Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Following Two "Masters" Can be Dangerous for 2 Important Considerations: National Health and National Assets

Its an interesting state of affairs to watch the justice system at work. We have potential serious crimes that may have been committed, large groups of biased blind followers, potential large scale damage to the nation, and different laws for different people at play. We are struggling in this nation with some big issues as it relates to essential purpose. Presidents should be responsible for their behaviors in the same way as the little people are responsibility for their behaviors.

The problem is that it isn't the way it actually works. Know the right people means laws are applied differently. Be from the wrong background and the laws are sometimes applied differently and most people believe that such disparate decisions are a part of our local, state, and national lives. That was never the intent of the founding fathers who expressly warned against royalty and special rights. It is we who have sold out our principles through not doing the right things from the beginning and that has allowed our problems to compound and we watch them keep compounding. Let us just sort of wait and see how this all ferrets out.

Unprecedented "Special Master" Ruling

Now when unprecedented things happen one must sort of scratch their head for a minute and take it all in. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and everyone has the be assumed innocent until proven guilty. However, there are also lots of reasons bubbling up from all over the legal landscape of a trail of different wrongs occurring. That means that its is likely much more than an hunch by the DOJ and there are good reasons to be concerned that some orders may temporarily derail the process of discovery so that the the truth, whatever it lands, comes forth. I understand optics and they are important but delaying justice too long and/or making the process of discovery cumbersome or impossible moves beyond optics and hints toward possible political based obstruction. You may need to make your own decisions. Florida judge throws Trump, DOJ curveball with special master decision

Compromised Assets and Foreign Intelligence:

In 2021 there was rash of American spies being caught and killed. If so that has done irreparable harm to our nation and have risked not only our intelligence gathering abilities but also our national assets. If this is true and if it was intentional for personal gain that would create serious moral considerations for any further support from any arena of such behaviors (A huge political risk for those who support blindly, vocally, loudly and exclusively. Most of them will just scrub their sites and sing a different tune to create distance. Its a character and integrity issue of people we elect to lead us. Its not party specific at all. Its a need for opening the system to people from different background that might be more qualified.) If done by accident then that would be an issue of general incompetence and lack of respect for very important intelligence assets and the need for serious caution when handling such information. New protocols and rules need to be implemented so that everyone appreciates the sensitivity of such information. Of course it is all fabricated and a lie but that seems to be increasingly less likely as the cry wolf stories are catching up. Trump FBI raid could have ‘some connection’ to murdered CIA assets, MSNBC's Joy Reid speculates

Guilty or innocent makes no difference in this case even though that is what everyone is concerned with; I couldn't care less. What does make a difference is how we handle these situations and how some of us are given leeway that the rest of us will never have. The class and caste system is alive and well even though we started this nation to discard those old ways. Over the centuries these systems have crept back in and have become supported (I have seen people do bad things and walk). Some have more opportunities, some have more rights, and none of it has anything to do with the quality of the person or their character. Who you know might make all the difference in outcomes; let us wait and see if the system can allow the process of fair and impartial justice to occur (Makes no difference if you are Republican, Democrat, for or against Trump, an extremist far right, an extremist far left, etc... none of it makes any difference. Our nation and its principles should be bigger and better than it all if we hope to move forward into our next stage of development. All dissonance should result is us moving to the next level and not fall back to previous levels. These are things within the system and not above it; at least they should be.). 

