Friday, February 17, 2023

Republic Party Might be Splitting but Not Over Government, Taxes and Guns!

I'm reading this article on the Republican party and the coup type activities that have come to impact half of the districts (...according to the article. I wouldn't think the aggressiveness in half the districts but let us wait and see what happens.). I'm a light Right Republican often known in modern form as a Rino-Dino by critics and by some perhaps an Old Guard Republican connected to the ideological line that goes back to the beginning for those who still believe in the founding of Republicanism and its inherent freedoms (At least in some party history books that discuss core ideologies.)

I've seen the party move more right then initially thought. Its not like believing in smaller government, lower taxes and gun ownership in and of itself that causes a problem; assuming its a problem. (I guess it depends on who you ask.) These are part, not whole, of the essential beliefs. Its the application method and the finiteness of the solution that doesn't consider other stakeholders that might not work (Taking from a longer term whole nation and international community perspective. Remember what we do here isn't in isolation globally.).

Not all the ideas are inherently bad or good. For example, one could make an argument that more efficient government that uses less resources, improves personal freedoms/choice, and is more responsive to people would be helpful. That is awesome stuff that can be sold to people because they know its helpful to their long term collective needs!

We might also argue that efficient use of government resources, effective deficit reduction, and actions that improve revenue would help reduce taxes while funding those programs we find are worthwhile on a national level. The better we can make government, the better off we will be as a people and a nation. This is something that Democrats and Republicans can sort of agree with as a central idea.

I guess, if we were on a roll we might even throw in an argument that general gun ownership for hunting, self-defense, and sport is ok and would be a nice recreational outlet. Assuming these are bought for peaceful purposes, designed for non military uses, and can't be used on your neighbors who might have different opinions and/or voted differently (From any ideological perspective right or left. I'm not against gun ownership, I'm against gun misuse designed to infringe on the rights others with a bent toward violence and power dynamics.).

However, there was mention of armed guards and/or intimidation tactics used against fellow Americans. None of that should factor into Republicanism in any way, shape, or form and no longer represents a viable party behavior party that will lead to a positive end. You will also drop supporters quickly I think if such behaviors are true and continue (Its an article so I cannot say if its true or not I can only say that is my understanding of the meaning of the words in the article.)

I think at this point donors need to really think about the long term health of the nation, and their business environment, and find candidates they trust to place their money. There are different value systems at play and while both claim Republicanism not both will likely keep the party in tact if moving too far right outstrips the larger traditional conservative (non vocal) base. Penny wise and pound foolish is not a normally admirable trait in executives.

My recommendations are to support critical thinking candidates that know how to compromise and have a single conception of a nation. No matter who wins, such candidates will bring us closer even if we don't like their ideas. That is of course if we did a risk assessment and looked to see whom is likely to provide stronger growth policies that create an inclusive nation. There is actually research that will show which style leads to an expanding economy.

I see a few candidates out there that would fit that mix but I think they are trying to keep the elephant manageable and at some point that might not be possible depending on internal party politics. If there is a split it will be a little chaotic in party shifts and adjustments but there will eventually be a homeostasis that arrives. That is when different parties will have interactive negotiation to collaborate on shared agendas (or not) and will likely limit the power of the other (Which might push some party fringes more radical.)

There is no good path that comes from far right and left radical ideologies using intimidation tactics (Its only alleged at this moment. I have not experienced it by active members but I'm not really that active. I have heard some creepy stuff but its not from central members. These are sort of fringe members that would be present in both parties.). The evidence rational center is where we want to be. I understand its not popular to think critically and do the right thing for ones nation (both parties). Some of us believe in our oaths and many of us have perverted that message. It will be the sanctity of that central method that will determine our path to a more universal democracy.

Let us be careful about who represents us. Will you step/vote toward national growth or national decline?

The choices continue...... 

Far-right Republican groups surge in swing state Michigan

*Again, this article is just to get you think. Some of the stuff is likely true and some likely only a possibility depending on thoughts, choices and actions of the many. If you tell me its not true and its an impossibility then I will say "I agree! But which parts?" For that we have to wait to see how the possibilities turn out. In other words, feel free to continue to read or click off and enjoy your day. My only opinion is that under certain circumstances there are always possibilities; however unlikely.

