Sunday, August 14, 2022

Governor Hogan Discusses the Political Environment (i.e. Classified Documents) and His Thoughts the State of Affairs

 I like what Governor Hogan is saying in terms of sort of looking at these things and waiting to fully understand them before jumping to conclusions. While allegedly keeping classified documents, and in turn the raid to recover them, is highly unprecedented we can't say at this point it is unnecessary/necessary. That will be dependent on what transpires in terms of evidence/justification (I believe they likely have solid justification as one would know the action will go under a magnifying glass.). No one should be above the law and sometimes it may be necessary to act for the greater good of society (Why we have bodies of legislators vote on laws as a social group. Keep the concept of individual within the collective in mind as important for a later discussion. i.e. I, Me, We.). 

What I found interesting is Governor Hogan is talking about an increase in independent voters. I think its possible that such a middle group will grow. Whether or not they form into their own party down the road remains to be seen. It might just be history in the making. For example, if people form a political identity and gain sponsors as a rationalist/centralist group that would change things. 

Such a party might be focused on using logic and science to make decisions as it would become increasingly possible to gain supporters through good ideas brought forward and vetted to solve societal problems (i.e. party choices being based on evidence based decision making and the likelihood of potential outcomes that put the U.S. in the best competitive position while still understanding the quality of life needs of the populace.)

(BTW I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but just taking note of the possibility if a trend forms)

Back to the video.....

We should also say that certain rhetoric is dangerous on both sides. Some Democrats put forward the idea of Defund Police and now some Republicans are saying Defund the FBI. It seems to not be well thought out strategy yet and designed more for emotional reaction. Without a concrete plan on how someone would foster stability in society and enforce its laws (i.e. collective will) it falls into the category of emotional rhetoric/manipulation. Asking for change (i.e. holding bad apples accountable, increased insulation from political pressure and more truth, wisdom, and moral conscious in decision making.) is helpful as a normal system improvement. (I don't see a need to scrap the current system and replace it with a high risk of chaos. i.e. the lack of Law and Order).

Discussing issues, changing things if you don't like, transparency, etc. are all acceptable because they work within our system (i.e. Systems Thinking). However, calling for violence is and of itself a sign of increased potential future violence by a small but influential group spawning from our highly politicized society. There is much in the words people use and the intentionality of conversation than one might initial think (Listen closely to the deeper meaning of language. ).

Me....I'm a light right Republican and hope very much that we reduce the rhetoric and draw people back to a shared vision of our country. That will require our leadership to really think about their choices, words, and voting. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rising Distrust of Other Party: Do We Need More Centralists/Rationalists?

 If you have been watching politics for a while you will start to realize that we have two highly opposed sides within the system. There are seen as two opposed ways/habit/logic of thinking. Some of the hyper politics seems to be fostered by those members of either party that have something to gain through the conflict (They are actually similar but you can't see that on the surface. There is a blended path I think. ). The very nature of politics i.e. Will to Power as coined by Friedrich Nietzsche, often entails some level of conflict but it doesn't have to be destructive and could very much be constructive (There are other avenues for our leaders to find power. I would think of problem solving as a useful political tool.) 

Most of the problems could be resolved with the right leadership, party members, and stakeholder sitting in the same room and having a heartfelt conversation about the direction of country. Throw radicals in a functioning group and your going to mess it all up because they have difficulty compromising (..and in turn not really part of politics as an art of negotiation and influence. See Harvard Toxic Study. They rely on power over versus power with dynamics and in turn team spirit dives down. According to that study the bottom line is impacted by toxic behaviors. I would suspect the same mechanics are on the national level as it is on the business level. Thus, finding solutions through bi-partisanship and/or a new party that can sway outcomes is part of national development. See Greatest Threats )

While I'm a light right Republican, I have no problem working with people from any background I can't as of yet see myself as running for an office. I may never, but I want to understand the landscape and be an influencer for divergent thinking (Conflict Modeling). Its way way too brutal out there for an average guy. (Think about of the biggest ways to win primaries is to bash others but often the substance on how problems are going to be solved are short. We can't expect our leaders to know everything but we can expect them to make a rational argument because it impacts all of us.)

