Sunday, September 25, 2022

Is the American economy heading into 'dire straights'?

 Investments are on the down track. I wonder how long they will go down. According to the video there is correction and there is downturn in the market. The question is how long and how severe the downturn? I would think that some of the investments we have put into our infrastructure and economy may help reduce some of that downswing. However, that may or may not be true depending on lots of other factors. 

Liz Cheney Should Stay and Rally "Old Guard" Republicans

I would be sad if the GOP loses Liz Cheney. Whether or not we agree on a political level what we can say is that she has integrity. The far right has turned very far right and has begun to outstrip its party. There has been some movement back to the middle as more and more information is coming out about the inner circle of certain politically connected groups. 

Instead of leaving I hope Cheney stays in the party and she begins to rally the "Old Guard" Republicans to start pushing out these far right extremists. While it won't immediately get her votes it is likely to be fruitful in the long run as the tide turns and hindsight kicks in. History often tells a different story that the way we see it at that time.

I like some things Trump did in terms of a few policies (i.e. boarder wall. Sorry its just an opinion and we still face some issues in society. We have to settle those and figure out an agreed path that helps those who need our help while ensuring we are not putting ourselves in harm's way. There are solutions and while I have a few ideas they are not that important in today's discussion.

Many of his ideas are good ones and I would like to play golf with him but I don't see him as able to really lead an entire diverse nation. I think the same hammer being used every time is not wise. I also think there are a few serious behaviors that could turn out to be troublesome for the nation. My vote is likely to go to one of the other Republican candidates (I haven't finalized my opinion yet.) 

As an "Old Guard" Republican I have to turn toward the rational center and encourage others in both parties to do the same thing. We have responsibilities to ensure that party politics doesn't derail our national development.  So the GOP needs Liz Cheney whether or not they know it or not. She should stay and fight for her Republican values and if she loses continue to fight until things start to bank in her favor.

I believe there are a lot of people in the GOP that are looking for direction and she could be one of the major players in that. It would be a tough choice but it is a choice. 

As always my loyalties lie with the Constitution and the American people. Parties are only a path to getting things done but parties must fall into line with essential American principles. 

What To Do If a Local Judicial System Becomes Corrupt?

One of the problems we face within this country is we have far right and far left extremism. At present the far right extremism seems to be more of the issue but that doesn't mean it will always be. The problem is that these values can sometimes make their way into local judicial systems and create a type of corruption where normal laws and rules don't apply. 

Ideology can be a dangerous thing if it leads people to the same conclusions over and over without considering the rights and values of others. As a people we rely on these systems to enforce the law and provide a level of protection. If they work on behalf of a single group, clan, or people it distorts the law and could someday lead to third world strife.

That can change if you are considered "worthy" of being a target for hate and anger (Heightened by religious, racial, ethnic or Good Old Boy considerations). Its not based on the actual person or their merits but perhaps on things such as one's religion, race, who will financially benefit, the "connectedness" of the perpetrators and/or support of a few law enforcement members (The vast majority are doing the right thing but the wrong is praised.). 

We would expect our judges to uphold our laws universally and if they default in support of those values it opens a major can of worms. That becomes very important if they consistently default based on their own skewed version of the world. I would then expect outside stakeholders to come in and support our the protections of our Constitution and national values. 

(What this situation has done to me has created a level of skepticism that people are willing to do the right thing and they are able to step up against their social networks. That the laws in some places don't matter and you can say what you want, do what you want, and circumvent what you want as long as its against a family that are seen as less worthy or less American. I fell like there is one system trying to do the right thing and one system trying to do the wrong thing and they are running parallel. That system which comes out on top Pro Country or Pro Clan will determine the future of this town in some ways. Whether it will be open to new investments and people or it will be closed off and suffer the fate of many closed nations. I can't even say if that is 100% true but just sort of possible. We can learn from what happens on a local level as to what could happen on a national level. Opening one door versus another. What I can say is I cant afford to trust a system focused on enhancing their own group.