General Milley Says Russian Forces Struggling: Ukraine Finding its Rhythm and Russian's Without Dancing Shoes

Ukraine is finding its rhythm and starting to work as a well greased machine which helps to strengthen their flexible capacities against a much larger but less trained force. While the projections are rosy I never believe in calling it over until the other side has thrown in the towel. When the Russians have returned from where they came, and work to restore their good standing within the world community, then we know freedom brightened the darkness of the battlefield and pierced the heart of an ideology that seeks to consume all nations in its path. 

Once the ground situation improves, it will be a new challenge of building an environment that creates pressure to restore Russia to healthy and stable pro social outlook where it can positively interact with its international neighbors (Ukraine being one of them.). Baby steps. However, that is in part for the Russian people to decide but the international arms are likely to be open to welcome a healthy Russia back (That doesn't mean they don't need to make amends to the Ukrainian people and put in place better protections from overreach Czar type leadership styles. Everything in life is a choice I guess. 🀷 )

Let us go through a little thought experiment. If' one were a rich Russian Oligarch and saw the wasted resources, lives, and economic opportunities squandered based upon the frivolous gross miscalculations of ones own puffery. No longer able to rise to the occasion, sterile in effect, one must go back and consider the best way to save face, maximizing future opportunities, minimize more loses, and chart a better course for a country. Failure to do so might cause serious instability in Russia if a collapse becomes imminent. No one ever really knows but it could be possible if there is a total rut of forces. However, its just hypothetical ideological logic mixed based on acting in self and societal interest. No? πŸ€”

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 2-7-2023: Ummm Some Complaints and Grumpiness!

The Delta County YouTube is open so you now can watch the events happening in real time (Delta County YouTube Channel). I suspect with public events there is also some risk to these events that actions and behaviors are also transparently public. In today's world one should expect it. Its an interesting meeting and there was a lot to cover that ranged from zoning to parks. Some adjustments in contracts and a few other issues. That is all normal course of business governance. An hot item issue between the County Administrator and the Board of Commissioners took the spotlight until the video stopped (I looked around for a second video but didn't see one. I heard through the rumor mill by attendees that the video was disconnected rather abruptly. Oh and there are likely phone recordings of the rest of it. πŸ˜Ά)

You can Read Feb 7th 2023 Delta County Commissioner Agenda ***

Source: Grumpy Old Men
Accusations 2:13 to 2:15 on Video: OMG there is a tiff between the county administrator and some of the members of the board! This isn't a little tiff as there are accusations of abandoning oaths and self-enrichment. While one from the outside cannot say whether these are true or sour grape comments, one must nevertheless take them seriously. It has provided an impression to some members of the community and there has been a lot of follow up public chatter on and offline. It created a ripple. So this is where a fair, impartial and likely out of county review is needed if it constitutes a potential ethical and/or legal violation (There have been some other arguments from other sectors that some peeps sort of help their associates and friends while neglecting more important duties. Some of it might be just rumor chatter but some of it could actually have merit. I can't say one way or another until there is more information. Not necessarily that one has to look very hard because its sort of publicly displayed.) Wait before you make judgement if you do not have knowledge of such things, but keep an ear out so that we ensure that we as a community are functioning the best we can. Remember its our money! Just understand the context of comments and behaviors. What I will say is that if decisions are being made in individuals self-interest and the interests of their clan/friends/associates then that is an issue. We need transparent government and that isn't a Republican or Democrat argument (I know! I know!...we could almost be bi-partisan in our beliefs for a land of opportunity and freedom. However, sometimes smaller arguments take precedence. I understand we all look forward to lunch but perhaps after we fill our bellies we could agree on the concept of good governance as an appropriate path forward. No? 🀷). I cannot say if they are transparent or not, I can only say that there is an allegation brought forward and it fits within a context and there is a need to ensure that such allegations are not true either way.