I want to watch Michigan politics to see if the centralist voter made up of independents, centralists and rationalists that don't adhere to parties strictly has grown. If that amebic group gets bigger we may find they have additional strengths to sway elections and voting. A shrinking central group may indicate increased polarization while an increase in centrality could indicate less polarization (I haven't really thought through it all but seems in the ball park. Social Capital Theory).

Now, there also seems to be within this report increased frustration with both parties and a desire to potentially break the two party system and add another party. Democracy can handle that as long as everyone works within the system (There are some who may not be working toward the same positive outcomes.). I would agree that politics (often made up the same actors and contributors) has veered a little off course and purpose (Why the best and brightest and not necessarily the most "connected" are needed in government and politics. Think about it....I believe you will agree the best and most capable people should be taking the important jobs that we rely on.). 

What would that Centralist/Rationalist party look like? I don't know....but I suspect them less reliant on emotions and more on science, debate, practical solutions, a certain objective chain of logic, etc... That would be something more akin to the somewhat objective personality that we expect CEOs to have when making decisions over diverse international companies. 

Thus, a centralist/rationalist type party would likely have business support because they may be better at balancing arguments to find the best solutions for everyone (Americans/"Americans" were/are seen as practical in nature.) I suspect there will be more pressure to find long lasting solutions to dangerously childish behaviors. That probably would require Republicans and Democrats to work toward larger national goals and diminish the power and influence of more extreme members of their parties (Cognitive Team Building). 

Let us wait and see what happens. Go ahead and read the study.... 

As Partisan Hostility Grows, Signs of Frustration With the Two-Party System

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Albuquerque Muslim Killings: Likely Not Hate Crime but Possible Mental Health and Violence

Interesting turn of events in the case of The Albuquerque killing of 4 Muslim. At the current time it does not appear the killings were hate related but stemming from other events (Still undefined). We never really know something until there is an investigation and we understand events from a more hindsight and factual basis. That is why it is often best before making definitive conclusions and statements (Possibilities and probabilities are more accurate.)

Apparently, there were three other prior domestic violence charges brought against the alleged perpetrator and subsequently dismissed. Likewise, some movement of rifles and weaponry (Was this related to easy access? We probably have people who study these issues.). No indication yet of mental health issues (Looking at each case leads to greater understanding of why and how certain behaviors unfold. I have seen the destructiveness of hate sparked by mental health. We need better systems of managing it and holding to account poor behavior in an empathetic way.)

It will be interesting to find out if there was a specific issues that caused the dispute. We may also want to understand if there was prior violence overseas (Historical perspective). In other words, a full understanding of the history of such individual could tell us about how we vet and manage such issues in the future.

There is a point to be made here. Assumptions are hard to make in many cases. One could easily jump to conclusions, and I do this sometimes as well, but should always be open to the possibility of alternative explanations. Having an open mind and willing to accept facts, and their strength, as they come is important for better decision making. 

In this case, targeting 4 Muslim men was all over the news. It is still a factual statement, however it may not be a hate crime or indicative of what actually happened (It happens. Its part of journalism to explain and we often explain concepts based on limited information.). Before we can solve our problems we must see things for what they are and that means being open to objective facts. The more detail we have, the more we can define the issue.

Let us see what the case brings....

Suspect in the killings of Muslim men in Albuquerque makes his first court appearance

You may want to look at a study on community based violence. While the study doesn't specifically state this and focuses on kids within communities there is a sense of community inclusion and exclusion factors (Another argument for universalization of values and institutions so that major sectors of society are tied to a shared perspective). Studying these factors helps us to think about how individuals and groups are formed and why they select their target(s). That also leads to the creation of better detection methods that in turn helps families targeted by hate and rage. 

Community Violence in Context: Risk and Resilience in Children and Families

(Before you get all excited I and write about those things in our society that are of a major concern. You will find posts on science, economy, politics, and extremism which are all national development issues. I am trying to understand and I think along that process it could be helpful to others. Perhaps someday we may get lucky and find a solution or two. I know In know!!! I do have a Muslim sounding name!)

