Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Delta County (Ford River Twp. Park) to Receive $83,600 in Recreational Passport Grant Money

Parks, trails, and the outdoors are awesome and improve the quality of our lives! Delta County just received $83,600 to update Ford River Twp. Park. The program comes from the Recreational Passport Grants. We typically pay for these when we update our license and want to use the parks. 

I'm not sure what general park development means but I would suspect it is a general fund allocation for improvement of the park (...at least from a first glance. You may need to look around if you want some additional info on what specifically it is allocated. For a swing set or a trail its all good news as far as I'm concerned.)

Considering I once lived as a child out in Bark River and initially went to Ford River school systems....I'm happy to see it happen. 😁

The DNR has a shorter press release HERE. A map of the park HERE.



Project Title 

Award Amount 

City of Croswell 

Sanilac County 

Riverbend Park Improvements 


City of Gladwin 

Gladwin County 

Trail of Two Cities Completion 


City of Sandusky 

Sanilac County 

Diamond Trail Bathrooms and Drinking Fountian 


City of Alpena - Alpena 

Alpena County 

Mich-e-ke-wis Park Beach Volleyball Courts 


Ford River Township 

Delta County 

Ford River Township Park 


Village of L'Anse 

Baraga County 

Meadowbrook Arena - Hockey Boards & Glass 


Lowell Charter Township 

Kent County 

Grand River Park Splashpad 


City of Frankfort 

Benzie County 

City of Frankfort Bellows Park Development 


City of Allegan 

Allegan County 

Rossman Park Improvements 


Big Prairie Township 

Newaygo County 

New Welcome Center for Oxbow Park 


City of Potterville 

Eaton County 



City of Romulus 

Wayne County 

Mary Ann Banks Park Social Equity & Universal Access Project 


Weesaw Township 

Berrien County 

Weesaw Township Park Development 


Casco Township 

St. Clair County 

Casco Township Belle River Park Picnic Pavilion  


House holds 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Vote Without Speaker Selection (118th Congress)

It is interesting to watch how our democracy continues forward despite its most recent challenges. We are thrivers! The speaker hasn't been selected yet and after 6 votes the house can't do their normal work until one is selected. This is how democracy works. Things have for the moment returned to normal sort of idea volley and exchange. Its a conversation....democracy is a conversation of settling upon solutions. It may not seem like that at first but just keep watching. One way or another the system is designed to push out an eventual solution (...even if it isn't at first apparent.)

Lady Liberty
Citizen Fire Company, 1836

Source: National Museum of
American History
Different peoples and groups have different agendas. No one can get everything they want. Some of the points may be valid and some not so much. However, it is about understanding and making those adjustments where they seem appropriate. For example, spending must move down, govt. revenue must go up, or some combination in between. Most people would agree with that, but how that happens is based on how people vote, discuss, and resolve (As long as no one is sacking the capital the discussion and debates are normal. Even some of the sort of political maneuvers are normal. I'm just watching to see how this all works.)

I'm listening to the speeches and I believe that the key idea going forward is to manage for all Americans with the most sound solutions with the greatest chance to succeed. Visions that put us in the place of the most options, best market position, and at the center of the global supply chain value. Finding ways in which we can solve real problems for people at different income spectrums and if we can't solve it then lets remove the road blocks that hold people behind.

That likely means borrowing ideas from each other, researching new solutions, brainstorming, looking over the horizon, setting goals/objectives and compromising so we can overcome our challenges (Party neutral statement.) 

Monday, January 2, 2023

Can Water Keep You Healthy? Drink More for Disease Free Longevity

We all know we need water but did you know that there are studies that help to show that people who drink sufficient water live longer and with less disease when compared to those who drink too little water?    

According to a study of water spanning over 25 years found that lower water consumption, as defined by serum sodium levels, led to shorter and more diseased lives. You can read the study HERE.

Initially, I found the study in an CNN article. You may want to peruse for a more layman's explanation. HERE.

So how much water should you drink?
  • Women should consume 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of fluids daily, and men should have 3.7 liters (125 ounces) daily.
If your into sports and you workout then you might want to drink more water. To tell you the truth I should drink much more and the article and study sort of help highlight that for me. 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Gretchen Whitmer inaugurated for second term as Michigan's governor

You can watch Governor Gretchen Whitmer's inauguration below and for the most part it was a pretty good speech (Its historic because of the pandemic and the extremism case so its a situation that will be recorded in the books and analyzed by historians.) In case you didn't notice it, the design of the ceremony appears to be a statement against extremism (A real slight provocation of defiance sort of interwoven into the theme. That is what I see it anyway.). Healthy democracies draw everyone into the same shared goals (There are certain things that Republicans and Democrats can agree upon.)