I lean light R but I owe my values to a higher principle than simple destructive blind politics. Our nation cannot be torn apart simply because we want this or that side to win. We have greater responsibilities and in some cases you can see the intentionally sinking of the ship by some politicians and officials (Sort of against their oaths). I do believe the Constitution, those loyal to it, and the general will of the people to live peaceably together will win out. We need the best and brightest to rise so that we are not so easily skewed into following two "masters" at once. You might want to review a piece of historical literature that was once our guide. One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All. We sometimes forget that on a local and on a national level. Sometimes free passes cost us in the future.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Putting Minority Kids in Harms Way Through Coordinated Cleansing Behaviors: Suggestions to Fix

When a parent says lay off my kids because you are harming them and the perpetrators double back multiple times there should be checks and balances in place. The rights of parents should supersede the rights of aggressive groups. That is much more difficult if such behaviors are coordinated and appear to be part of a cleansing campaign of multiple officials, a group of 100+ supporters and a few law enforcement officers that don't want certain religions and races within their town. (Some may wonder why they are involved and I would retort I'm equally confused. You tell me! I guess it was the "cool" thing to do? 🤷) 

Our nation is better than that and if we allow such behaviors to continue forward without account we lost our capacity to guide other nations through moral forthrightness. Left to local choices we have the potential for much worse behaviors in the future. Ensuring that such behaviors are never repeated again is important for maintaining global leadership through informal influence and/or more formal influence such as the UN.

Most of these people are not evil but they are blind followers and that makes them dangerous under certain situations and circumstances (Some are very good people but they are caught in a network where they cannot truly be themselves or voice their opinion without risk of approval/disapproval. You can see that through the constant gossip, put downs and rumors that sort of plague their social connections.). There has become a long stemming acceptance of rude, caddy and aggressive behaviors against others outside of their social network. When there are a number of officials and officers involved in such behaviors that could create a serious break in our moral fabric and constitutional obligations. 

When parents say "no" to protect their children that is typically consider sacrosanct and yet they persisted beyond those red protective lines even after knowing those boundaries were established. Accountability for their behaviors is an absolute must when life has been devalued for personal gain. The law of protecting ones children should be higher than then any misapplication of law to support one's social group.

As an empathetic person that understands the deep dysfunction of hate and a keen systems perspective of corruption I encourage a number of things in the best interest of everyone involved. That includes taking the long route in trying to encourage those who caused the problem to make choices to help themselves before they harm themselves or others. My ignored and devalued outstretched hand of help were an attempt to encourage a level of grace that leads to greater awareness and personal management.

 I suggest we consider the following.....

1.) The perpetrators receive mandatory mental health evaluation and follow up so they may resolve their psychological issues and ensure they are no longer a threat to others within the community. 

2.) An audit and review of the financial incentives for adapting hate. I would also add a regular check up on the mental and physical health of an elder person where there were indications of intentional manipulation and misinformation for future financial gain (Just to be safe I think its a good idea and it is moral and ethical to help the elders of our society to ensure they are treated with inherent respect to make choices for themselves and not be manipulated for personal gain. That is even more important when there has been a prior history of calling police on people they are upset at and bragging about the money they have when setting someone up through false complaints. There is another person who they also called on in the recent past. They were not happy. Multiple witnesses.) Often coordinated hate comes with other benefits such as jobs, social praise, and financial gain. (Think back to the Tulsa Murders/Riots and how jealousy and greed led to mass murder of 100-300 minorities and sadly/embarrassingly not a single prosecution. Without more enlightened viewpoint of our Constitutional history we run the risk of repetition. Here or else ware.) 

3.) Reform of the local police department that was involved in the cleansing behaviors to ensure they are functioning well and fulfilling their societal expectations. Other departments corrected their behavior when they found out they were being mislead so they should have some leeway to adapt with discretion. While most of these officers are great people there were a misunderstanding of the function of law enforcement, distorted codes of silence, and poor internal controls. We can help those officers by giving them the tools they need to be resilient against internal, social, cultural pressure and report potentially illegal behaviors not only internally but also to state and federal stakeholders when necessary. (I encourage any officer in the "know" to report these behaviors before someone taps them on the shoulder.)

4.) The local college who engaged in coordinated hate be required to review their policies so they do not continue with discriminatory policies to ensure they are fulfilling the requirements of their accreditation and not misusing tax payer money for further discriminatory practices. Its not their place to base recruitment on intentionally bigoted rumors learned through their hate oriented social networks (I emailed the president of the university about potential ethical and federal violations but was ghosted. I would take that as an attempt to not deal with the issues when they are apparent and obvious. That was not the right approach and certainly not what we should be teaching students that legal games and ignoring serious issues.). 