The problem is that in many cases judges are not investigated or held to account (Its very rare and that is dangerous.) They are above the law and can provide immunity for others who have violated the law. If we found they circumvented the law, held radical ideologies, or consistently punished certain groups (i.e. outsiders) when compared to people within their own social group we should be concerned. 

We may also find that the wider society knows there is an issue and has shown a positive and supportive disposition (Could be an indication the judge is working on behalf of a certain group and people know it because they have seen it and/or experienced it prior. Maybe they are just aware. I can't say one way for sure what I can say is what happened here is dangerous, unfair, and intentionally destructive. It put people at risk and no judge should pretend those risks were not there and don't continue forward in many ways. Its irresponsible. I have advocated for what would fix the system and help the perpetrators get help as well as create a level of accountability. None of that seems to matter. What seems to be of most importance is the needs of the perpetrators even when they were highly manipulative and aggressive.). I wonder if deep down they know this group is a problem and they know they are provided a level of immunity for their behaviors (An inherent risk for everyone as we will be here again in a few years when the coast is clear and the hate group is further emboldened through hate immunity.). 

That leads us to to our dysfunctional nature of politics and how that impacts our judicial proceedings. I actually hate politics! I think its just one of those things where people are more interested in proving others wrong then it is about finding solutions. That short sightedness encourages to all types of chaos. Sometimes there are breakthroughs and things get done. In general, toxic politics weakens our country and pro solution debating can increase positive adaptations.

Anyway...if I ever run for politics it will be because our nation is really struggling with leadership (Not everyone but there is a enough poor self-serving "leaders" to know that something isn't right with the way things are getting done). Things seem to be sort of broken and we are at a critical juncture where we must step forward into a modern universal society where human capital, innovation, and economic development is going to happen on a bigger digital era scale or we are going to increasingly look non competitive and third world at a time we are going to need to perform at our top (dysfunctional politics, extremism, corruption, ethnic/racial/religious clans, etc.. Hate supporting judges tear at our future! ). 

We need to open the opportunities to the best and brightest and not the most connected to ensure we have more solutions to these problems (See how the "connected" have defaulted local systems and that is foreshadowing of what can happen on a national level if we dont correct.).  It may be hard to do that if people are socialized into a certain party affiliation, racial or religious perspective and unable to think divergently about solutions. Just pressing a button like a blind money makes no sense whatsoever. 

I wrote this article in 2019 prior to an increase in extremism over the past few years. 9 Important Issues if I Run for Politics (Extremism is likely to decline on an official level because it is being debunked but it will also likely move more underground as people become awaere on a root needs level of its danger.). I'm just formalizing my main ideas. I don't think I have the personality to just give people quick sound bites even when I know they aren't likely to be helpful. Or to bend my knee to the gods of ignorance and blind followership. (Chances are I'm likely to become an overeducated dishwasher in our current environment but what is patriotism in todays world anyway? Loyalty to Clan or whole Nation? It's hard to have values when you see the distortion of values in people who should be doing the right things. Sign of the times and there are few willing to stand for something greater. Normalization of hate is a sign of moral and future economic decline. I'm doing my best to provide economic, social, legal, and moral solutions. We just are not ready to hear them; even if they are dumb or not from someone wealthy or powerful. You would think protests, January 6th, international conflict, rise of China, free pass threats to democracy and COVID would get us working together but it hasn't. In many ways we have moved in opposite direction. The proof is in pudding. Now make sure you discount everything I say because I do have a Muslim sounding name. Look I already knew they were immune when started because they checked with officers in their network and local judge before engaging in cleansing behaviors and when they got stumped they went back to the same judge.  Then smirked and lied and spread rumors. All legit indicating the local system became fully corrupt and intentionally sought to ethnic cleans people not up to their racial and religious standards. They told me they were setting up my family because we were Muslim; they know nothing of us! Then they moved on to harm my kids. I dont think you can get anymore corrupt than that. I will not be third word cleansed as my genetic line is longer in area than most of theirs and that shouldn't be a requirement of any type. The main perpetrators are acting like nothing happened, feel emboldened and likely looking for the next opportunity.  I ask that Federal and State investigators come in and hold this judge and clan accountable. While I had hope people didnt go to jail it looks like they cant correct and the local law no longer functions as intended. I will follow my values and spiritual beliefs while everyone else can follow theirs. Dirty Muslim and "Nigga Baby" kids or not! America must correct this demon. We either do or we dont! History will likely be written by such choices in a collective level. People must determine their loyalties to their clan or to their country. How dare they put my kids in harm's way for racism and financial gain! We are a nation of laws and if we aren't I would say we got so much work to do fixing it that generations will need to push for correcting the torch we smothered out in our lifetimes.