As a light R, I generally lean Republican but I will support anyone whom I believe is the most qualified for the job because the stakes are bigger than any single election. That of course doesn't mean I would agree with everything she (or Democrats or even Republicans) do/does and of course if I was a politician, which I am not, I would probably argue some key points on some policies and maybe even win a few (Winning defined by bringing everyone forward with a coherent plan.). However, based on what was available at the end of the run, she appeared to be the most qualified. It is what it is and she won a free and fair election so that is what Michiganders want (I support that and have an oath to that. Just in case if you were wondering if party or country is most important to me. For some it is kind of confusing but with hope Democrats and Republicans will find some common ground.)

(This is why new strategies are needed for Republicans in Michigan. We want healthy and robust competition in MI politics so to encourage the best ideas and candidates. Democrats and Republicans often borrow from each other so having high quality candidates also means beneficial debates, discussions, strategies and outcomes. i.e. learning organization/state. In a healthy democracy, we can debate civilly and with good intent without jumping into the sludge with cannon ball style enthusiasm. That criticism applies to both parties and I think in general Americans are becoming irritated with political immaturity that endangers all of us. 

As a side note, there was one Republican candidate that I thought would have done well but he dropped out once the whole signature scandal broke out. I don't think he knew anything about it, but perhaps felt like it would damage his good name. While he might not have that kind of admin experience I think he probably would have learned quickly and gave it his best. Interestingly, this is why we must do everything with integrity. In my mind, based on my understanding, it looked like the lack of integrity of some of the "connected" people in "the field" actually undermined the entire party and the election process by falsifying signatures. 💁

(Hopefully, lesson learned for Republican reemergence as old/new guard comes forward to fill open party gaps. Diversify the party based on new national demographics and the needs of the next American era. Republicans have a lot of good stuff to say but do need a strategy. We never really know what will actually happen so let us wait and see over the next 4 years. Amazingly enough, the world continues to turn..... in the meantime lets innovate the state. ☝)

Russian Mobilization: New Assault Expected? Ukrainian May Have Some Options

If you are keeping up with the news and the conflict in Ukraine you may be able to see the possibility of a larger scale Russian invasion effort underway. That includes closing boarders, mandatory service, and other types of activities of a Cold War Soviet approach. Let us add to that a few other things that have occurred recently and some of the possibilities and contingencies that may be involved.

(When it comes to issues like this go fact check.) 

These are a few things I have noticed that might be of benefit.......

1.) Russia has been buying all types of different low grade equipment from sympathetic countries. (They may not be running out so much as perhaps stocking for something new. All stocks are limited but it appears this would be an attempt to use low cost equipment for low cost mobilization and perhaps even to pass out to mercenaries.)

2.) Attempts to soften Ukraine, damage infrastructure, and forcibly push residents out of the area. (Could be an attempt to not have to deal with a "civilian problem" and in turn create clear terrain where everything can be leveled for larger troop movements. Part of this fight is about culture and pro Russian and Pro-Ukraine leanings that create issues for civilian management.)

3.) There is financial maneuvering but its hard to understand and very amebic because its not accessible information. All nations in conflict and under sanction will do all types of creative finance transfers.

4.) The adjustments have been going on for a number of months in low grade and hard to detect methods that likely are transacted through the black market and other methods many Russian officials utilize under the table of. i.e. the things off the books and hard to detect. (It could more or less be a strategy of holding and raising the costs on Ukraine for now and waiting for larger troop movement. Negotiations might also be a delay tactic so its a good time to work toward peace but prepare for what might come next.)

What I would think about is how the Russians might utilize low grade fighters infused with more skilled fighters that carry with them specific objectives (i.e. the historical use of peasants as fodder distraction and resource wasters). Mass amount of weapons purchases could indicate preparation and it could also indicate these are the "junk" weapons they are willing to lose along with the low grade "junk" fighters i.e. ex prisoners. (Pay attention to a potential move to large scale insurgency tactics. Discipline and skill is unlikely to be as important a strategy to Russians as mass overwhelming of Ukrainian defenses.) 

