Friday, January 27, 2023

Invest Escanaba: Billerud $200 Million Paper Mill Development Supplemental Passes State House and Senate

"The Hunt" in the Forest
by Paolo di Dono, called Uccello (1397–1475)
Billerud in Wells Township should be happy to hear that a supplemental bill for $200 million passed in the state house and senate. You can read the article in State legislature passes funding to upgrade Billerud mill in Delta County (TV6, 2023). What you will find in the article is the need to update infrastructure and while Delta County has existing infrastructure well suited for the logging (and a few others) it will need updates. There are lots of things that go into industrial design that most people don't think about so it take some time (i.e. rain water run off, energy needs, roads, rail, etc..). Those changes will likely lead to more investment interest (Think of FDI and how that is impacted by supply chains being rerouted back to the U.S. Remember that interest doesn't mean actual investment. However, it raises the possibility of further investment. See International Monetary Fund.)

The money is being allocated. See (US News U.P. Papermill Bill. Seriously, I can't find the actual bill! You always go down to the source when you can. I will check back in a few days. Maybe it wasn't uploaded yet.). All of that is good news! The town has been on a path of development and currently has a few other things going for it such as ship building/customization as well as a budding new tourism business. Matching those internal choices and behaviors with a more robust downtown and start-up culture opens the door to design and engineering firms that will then put Esky "on the map" as a digital and innovative "hot spot" at a time when the market demands it.

U.S. largest recipient of FDI
Source: IMF

I want you to think about how those infrastructure improvements make sense for other industries and residence in a small town of 10K +/- (I don't have time now to look the number up but feel free to explore if the topic interests you. Practitioner-Scholar). Would ship building, hotels, micro manufacturers, etc....all use those infrastructure improvements? How does improvement in hard infrastructure, including new Delta County digital infrastructure, create opportunities for lower transaction costs, higher innovation, and better growth opportunities for other businesses?

Consider what a Multi Cluster might look like from a theoretical standpoint. Keep in mind that a lot of research supports interactivity of business and that is hardly new. Doing it in a new way with an opportunity to repeat such behaviors in other places is pretty important in the long run. The industries can be adjusted based on market design and local resources but it was the model I was more iterested in and some of them made sense. Consider DC MultiClusters. Micro Manufacturing, Billerud Multi Applied Theory Feedback Master Plan, Start Up Esky, R&D Esky, U.S. to Out Perform China

Thursday, January 26, 2023

A Few Words on Hate: Making it Past the Facade of Legitimacy

(1431-1506) Andrea Mantegna
'The Triumph of the Virtues
Minerva Expelling the Vices from the Garden of Virtue', 1502
Hate is a problem in ours as well as others societies. In the U.S. we are posed to overcome a big portion of hate in the next few decades as new technologies lead to keen insight into some of the underlining mechanisms of the hate trap. As we challenge hate broadly across society at precisely the time technology and communication patterns are changing we can change the narrative and push society to consider the merits of man (a general term for mankind) before superficial characteristics to ensure the best and brightest come forward. 

A more pure and purposeful capitalism that maximizes our human capital and opportunities broadly as technology puts more power in user's hands. The underlining mechanics of hate are still very much human to human and need further challenge to put back into the cave by which it came. 

With all hate is the smoke and mirrors of distorted logic that not only derails the individual's rationality of thought but also begins to impact the thinking patterns of others through social expectation. In this case birds often to flock together and share similarities of perspective. People who are of a different moral persuasion are likely to feel some internal angst and minimize that through not being involved in the hate process or its intentional spreading. 

Lesson on Hate: Hate has a social component that feeds on social unwritten social acceptance. 

Hate is also generally an illogical affair that gives a hint to the distorted mind of the wielder. Let us say a person hates XYZ people (XYZ as any race or religion.). While there may be specific incidents that may lead to a phobia of certain characteristics this in general very rare. The hate someone holds isn't associated with actual observation but is an erroneous conclusion not based in fact. 

Lesson on Hate: Hate beliefs are often not based in specific objective and observed experiences and thus often not grounded in fact.

Because legitimacy of hate is not based in fact it is often more telling of the beliefs of the perpetrator about him/herself. The feeling of worthlessness often leads to projection onto others "perceived deficiencies" as proof of one's superiority. This is one reason why hate can get so violent and lack any sense of empathy (Often there is abuse in the background. They have not had to take responsibility for it). 

Lesson on Hate: Hate is based in distorted projections of self and can make the wielder of hate bent toward outward expressions of rage (i.e. rage at self in the wrong direction).