5.) An investigation of other community complaints that appear to have been ignored, not follow up on, or reviewed appropriate in what appears to be an attempt to shield awareness of potential corruption. Departments have a responsibility to their whole community and not their specific social, racial, or religious groups. Some of the allegations are very serious and require an outside review to protect the public. I would also include mandatory reporting of any future potential hate crimes as there is likely low reporting levels (One must wonder how many other victims there are out there? Such behaviors appear to follow well worn paths.).

Now I understand that these are considered excessive by those who committed these acts and those who feel they should be immune/above from the law. I have obligations to protect my family and ensure that these acts never happen again at any point to me, my family, minorities/majorities, or any other person. They devalued people, children, and our national values. Duty to oneself and duty to one's nation is more than blindly following clanship and ethnic and religious bigotry (... that includes political leanings). 

I understand that what I say will not be popular with extremists and racists but there are higher moral principles at play. We will either step back or forward in our national development. These are real choices with real future outcomes. Contrary to popular opinion it isn't those who support hate that will get us to the next rung it is those who ensure these behaviors are not happening in other time, places, and communities within the nation. I will be polite and I will be supportive and open to community reconciliation but I will not be passive or sugar coat hate and its dangers. As a nation and a people we will have to decide if we are going to have a society where such behaviors are acceptable or we are going to build something where all of us can achieve. It is a fundamental question to the actual value of freedom and civil rights and our commitment to it on a national level.  

"The Bitch" as they call me or a Patriot who believes in our essential American values as codified in our Constitution and good moral judgment? You decide. 🧐🤮✌💨

Let us see which doors open and close......

Monday, September 5, 2022

The Dangers of Coordinate Hate and Default of Justice Through Ethnic-Social Allegance

When people do bad things like lie, coordinate hate, and encourage destructiveness and violence we should expect a level of justice. However, we are not in a perfect world and we find that there are all types of roadblocks to moving from distortion to truth. The truth that will help us improve and build a modern society is often swept aside for ethnic/racial clansmanship and social familiarity.

Hate is a powerful tool and when wielded by someone suffering from a mental health condition and an unquestioning group of hate supporters you run the risk of serious breaks in society. Breaks based on necessity because of serious moral failures that influence the effectiveness of local institutions. 

These breaks occur when the laws apply differently to different thereby violating state, federal and UN/international laws. When local hate groups pervert justice through their social connections we should be appalled. We should be even more concerned when there are not enough checks and balances to ensure such groups don't get free passes for these behaviors.

However, in the "real world" this is likely a common practice with little to no recourse for victims. In many ways third world loyalties pervert the entire local system creating long term existential risks for all those not in the in-group. The more people are tied to a false identity, the more they are willing to circumvent the good judgement of law. It is a tool for supporting one's "own kind".

Those long term risk to our peoples and the future of democracy is dangerous and short sighted. Each time an official supports hate over moral conscious we have taken a brick from our foundation. If you asked these social group members, officers and sometimes judges why they supported a certain group they may struggle to understand the bigger picture of why fair treatment is important.

This disparity in treatment is why people are upset and that is why there were and will be people on the streets encouraging the system to reform (This is not a police argument which I support 100% and have lots of great police friends. It is a civil rights and national development issue I support 110%. Justice must function as it is supposed to function. ). When perpetrators know they are going to get a free pass prior to coordinating aggression (based on the support of some local officials) these are signs of defaulted institutions.

In other words, some of these local institutions no longer function for the good of society but in interest of their particular social, racial, religious, clan or political group.  They make decisions based on social connections like we would seen in war torn third world nations. It is an indication that the Constitution as a social contract is secondary do the needs of those making the decisions and their group. 