Do you remember the Delta County Jail Project? (Long long time ago, ancient in the online world I guess. About 6 - 12 months ago in a time almost forgotten. Almost. Fading, fading, fading, ooops its back again. πŸ˜) At first people thought something criminal on a local level was going on. πŸ™ˆ It ended up being poor data management and someone stole the money through hacked emails (I'm still confused how that happened because you would think we would be more protective gatekeeps of that money but what do I know. 😞 Some old lady isn't likely that good of a hacker so I suspect she had some help from somewhere in South Africa or somewhere else. One would need to sort of reroute IP addresses through foreign servers. I agree its probably not worth the pursuit but is worth reporting to appropriate Federal Agencies and/or organizations that track this stuff. Civil Litigate Hackers. See Phishy Theft DC-Prox. That is why I like Escanaba Public Safety. I think they are trying to do the right thing, and willing to make efforts to protect their community. I'm sure they would love bright young minds to join their justice cause in protecting and serving their community. I really mean that. If you have a good head on your shoulders and want to make a contribution I would love to see that department have the pick of the litter in applications. Empathy is important. I have seen empathy on their faces. I know they are good people. Escanaba Public Safety). That doesn't mean there isn't more to the story and we can agree that pulling out of some of the deals and projects was rather abrupt. We seem to be on a better track with that whole affair and it looks like its on course to be a net positive for everyone. As a consequence some of that led to an election upset so politicians should beware if they get on the bad side of public support.

3 for/2 against she was voted to be fired! Pay attention to sequencing of behaviors and activities because that timeline is what will determine if the focus is leaning more toward poor performance or more toward unethical behavior.

Let us see what happens......

I'm actually rather neutral but I do like the spirit of young people and prefer their noise when compared to that of grumpy old people (Yikes! I'm now Old and I'm Grumpy Too! Ok I sheepishly admit that comment was unprecedented and I myself. πŸ˜¬πŸ˜…πŸ˜²πŸ™ŠπŸ’¨). Yet, in this case I sit a passive observer of the flavor of local governance. Why not? Isn't that what informed citizens do? 🀷

*FYI there is a small error in the title of the video. Trust me, I make mistakes all the time. Typos are my favorite. I'm awesome at it! πŸ˜‚ "Delta County Board of Commmissioners Meeting 2-7-2023"

** Some of the audio appeared muffled. You got this IT!

*** The agenda is still blank and doesn't include the meeting minutes. I would love to read them. If they are somewhere else please feel free to post in the comment section. I will post that for the readership. A couple of people trickle in and out. Maybe ☝ or ✌ people here or there.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Post Hate Update: Free Pass and Local Corruption-A Need for Change!

We have obligations to ensure we don't give a free pass for hate nor turn a blind eye to obvious signs of corruption. While some of us empathize with people of certain racial and religious backgrounds when this weaves it's way into out local law enforce systems (it looks like one department) and we fail to correct misbehaviors when we see them, we in turn acknowledge the validity of such actions. We also encourage such behaviors to be repeated against other minorities and people's as a 'legitimate' (although technically illegal) way of dealing with a "undesirables" in our society. 

(..before you get all 😑 just remember you have to have read my other stuff to understand what I'm saying. I support police 100% and their mission. I support our Constitution and civil liberties contained within 110% as they are the only logical way to ensure our institutions are responsive to the collective will of the people. I know! I know! A dumb idea!)

It's one sign, out of a number of signs, we may not yet be ready to adapt as a system to something more supported, exportable as an ideology, and functional in performance (It takes a lot of effort to cover up bad behaviors. It takes away from actual police work. So we should create an efficient and transparent system.). We cannot have two systems of justice at work. (Its a mixed bag so far in our hypothetical scale of adjustment. Some post embarrassing video release kind of efforts but meaningful proactive reform hasn't happened yet. Its more of a political argument then one in which real people and their lives are seen as central to decision making. I say that as a light R....I think I'm still R based on values. I will probably be thrown out but I am Old Guard like the one's who supported abolitionism and Reagan like ideas. I'm not sure how many Old Guards there are left? It looks like we have been overshadowed by the new type. Also, I do not believe it is beneficial to switch our historical support for freedom to those who support less freedom just because they used the R name for their careers. You have to go a little deep in historical self-reflection to understand what I'm saying.)

I believe in theoretical arguments in so much as they explain truth and the need for greater integrity. At least two, and what appears to be three, local systems defaulted in favor of their good old boy clan. While we have seen this in many other places in our nation, and so far it has almost always ended in tears as a strategy, we have failed at times to detect and correct even when obvious (i.e. meaning we are aware but incapable or unwilling or something else to correct a broken system that still poses a risk. Always be ready for the something else. I may have a different explanation in a few months from now.).

