Saturday, September 3, 2022

Different Laws for Different Races and Religions: The Need for Enlightened National Values

We as a nation to should strive for equality and fair treatment so as to maximize our most precious asset-the people. It is the only path by which we can tie a diverse country like ourselves to a central focus where coordinated effort leads to global influence. It takes a whole nation with all hands on deck to achieve the next stage of socio-economic platforms.

While it may seem like a hard sell to many within our country to encourage fair and equal treatment it is increasingly becoming an absolute necessity for global competitive ability through enhanced human capital development. 2 out of 4 cylinders is not a fast car.

Its not easy to convince people of the need to step outside their social networks to see the greater national benefit of developing broad based inclusive economies. Some view it as as win-lose while others view it as a win-win situation. It all depends on who they perceive is gaining and who is seen as loosing.

Much of that has to do with personality, social and personal perspectives. When we make decisions to give a free pass to hate it isn't because we made such decisions with moral conscious at the forefront of our thought. The confusion only comes into place when there is a pre-existing distortion of values that filter through our decision making.

It is because we see perpetrators as similar to ourselves and we sympathize with their desires to dominate other peoples. The laws should be universal by nature to ensure that certain clans, races, and religions are not treated special and given free pass to harm others. Each case is decided on its merit in way that is independent of such superficial perspectives.

To stand up to such hate is difficult if the local system has become accustomed to giving free passes to certain peoples based not on their behavior but on their social connections (The connections they bank on to give them a free pass and the connections that help them profit financially from their behaviors.). When institutions default (i.e. a local law enforcement department and community college) we know we have deeper problems at hand (It appears that the other departments understood the dishonest nature of the perpetrators. One department persisted based on their social closeness to the initiators.). 

Who is right?

Is it the good old boy networks that have become accustomed to getting their way through social bullying and pressure or is it the dirty dirty "Muslim" with his "nigga baby" kids (as they lovingly call my children) who must stand against a group of 100+ blind adherents?  (There has been some small indication that some of the members have begun to question the rumors of their leaders and have started to think for themselves. This is the breaking point that I have been looking for when logically the lies that their leadership spread is no longer seen as logical and for good moral reasons they begin to peel away through better judgement. That isn't going to be everyone but there will be a sense of doubt and hesitancy in coordinating aggression.)

Then I think back to the civil rights movement and how such values do not apply in every time or place. We are a little spotty about it at time. I think our country and its people are worth full civil rights and I believe that my kids should be able to walk in any place in any town in this country without being targets. In other words, it isn't up to racists and bigots to decide where they can go in the future.

We have had generations of people who have suffered/died for these rights and to have them swept away through these networks seems to be a serious violation of human rights and short sighted thinking. There is more to it then the egos of those who who wanted to profit off of distortions as our future is tied to fair treatment.

If we care about our country as many leaders claim they would start thinking about long term solutions on many different levels and put down the childish demonizations of everyone who may hold differences with themselves. While there may be a couple of paths to the same place it must all start on the same trailhead. 

Where we step now is somewhat dependent on those internal value systems and what we believe on a deeper level. A free pass for coordinated hate is not fair. What will become a weaker nation if a huge portion of society is locked out from equal and fair treatment (I think we now know there is a better path forward.). 

Personally, I believe as a nation we will come to accept the folly of distorted values and its influence in our institutions. We will stand for a greater purpose and cause that will lead a freer and more prosperous land where every child has to right to grow, develop, fail or succeed on their own capacities. We will come to see the need for universal justice based not only on necessity but also on wisdom.

 I can't justify in my head how to give a free pass to obvious dishonest and aggressive behavior simply because they have the right social connections or race or religious background to corrupt local institutions. I think I would feel pretty bad about myself If I felt some people are worth more than others based on my social networks or personal perspective of life. I would question my logic and find a better way.

Who says I'm right? The sad truth is not everyone things I am....perhaps not enough to tip the scales toward the light.

Friday, September 2, 2022

My Version of American Doesn't Include Hate But Has Lots of Opportunity

My version of America builds off the best of prior versions and includes a universalization of values that encourages active economic engagement across all societal demographics in a way that leads to more rapid innovation that helps push us to the center of economic and investment supply chains. It is a place that lives by its democratic principles of freedom and allows those who have the skills to move upwards in a platform of broad based capitalism.