I'm curious what Ukrainian counter strategies might entail? One might consider additional fortifications to create fall back lines and "kill zones" that raise costs significantly to the invaders. While the Russians might potentially use massive amounts of troops they will also lose many of them in the poor logistical administration and poor tactics. While mass is a strategy, all strategies come with costs.

  • Creating simple obstacle barriers/battlefield design to herd invading troops into areas and through battlefield corridors might be helpful. One might consider organizing into a battlefield zone (..different then a kill zone which is concentration of fire in specific corridors.) and have 5 or 6 fall back lines with each one focused on specific objectives. (Think of a car bumper and how it crunches to save the car. ).
  • Each fall back line could have a different objective designed to weaken the invading force in a way that controls the grind that allows the Ukrainians to manage and concentrate their resources where they get the biggest bang for the buck. i.e. pre-stashed specific weapons for the objectives at each fall back line. Because Russia will not know or understand the objectives they can't adapt. It creates chaos and confusion in poor training. For example, the first line breaks up formations and tests, second focuses on tanks, and the third on something else. The tactics and targets change so the Russians don't know how to adjust to minimize casualties and fulfill their objectives. If the table is set in a inconspicuous way they may not even know they are being funneled. 
  • For example, the 1st fall back line is predesigned to slow and diminish ranks and collect data on test capacity.  The 2nd fall back line might seek to immobilize a portion of larger equipment, start funneling troops, and start thinning the onslaught in a way that helps better focus Ukrainian resources. The third might be about cutting all all communications and the fourth about stopping movement (i.e. better barriers) and the 5th about a counter push. (Someone might want to ensure plenty of surveillance mechanisms are present on the battlefield that continue to function even if Ukrainian troops fall back. i.e. a low grade early digital era battle field. Cameras are small, sensors are cheap, cell phones can be tracked to determine swarm movements, drone flights, satellite images, etc., etc., The issues is coordination, processing, and acting quickly which takes too much planning and training to do in current time frames but one can sort of see how the info processing capacity of real time data and quick response might be related. Something the U.S. military should think about as it seeks to develop capacities where small or large fights can break out globally.)
  • However one important caveat. Between each zone are funnels where alternate routes would bog down Russian troops, tank and equipment and in turn force movements within the kill zones by the sheer ability to keep moving forward. i.e. the path of least initial resistance. (The goal isn't to stop Russia's initial onslaught but more to diminish them until you get to a certain place where a counter attack makes sense. Also why you want your fox holes and battlements to be designed protective from one side to keep Russian troops from finding safe haven for defensive purposes. They either need to keep coming forward or run away. Under the right circumstances we might find entire Russian units surrendering if they slow down but know they will not be able to make it forward or back out of Ukraine. Its unlikely they have the training for that.)

If one expected mass invasions one might also consider using tactics that include underground tunnels/weapons/supplies, weaponry that can canvas areas well, methods of getting behind lines to create chaos thereby further limiting troop movements and bunching them up so they are limping in movement and abilities. Adopting the best practices we saw in other wars like Vietnam, Afghanistan (Did the Taliban learn by fighting against Russian invasion? Might be helpful to take what was useful from that knowledge and apply it to a mid tech army like Ukraine when it makes sense. Military thinking follows lines like science so some of the root tactics Russians used in the 70's and today will be similar and likely people have already used successful tactics against similar styles.) and other places.

From a psychological level mass casualties in Russian ranks and total chaos in their movement and efforts will likely create fear among their troops and lower morale in a way that could cause officers and troops to be in constant conflict (Why offering immunity for defecting Russian troops could be helpful in intelligence and resource development. It also sounds like a good nerve to put a finger on and keep pulsating.)

Failure to create significant gains right away like the initial invasion might mean Putin will be subject to internal dissention and possibly economic bankruptcy of his country. If one could wave a magic wand and have pro-Western oligarchs ready to take the reins should Putin fall, and want to take his country with him, it would be an interesting safeguard maneuver. (Its a contingency and its helpful to the innocent Russian populace while protecting Russian military and national assets from being wholesale sold by an already highly corrupt official economic structure with a huge black market {20%GDP. Probably 25%-35%. At the top of the structure probably 40+%}. One of the reasons why the soviet empire failed, and this Cold War II initiative likely will also fail, might be caused by this corruption and theft of resources from self serving individuals. In this case, it appears it banks in Ukrainian's favor.)