One would expect the greater system to correct if it hope's to create a level of trust for the majority of "Americans" that feel shafted regularly by the sometimes subjective application of laws. Meaning we should not be serving American's (Traditional ethnocentric perspective that once reflected a single vantage point of a story of Americans from the Civil War until until a few years/decades ago. The Civil War changed our perceptions as two national views collided. One ideology took precedence but some of the values of the other crept back into our system through social networks and clan affiliations. It still poses a risk as a return ideology that already led to the sacking of our capital and numerous hate based behaviors. ) at the expense of "Americans" (The majority of society that is often seen as different because of racial and religious confusion and misguidance.) While many Americans know this on a realized level, it is still a hard sell to those who feel entitled to protect their own from consequence obviously warranted and earned.

That opens up an argument of two different societies with two different legal systems highly dependent on the somewhat spotty application of thoughtful justice. We have seen the end result of free passes in other nations that swept aside the rights of those they deem as less worthy (Entire segments of population throughout different regions and places that led to a break). Our nation is smarter then that and I know this isn't the end of the story. It would be a sad state of affairs if the grotesque and intentional destructiveness of the behaviors had a "wink and nod" result. This is also not a situation that reflects all situations across the country but one in which it relates in context to other situations through shared concern. We must maintain integrity as much as possible. 

I do think we as a nation will overcome hate and extremism in our systems, but as of yet some of us anchored in helping the few in detriment to the many (Its because there isn't a focus on the bigger principles of America). As more mixed race children grow up, global influence and exposure to new ideas rise there will be pressure on these stagnant and sometimes corrupt systems to change so as to reflect the needs of modern times. Corruption as defined by inability to uphold a greater purpose in relation to our written and unwritten values, laws, artifacts, oaths, social expectations and Constitution.

While those with power believe or don't believe in the same values of freedom, and it will be a mixed bag, we do have a responsibility to push corrupted systems to function as intended by not giving a free pass to hate just because "those" people are seen as having lower value in the grand scheme of things. These choices are wasting our human capital and our future. Subjective application of law is muting our future chances of success by prompting a huge portion of society that they may not be valued and their efforts will be fruitless (i.e. their input isn't valued and their returns will be minimal. Don't believe me? Ask some minorities. You can agree or disagree but if a huge percentage of society believes that, then it is what it is and wise leaders fix the problem. Maybe not but I would like to see a poll on it that has large enough sample size to be generalizable nationally just to be on the safe side. Until then, I could be wrong and can't say with pure definitiveness. Make your own judgement. I don't even care if I'm right. If I'm wrong I might say, "Wow, I was wrong and this particular poll means I need to adjust my hypothesis. Let me take a closer look at the objective facts and conclusion because I will change some assumptions". Its called L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G through evidence.)

I can tell you about human capital, I can tell you about the positive benefits of trust of institutions, and I can tell why it's important to have a central value system that ties us together. What I can't tell you is why some hate behaviors are normalized and given a free pass. What I can't tell you is how it will turn out for people like me who believe its important to have system integrity for economic, social, and moral purposes (Not that me or anyone else is perfectly moral. I got my faults but compared to these people, not too shabby. I got a good heart and have a history of trying when others did the wrong thing. I have been fairly consistently right in history. I could be wrong but I try and self check my options and alternative explanations. ). Let us not forget what is in the best interest of every freely born American/"American" (Regardless of what defaulted systems come try and mute that belief now and in the future.)

My plan in dealing with a lack of respect for human dignity, freedom and basic American values is this...Is it the same now as it was 3 years ago. I will be visible, I will challenge, I will not shut my mouth to appease corruption and hate, I will be polite, I will be open to apologies, I will forgive but not forget, and I will humbly suffer the consequences of having a moral conscious. I will do so with a smile as I know I'm standing up for something greater then myself. While I might be easily discarded because I'm one of the "little people" mixed with "those people", It is a pleasure to have a backbone against wrong doing. I might be wrong about a few things but I'm not wrong about this being wrong (If I'm wrong I'm likely wrong from not having all the info...but my heart is in the right place and I'm not wrong about the manipulative, hate oriented, and intentionally destructive behaviors.) Now line up! 

The nation may eventually suffer if it doesn't do a better job of creating inclusive buy in and/or correction for obvious wrongs no matter what the distorted political values of those making decisions. In other words, I plan on being a positive influence even if the dirty word of justice is conveniently stricken from our justice process (btw...I don't actually think it has. I think its refocusing to a greater more truthful cause. Our local systems are more spotty because their stakeholders are not "outsiders" as seen as those who are different. My family actually has a very long history in the area but that was sort of discounted in their distorted logic to help the families they liked through their self-enriching ego centric concept of "local".). 