In my version hate, racism, extremism is against the core value systems we hold and are not rewarded in our systems because our leaders know better. No more will be the days of encouraging poor values that exploit people for self gain. An enlightened society bent on being the best it can as an adaptive, thinking and moral entity that works toward a higher purpose. 

(Yes, I know my version is at the moment a fantasy but it doesn't have to be.)

Each person born in this country has inherent value and as such is born into a society of freedom where their success and failure is dependent on their inherant skill and abilities. It should not be dependent on their wealth, race, religion, political party or social connections. Thus each child can reach for the stars and whether or not they make it depend for the large part on them and not extraneous factors.

(The utopianism of it all to have a society working on truth, logic, science and advancement. A place where all ships point once they have the capacity to do so.)

Having a society that is fair creates greater motivation that leads to higher performance. When mixed with the right economic policies and legal protections (business and civil) it can provide conduits for such behaviors to move forward through natural self interest and ability. 

Our nation can only succeed if it becomes a trusted place for international investors and a place where people know they are given a free hand to succeed. When and if problems occur the legal system will look at what is fair and just and not make decisions based on erroneous factors that are not tied to the actual value of human life. Criminals get held to account and good people go free. 

We want young people from across the globe to look positively on the U.S. and say "That is where I can succeed and that is where they treat people like me fairly."  Whether or not they make it to our shores is one thing but our ability to connect through the American brand to create new opportunities at home and globally is important. 

In my ideal America we have a sense of community and party politics are focused more on solving problems then creating them. Prince and pauper are held to account for their poor behaviors and those with good values are praised to help teach others how to behave. 

We are a nation where people know they can invest in our economy and in our values so they may earn some of the best returns they can on the global market . 

My America is a growing nation, solves problems, believes in freedom, attracts investment, and produces some of the best products/services on the globe. It is a nation that works well with other nations and can create civil, economic, and military treaties because people trust us and what we believe in. It is a nation where common sense and good judgment lead to global influence and positive outcomes.

 For the moment it may seem like a fantasy land but from time to time blinks across our periscope for just a second to let us know it is out there somewhere. Maybe just over the horizon. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

President Biden Discusses Soul of a Nation

 We are at a crossroads in this country and R and D have become increasingly divided on some issues and it is difficult for people to work across the isle. I'm a centralist supporter and while I lean light R I must say that our future is in our ability to draw both sides back to a rational center to solve problems (Oh! and do it over and over.)

 There is no place for political violence in our society and as soon as it is used as a tool it begins to break down the fundamental assumptions by which we all live. 

I have never seen a problem that is impossible to find a middle ground and think rationally about positive outcomes to make lemonade out of lemons. Everyone should be working toward problem solving and focusing on practical solutions that benefit the most people.

 R and D borrowing from each other to create these solutions is important and helpful. When good ideas come up they should be discussed with good faith efforts by both parties. What seems to be a plausible solution can be placed in the potentials categories for further mental consumption.

We are struggling in this generation and in many ways we should encourage people to discuss our looming issues and find lasting resolutions. Those who are not able to work within the system and use evidence to make decisions are not particularly qualified to lead the rest of us. 

Our nation's future is too important to waste it on ideologies that are likely to reduce our overall competitiveness. The same can be said for R and for L extreme political perspectives that try and define their solutions by being a polar opposite (I have seen some elements oppositional toxicity on both sides.).

 If solutions are not practical and well thought out then there are likely going to be difficulties with seeing options, discussing issues, settling on solutions, and implementation of good ideas. We are a large nation and it takes a lot of thinking to focus on pulling the various resources needed to adapt to challenges. That won't come from violence or chronic arguing.

The Underpinnings of Expectations in National Human Capital Development

Much of our lives we live based on the impressions our social world gives us and in turn we embed those concepts to determine the way we should act and how we should navigate our world. When we are treated with respect, fairness, as valuable, prompted to be special, and treated with justice we will become more than what people would expect and when we are treated with disrespect, less valuable, prompted as low value, and treated with injustice we will internalize those values and act as expected in society.

In other words, sectors of society may underperform because our environment prompts them as to their perceived inherent societal value. That spells significant lost human capital for our nation at a time when we need it most. It is also why free pass for hate crimes and behaviors are not really free as they are added to a collective understanding that leads to national success or failure. Justice helps create a level field where all Americans can advance (i.e. holding to account intentionally destructive and bigoted behaviors is necessary for long term performance and providing the right prompts of value.).