Likewise, one might want to ensure they are tracking, tagging, infiltrating and compromising the elite Russian troops as much as humanly possible. The low grade fighters might more or less be distractions that provide cover for more seasoned troop movements. Creating moles and keeping tabs helps to lure and then neutralize such Russian units. They are likely to be well trained, stealthy, armed, supplied and be focused. However, they are also going to be drawn from many different sources to bolster their ranks which opens opportunities for mole creation and tracking. i.e. people who were once elite fighters and likely called back.

(Just a couple of ideas but you know they are just sort of brainstorming thoughts. I'm a chess player so I like to watch the strategies. {Interestingly, someone told me we had an uncle that played chess against the Soviets during the Cold War. No idea if it is true true.♞} Let us wait and see what happens. The article should help us think about some of the possibilities because no one at this point can ever be 100% sure of what is going to happen

Maybe Putin will wake up one morning and think, "I'm doing the wrong thing, I'm hurting innocent people, and I have a responsibility to the Russian people and international community to check my anger, settle this, and work on bringing my nation back into the light?" I just wouldn't hold my breath that a bolt of lighting is going to strike him to provide the new insight {Old foxes and same mental traps as personality mixes with decision making.). 

Peace is almost always a good idea but usually it is appreciated in hindsight. Yet if the waves of Russian troops come to Ukraine they should be ready to send them back empty handed to ask their leader why they risked their lives and country for ego? He will probably say something like, "I wanted to make Russia great again" but really is saying "I wish I had my youthful vitality back and I do not want to be forgotten when I'm gone."

When its over we do need to consider bringing Russia back into the fold of global society or it will be another despotic regime angry at its lost prospects and shunned by the world. In this way the U.S. might be able to do some good if Russia has a new regime at the end; its an internal Russian problem. We can't say what will happen because there are significant probabilities and risks for any strategy but we can look further down the road to how to flip the script on the adversarial relations for future reconciliation.) Updating NY article Jan 3rd, 5:30 ET. Ukraine Digitized Shoe String. Russia Blames Cell Phones 01/04/2022

p.s. great video sort of helps potential Russian troops looking online to sort of think about their options and potentially avoid being forced to go to a place they don't want to be and they don't think helps their country. Psych Ops but there is some truth in it. What is the final goal and what benefit will it bring the Russian people in the next 10 years+? Not much and chances are it will be eventually lost again if they do succeed.

**These articles are designed more for thought creation than anything else. Sometimes interesting discussions and good things come out of it. Other times It is just junk splattered on an electronic wall. A kind of political art and puzzle. 🤔🎨🥋

Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023 Would a New Year Bring New Insight Into Freedom and Democracy??

Social and political decline is often associated with economic decline. So far there are enough people and momentum to keep our American engines pumping forward with full force. At some point we might outstrip our human capital where some of our institutions struggle with managing for a more diverse stakeholder group. We are in a new world and the U.S. has to adapt like every other organization; that includes a number of institutions. We are in historically unique place to do that through organizational learning and appropriate implementation of that learning.

Apothéose de Voltaire conduit par la Vérité et couronné par la Gloire

An early philosopher of democracy
Voltaire once said,
"All men have equal rights to liberty,
to their property, and to the protection of the laws."
We protect those rights by acting with honor and integrity!

Extremism and hate are demotivators for societal growth. It retards the democratic process and incentives for engagement. It alienates people and intentionally divides communities. Something we can avoid in future if we have the right values and are willing to enact those values.

We have gone through a few years of obvious and in your face inappropriate behaviors that nearly ended our national experiment. As a nation of minorities (meaning lots of different types of people), many are very aware of domestic extremism for sometime and how it impacts communities. They were not seen as dangerous because of false root assumptions of what it means to be an American/"American".

Our politicians became vividly aware once they were targeted and forced to huddle for fear in the first initial loss of our Capitol. Our judges, governors, and politicians have become even more aware once their voicemail boxes were loaded with death threats and their driveways full of angry protestors. 

There are elements and groups out there that support these extreme behaviors and misuse their official positions for illegal intimidation tactics that often default in support of their ethnic, social, political and religious clans. In many ways, the third world mentality is sickening the full functioning of some of our institutions and further poisoning our abilities to recover.

It becomes concerning from an essential values point of view when we fail to hold extremist in official positions accountable. The term extremist as a default root assumptions of racial, religious, political and social entitlement/worth that results in gross or systemic harm to others. Entitled actors of hate! In their warped logic they can do no wrong!