Anyway I wrote this......

1.) Equality of Opportunity. Began to change the political and economic environment to ensure all people have opportunities to succeed and social mobility is likely for those who work hard.

2.) Higher Education/School Reform. To ensure each of our children, young adults, and seasoned employees have new and innovative skills that push economic growth.

3.) Global Competitiveness-Economic Development and Innovative Manufacturing. Bring back manufacturing and innovative development through the creation of a high tech society. Global cluster management development for better global performance.

4.) Environmental/Clean Technology. Limit pollution through innovative business that reduces waste and finds green practices economically-socially desirable.

5.) Income Disparity and Business Development. Ensure small and medium businesses are easy to start and have an opportunity to grow. Change the legislative environment to have balance of different size businesses and thereby create a more resilient economy.

6.) Children and Development. The first 10 years of life are critically important. If we can nurture, protect, and enhance our children during this time we have set them off in the world with a "success" mindset.

7.) National security, military readiness, and terrorism. Updating our military through low and high tech training. Implement robotics as an enhancement.

8.) Police and Justice Reform. To enhance policing positions and opportunities based on new metrics of performance that encourage wisdom, reform, and cultural awareness. Hold criminals accountable while ensuring that non violent crimes are reviewed for reform purposes.

I would add something about judicial integrity and the need to ensure checks and balances if judges make decisions that are in support of certain clans, racial, ethnic ideologies without regard to evidence. I would think that the judicial system itself would need to hold their own accountable to help ensure the independence of the Judicial branch. We have three legs of government to help create checks and balances. There may be a way to encourage this independence but with a level of internal protections. We have seen recently judges take political positions that have little to do with protecting the public or relying on evidence. That risks destroying the foundations of trust that can cause bigger societal issues. For example, if extreme hate behaviors are given a free pass based on erroneous loyalties or distorting the purpose and scope of our American systems that would through necessity create legitimate distrust of at least local and possibly national institutions based on necessity. That becomes even more true if perpetrators knew they were immune prior to engaging in hate and their is a history of short sticking targets through inappropriate criteria.

9.) International Relationships. A collaborative approach to international relations. That process also includes holding "bad actors" accountable through increased pressure on reform. Fair economic policies that allow the U.S. to be competitive and maintain its position at the center of the distribution system.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Making Jokes about Death Threats, Extremism, and Politics in Michigan

No matter what party one belongs domestic extremism is a big thing and when someone's house was watched, people planned on coordinating and killing our politicians its not a joking matter (Same thing happens to intellectuals, visionaries, people who are different or even people who stand up for their American values.). It is rhetoric like this that creates problems for our nation as some (R or L) normalize extremist behaviors. I'm a light R and that does not take away from the unique skills the candidates have. However, joking about kidnaping and death threats is not the way to go anywhere and at anytime. We need the best and brightest versus the most "connected" to make their way to the top. A bad joke is a bad joke and if if not well thought-out and blurted out with insensitivity then it should be retracted and deserves an apology.

If she truly feels that extremism and support of violence is the way to go then I believe she will likely lose this election as the wider society has now come to understand  the danger of such beliefs. There are risks to moving so far right you start to outstrip large portions of your base for a smaller portion of far far Right (or even Left). Leaders are here for only a short time but certain principles should stay from generation to generation. Think about the very purpose of politics. Find solutions, challenge policies that don't work (Even Whitmer's policies if you have something better) but don't get destructive. Challenging in the right way pushes the whole system to adjust and develop as new ideas are brought forward and replace older one's. Our nation is an adaptive organization that needs adaptive leaders. 