These two studies help highlight why we are loosing some of that capital......

Blue Eyed Study: Treating other races and people as less than because of superficial external differences emboldens some to take aggressive position over others (Its not specific to any race or religion.). That becomes even more likely when there is no accountability or if our institutions default to enforce these erroneous beliefs (i.e. free pass for the "sports players" who turned themselves into a pseudo hate group. I tried to help them but they have devalued the targets to a point they were not willing to take good advice. ). If we treat each person as special we will find people performance better throughout different sectors of society.

Looking Glass Self: Discrimination and racism prompt people as to their value and they internalize those distorted reflections form society. Very few people within the "wrong" races or religions can step outside the embedded perception of a lifetime of poor treatment. We can make great headway within a lifetime but we can't undo the pain and poor social programming from prior distortions. However, adjustments today are quickly exponential as people become more engaged in societal development as they see the inherent value for themselves, community and offspring (In other words, people can forgive but only when adjustments are made and they are heartfelt. i.e. my call for positive training and adjustments for any enforcement agency that didn't think before acting. It looks like at this moment one but the others could certainly learn from the default.).

At this moment in history many of our leaders are confused as to what it takes to develop a strong unified democracy that can compete on a global scale. They are often still fighting, arguing about, and promoting people who are underqualified because they are using the wrong selection criteria (i.e. the local college who hires off of race, religion and good old boy networks.).  The selection criteria beyond race, religion and blind party affiliation is necessary for putting the right people in the right places.

As a light right Republican I actually don't care what religion or race you are as long as you are a good person and capable of fulfilling your duties to the highest standards (The same can be said for party affiliations as long as they dont bend into political fanaticism where reasonable and rational thought is squeezed out.). As we develop into the next level of advanced democracy we will need to move beyond superficial perspectives and into something more capable of encouraging higher functioning across our populace. Its a different management style based on ability and not nepotism.

For example, people often ask questions such as "Are you a good xxxxx?" (Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc...) None of that makes a difference to me. That would not be my concern in running a modern nation. Ethics and values as drawn from religion is important but the specific religion is not important. I would want people with values and that can come from multiple sources.

 Religion should be a positive and encouraging influence. Ethical frame works and genuine religious practice can be positive but judgmental exclusionary values are not based in the teachings of religion but the needs of man. Religions are expected to be prosocial and helpful aspects of society that encourages us to be better, more forgiving, and more insightful. They are about insight and growth (i.e. wait to understand before you throw a stone kind of concept. Forgive versus retaliate, find solutions versus create problems, be kind to your neighbors, don't steel/embezzle/waste taxpayer money, etc....)

Likewise, the knowledge one gains from living within a certain racial perspective is important but the specific race is not important to me. Sharing, understanding, and integrating that perspective into our collective knowledge banks provides another diverse vantage point to master national challenges. When used well diversity can help us see problems in perspectives that other less diverse nations cannot.

In other words, we are taking what we saw as a point of contention in society and turning it into an important human capital advantage our adversaries cannot claim to have. We are thus hedging our uniqueness as a diverse American society to enhance our capacities. That can only come through treating our fellow Americans fairly and equal (i.e. justice).

A couple of important questions that utilize similar expectations of values and capacity but don't make one falsely contingent on another.

1.) What I want to ask our leaders is "Do you respect the different races and religions in our society as valuable?" (I would look for people who have a more universal expectation of ethics and respect for what religion does for people.)

2.) The second question I would like to ask, "What makes you qualified to do this important role in our society?" ( I would look for people with specific skills, abilities, and traits as they relate to these important roles. Checking blind boxes at the polls and pointing fingers at the other side really isn't a qualification for much but blind followership and toxicity.)

Now if they respond that they only respect their religion as valid or that they are qualified because they voted specifically party line then I would have concerns over their capacities.  Their race and religion doesn't make them better than another and blind party affiliation makes them more a liability in a complex world where sophisticated decisions must be made. 

A universal society will be based on the skills and merits of the person without regard to their religion, their race, or blind political affiliations. Our society needs the most qualified to take leadership roles and that includes promoting the best and brightest to grow and take their rightful places. We allow people to develop as they naturally should and move them up the responsibility ranks when they are ready.