Free passes occur for many reasons that range from ability to collect evidence to an unwillingness to step up for those American values when inconvenient (...or you will loose an election.). Each situation has it's own unique merits and should be judged by those merits. (For now let us hold before making too many judgements.)

In 2023 let's push to create a more universal inclusive high functioning society that walks the talk in its values in a way that attracts other societies also striving for the fulfillment of expectations of free and fair democratic nations (Mouthful but important. Yes? 💇)! 

There are no free passes when it comes to intentional hate and misuse of institutional resources. Free societies draw talent because they provide free and fair opportunities in ways that helps people be the best they can be (Their God given talents). They can also use that talent to overcome community and national challenges. That won't happen if only the skills of specific people from specific backgrounds are allowed to compete freely and fairly.

It isn't free passes that made us great in the past, and it isn't free passes that will make us great in the future. Free passes will likely be a drag on growth and generally make excellence difficult or impossible. They are waste and mismanagement of the entire system. When I say free passes I don't mean people necessary need to go to jail but that some level of correction is needed to ensure the system doesn't continue to support bad behaviors. 

In 2023 let's pass the proof of pudding test where the 'would have, could have and should have' arguments are not in hindsight squashed by the indisputable need for truth and integrity in our choices.  I believe as a nation we can get through this mess but not everyone is willing to do their part. Some of us will do the heavy lifting and most will get a free ride (Its normal!)

To make America great again means making our people great and living by shared transcendental values that maximizes togetherness and cohesion for a meaningful and fruitful democratic work. Think about those values and why they are so important and why so many people around the world believe in them. We don't want to be the ones who throw it away for fear of change (Change that is likely to bump us up to the next civic and economic platform.)

Human capital management is the same thing as national asset management.  Those who stand for their American values, and willing to assume the risks associated with those deeper duties, would be more valued in a merit based system when compared to those who gag their own own and the mouths of others (nepotism, toxic environments, and group think.). Let 2023 be the year of meaningful national New Years resolution toward healthy and positive change! 

Whether we are pre or post extremism era is determined by our seriousness of dealing with these issues. At the end of the day, I have a Muslim sounding name and Black kids with light R leanings so you know how that sometimes goes and what risks we face for having a moral conscious. It's a duty on all Americans to ensure freedom of speech and freedom of religion are respected (We don't want to default on religion and speech as the rest of the system will quickly dissolve.)

We have to step beyond the superficial to see the benefits of what is being said. Right now it appears many of us are confused what those oaths mean. I have a few ideas if our stakeholders have the courage to listen and make meaningful change for ALL Americans. We cannot have two societies functioning in parallel so let's make one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.  Many of us still believe! Its still a pretty good idea. Just saying it sounds fair to me. 🤷

I do believe the collective conscious will adjust but there will be many avoiding and undermining those efforts through foot dragging and pretending they can't see when crimes are committed. We each must decide who we are what we leave behind for the next generation. There are differences between standing up for values when it counts, and sitting down for fear of a missed taxpayer lunch.  We need more quality leadership in key positions. 

Love for community and country is the right thing when it is focused on our ideals.  From bottom to top (in that order) we could do some amazing things if we had more people who believed in those values enough to hold hands together as we pass into this new year (Democrat and Republican, Black and White, All faith's together), Old and Young, Past and Future. Consider, Do Younger Generations have Commitment to Democracy?

* This article should help our leaders think about what's most important. I believe I have a pretty good idea what actions lead to organizational improvement and which ones won't. No need to check the polls to find out what I believe today. We were targeted because we had Muslim sounding names, because my children were Black, there was financial incentives present and because they didn't understand us. They feared what they didn't understand so they attacked it!

As far as I know, we didn't do anything wrong to anyone, didn't deserve targeting or ostracization, and certainly don't expect a free pass for it! We could of course reform but that require a level of effort and willpower; something that is in short supply in our "sane" political process. That again doesn't mean a single person should go to jail as long as the reforms are made to protect the public; "crazy" as it sound. Unlike, them I don't think everyone different, or even those who do wrong, should always go to prison. Its dependent on merit. I have empathy for them and their families. 

