Friday, February 3, 2023

Job Market Does a 360 in Expectations: Charting a New Course to National Economic Prosperity

There are some signs of life in our economy and people are unsure of what that means. In a somewhat rare instance the economy added many more jobs than initially expected at a time when inflation is high. Most of the analysts are a little confused on why this happened when there are mixed signs the economy may be slowing. We would need to look at a bunch of different numbers to more specifically point out the causes. I'm interested in what the analysts think.

(I have a few ideas as they relate to assumptions of the economy being challenged.  Broad growth is a good sign of broader economic pick up. What would be a fantastic situation is if the unemployment rate stays the same, productivity goes up, and inflation comes down. A type of growth of U.S. production capacity both physical and digital. If a new homeostasis comes about due to a national adaptation we would be on slightly higher but significant economic platform. It would have to be sustained for a long period of time based on a fundamental transition such as the Internet a few decades ago. In this case it might be a blip, another blip, and eventually a homeostasis. Let us see over the next few years.)

(Someday its going to happen but when that teeter totter leans in the higher direction depends on the various pressures, capacities, and opportunities that present themselves now or 10 years from now. This is sort brain storming possibilities of how a transition into a digital platform with increased productivity might work. Productivity as defined by the increase use of functional technology in the hands of individual users. )

According to the BLS Employment Situation Summary January 2023: "Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 517,000 in January, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.4 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job growth was widespread, led by gains in leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, and health care. Employment also increased in government, partially reflecting the return of workers from a strike."

Labor, financial capital and technology are important for the development of society in a way that leads to increases in economic strength and overcoming limited labor capacity by using technology at a multiplier(Labor is often seen as a unit with a certain value. If the capacity of the unit changes through adaptation of technology how does it impact our assumptions? i.e. vr and other online technologies that become integrated into our daily working lives. I will need to look up how they calculate that value. Its probably very simple.) (See National Development). 

The NY Times has a solid analysis in January Jobs Report Pace of U.S. Hiring Surges Unexpectedly (Notice Hospitality and Leisure coming back with education, business and government growing. )

The IMF also raised its projections in IMF Raises 2023 Projections.

Delta County MI Board of Commissioners Meeting: Openness and Transparency Sets the Development Stage (1-17-2023)

by Caesar van Everdingen 1860

The Commissioners meeting is on YouTube!!!! πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒπŸ₯³ Ok...its a little exciting. I mean I like to watch and play sports too but this is the real stuff! Decisions count and often impact our long term prospects. The way in which we make decisions determines whether or not long term success can occur. While not every decision everyone is going to agree with, and don't expect all decisions to be called the way we want it, what we can do is encourage decision making that leads to a more prosperous community. The goal is to encourage strategic focus and thoughtful mindfulness of one's choices that lead to incremental development of a pro-growth business and quality of life environment (Business and quality of life enhance each other in well designed clusters.). You can get the agenda at DC Commissioner Meeting 01-17-2022 (No info in it. 🀷 Videos up!πŸŽ‰). 

Ok...nothing too exciting. They talked about ethics (Kind of interesting painting above on honesty and ethics. No reflection here in specific. Its just in general concept of ethics, governance, and people.). That is very important for the general development because trust is the root of all business. If local government works in an ethical manner it will often draw resources (There are multiple constructs that impact "mindset for growth"). Those governments that are committed to their roles, transparent and competent will likely have a positive influence on local development (You have to pull a lot of studies to justify that independently but it is generally supported in the literature.)

Info Availability Invest

The first study I came across and I think there is some truth to it! (Its not the full study and I normally wouldn't include only the summary but its just supportive.) See Accountability and 
Transparency Study of village government in Indonesia
. Findings are 1.) competence and organizational commitment were positively associated with accountability. 2.) organizational commitment and accountability are not association with transparency. 3.) transparency is positively associated with community trust but not accountability.  

Lesson: competence and organizational commitment help raise a sense of accountability. In general, transparency is positively associated with community trust.

The second study I came across is a little more appropriate. You will want to read Government Openness and Public Trust: The Mediating Role of Democratic Capacity "Findings indicate that structural openness is, in general, positively associated with higher trust. Further, the effect of openness on public trust is partially mediated by an individual's perception that they have meaningful opportunities for political participation."

Lesson: Openness is associated with trust and the ability to participate in political process mitigates that relationship.

What should we learn? Having open and transparent meetings encourages new opportunities to increase trust in local government. At another date we will discuss how that same open mindset (i.e. public facing information written/organized to attract interest and investment). For the most part, seems to be functioning as intended. Other readings. Virtual Community, Info AvailabilityVenture Capitalism, Invest Hedge DC, SME Invest

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Federal Open Market Committee FOMC News Conference (02/01/2023)

We are still fighting with inflation and the de-inflation process has continued.  Sounds very mixed signal to me. I think they are not sure what is going to happen and are sort of working from the middle of the road, lukewarm perspective. Just a touch of optimism. Personally, I think the data is mixed and could go either way. 