I'm an advocate for peaceful pressure to encourage the dysfunction that exists among some within our institutions to be rooted out to create a stronger, more fair, and honest democracy. It is a necessity for our next level of national development.  That belief in the inherent value of all human life doesn't always make you friends. Many times it does the opposite. People rage against those who they see different and do so with the wink and nod of some local officials.

Intervention isn't only about protecting the inherent value and rights of all societal members, nor is it only about supporting democracy, it is also about helping the perpetrators. Those that attack others and use manipulative behaviors have issues that harm and hurt everyone around them. Sometimes they have trails of such destructive behaviors and yet because of loyalties no one is willing to step in to help them. Caring and enforcement can come hand in hand. Doing so requires a wiser sense of justice.

We are transitioning from an older system to a newer one but some leaders are clinging distortions of the past. Few can see those changes in real time and look upon "locals" as above the law (Local being defined not by genetic history in the area but simply by race, religion and social connection creating two different societies. One in which I am trying to fuse back together but that will difficult if local corruption is inherent.). Decision makers are often not educated or studied history, sociology, trends, civil rights, and other sciences to see things as they are occurring in real time. They are further blinded by self interest.

Enlightened views of the false narratives of racial and religious bias will overshadow the misapplications and misunderstandings of the past. Science and macro data will help shed light on the failures of some who are in positions they are not qualified and have not truly earned. The trail of choices will be more highlighted and will be easy to see and discover not only by scientists but also by law enforcement and the general system of justice. We can see this now when research supports the history of consistent poor and biased decision making by some officials (An advantage of he digital era. You can't just pretend it didn't happen. While some may still be able to mask some poor behaviors it is difficult to remove all evidence.).

When we bend to hate through social and psychological familiarity we create divides that are playing throughout our nation as we speak (Its an undercurrent ready to surface at a future time. We should be proactive with our problems.). There are looming problems we need to deal with and we can't simply "free pass" our way out of them. We can't simply say we like the perpetrators and they have more rights then the targets. Its called blaming the victim and a sign of inherent corruption.

People are concerned that we are not taking the development of national human capital seriously and that could impact our long term success as a nation and peoples. There are those who benefit from not seeing the bigger picture and advocate self interested policies. We need enlightened leaders and enlightened judges to push the system forward.

It is people like me that have hope and desire the best outcomes where truth, justice, wisdom, and moral conscious come together to create a great nation where all people can succeed on their merits. The anchors of hate should not push our heads under the water when we must compete on a global scale. Half cylinders don't win races and will likely be our undoing (We know the risks and yet we often persist in poor decision making. Our biggest risk is to ourselves and those who fail to fulfill their duties in a universal manner.)

Its a hard hard sell to some who have bought into hate narratives and have used their positions to double down on distorted logic and self benefit. They can twist any law to support their preferred group or clan. These are not people who should be in important positions and their leadership capacity downplayed. They are not qualified to be judges, officers, or in official leadership positions. We should be voting for and encouraging the right people with the right moral compass to come forward and take these central positions.

If you step back for a moment and take a birds eye view you will come to find the wisdom in my words. Peace, love, and fair treatment of people within a universal framework makes sense and creates win-win situations. It ties us all to the same positive outcome where everyone benefits the most. It is really the only ethical path forward for our nation and its current moral hurdle. There are many paths to improvement but they all start at the same trail head with the same understanding of goals.

The horizon is bright because the excuses are becoming defunct, obvious and overplayed.  I believe we will make it over our current national-local humps to build something the world has never seen in history. Local corruption will be rooted out and I now spend a great portion of my time ensuring other minorities are not targeted and perpetrators given free passes for what would normally be seen as horrendous behaviors that violate everything this country should stand for.  

 Let us ask our leaders if they are going to step back into the darkness or step forward into the light. Everything in this life is a choice; personal and collective. There are consequential outcomes built into choice. You may be shocked to find that not all are walking the talk and fail in the proof of pudding test. There is no place for hate in today's society no matter how many lies we tell ourselves or how many friends we give a free pass. Local systems must be in alignment with national values and not support their preferred ethnic, racial, religious and social groups.  

