this IT!

*** The agenda is still blank and doesn't include the meeting minutes. I would love to read them. If they are somewhere else please feel free to post in the comment section. I will post that for the readership. A couple of people trickle in and out. Maybe ☝ or ✌ people here or there.