I see housing as a potential drag but how much is still an open question. 

Just as a learning opportunity "The Federal Reserve controls the three tools of monetary policy--open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements" FOMC is responsible for open market operations. You can learn more about the FOMC HERE.

Bullet points are below......

-FOMC raised our policy interest rate by 25 basis points.

-Committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2 percent goal.

-Continuing the process of significantly reducing the size of our balance sheet.

-The U.S. economy slowed significantly last year.

Federal Reserve News Conference Transcript PDF (02/01/2023)

Escanaba City Council Regular Meeting January 19, 23' (A Future Sustainable Economy?)

The Great Fish Market 1603
Jan Brueghel the Elder  

This was a fairly interesting meeting that ranged from city attorneys (legal) all the way over to gardens (aesthetics). Even a new city manager! (It will be important for the city manager and legal experts to work together on many projects going forward.) In this particular case, there was a presentation on the financial condition of the city. So far it looks descent. A few increased expenses but functioning. As the city brings in more revenue from development, taxes, etc... based on local and FDI investments (Billerud and others) it has an opportunity to increase the health and pool of that budget. As an interesting perspective, can we take a rural small town like Escanaba and show that it can be healthy as new development revenue enters into their coffers? (It will still take some time to figure out and much of that has to do with the development and internal decision making. Yet this is a chance to revitalize an American small town and show we can put it on a sustainable path forward. An applied model in a generic sense.) 

Thinking strategically about the budget going forward provides an opportunity to focus budgeting on that which brings the city the highest budget and in turn creates a sustainable growing government function? (See perpetual sustainable development model.)We talk a lot in this country about budget fiscal management and it looks like this city might have an opportunity to do what some of our Federal stakeholders have struggled with. Maybe or maybe not? Let us just think about it and keep that fiscally solvent issue going forward as something to watch from an economic perspective. 

A general word of advice: Seriously discount promises of paying latter unless there is a clear path to increased revenue. If you can't chart that course, then you are dealing with an expense and not an "investment in the future" (At least that is how it sort of works in business. In government, it is possible to improve quality of life and aesthetic brand appeal with the same budget. ...but you cant do that without a good budget. That is soft use of budgets to sort of shoot two birds with one appeal. For example, afterschool programs that teach useful life and work skills or recreational activities that attract visitors and contenders. i.e. sail boat racing, fishing seminars, etc... In other words, if you have an expense then try and turn it into an asset.)The same can be said for cutting fat out of existing budgets. If you keep focusing budgets to balance between the needs of today and the opportunities of the future the overall growth pattern that balances those needs in a sustainable way is set. Just make sure you have a good cushion between overall revenue and expenses. If you get really good you can create pools of money that "endow" certain functions and get them completely off of the expense accounts in a way that reduces taxes and/or frees up future revenue for growth. In the end, society gets the benefit because as towns grow and use their resources wisely they can "endow" public assets in a way that protect them into the future (i.e. endowed park or library.)

(Honestly, there is another City Council meeting today so I want to stay on top of this and what is going on at a County level. As soon as they get the videos up. I will need to check! )

January 19th, 2023 City of Escanaba Agenda. 

A few other random thoughts..... 

Foster Swift-City Attorney: She seems pretty knowledgeable to me and the way in which she views potential legal pot holes. I have worked with a lot of attorneys over the years, of which some of them were interesting cases, and I have met all types so you sort of get a keener understanding by watching how they approach questions, carry themselves, and even correct council. At this present moment I would say you got a good one and she has no problem telling you when you are doing something that seems incorrect! (Its normal and it is not a reflection on anything other then normal course of business. An attorney's goal is to keep companies/government/entities out of hot water and not be your friend {They just need to be cordial}. Although, I think the other attorney had this pin stripped suit I admired. I'm not kidding I used to dress really awesome back in the day but got more practical in my clothing as I got older. Maybe I can find the balance in my wardrobe between serious, active, and fun loving. πŸ€”πŸ˜) Now if you can palate some snappy feedback then by all means go with the higher quality candidate. As Escanaba changes and new money comes into the area (i.e. Billerud, downtown and water development), it is important to have the legal resources to deal with unique issues as they arise. Consider local subcontract if it gets really busy and you need someone day-to-day paperwork legal power of attorney issues.

Financial Audits: It appears they are in compliance and no finding with the audits. That is one solid indication there is no sneaky sneaky with the city budget. It builds trust. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

$2.2 Billion US Package Readied for Ukraine

Ukrainians are getting some new equipment and aid. You can find more information on Reform and Aid CNBC and Ukrinform (Apparently its a Ukrainian multimedia broadcasting site.) Kind of cool video on the Stryker Combat Vehicle that is part of the package. 