Let us see where the winds of justice will blow next. It is not up to me to say because its not my decision to make. However, I will push forward with helping encourage the best outcomes for our local population and nation as a whole. I will be polite, engaging, and accepting of those capable of changing their distorted views. What I wont do is sugar coat what happened because I owe it to my family, the community, the majority of youth not in the "right" group, our nation and those warriors/military/heroes who died for our rights. I will not be party to the perversion of justice or the derailment of our national prospects. Hopefully I can convince others to take their duties seriously as well. ❤❤

The Role of Duty and Ethics in Muting Toxic Personality in Business and Societies

Toxic personalities can do damage to business and societies if left unchecked and given a free hand to spread to other arenas. Businesses and societies often suffer when toxic personalities take leading roles within business and civic positions in a way that create legitimacy for illegitimate behaviors. Left unchecked and the costs to corporate growth and national development become apparent. 

In business and politics the ability to arrest the spread of toxic values and remove toxic influence to save an organization can also be dependent on the policies and objective enforcement of rules, policies and laws. The strength of an organization often being defined by the ability to correct paths when such personalities derail what is in everyone's best interest.

The code of ethics by which we all life doesn't function with such personalities as they often focus only on themselves and their sense of power over others. Things like lying, stealing, manipulating, targeting, embezzlement, taking advantage of customers and even violence are not internally controlled but externally controlled by organization/society. 

Such individuals don't stop because their brains tell them to stop but because there are consequences they don't like (arrest, replacement, lost investments, lost reputation, etc..). All to often, they stop only when the costs to their companies (i.e. Enron), cost to institutions (i.e. bankruptcy in Detroit), and the social costs (racially divided communities) becomes unbearable and people rally to protect a greater principle.

Strengthening our system means putting checks and balances in place that can limit the reach of a distorted personality (i.e. downing of local institutions based on embedded values of hate and entitlement). We have such checks and balances in our national system such as the executive, judicial and legislative branch. As long as they operate independently and with good moral judgment as supported by a code of ethics our problems will be resolved relatively quickly.

Companies can also create their own internal controls to help ensure that strong personalities don't overly influence and derail the wider needs of the organization and its corporate social responsibilities. Sometimes that comes through the HR department and sometimes that might require outside intervention and/or board of director action. 

Risks rise when the culture of an organization becomes increasingly toxic and people feel they must create cliques and loyalties in order to maintain their position. That typically occurs when higher developed people who have a sense of duty and follow a code of ethics are removed because they are not easily intimidated and don't allow for overreaching authority (This is why the best and brightest should take leading positions in any organization and not the most "connected".  It improves performance and keeps organizations focused on their goals versus being derailed by toxic personalities.)

For example the national institutions only become at risk when there are factors that can influence the decision making of institutions and in turn could derail them from their duties (i.e. hyper political parties, social groups, ethnic/religious clanship, nepotism, etc.). If the political environment becomes toxic we may find institutions defaulting based on these artificial divisions. 

A toxic personality profits from creating intentional divisions in order to protect themselves from account and maintain unfair advantages. Their vary goal is divide and conquer by triangulating people by stirring up controversies and loyalties in a way where people waste exorbitant amount of energy and talent on fictitious but often seemingly real issues (i.e. delusional sense of reality based on false social construction).

Thus, toxic personalities can damage and influence the weaker personalities around them and when they amass power they begin to bully others and across institutional lines in a way that creates real risks for businesses and society. For example, when people take on important roles within those institutions they have duties beyond their party politics (or other) and into the fulfillment of greater purposes within society but then begin to default based on conflictual lines. 

Think back to your own personal example or something you read in the news and ask yourself how might a wider adherence to fulfilling one's duties with honor and role of a code of ethics might have avoided much bigger problems? How might such individuals be written as heroes or fiends in Americas development based on more objective historical analysis?