As a person who has come to understand minorities (as much as any man like me can understand) I will give what advice I think might be prudent when systems default. Good advice, real advice, from a person who has experienced much.....

When a young person comes to me and says (race and religion neutral) "What should I do when the system treats me unfairly?" or "What should I do when those liars get a free pass?" or "What should I do when no one gives me a fair shake?" or "What should I do when the people around me fail to make decisions by our professed shared values?"

I will say to them.....

Be better! Be the best you can be! Never give up on the concept of freedom! Many have suffered for it and its just over the horizon it you reach out over there. Work hard, make something of yourself, and teach those dark souls that the future of this republic lays in our ability to create an inclusive perspective of our democratic national purpose. Those that misuse the system to help their kind, clan, buddies, friends, religion, party politic, race etc. do not understand what it means to be an American. They are not in the same game nor are they on the same path of development. You have a greater responsibility then them because you understand your part in making our values realized from generation to generation. Before they walk off in youthful naΓ―ve hopes of glory as young people often do, I will call his/her name again so I can warn, "You will suffer for it, take it as an honor and an oath" 

Being an American is the spirit of freedom that we pass from generation to generation. It is race and religion neutral. All may partake in freedom but they have a responsibility to uphold it even when the chips are down and the weight is heavy. Those who attach the concept of American to anything other then freedom, as managed by our democratic process, are confused and likely unfit for leadership roles. Let them not splinter our greater purpose for their side agendas. We must be unified in the health of our nation and our beliefs as a people. It starts in our hometowns.

What I think is reasonable in this situation is 1. Mental health help for those who caused the problem, 2. Reform of the department that acted as a clan enforcer (Not all but just a few officers 3-5 which might have some other issues.) 3. A requirement for the college who use nepotistic and disparate hiring practices to adjust their policies to better serve their stated mission and student population, 4. Review of the financial incentives that led to using hate as a tool and 5. the entire justice system whether local or nation to have a better commitment to their core stated purpose (Not the water cooler understandings either. They probably aren't going to do the later until we can do so on a local level. They define national laws by local laws. The only problem is, its not the law but its the application of it that is the issue. Its more cultural mixed with an inability to enforce accountability.). 

Seems like we are so confused until a video of obvious wrongs brings to our awareness many of the bad behaviors we long already knew was happening make us painfully aware of the faΓ§ade. It's a shame we have no mechanism to deal with this prior. Its dangerous and it's sad if this is something that is happening throughout our nation. We can fix this, as soon as we fix ourselves and perspective of the importance ensuring democracy stays strong. Our values take commitment and reinforcement through positive change from time-to-time to ensure they stay relevant to the next generation (All the kids regardless of their background are relevant. I understand that flies in face of good old boy logic but its true. In my humble opinion, people's abilities and character are a more accurate differentiator among them than race, religion or clan. At least in a universal democracy it would look that way.)

Using the strength of the democratic, freedom leaning, modern nation as a goal I do not believe free passes are warranted. Shame if this comes to define us and our values. There is more to patriotism then blindly pressing a button to support a bankrupt agenda that doesn't include the rights of all Americans. I have great hope that we will begin to adjust as a nation toward a more enlightened viewpoint that likely leads us to a much stronger strategic position as a nation, as a people, and as a democratic ideology (Yes I understand I have a Muslim sounding name but maybe just maybe there is a hint of truth in what dribbles out of the side of my obviously deranged mouth*. Just a smidgen πŸ‘Œ).

*I mean deranged in the sense that I believe that if its possible these behaviors occurred, they seem reasonable, have reasonable support, and logically consistent, have witnesses then they warrant an actual investigation. Do I personally feel as a victim I should spend hours and hours wasting my time spelling out my version of the truth? No that sucks too! Its not fair and its designed to put pressure on victims! Yet if its a matter that this group is allowed to be a risk to their community and to other minorities then I say treat me like your cleaving meat (You know how in history how we treat those who stand up for a higher value system.). Its the American thing to do! (I guess the proof in pudding whether it lands on this kind of America, that kind of America, or something we all can agree with.)