IMF Raises Economic Projections for 2023 (Thumb in Wind Style!)

The IMF Raises Economic Projections for 2023. That is generally good news for economies because they feel that certain issues are going to get better and there may be a new post Covid homeostasis realized (There are plenty of market issues that can disrupt that but a general homeostasis of market "normalcy".) From my understanding, most of the projections last year and the year before were pretty negative so this would be interesting if actual metric performance beats the market projection. πŸ‘

Source: Academic-Capital Thumb in Wind Transaction Model

I think the digital economy has grown substantially since COVID and I also think that 2023 will be an interesting year with potential growth periods for GDP and Digital GDP (Assuming we have the right growth policies and we settle our political differences). See Short Lived Shock 2020 and Not Out of Woods, You can gain some information from there Digital Transformation. (We don't have enough information on the Digital Economy and its relation to the whole! Its a catalyst to growth and economic history shows what happens when information transference speeds up and the wealth it can create for first in large scale digital economies.😭 Ok...its just a thumb in wind projection.🀷)

(I can be as wrong as the other economists, please use that term loosely with me, but its just casual watching of the market and adjusting a model to see if we can determine the next gen digital economic market indicators that will foster the greatest use of information and opportunity. In other words, how do transactional cluster models fit within current market activities as a broader understanding of similar mechanisms in the market.) 

IMF January 30, 2023

"Description: The January 2023 World Economic Outlook Update projects that global growth will fall to 2.9 percent in 2023 but rise to 3.1 percent in 2024. The 2023 forecast is 0.2 percentage point higher than predicted in the October 2022 World Economic Outlook but below the historical average of 3.8 percent. Rising interest rates and the war in Ukraine continue to weigh on economic activity. China’s recent reopening has paved the way for a faster-than-expected recovery. Global inflation is expected to fall to 6.6 percent in 2023 and 4.3 percent in 2024, still above pre-pandemic levels." IMF, 2023

Billerud Bullish in Escanaba as Governor Whitmer Passes Development Funding

William Holbrook Beard (1824 - 1900)
In relation to "The Hunt"

Billerud AD and the City of Escanaba and surrounding areas should be happy with the state growing economic affairs. New money is coming into town and if that momentum is used well with strong decisions it can be a spark to something much more important and greater. Any opportunity to see the underdog shake its fist at the global economy and master that challenge is a site to be seen. The global market will not leave us behind! No! We shall mount and ride those spiritus animalis with a "the breath that awakens the human mind"

(I mean its a sight to see if you like economics. There are different types of people in the world. Some couldn't care less even if they live off of those jobs and others take a keen interest in such topics. This is precisely why cognitive and other diversities are important. We don't want conformity when it comes to brain storming. Sorry off topic...its related to another woven theme. )

Quentin L. Messer, Jr., CEO of the MEDC and President and Chair of the MSF Board states,"Billerud's transformational investment in their Escanaba Mill underscores the strength of our advanced manufacturing workforce and secures a critical win as we continue working to promote long-term, sustainable investments across the state."  (MEDC stands for Michigan Economic Development Corporation which seeks to foster broader state economic growth. Find more about that HERE.) You can read the Bill 0007 MI

I was looking around at a sharable chart and this is as closest as I found. This one is from Market Screener. Very nice site. I get increasingly into understand the deeper mechanics of active investing with a slight socially responsible bent focused on national development through resource, infrastructure, R&D, and advanced technology. You can read more about the spending bill Governor Whitmer signed in another beloved local paper, but not quite as nice as the Daily Press, one of the runner up publications Iron Mountain Daily article Whitmer "πŸ‘Œ" Billerud!☝ 

(Ok it sounds good in speculation but I will leave that to the billionaires. I'm just trying to pay for gas and groceries. ...and utilities! This inflation rate is terrible! πŸ™Š If there is a few pennies left over, maybe a whole dollar, I will actively invest even that amount into the market. Wealth is through finding a consistent winner strategy that can be applied over time. A scalable strategy. Investing in trends and places like Escanaba where there is an upswing is likely to have a positive influence in portfolio outcome. Disclaimer, go talk to your investment broker as I'm just sort of talking for my own understanding. I'm just saying that one could almost build an economy here. A pro business town responsive to the needs of residents and investors/businesses. You have to watch some of the city hall meetings to see that. Its just my opinion. πŸ˜€)

I sort of looked through Billerud's stock information and history. It looks like they are conservative investors meaning that they don't jump in or out lightly. I didn't actually look to see if it is a relatively closely held stock or a wider dispersed stock. Based on its size and likely historical roots I'm going to say closely held. That is just a guess. I could be wrong. 🀷 When I have some time I will look. Either way, they and the State of MI, may have just created a wider regional development spark. (Under the right circumstances and in a situation where a few market trends are crisscrossing in the same place. Possible....but nothing is for sure. Time will answer that question.)

Market Screener