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Different Laws for Different Races and Religions: The Need for Enlightened National Values

We as a nation to should strive for equality and fair treatment so as to maximize our most precious asset-the people. It is the only path by which we can tie a diverse country like ourselves to a central focus where coordinated effort leads to global influence. It takes a whole nation with all hands on deck to achieve the next stage of socio-economic platforms.

While it may seem like a hard sell to many within our country to encourage fair and equal treatment it is increasingly becoming an absolute necessity for global competitive ability through enhanced human capital development. 2 out of 4 cylinders is not a fast car.

Its not easy to convince people of the need to step outside their social networks to see the greater national benefit of developing broad based inclusive economies. Some view it as as win-lose while others view it as a win-win situation. It all depends on who they perceive is gaining and who is seen as loosing.

Much of that has to do with personality, social and personal perspectives. When we make decisions to give a free pass to hate it isn't because we made such decisions with moral conscious at the forefront of our thought. The confusion only comes into place when there is a pre-existing distortion of values that filter through our decision making.

It is because we see perpetrators as similar to ourselves and we sympathize with their desires to dominate other peoples. The laws should be universal by nature to ensure that certain clans, races, and religions are not treated special and given free pass to harm others. Each case is decided on its merit in way that is independent of such superficial perspectives.

To stand up to such hate is difficult if the local system has become accustomed to giving free passes to certain peoples based not on their behavior but on their social connections (The connections they bank on to give them a free pass and the connections that help them profit financially from their behaviors.). When institutions default (i.e. a local law enforcement department and community college) we know we have deeper problems at hand (It appears that the other departments understood the dishonest nature of the perpetrators. One department persisted based on their social closeness to the initiators.). 

Who is right?

Is it the good old boy networks that have become accustomed to getting their way through social bullying and pressure or is it the dirty dirty "Muslim" with his "nigga baby" kids (as they lovingly call my children) who must stand against a group of 100+ blind adherents?  (There has been some small indication that some of the members have begun to question the rumors of their leaders and have started to think for themselves. This is the breaking point that I have been looking for when logically the lies that their leadership spread is no longer seen as logical and for good moral reasons they begin to peel away through better judgement. That isn't going to be everyone but there will be a sense of doubt and hesitancy in coordinating aggression.)

Then I think back to the civil rights movement and how such values do not apply in every time or place. We are a little spotty about it at time. I think our country and its people are worth full civil rights and I believe that my kids should be able to walk in any place in any town in this country without being targets. In other words, it isn't up to racists and bigots to decide where they can go in the future.

We have had generations of people who have suffered/died for these rights and to have them swept away through these networks seems to be a serious violation of human rights and short sighted thinking. There is more to it then the egos of those who who wanted to profit off of distortions as our future is tied to fair treatment.

If we care about our country as many leaders claim they would start thinking about long term solutions on many different levels and put down the childish demonizations of everyone who may hold differences with themselves. While there may be a couple of paths to the same place it must all start on the same trailhead. 

Where we step now is somewhat dependent on those internal value systems and what we believe on a deeper level. A free pass for coordinated hate is not fair. What will become a weaker nation if a huge portion of society is locked out from equal and fair treatment (I think we now know there is a better path forward.). 

Personally, I believe as a nation we will come to accept the folly of distorted values and its influence in our institutions. We will stand for a greater purpose and cause that will lead a freer and more prosperous land where every child has to right to grow, develop, fail or succeed on their own capacities. We will come to see the need for universal justice based not only on necessity but also on wisdom.

 I can't justify in my head how to give a free pass to obvious dishonest and aggressive behavior simply because they have the right social connections or race or religious background to corrupt local institutions. I think I would feel pretty bad about myself If I felt some people are worth more than others based on my social networks or personal perspective of life. I would question my logic and find a better way.

Who says I'm right? The sad truth is not everyone things I am....perhaps not enough to tip the scales toward the light.