** If for some reason I am right I would hope no one comes to protest or do anything of the sort. These are all good people in the area. There are just a few bad apples that have rotted the bunch in what appears to be cross contamination of couple of institutions in their tight social network. In this case, having people sort of review what happened, study it a little more, and judge it from an academics perspective is much more fruitful for development and application in other areas. While I hate to give up any semblance of privacy I nevertheless have a greater responsibility to my fellow Americans (The single conception kind.) to put one dent on a hate based network. Its shame, but it is what it is...roll the dice of fate (or free will or whatever. Just a term.). 

*** This article is designed to get you to think. It is being done for thinking purposes and free flowing solutions to problems that we are experiencing as a nation. If you think there is some benefit from what I'm saying then learn from it and it makes a dent in distorted logic, if you think its stupid then feel free to click off and enjoy the rest of your day. It is designed with positive national development conception in mind. Notice the words of inclusion and betterment. Notice how it encourages positive change by giving people the opportunity to change from the inside first. I tried my best to get people to think and take positive self reflective action for their own self benefit way way before now. Things are much more likely to fade into obscurity as a general theoretical argument if proactive change leads to proactive outcomes that ensure the developmental path is positive leaning toward healthy social, economic and political problem resolution.πŸ˜•

Firefighting Training: Filling Dump Tanks

Source: Training for Failure
We engaged in some dump tank training and piggy backing of firetruck pumps for boosting power. What I'm going to say is that this fire department is out training every week and has a core active group of dedicated firefighters that keep the hall going. As a department that keeps up-to-date on safety and training they are one of the most skilled and agile in the area. They are often called for back up support for many of the other departments and often help train other departments. They are an asset to our community. 

 (Yes, even those who haven't trained much in years still need updated training. Whether full-time, part-time or volunteer the training is what helps develop a professional department and saves lives. Also why I advocate for funds to make this department a central training hub for the other departments. A little more resources, materials, and rotating fire lectures/training and we would be in an A game in a constructive way that better protects current local resources and future local infrastructure. Pipelines or Pipedreams?

Since we are in a rural and cold environment we have a lot of similarities with Canada and other rural environments. You can see one method in Canadian Firefighter Drop Tank Training and where firefighters get their water in Firefighter Insider Water Source. (Also why I like the idea of shared cross culture-boarder training in this region for some incidents. i.e. large forest fires and larger disasters.). If you search around you will find a lot of other examples. I thought it was good because of the environmental characteristics.

Training is vital to consistent high performance and outcome management. The margins of error are low when your dealing with lives. Its not just the type of training but how one trains that influence performance. Just like an athlete succeeds through training, fire departments succeeds through training. When live performance time comes (as a normal aspect the field), reactions should be near automatic to ensure performance under extreme duress when focus narrows.

The International Fire Chiefs Association's (IAFC) Ed Rush gives us two quotes to consider the importance of training in his article Training as If Your Life Depended On It!,

1. "Let no man’s ghost return to say his training let him down."

2. "Don't train till you get it right; train till you can't get it wrong!"

These quotes are important because this is how firefighters practice and if they are not practicing that way they should be. The essence of training is important in this department and departments throughout the country. We train, train, and train and there are lots of other things we do but the more we practice, the more lives saved, and the more we can help the community. We have much more we can do and are doing great with the resources we have (Sometimes there is a knowledge and a resource issues. That is common in rural departments. Bringing us to the local training hub concept again.).

We can see a few different types of training and their effectiveness from a Naval Post Graduate School thesis entitled 'Training for Failure in the United States'. The study explores challenges of different training methods and the stress, cognitive processes and decision making during performance situations. Such studies are important because they help us understand the need for diversity in training methods and solidifying concepts through sensory engagement.

I agree with many of the findings of the study (I also love the graphical explanations on learning.) Having different ways/methods of training, relaying and incorporating training information is important for skill retention and the ability to rely on those neural networks when the poo poo hits the fan! Things need to move quickly and operate like a well greased machine because seconds count. That requires some creativity in training (With rural departments its going to require a little more creativity I think.).

For example VR and kinetic actual training leads to greater retention through muscle memory and sensory encoding. Adding to that classroom and/or virtual training on fire theory, terminology and processes rounds out tactical kinetic knowledge with theoretical learning to give wider context to tactical activities. In other words, train often and train in different ways using different layers of knowledge (Why I'm thinking about donating VR Goggles through my small business.)