Aisenberg E, Herrenkohl T. Community Violence in Context: Risk and Resilience in Children and Families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2008;23(3):296-315. doi:10.1177/0886260507312287

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Death Threats Against Public Officials (DOJ)? The implications

Recently we have had death threats against public officials of all types that include politicians, judges, law enforcement and others (Notice intentional fear creation and risk of violence. Its important for categorization reasons). That anger is directed against the FBI among groups of what appears to be far right extremism. See FBI agents, Garland and Wray see increased death threats after Trump Mar-a-Lago raid: sources. What happens next is going to be interesting and the way in which we step will be an important one.

The threats indicate increased online chatter and with a background of paramilitary sacking of our Capital we should probably start taking domestic extremism/terrorism seriously. (Notice how domestic threats follow similar patterns. One could analyze that chatter and the people involved to ensure they are actual people/profiles and what other associations they may have with each other and other outside entities. None of this is new. Contingency planning for various scenarios and situations is important.)

For example, when groups begin to chatter about violence, group norms seem to indicate a level of heightened aggression and some of the groups have the potential to create violence we should be concerned. Its the same on a national level as it is on a local level and one often filters to the other. 

The same social mechanics of socialization, normalization and radicalization seem to occur in the online and offline world. Any ideology can be twisted for political gain. The key is how social connections spread information and who it reaches and how those groups form their identities. Depending on their chatter it could easily lead to violence as individual responsibility is minimized in the group's head.

What we will want to see is if there are questions about why a raid has occurred that we trust in a process and people will review that process to ensure accuracy/purpose. Such process can create more insight into behaviors such as innocence or guilt (For example, both sides many benefit by whatever the truth is and lead to increased transparency of government in general.). They are not yet a determination but only an investigation.

In this country everyone is innocent until proven guilty (That is everyone!). Furthermore, we should hope our politicians will support processes, change if they don't like, but work within the system. As soon as members of governance split to work outside the system, we might see a second round of problems. 

In the end, our central American values will win out because it is the best and most prosperous way forward. It could be a constructive lesson on who we are supporting (not party specific) and the danger of hyper politics (not party specific). Freedom isn't free and talk should have purpose and meaning. There should be limits to some types of behaviors.

My side is always with the Constitution, the needs of the whole society, my own moral conscious (perspective of God) and working through problems such as these to improve the entire democratic system. Dealing with the sleeping monster under our beds in a thoughtful national renewal that seeks to find bi-partisan solutions and clearer definition of the core values that make one an American/"American" (i.e. build our collective consciousness around key values we all share).

Let where everyone starts walking. Me, I'm going straight forward and encouraging people to think wisely about politics, people, and our futures as a system. We shall overcome and be better for it!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Chip and Science Act of 2022: Its not the details but the general legislation that is necessary.

The Chips and Science Act of 2022 $52 billion to bolster the semiconductor industry and general $280 billion to compete against China. Here is some Information from the Commerce, Science and Transportation Senate Committee HERE. They are a little long and I sort of briefed them in review. You will want to read through yourself to understand the bill. It is important to be a knowledgeable citizen (Who says democracy doesn't required informed choices. This is one reason why we support Freedom of Press and Freedom of Speech.)

Its not the specifics of the legislation that is my main issue but the need for such types of legislation to push our innovative industries forward. That is if we want to be at the center of the Digital Era (...and likely the next platform of economic development) and advanced manufacturing we need to make our nation is the center of innovation and new products. 

In other words, if we want to lead markets we need to be the best ROI return place on the planet (i.e. pack investing in clusters that can push things like semiconductors and associated industries forward. See innovative clusters.). Investors, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals/scientists come to the U.S. (i.e. Delta County Model) because they trust our values, infrastructure, institutions and they have a higher likelihood to succeed here based on actual performance (not nepotism). Such investment acts to help to push us to the center of the investment world by ensuring retention and development of local domestic talent (That can help, among other things, create a cycle of investment and development as seen in perpetual economic development. I know! I know! Another stupid idea!).

Murder of 4 Muslim Men in Albuquerque, New Mexico Violates Our Values

In this country we have freedom of religion and freedom of speech. You can worship any way you want as long as you are not hurting or harming people (Think of the bigger issue as it relates to our core values.). The religion doesn't matter (Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc. etc.) what does matter is certain rules that apply across society. The murder of 4 Muslim men in Albuquerque, New Mexico violates those values.