{I bet some of the "super cool" people part of the initial targeting group would now probably agree that no one should go to jail. Especially, after a number of false complaints were launched in an effort to cause serious and dangerous pressure and chaos on the family. Amazing the change of heart when situations change! That applies especially to the one's who were lying. Just saying! 💔}

We are not like them nor do we want to be like them! Who wants to be "crazy" with hate? I would however suggest having mental health diagnosis for the people who started this problem as one has already been diagnosed and the other two appear to have enough mental health symptoms to be of concern. I'm not qualified to diagnoses but if I was a betting man I could think a clinical diagnosis would occur with a positive finding. I kind of think I know what those diagnosis might be. I'm kind of curious if I'm right. 🤔

Contrary to public opinion being Muslim {or Jew, Christian, Buddhist, etc..} doesn't make one "crazy". Likewise, having multiple documented gifted individuals in the same family also doesn't make one "crazy" either {...and the solution certainly isn't violent targeting even if we were crazy!}. P.S. having Black kids doesn't make you "crazy" either. So I'm confused about how loosely the term is being used here. Must be a new diagnosis in the layman's DSM V or something. 🤷  I looked and didn't find anywhere it said Muslims and Black is an indication of insanity so it must be some other clinical diagnostic index they are using. 😬💨

What does make us "crazy" is to feel its ok to act on people because 1). you don't understand, 2). you lack the IQ to understand, 3.) because they uncovered corruption and it poses a risk {not the first time I was right, not even the second or third.}, and 4.) and you have an entitled sense of your race and religion. Furthermore, it isn't "crazy" to disagree or feel upset someone just tried to cause your child some trauma in an effort to manipulate 💸 for self gain thereby creating moral dilemmas and large amounts of pressure by this group and their law enforcement officials on a very young teen. Fair? {Most of the other departments appeared to have realized they were being triangulated and stopped. This one did not and persisted and that appears because of not only close association but also because of prior history. }

Trust me I can go on and on about the aggressive behaviors and how everything we said was discounted as irrational because of the limitations of the capacity to understand by others. Fair in your mind? I know1 I know! nothing like that could happen in our society that would be impossible.\! What is insane is a free pass if even the smallest fraction of what dribbles out of my mouth is coherent enough to be considered rational. In my mind, the most rational definition of insanity is for them to use that term to get help and keep themselves out of jail (i.e. why I said get checked out and get help as a mercy to the initiating group. There are deeper forms of responsibilities.)

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Einstein 👆👌 Happy New Years!

Friday, December 30, 2022

Where are we currently in the pursuit of justice? Not Really Sure

Justice is important. Its one of those things that people come to expect and its one of those things that is required by democracies that want to survive into the next era but also the ability to bump up to the next economic platform. They can do that by having stronger human capital management, professional administration of societal issues, and increased trust. 

Here are a few observations thus far.....

I should mention the background first. A Muslim family with Black kids was targeted by a fairly large group of people based on what appeared to be racial and religious motivations mixed with a good old boy network. Most of the officers from various departments learned that the information was false/manipulative/misleading (Whatever that information was. I'm still trying to figure it out. No one has actually told me anything other than it was well known that the targeting occurred because we were Muslim. That is the message the clan leader sent to me through one of their associates and supporters.). 

Most of the people who did this didn't know they were violating Federal laws (Assuming they function in that way.). It was blatant, obvious, potentially violent, and corrupt. Lots of paper trail and lots of witnesses as people (Maybe 100+) from that ex sports group that got themselves involved. In my mind, there are limits as to what should be acceptable by society. You can't just cleans your community of the "icky" people (i.e. meaning if they don't fit within a particular cult or clan.).

The behaviors have opened up a can of worms. It was a problem because there was pre-existing bias in the heuristic quick reactions, opened up indication of potential corruption, other uninvestigated serious community complaints came forward, and a few within that persisting department after it was no longer reasonable to do so indicated potential for future targeting (Most of those law enforcement members are great people but it looks like they have an embedded group that may not be willing to follow the law!). 

At present, I can say it appears someone told them they can't continue to be aggressive or violent. It appears most of the other departments have come to understand that someone was trying to triangulate them into targeting minorities within their community. I believe most of the officers within that initiating department have also come to understand that as well but the need for reform and further protections would be helpful. 

The hate narrative still exists of course. Everyone loves to spread rumors!  I have seen a few of the  initiators of hate post chaos and you can tell they are stuck in their own story. They continue to spread their story as a vindication of poor behaviors, have enriched themselves from false police complaints and targeting (If you read the other posts you will notice that there are some open questions of missing money prior and a new opportunity presented itself to enrich again. It appears they repeated a pattern.) and don't really feel any serious level of remorse over their behaviors or the potential harm it could have caused others.