Friday, September 2, 2022

My Version of American Doesn't Include Hate But Has Lots of Opportunity

My version of America builds off the best of prior versions and includes a universalization of values that encourages active economic engagement across all societal demographics in a way that leads to more rapid innovation that helps push us to the center of economic and investment supply chains. It is a place that lives by its democratic principles of freedom and allows those who have the skills to move upwards in a platform of broad based capitalism.

In my version hate, racism, extremism is against the core value systems we hold and are not rewarded in our systems because our leaders know better. No more will be the days of encouraging poor values that exploit people for self gain. An enlightened society bent on being the best it can as an adaptive, thinking and moral entity that works toward a higher purpose. 

(Yes, I know my version is at the moment a fantasy but it doesn't have to be.)

Each person born in this country has inherent value and as such is born into a society of freedom where their success and failure is dependent on their inherant skill and abilities. It should not be dependent on their wealth, race, religion, political party or social connections. Thus each child can reach for the stars and whether or not they make it depend for the large part on them and not extraneous factors.

(The utopianism of it all to have a society working on truth, logic, science and advancement. A place where all ships point once they have the capacity to do so.)

Having a society that is fair creates greater motivation that leads to higher performance. When mixed with the right economic policies and legal protections (business and civil) it can provide conduits for such behaviors to move forward through natural self interest and ability. 

Our nation can only succeed if it becomes a trusted place for international investors and a place where people know they are given a free hand to succeed. When and if problems occur the legal system will look at what is fair and just and not make decisions based on erroneous factors that are not tied to the actual value of human life. Criminals get held to account and good people go free. 

We want young people from across the globe to look positively on the U.S. and say "That is where I can succeed and that is where they treat people like me fairly."  Whether or not they make it to our shores is one thing but our ability to connect through the American brand to create new opportunities at home and globally is important. 

In my ideal America we have a sense of community and party politics are focused more on solving problems then creating them. Prince and pauper are held to account for their poor behaviors and those with good values are praised to help teach others how to behave. 

We are a nation where people know they can invest in our economy and in our values so they may earn some of the best returns they can on the global market . 

My America is a growing nation, solves problems, believes in freedom, attracts investment, and produces some of the best products/services on the globe. It is a nation that works well with other nations and can create civil, economic, and military treaties because people trust us and what we believe in. It is a nation where common sense and good judgment lead to global influence and positive outcomes.

 For the moment it may seem like a fantasy land but from time to time blinks across our periscope for just a second to let us know it is out there somewhere. Maybe just over the horizon. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

President Biden Discusses Soul of a Nation

 We are at a crossroads in this country and R and D have become increasingly divided on some issues and it is difficult for people to work across the isle. I'm a centralist supporter and while I lean light R I must say that our future is in our ability to draw both sides back to a rational center to solve problems (Oh! and do it over and over.)

 There is no place for political violence in our society and as soon as it is used as a tool it begins to break down the fundamental assumptions by which we all live. 

I have never seen a problem that is impossible to find a middle ground and think rationally about positive outcomes to make lemonade out of lemons. Everyone should be working toward problem solving and focusing on practical solutions that benefit the most people.

 R and D borrowing from each other to create these solutions is important and helpful. When good ideas come up they should be discussed with good faith efforts by both parties. What seems to be a plausible solution can be placed in the potentials categories for further mental consumption.

We are struggling in this generation and in many ways we should encourage people to discuss our looming issues and find lasting resolutions. Those who are not able to work within the system and use evidence to make decisions are not particularly qualified to lead the rest of us. 

Our nation's future is too important to waste it on ideologies that are likely to reduce our overall competitiveness. The same can be said for R and for L extreme political perspectives that try and define their solutions by being a polar opposite (I have seen some elements oppositional toxicity on both sides.).

 If solutions are not practical and well thought out then there are likely going to be difficulties with seeing options, discussing issues, settling on solutions, and implementation of good ideas. We are a large nation and it takes a lot of thinking to focus on pulling the various resources needed to adapt to challenges. That won't come from violence or chronic arguing.