People with hate should be removed from positions of power as hate and power lead to reciprocal justifications of inappropriate behaviors. For example, hate is outward projection of distorted logic twisted with pain that requires power to implement and project fully. Thus, hate fuels the misuse of power and power increases the perceived legitimacy of hate (i.e. blaming victims and hate targets for challenging poor behaviors by considering their obstinance a sign of lower value and lack of respect for law. Most people can agree with law & order but they can't agree with subjective application.). Thus checks and balances are needed to ensure there isn't misuse of authority (Be careful not to step on a leading fundamental American right of freedom of speech.)

Lesson on Hate: Having checks and balances to ensure those who harbor hate and misuse power in its projection are removed from positions of power to protect the public. 

This is a blog on national development and in many ways hate is a risk for our country like a few looming issues. The only solution that I can think of is to universalize our democracy and move to that next stage where the good attempts to minimize hate meets an ocean of data and the decision making process that leads to new lenses to perceived old problems (We are in the beginning of the Digital era and the 360 knowledge it will provide of life on this planet as we know it. Some of that will likely lead to solutions like Global Warming and others might give us insight into our species. ie. health, psychology, capacity, etc.). That, along with the development of science, technology and our environment (outward space and/or inward microbial/nano) will provide key insights into human nature and how that interacts with institutions (Most of our institutions have years of data but its study is somewhat limited.)

*I spent a significant portion of my life understand other's perceptions and come to what I believe are keen insights from a first missed dissertation attempt. Not really missed just unique and not really publishable in a full form on that level. That places me in some ways in a unique position to share my knowledge. The attempt is to improve society and improve institutional functioning through the removal of road blocks to a universal democracy. Changes in technology will push new ideas and thoughts and that will require improving broad based opportunities and removal of lingering legacy beliefs that hamper full human capital development. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Playing with Firefighter Knots: Can You Perform Them Under Stress?

It takes commitment to be a volunteer firefighter and requires regular self and group training. Its great to help the community but one must stay up-to-date on their skills and knowledge as much as possible. Most of the time you don't have an issue but there may be one day where one of these skills might be useful. In emergency the stress levels rise and one must have the knowledge already in their muscle memory to as to avoid cognitive overload. 

Firefighters (and others) often must be able to perform under serious stressful situations where there is lots of confusion and lots of pressure to get things done now with multiple unknown risks (Cognitive data overload based on multitudes of possibilities and not enough time to analyze.). That high cognitive load situation is easiest managed through preparation and training that helps embed information into multiple possible auto responses that would be the leading tools for an immersive environment. 

Typically these trained responses are going to come from research into different situations to determine which actions will increase the overall likelihood of survival and effective completion of missions (i.e. saving people). Thus, one would train on those most helpful actions so as to create more neural pathways that leads to having certain options hit our conscious first versus being overwhelmed and confused the multiple unanalyzed choices in the midst's of chaos (VR training can help sort of reduce the load from certain types of stimuli due to familiarity. *If you ever played some of these games you can see how they are good training for robotics and cyber warriors.  I'm looking around for firefighters VR program for training. Maybe put away for it and get a used VR system for the department. I'm going to try out a demo or two. If you have played some of these games they are lifelike.  You might actually get a little sick to your stomach the first few times as your brain processes the new environment.

Just like firefighters there are other fields like policing, EMT, and military members that often rely on the findings of such important training research. To the point, military researchers used Attentional Control Theory and the compensatory control and maximal adaptability models to try and understand the effects of stress on decision making. They found that stress impacts cognitive functioning from threatening limited reserves of effort and attention that slows down the efficiency of the decision making process (Flood and Kegan, 2022)

(There are also cognitive tricks and perspective switching that leads to the acceptance of the situation and in turn lower physiological responses. {i.e. physio-noise that clouds thinking} It can lead to greater clarity at the moment it is precisely needed. Some people's brains also have the capacity to speed up {adapt to higher cognitive loads through stress} and in turn create intuitive conceptual blending of the environment in a way that predicts environmental actions and in turn their responses {i.e. smell of gas, smoke color, wind, etc.. that we are not often consciously thinking about but can come forward during increased neural activity}. This becomes increasingly possible if one can uses logic quickly to rule out likelihoods as data/information presents itself in an unfolding situation of multiple unknowns. There are a bunch of theories that likely intersect here but in simplicity our brains can be trained to adapt to more dangerous situations with increased environmental accuracy. 😲 What the? It might not be true but it sounds good. Go fact check. Let me know. 🀷)

Repetition is important because it integrates increasing levels of knowledge and environmental stimuli into memories where internal and external pressures can be habituated. The more we habituate to stressful situations, the easier performance under such situations become. There is some advice on how to best train for these circumstances and much of that is about realistic replication of intentionally stressful practice.  (Montgomery, 2022, para 25)

  1. The provider being trained must be anticipated to perform in a threatening environment.
  2. The environmental condition should be replicated as much as possible. By creating a realistic simulation of a stressful event, the brain begins to gain experience with resolution of the event.
If you like the article please feel free to share it. We are looking for a grass truck that costs about $100K. If your a corporation and/or individual that has money and want to earn some good PR karma while providing a tax deductible donation please check out an exceptional department of committed firefighters. (That reminds me that tomorrow I should keep a piece of rope with me and go over and over the knots to ensure I refresh them all. There are also a couple I don't know well.)