Furthermore, I should add an important factor. The vast majority, save those closest to the initiating group, have rejected the hate narrative and have been wonderful and warm people. The "clan" continues its process of ostracization as expected. A few members have continued to cause issues through rumors, talking louder when they see us, and ensuring they put in place society dividing rules such as , "Anyone who is nice to "those people" is not allowed to talk to us!".  (Classy, mature and definitely a sign of innocence! It could also be signs of hate targeting as a method of dehumanizing the victims, spreading false information, and ostracizing to ensure they have no recourse. That is the way it started anyway.

I have advocated for what I felt was the best way to handle it so that all of the justice systems can function with integrity and focus on their essential purpose in a way that various community stakeholders can support (Remember there are numerous complaints against some of the members of the "clan" from various backgrounds so there is a lower level of trust in general by some community members; these are not minorities. These were for the most part, except in one case, unsolicited. The only time I asked specifically is because it appear this person was in the know of one of the members and they were voicing concerns. I just wanted to make sure that we were discussing apples to apples. It doesn't mean any of it is true. I really hope none of it is true. Its just an indication that not everything is rosy for everyone.)

My suggestions seem to be a little bit too much for some to swallow but I think they are helpful and necessary. The goal isn't to get people in trouble. It's actually the opposite. Help where help is possible. Its also purposeful in debunking the intentionally spread hate narrative that increases the long term risk of "lone wolf" fights and further acts of intimidation (In this case, not truly lone because the goal was to sort of get people to pick fights with the family.). It is also to help the mental health suffering of those who started the problem in the first place (one is diagnosed and the others need an assessment.), address community complaints through an investigation (some people feel there isn't accountability), and reform the department that doesn't have enough internal controls to self manage (I will discuss my thoughts on how that department can do that in the future. They are just thoughts but I have some knowledge of management that would apply here. There are others who have more knowledge on such departments and that can be good or bad so mine are just for exploratory understanding of essential needs of reform. In other words, what would make sense in other places.)

Where are we at right now? Yes someone told them they can't act like that and for the most part the participating clan isn't maintaining the level of aggression first realized. Many members of the clan have backed off and become wiser to the flying monkey manipulations of their leaders. There are still some whom I believe will persist as soon as they are given a green light of coast is clear from clan associates within the initiating department (The one in which fraternization and community association rules should be implemented to ensure their social networks aren't creating incentives for corruption and other inappropriate behaviors.)

It opens up a few questions that I think will eventually be answered. Its important to answer them. Right now the answers are a mixed bag. It could be that someone is fact checking and collecting evidence and it also could be that there has been a settled upon internal solution. What I can say is that for the most part I'm ok. I'm upset that we were put in this situation because of the dysfunction of others and I'm upset that other Americans have to deal with these issues with little recourse. 

1.) Are there different rules for different people? We should all be under the same banner.

2.) When corruption does happen is there any mechanism within the system to reform it and bring it back in line with American values? (The need for some changes within that department to protect the public. There are some indications that it does happen after lots of chaos but can it also happen proactively, when it makes sense, and when it sort of does as a consistent learning organization.)

3.) Do some officials feel their primary focus is to help only some races and religions? (Try not to get political here as this isn't the goal. i.e. a potential sign of extremism leaning sentiment within the ranks of some members of that department. 

Considering what appears to be a weak state of internal affairs many of the officers that work with the initiating clan members should ask themselves, "Do these officers really have the personality to be trusted to not use grey areas of the law to help themselves or their friends?" 

If they know something, heard something, or part of something they may want to report it to federal or state authorities in line with their oaths. Breaking the Blue Code is difficult and dangerous but its important. My complaints are never against good officers, I'm very forgiving of genuine mistakes, but am concerned about the intentional "mistakes" and their likelihood of repeat when the circumstances present themselves again.)

4.) Is there a willingness and are there mechanisms in place to help those with mental health? Extreme hate, rage, manipulation, and dishonesty are mental health issues. It was an issue that could have ended in people killed, harmed, arrested, hurt, and damaged young lives for decades/perhaps generations through intentional trauma creation. (involvement and targeting). 

We have come to accept that and the dangers as long as they are projected on the "wrong/unAmerican" type of people (i.e. those of minorities and people "worthy" of hate. Not actually defined by merit, history, or loyalties. Defined by very surface judgements that have nothing to do with being American/"American".)