 That is not an endorsement or a lack of endorsement for anyone. I couldn't care less if someone doesn't see me as a "real" RINO republican or even a "real" American (That would sound a little extremist to me anyway as though all Republicans/Democrats need to engage destructive rhetoric. Its not a badge of honor to go the lowest places possible. That goes for both sides.). Conservatism is based on time honored values like respect for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as based in our Constitution. True Conservatives are against extremism, use of violence, racism, and bigotry of all forms. At least those who follow traditional Conservatism. You can't be free if people use, plan or threaten violence! 

Let us keep it classy America!!!

Why Integrity and Learning in Justice is Important?

We often think that justice has something to do with getting people in trouble. It has more to do with keeping the system focused on what is in the best interest of our nation and communities. We must be a learning and adjusting nation/governance that seeks the highest states of democracy and human capital development.

A problem sometimes arises when we get confused about what justice means. I'm sure there is a lot of different perspectives on this but it is about appropriate weight based on the crimes committed. Each case is due to its merits.

For example, a hungry man who steals an apple is not on the same level as someone who defrauds millions (Which we are seeing more often). Punishing one due to poverty more than one with fancy attorneys is not justice. Its just power and limited budgets!

The same can be said for hometown hate. Free pass for self-enriching coordinated hate behaviors of a 100+ people (Most of these people are good but caught into a distorted sports network with little conception of the rest of the global world. Think of how in anthropological research aboriginals that might be isolated in the middle of the forest have their own way of looking at the world and are tightly bound so as to not be able to see values and beliefs outside their cultural knowledge and limited experiences. This group sees themselves primarily through the same social network they grew up with. That carries both good and bad characteristics.) with the blind support of at least one department (A few officials within that department. Not to take away from the many good officers) and perhaps a local judge (Either based in being misinformed or misaligned in values.) is not acceptable. Its just power!

It isn't always about getting people in trouble but it is about correcting the intentional wrong. The system should adapt, change, improve performance, and more focused on American principles. Something many of our national leaders have become confused as to their roles and reasons for being in office. It has little do do with catchy slogans and jingles.

As a nation we are in a state of transition and I believe the next generation will force us in say less than 10 years to face our demons (Maybe not). The young are diverse, increasingly global, and simply don't have the patience to placate poor values for the sake of a single group, clan, racial, religious, or political affiliation.

Even when making adjustments and changes are in the best interest of everyone, can be helpful to those that started the problem and improve local opportunities it is often swept aside in self interest. Some are not interest in win-win but perhaps instead of pleasing their homogeneous social networks. 

Its an opportunity I think to improve the entire local judicial system they shouldn't let slip through their fingers. It would be irresponsible. 

As always I encourage wiser and brighter minds to continuously adjust the system so that it functions at the highest possible state of development. If we want to be global leaders we have to think on a global level and that includes universalizing our systems to the needs of our society. It moves beyond essential American values and into the very root of values through shared/symbolic understands of moral conscious. 

Each person should ask if they will cling to the past or embrace the future? To me if it makes sense to adjust and improve a system then one should make practical adjustments if it is in line with a more global, interconnected, world where racial and religious differences are unlikely to be that important to the next generation. 

I'm not sure I know what the right answer is but I do believe a free pass is highly unfair and not justified based on what I have seen. We can't be a society of anything goes as long as its against certain people. It just seems so defunct. I believe change is needed to ensure these things never happen again. 

The only power we have is to teach the next generation a higher set of values and the need to maintain loyalties to our essential American principles. Our democracy is important and basic civil respect and civil rights are what will help us get there. These people were all about tearing things down and building boundaries and boarders between people in a way that benefited them. Hate is so powerful it can default entire systems. Its a shame!