Flood, A. and Keegan, R. (March 16th, 2022) Cognitive Resilience to Psychological Stress in Military Personnel. Frontier in Psychology,

Montgomery, M (June 27th, 2022, para 25) Human performance under extreme stress: The fire and EMS. Firerescue1. 

Click Demographics and Why they Are Important (Academic-Capital)

Click demographics are important because they tell you who is reading your publication. Academic-Capital is a blog on national development and covers lots of different topics as they relate to that economic, business, education, and lifestyle. Naturally it will appeal to some and be rejected by others.

What these demographics tell me is that there is a certain kinds of people that read these topics. That allows for better future content management to ensure that topics relate directly to the readership.

Furthermore, if we add that to other page information (page impressions, time on page, etc.) we begin to understand our demographic. For example, I have 535+ impressions this morning (That really doesn't mean anything unless I verify the time frame in which these impressions are counted. i.e. 2 hours or 24 hours.) 

You can find this information under Top Demographics in LinkedIn. (Dang! I guess I got to spell check more! πŸ˜¬πŸ’¨)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Voters Want Santos to Resign: Could he be prosecuted?

I'm a little confused. πŸ€”When someone joins Congress I have to imagine they have paperwork that they have to submit that to someone. That paperwork might include prior employment, education, things that people need to sign in order even get a door pass card or computer access. I'm surprised there is no legal mechanism to remove people who intentionally misled voters with false information and the Federal Government (including its documents) in a way that would be considered fraudulent. 

We have something like The False Statements Accountability Act of 1996 (FSAA), Pub. L. No. 104-292, H.R. 3166 and the Ethics in Government Act 1978. I'm curious if either these apply to this situation. We might need to ask a professional with experience in potential Congressional type fraud (Honestly, I know its not that simple but it should be.). We should ask the man who started invented the automobile along with Atari and the modern microwave Congress Santos? I'm really confused. If it was me I might look through all the documents he submitted and see if there was intentional falsification. The only problem if we can do it there what percentage of others might have "fudged" just a little with their "embellishments" (Yep....lets just keep that thought out of our conscious for now. Probably, better for the time being to pretend I did not say that. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š.) 

*Honestly, I would not be shocked if he wasn't running for president in like 8 years. Its such an odd acceptance "anything goes" in Congress. Thank goodness kids watch cartoons because if they are interested in government affairs we would never get them to complete their homework, tell the truth, or do their chores. The answer they might snap back in the special way kids do, "Santos didn't have to learn anything and look at him now....on his way to presidency!" or, "Dad! Duh! I can just invent a background!" 🀷 From a more serious standpoint. I think the legitimacy of his actions and his presence in Congress is questionable. That might be able to extend back to all of the choices and decisions he makes. Too bad we couldn't just strike everything he does from the record. One could morally make the argument regardless of our current high standards of honesty and excellence we require in modern politics (See Trust Govt. Levels. I don't know the site but it appears to be run by two doctors. Generally, for those doing research it means that they are more credible then news pieces and random self-serving opinions. Not always but most of the time. PhDs in general are part of the academic institution and have a role in sharing knowledge back to society. At least until someone violates freedom of speech. Kind of like what I'm doing here, except my words fall on deaf ears.)

Abram's Tanks Going to Ukraine: Let's Rethink Military Industry Innovative Pace of Change

 We are starting to move as a nation at a jogging pace in terms of development. The U.S is in the process of updating its innovative structure and new technology will need to be integrated into advanced weaponry. Yet as with all government spending there are limits. This is where industries can come together to create innovation that not only improves their products but also advances the military. When you have multiple industries you are also creating economic synergy. While government is often the beneficiary the use of industrial clusters with community oriented aspects can do wonders for speeding up innovation in participating companies/industries. (Sounds good to me. Please disregard if you don't like the idea. Would Esky be a good place for prototype customization of Frigate size and smaller Navy ships? FYI more Frigates will likely grow in demand because of their multi purpose use.)

Digital Nomads on Boats: Emails into the Cold Blue!

Filling Water Tanks
Part of this publication is to talk about emerging trends and lifestyles. Digital Nomads are a growing economic force fast forwarded 15 years by business adaptations to Covid. The world is going digital and the digital workers will have more freedom and power then they ever had before (Global Nerds πŸ€“). 

Ok sorry I was just being a little light hearted and silly this AM. A poem....even if not very good.......

Digital Nomads on Boats

(Emails into the Cold Blue)

The clock struck 10,

I put down my pen,

Looked into the cold blue,

Quickly sent an email to you.