It is not fair to focus only on the potentially negative as there could be some good information in there as well. I'm happy that we are talking about these issues on a national level and we have had the opportunity to see extremism for what it is. Its is about time and it has been brewing for the past 15 years I suspect. 

We have seen the dangers of mental health and its impact on society (Extremism can come from any political party, race, religion or ideology when the logic defaults back to a very poor root assumption.) We still don't have a strong method for dealing with things like corruption, hate/racism, and mental health manipulations but we can continue to work toward future solutions. 

So I'm putting my 2 cents in there in case in history someone looks back and says, "You know...even though that guy had a Muslim sounding name......he may have been correct. Impossible!"🤔. Of course that doesn't mean I'm actually correct but it does mean that my input could be helpful (I know very little but have seen a lot. Sorry...to "see" or see. See/"see" below. 🤓). 

When it comes down to the "proof in pudding" arguments we should be assured that the system maintains the ability to correct itself toward its stated goals and mission (In other words, we should ensure our actions are in line with our Constitution, protections and other social contracts.) and whether hate is given a free pass. 

(Indicating two different systems of justice at work, as a reflection of two different societies. Not official society but one in which there are two versions of America/"America" and two versions of Americans/"Americans" with two semi-associated operating systems and rules. We can also look at examples in history to see if these divergent shadow societies with different social networks contribute to social upheaval. Those examples might also tell us what we can do to reintegrate members of society around shared American principles; assuming that is everyone's goal.🤷 )

The next time you take an oath of allegiance to the flag consider the deeper and often unseen/not understood meanings. To me, "my Flag" represents the United States. That "flag" also include its Constitution and my perception of God. i.e. for "God and country". I rally around that banner and no other banner. If my name confuses some people so be it! 

I might be a liberal R (I'm a little more Republican) or a conservative D, but my loyalties lie with my nation, God, and family. Then look at our pledge "one nation, indivisible" indicating we should have the same rules (except differences on merit) that apply to everyone. 

The words "liberty and justice for all" indicates to me we should be seeking universal justice in a universal society. You cannot have liberty without freedom to be born as God (racial, religious, cognitive differences, etc..) made us and in turn we cannot have justice if officials entrusted public power is used for clan or personal gain.

Let's ponder our oaths and see sort of where we should fit with it to be true to ourselves and true to our oaths. 

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  (Notice no exclusions for race, religion or clan have been presented within the oath. I'm a little confused at people's ability to just put it in there and then call it nationalism and patriotism. Must be a different Constitution. 🤔)

Contrary to popular current political values, there are still merits and honor in staying loyal to those principles. They supersede our parties and our grievances (Where rationality and critical thinking exist). If you ever want to understand where I am on these types of issues, I can say that I fall where I think it is the most helpful in fulfilling that oath.  I cannot tell you where others stand....that is an individual choice. 

*We might want to explore the concept of shadow society and shadow markets. There is research that supports how official rules and application of such rules disparately through society creates different rules for different people. They are not judged on their individual merit but on social class, clan, race, religion or really anything else that differentiates them. A shadow society, their social networks, businesses, law makers, etc. is not good or evil. It is a result of different application of rules and the need for self preservation. i.e. ending segregation but keeping the networks in place that maintain divisions by limiting access. The only way to merge the two is through a single vision and consistent equity in treatment. 

Failure to bump up to the next universal (civic and economic) society runs risks that at some point in history the shadow societies will clash for resources. Can I say any of that is true? Nope. I have seen some studies that indicate the possibility but how many studies support that would be sort of interesting and I will keep it in my idea list. Right now I'm preoccupied with economic clusters and bringing new opportunities to my community despite our family being rejected by a core clan as "icky people" and "not the right type" that should not have any protections under the law (especially if they want something or the religion and skin color are embarrassing to be around). 

** These articles are to get people to think. They are meant to be thought inspiring. These are not "facts". These are "truths". Don't get caught up in what all that means right now. There is truth and "truth" depending on the capacity of one to see and one to understand. Seeing as a capacity to understanding and not the actual stimuli. To "see" one must critically examine and understand the situation based not only on personal experience but also through the scientific observations of others as based in scientific literature. This is where science and the current practice of law may be different. There must be a middle ground between societal issues such as allowing violent criminals free and misusing the law to support one's ethnic/social/religious clan. They are very wide goal posts.