In this case going through the actual physical practice of using the drop tanks, mixed with instruction, and mixed with training in poor rainy conditions was helpful. It mimics better the elements beyond the classroom. The class room, along with other forms of training is important, but hands on training leads to muscle and sensory memory. It also teaches the softer leadership skills from natural human interaction. When action comes, they already know who knows how to do what! This can only come from training as a team (There is plenty of room for improvement but this is some good training.). 

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn"

~ Benjamin Franklin

(*FYI. Too bad we couldn't get government-private entities an opportunity to try out ideas with our department. Of course that should come with increased funding and support. As our area grows, the fire fighting needs and training needs to handle more commercial/industrial properties becomes apparent and important. Fire buildings, VR equipment, traffic items, and manuals/materials are all helpful. We do have the basic facilities. Just a thought. )

(** If you like the article feel free to share. We are looking for donations and other resources so consider doing something good for a worthwhile institution that protects business and people. $15K Electric/Cordless Spreader, $100K grass truck, $3K misc. equipment (ballpark), $3K training materials (ballpark). These are the things I'm thinking about right now that would put us in pretty good shape for a little while (I'm not defining little.).

There are other expenses though that will be coming for repair and replacement. If you want to donate as an individual or a company feel free to check us out on Facebook or give us a call/letter at Map. We are a community over here so warm wishes are also welcome. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

CPI Index Rises: Oil and Gas Do Mix! 😫

Source BLS
CPI Index rose .5% in January. While the All Index saw a 6.4% rise over 12 months there were some mammoth whopper numbers out there (If you didn't know "mammoth whopper" is not an academic term.)! Let us think about the rise in Gas Utilities 26.7% over a year and fuel oil 27.7% (Those two seem a little guilting in impacting a root cause of cost increases.)!!! 

Electricity went up 11.9% which could bring forward an argument that diverse inputs into a plug and play upgraded electrical grid might allow us to avoid some costs when we can switch to different methods of powering our economy. That would take time so one has to balance the immediate with the right pressures for long term adjustments. Two things I think are interesting in when people talk about fighting inflation. That includes the gold standard (One might also consider precious metals/resource. Perhaps even a benchmark against fiat and gold standard to determine value of currency) basket and better energy management.  (There is a lot of debate about both the gold standard and the electric grid so just do your research and come to your own conclusions. I'm just including here because it is part of economic discussion. I don't have a conclusion either but have no problem thinking about the different ways in which something might work and then just prune them back to the most likely and logical. Could be this and could be that. I know little. Its not a problem because I think when it comes to this, no one knows much. Uncharted territory.  πŸ€·)

You can read the index at January CPI Index

UP State Bank Offers Small Business Loans and Access to Federal Grants

Escanaba from a boat.
When local banks start to lend and fund small start-up businesses in their area we have the start of growth that impacts local residents directly (You can learn more about UP State Bank of Escanaba.). It is important for these businesses to find a place in the market change and upswing so wealth can be distributed through entrepreneurial activity in a way that directly impacts small businesses to fill opportunity gaps (i.e. local market problems). While this is a single incident posted in the news (there are likely many more), it is nevertheless an indication that there are some mechanisms in place to help entrepreneurs create start-ups and expand other businesses.

Focusing some of this on the downtown and creating packages of different grants, loans, and an administrator that can attract new businesses to the area and help them fund their vetted business plans make sense. Because we want our businesses to be contributing to tourism and our local lifestyle we want businesses downtown to have store fronts while still maximizing their income opportunities by selling outside the area. However, if we can find products that can be exported that will draw additional resources into the area they we should prioritize those a little (You need a balance of local oriented and export oriented to draw resources, new families, and new ideas.). 

Some of these start ups and already existing businesses will become bigger entities and some will fail. Its a natural cycle that weeds out good and bad ideas as well as ready and not ready business owners. Either way they will enhance the downtown and with each success and failure the resources that are drawn into the area will work their magic as entrepreneurs improve their businesses and in turn the area. If an entrepreneur fails they are the type that will try again in a few years after the sting stops hurting so attracting them to Delta County has a longer investment tail. Diligent opportunities learn to do it better next time! See Schumpeter Innovation

The grant is called FHLBI’s Elevate Grant Program and FHLBI's Bank of Indianapolis

See article.