We need to compete as a nation and that comes from enlightened views, democratic rule, and fair capitalism where people can rise based on their merit.  We can't afford free passes for bad behaviors and we can't afford blind political adherence. We will overcome our challenges because all the other paths will lead to lots of pain and poor outcomes (Try convincing some of our leaders this and you will see confusion in their eyes.). While I'm disappointed in some of our decisions at various times and places in the past I have confidence they lead us to this point in history where we have an opportunity to learn from and master our current challenges. Modern nations need modern universal thinking. As an American/"American" I will continue to fulfill my oaths the best I can....even when others dont understand or find such values unfashionable. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Financial and National Value of Classified Documents

Information is worth money and information will buy you global friends. That is even more true when those friends are not best buddies with the U.S. and/or ideologically opposed to democracy and what we deem the free world. Politics as usual stops at the door where national security and interests are harmed. I mean, at least it should. 🤷

(As a side note. I have been kind of grossed out lately by politics. ) 

Whether you vote for your conscious, actually represent the needs of people in your districts, or just plain want to look awesome having your name associated with "big players" and/or government positions (Which actually have duties associated with them. I know I know few expected elected officials to actually do their duties. Not to mention the qualifications issue as we don't think much about when we vote.) I think there should be some limits. 

If classified documents were sold, moved like chess pieces, or transferred intentionally (or through willful incompetence) in a way where one would have known they were damaging their own country that would be beyond the grossest of all Benedict Arnolds behaviors in history. 

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. What I can say is that lots of smoke from all over the place. So most likely lots more to the story. Let use see what happens next. 

P.S. this is another good reason why we need to elect the best and brightest regardless of their race or religion (Something we are still struggling with but don't have to if we universalize our system for the digital era.). We could be the full and high performing democracy we were destined to be.

Moved and Hidden Classified Documents

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ukraine Fights Back: Russia on Run?

It appears the Ukrainian troops are pushing to retake land. New equipment, new support, new strategies, and an initiative. The key was that they allowed Russia to expend significant resources trying to take protected ground with ROC techniques and once they have stretched out their supply lines striking back at just the moment the troops would have consolidated their ground (their weakest point.)   Can Ukraine win war

Russia is not done and the counter initiative will take time. The Ukrainians will need to put in place some defense lines that will slow down a return push by Russians. This is where kill zones during a mad frenzy of reckless Russian effort might be helpful. Set them up in advance, move back a little over these lines and let the Russians walk right into them and then push them back out with chopped up numbers. 

Push forward, receive tough resistance, set up kill zones, back up over these lines, let the Russian advance into the kill zones, and then push them back out when they are weaker, broken up and demoralized. I haven't seen that in the history books in exactly that way but it would make sense in quick paced battlefields where log jams need to be broken.

I suspect that would occur if Russian resistance gets to high in response to Ukrainian push ....where the Russians don't have defensive positions to fall back on and must move forward of have a full retreat. 

When Free Passes for Coordinated Hate Should be Criminal

In this country we have a problem. We have allowed those who commit crimes against others a free pass and there is no justification for it. While we may make up 100s of distorted reasons why we have done so it comes down to a fundamental issue; institutional acceptance of bigotry and hate (Of course there is always the possibility they were not given a free pass but what I have seen it looks like those who have harmed me and my family where given wink and nods for their behaviors.). 

If so, that means Americans of the "wrong type" are targets in other places and the courts struggle with understanding our civil rights and standing up for them. That creates a long term existential risk to half the population and to the nation as a whole (Actually the whole nation as different groups can pick and choose the rights ands wrongs of justice). Its not the place I remember as a kid and its not the America I read about in our history books. 

I'm not going into the many reasons why a free pass for targeting parents and kids is immoral. I'm also not going into the political and legal games people play across our nation. I'm going to say we should know the difference between right and wrong. If we don't, we need new leadership across our institutions and country to protect the "undesirable" half of society; depending on which group you belong.

I have no fear anymore challenging the acceptance of criminal and coordinated hate by some members of society just because they were socialized to accept that hate and knew prior to beginning they were "immune" for such behaviors (That is what happens when you can coordinate with corruption and the system breaks down.).  So much I'm posting my address for any hate group that feels they want a "clean" society. 

5233 18.9 lane Gladstone, MI. 49837. (I would give you my number but I really don't want to deal with the annoying hate calls that most other people who disagree with something have had to deal with.)