Friday, September 23, 2022

President Joe Biden speaks at the National Education Association

Biden provides speech at National Educational Association. The audio on this channel sort of stinks but I couldn't find a better one. I do agree with one thing, work provides a level of pride for people, and having jobs helps. There is also a internal conflict between MAGA and Old Guard Republicans. I think that is start to switch back to the central stance as legal issues ramp up. 

As with all speeches there are things I agree with and things I disagree with. Very wealthy people don't count their pay checks in the same way as poor people. So help on one level could be valid and beyond that we need to fix the system in general. That would include increased opportunity for people and ensure that health insurance functions well is another. 

The devil is always in the details and it if was easy to solve it would have been solved a long time ago. Market forces should determine the price of drugs but at the same time an argument can be made that the pharmaceutical industry has responsibility to society and the community. 

Money and profits go far but community and resources goes much further. Invest in the American people through reduced cost on important drugs. The question is do you reduce drugs through competition in an imperfect market or do you simply say the retail price for these drugs should be lowered outside of market forces? for yourself.

GOP Rolls Out Commitment to America: A Few Thoughts

There are some good ideas and comments in the GOP's Commitment to America. I have listened to President Biden's speech and have seen some of the recent changes in the GOP and let me say that they are more similar than both sides pretend to be (At least at their root.). At the end of the day they both want American to be strong and share some similarities in interest. I put my comments in in brackets below. Just in case you want to know I'm a light R and have no problem looking at things from different perspectives and angles. No one has to listen to me, or necessarily should, but certainly you should make up your own opinion regardless of what party you belong. Our nation is that important! I'm writing to understand myself. 

As an observation what I would say there isn't yet a lot of information in there so I would suspect its a developing agenda.

Taken GOP leaders roll out ‘Commitment to America 

-We will not allow it. The Commitment to America represents a new direction and better approach that will get our nation back on track. (New approaches are always welcome if they are thought out, supported, and have a high chance to succeed. Sometimes you just have to jump in both feet forward when there are lots of unknowns and no research to guide you. We are sort of half half with that now.)

-Because Americans are workers and builders, we commit to remove government-imposed obstacles to their success. Hardworking taxpayers should be valued, not punished. (In general, I agree that the more we remove road blocks, remove red tape to development, encourage investment and promote small business as an avenue of growth we are doing well. That being said there is room for some restrictions and rules when it comes to shared needs such as pollution and infrastructure.)

-Because no American should live in fear, we commit to reverse soft-on-crime policies that have caused violence in our communities. Public safety is a necessity, not a privilege. (People who commit serious crimes should be held to account. There are times where souls can be redeemed and we should always keep that in mind. Without an avenue of reform we don't really have a justice system or a reform system. We just have holding cells. It can be hard to find a balance. We should always seek to understand and use the right tools for people as individuals. Hard when hard is needed and soft when soft is wise. Its not always easy to judge a man's soul and we should always seek to enhance. Let us just make sure its fair and not giving some free passes and others not. Each on its own merit. It must be universalized.)

-Because Americans are learners and dreamers, we commit to advance excellence in education and respect for dedicated parents and teachers. Our future depends on it. (I agree. We need a robust education system all around. Without strong education and skilled trades we can't develop the human capital needed to truly build a modern innovative nation that others want to invest in. We need such skills to maintain growth and maintain strength.)

-And because Americans deserve fairness and real accountability, we commit to make Washington finally serve the needs of the people. We can no longer afford business as usual. We will work with anyone who shares these goals—as long as they put people before politics. (All of our politicians need to be more focused on the needs of the country versus themselves, their egos, their parties, and their pocketbooks. We need new blood so let us find the healthy balance between the stability of the "connected" and opening up the nation to the best and brightest. That allows for adaptability. Right now we have some stagnation in thought and ideas.).

(I struck through the part below because I like solutions more than rhetoric. I just sort of ignore these comments by both sides because they are not helpful. Extremism whether R or L is just destructive all the way around and creates group think)

But the extreme ideology of this Democrat majority blinds them to the challenges of everyday Americans. They are simply too partisan and out-of-touch to correct course now. So be it.