Life is about our social connections and our place within those networks (This is why we compare ourselves to others to find our potential value, worth, and place in society. We are defined, socialized, and often subject to those networks. For example, if you hate then you likely have people around you who have such leanings; whether online or in person.). Much of what we think and feel are real and objective are just shared agreements and symbolism among people (i.e. a soda bottle to people who have never seen one has different symbolism and meaning and it will take some experimentation to find its best purpose within that culture. That could be different based on the needs of that society.). Just like in the beginning of time when differences between clans (i.e. outsiders) were seen with suspicion we so too today see differences, outsiders and others with suspicion. That can sometimes create different rules for different people based on a lack ability to see others as worthy as ourselves (A point to be made here is that on a national level if people can live and travel freely within the nation we have a unified nation but if the unwritten rules change based on locality you have different societies within a larger society. embedded networks.). As rooted in personality, and influenced by culture (general term), some will be engaging, some will be unsure, and some will rage on difference.
Those who hate difference often do so out of deep seated fears that have not been addressed or managed within their lives. So difference constitutes in many cases change, and change constitutes a type of threat. Its not really a threat of other but the threat of the inability to deal with change. Those who are least able to deal with change are also the most likely to hate. (This is partly why often misinformation and quick outlets for internal and sometimes collective rage can be a dangerous tool if wielded by people with mental health issues.)
(Just to clarify. Change in social status, change in roles, change in social routines, change in thoughts, and/or just about any other uncomfortable change which could be a normal and acceptable thing by healthy people but a scary transition for unhealthy people. That scary transitions causes people with mental health issues to do all types of odd things to avoid dealing with how they feel on the inside. See where empathy toward those who hate sort of makes a little sense? This is partly why mental health and domestic hate management are part of the same issue. i.e. MI track and solve.)
The particular problem occurs when some of our leaders are also fearful of change and fearful of "others" (It makes you wonder why some of our leaders ever became leaders. That outward confidence isn't matched by inward confidence. It only shows lack of self awareness. How has lack of self-aware leaders worked out in history or in our society? If we are electing leaders without self awareness or who don't hold our collective values primary then it means we have other issues as it pertains to some members not understanding the essential purpose of democratic vs autocratic rule.). These people influence others and in turn that creates social distortions, ostracization and suspicions of anything that represents difference or change. (Group fear factor and ultimately group control is managed like a puppet through removal of dissent and well planted rumors designed to reduce credibility. The more toxic the leader, the more likely they will demonized people who represent change as manifested through perceptions of differences vs similar.)
(It always was immoral to falsely demonize others (i.e. casting stones) and many religious, moralists, historians and philosopher members of society have come forward to warn us throughout history of the necessity of inclusive values and the need for higher order thinking. Sometimes societies listen and sometimes they don't and it is all part of the same process and cycle of nations. Notice that societies are generally moving toward a more humane approach throughout development.)
Somewhere along the line self hate turns to hate of other which is sold to social associates as a way to justify bad behavior. We can only sell that hate through false rumors to people who already hold bias and in turn are willing to adopt the narrative of hate as their own personal narrative (People only think they own certain beliefs but usually it is a direct value system of their network. They just don't have the insight to see that. Few chart their own courses in thought.). They have already been socialized to perceive themselves in a more entitled way without actually earning those positions through performance (Most professional athletes and performers I have met are kind and polite people. For those who hate it is only the perception of superiority that is important.).
When it comes to hate facts don't matter. For example, as far as I know my family and I have not done anything to anyone. There were other factors than our "worthiness" of hate that may have allowed a large group of hate supporters to ostracize, spread rumors, and engage in behaviors that if unchecked could eventually be fatal. (If you research history before we experience known atrocities we have seen in other places there are certain beliefs/bias that became acceptable to "set the stage" or prime for worse things. It happens when you intentionally demonize, delegitimize, and dehumanize others. While that could be unlikely here it has happened in other places. i.e. Tulsa Riots and all too often unknown and forgotten ways. While most people are warm, good, inviting people there are a few who are not and we don't want their beliefs spreading to create normalization. See monkeys.)
(People will do astounding things when given a narrative they can excuse themselves from personal responsibility. See electric shock experiments in Milgram 1963'enocide study. It makes you wonder under what circumstances and why we have seen this blind followership grow in social and political circles? 🤔 We need more free thinkers as a general process of positive adaptation.).
Finding ways to hometown hate is important because it is a fundamental risk to our democracy as the rights of people to live freely should overshadow the rights of those to continue to believe that only people like them are true Americans/"Americans" (Americans with all of the rights and opportunities.). Hate is thus a social disease among the most damaged members of our society who do not feel empowered to deal with their life challenges as they come (Hate makes someone else responsible for one's own failures. Collectively or individually it is the use of a scapegoat based on someone's ability to exploit difference to radicalize followership and power. See Nietzsche 'Will to Power'.).
(Someone might ask what I'm going to do going forward? My strategy since the beginning was to be polite, engaging, visible, and a contributor to society. I will be easy to find and easy to talk with. Yet I won't sugar coat the dangerous behaviors that arose because that mocks the sacrifices of all the prior victims of hate and gives disrespect to all those American souls who died for our freedom. Silence through complacency or fear is part of the problem and why such disease spreads.)
(Its doesn't really have much to do with me or those who have done wrong at the moment. Its the bigger picture of how to detect the growth of hate and radicalism and how to find strategies to deal with it. Some people have seen the atrocities of this world and understand how such behaviors must be first "sold" to all too often open ears scrambling for solutions to their life's problems. The more we understand it, the better we can avoid it, deradicalize it through truth, and help it in other places. Worth or not worth something? That is up to everyone else to decide....I'm just interested in understanding. 🤷🤓)