It is my protest against the acceptance and lack of accountability for hate groups and the supporting connected few officers that put us in harms way. We should be better than this. I will not call 911. I'm sure they would do their duty but you can't take back what happened without a correction to ensure it doesn't happen again.

 (Mostly good officers and I applaud their work but I have seen what I have seen by a small minority of "connected" officers to that group and what appears to be a lack of local courts ability to stand up for the Constitution. I have asked only that 1.) the initial people who launched their hate network to have a mental health check and follow up to ensure they are no longer a risk; 2.) A review of the financial audit of incentives; 3.) a review/investigation of community complaints and 4.) adjustments in policy to ensure there are checks and balances in place. Not a single person needs to go to jail unless more is discovered then what I'm aware of. These are reasonable duties of our court system if it is focused on truth, justice, and moral values.)

Why? Because sometimes our courts fumble with fair and equal treatment in our society and in the modern century its no longer acceptable (Its a sign of decay of democracy). We have far right extremists gaining power, and we have politicians unable to stand by their American values, and we have people tired of free passes. We went through an era of massive protests that are likely to come back and really give us a bit if we don't start doing the right thing (I have always encouraged these groups to peacefully get their point across and work within the system. Likewise, I tell them they are wrong when they are wrong or too quick to judge. I don't see that changing.). There are no/few protections for the wrong type of Americas and there seems no desire to have values or codes when it comes to them.

Let me add an easy justification. I'm a light right Republican but believe Trump lost the election and whether or not he knows it many of my fellow Republicans are aware that such widespread fraud is implausible, the transference of classified document to foreign groups is a possibility (As an unsubstantiated theory but could be "willful" negligence. I felt that way about 2 hours after the riots started when I first thought it was a constructed coup and people were running wan ton through offices. See Capital Upload and Classified), and that half of Republicans (About 1/3 able to stand for democracy and truth and about 1/3rd shuddering in fear of standing up for their nation and 1/3 of the vocal ones bullying the others and the rest of the nation.) have long given up their ability to decide things independently for themselves (I guess that is the same for Democrats for their specific issues.)

If we were going to do the right thing we would have already done it. It's simple. All life has value regardless of how we apply the law or misuse the law to support our social networks. My plan was always to be polite but not passive. We owe it to our futures, and our kids futures to build a better America. Assuming there is a future for people like me I will be polite and engaging but I will not support "normalization" of hate nor the legal acceptance of damaging the "wrong" types in our society. There are no words that can describe the growing social and legal acceptance of violence and hate.

As a single parent I'm drawing the line that even protecting your kids from harm by telling aggressive community members "no" is too much for the system to handle and justification for all ill becomes "normalized". I have supported that system in many ways (...and at this moment supporting that system to learn and develop.. Telling our short sighted judges and leaders there is more to this country then its skin color or political bent.) and have helped officers and people throughout my life (I'm not a perfect person but I'm a pretty good person and deemed by much of society as having less worth or value. That Muslim sounding name many in our country bonkers. Something I went out to test 20+ years ago for my dissertation and only recently have received a more definitive answer. Its still a mixed bag with more loyal and wise Americans getting it while some rage unrepentantly. I teetered for a long time seeing both good and bad. It was always just a little too close for comfort but didn't know what to do with it. Maybe this is the path forward now.)  

That is my fear, that we have normalized these behaviors and there is almost no one to stand up to do the right thing (Could be a sign that there are just too many justifications for the wrong things.). What kind of American/"American" would I be if I willingly accept demise of the one thing that made our country great. Making American Great is about ensuring the Constitution (and the actual application of that Constitution) maintains its value and that maximizing our most precious resource as national human capital can flourish (not just our politicians, specific races/religions, the wealthy or "connected" groups.).

Let's see what direction our institutions turn, toward the Torch of Enlightenment or the darkness of social sanctioned cleansing and felonious hate. There is more to our oaths and responsibilities than making perpetrators feel good about their behaviors. Freedom should not be a dirty word even though some of our leaders made it unfashionable. There will be people like me who say no matter the consequences our country and what it stands for must always align over the horizon to the highest possible standards. We have responsibilities to ourselves, to society, to democracy, and to the world. A free pass is derelict in those responsibilities and smacks in the face of all those souls who died protecting our rights that SHOULD define our country (That includes my grandfather and great grandfathers despite my Muslim sounding name. While some may not agree based on their own bias I'm doing the American thing and what many of our leaders are afraid to do....stand for something more than themselves.)