The investigation may find one person or a small group of people engaged in the crimes. I have also experienced a level of radicalism and hate (The Muslim sounding name just throws everything into haywire. Meaning we have inappropriate anchoring when we hear certain terms and words. That also means there may be people with inappropriate anchors and metal health aggression out there trying to hurt people. Whether its a single individual and/or a group of extremists I believe there are very similar mechanics behind both).  

Its not fair and its no place for others to determine who should live, how people should worship, or whether or not they can even get to the grocery store without having a problem (Whether individuals or groups. Most of these people can't run their own lives so take it out on others. They are not qualified to determine how others should live their lives.) Once Individuals/groups sort of "normalize" distorted values it is up to society (and its institutions. i.e. police, judges, etc..) to resocialize them to our central American values. 

This is why we don't give free pass to hate because certain values and beliefs percolate in society and then become long term embedded. I'm very curious that when/if we find this person (s) what he/her/they say was the reason. Was there mental health issues involved? Multiple failures to put this person in mental health (i.e. MI. Track and Solve) to help save themselves and others from the emotional rampage of hate and rage? 

This may also be a place where Muslims work closely with local police to help build bridges, develop protective strategies, and support our ideals as a nation.

Where Does the Manafort and Russia Trail Lead? (Maybe Somewhere, Maybe No Where)

Where does the bread crumb trail lead and does it circle back into a January 6th, 2022 riot? The potential mass uploading of data, coordinated para military extremist activities, Russian election interference, a few public comments that make your head scratch, pre knowledge of events, color coordination during the capital sacking, a few geopolitical issues and a couple more things? None of that means anything until there is a fairly clear line drawn between these different activities (Its far out there and maybe none of it ends up being true. Its just a remote remote possibility.). 

We don't know....lets let the concept of ruling for the people by the people make its way through our American system to reclaim ground in revitalizing our democratic principles (Constitution). This is a necessary investigation to ferret out any misunderstandings in terms of risks both foreign and domestic to our democracy in alignment with national oaths (Yaaa I know sometimes oaths are inconvenient but that is why we maintain them as a higher standard of duty.). Institutions become conduits of values from one generation and era to the next in a way that creates generation stability (i.e. why politicians shouldn't devalue or politicize our institutions. Pushing them to change and adjust is normal but to devalue them unnecessarily also starts to devalue that which holds us together.)

Now let us not jump to conclusions on everything that is happening with this investigation (I admit it doesn't look good and the trajectory has important implications). People are innocent in this country until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (I think that is how people say it. Justice is such a confusing word sometimes. 💨). Thus objective investigations lead to objective results. 

The law is the supporter of societal values to ensure accountability and continuity of consensus in democratic decision making (i.e. Congress and Senate)  "Men submit from habit to everything that seeks power.Friedrich Nietzsche

Our justice system is clunky and in need of an overhaul but its heart is in the right place. As long as it continues forward to adjust more closely with each generation to focus on truth, wisdom, and moral conscious everything will turn out as it should (Its a kooky thing to say. There actually is a little philosophical basis to that comment rooted in our time honored traditions of respect for the inherent value of life/freedom as individuals. i.e. democracy is an individually empowered system with collective outcomes versus other forms of governance such as communism which emphasizes collective decision making and collective outcomes. Its philosophical in orientation I think. 🤓).

What would concern me is that if one were to sort of step back and see Russia involved in various places and times that could be an indication of the possibility, however remotely, of a constructed coup attempt ( can't just make a statement like that and it is an unsubstantiated hypothesis. Russia may not be involved at all but thus far it looks like at various places their finger prints were found...but you can't say that for certain until its supported by evidence. So I'm saying a possibility that is not backed by fact { careful with the deeper meaning of fact}. It is only a possibility should further investigation lead to greater insight as to a plausible association of actors and events. If research/investigations can't find further connections to support such a hypothesis then we would have to look for more accurate explanations. If one were to find further connections between actors and events it would be important to chase them down to visualize any strategies being used and in turn patch our holes {When a strategy is used it is also played and can be learned from}. In general, we should always seek to understand phenomenon/events in our world. Scientists, philosophers, historians, are part of the same functions needed by society. They push us to grow and change by asking the question "What if?"  Only time and truth will answer that question. Lets sit back and watch how things unfold.)

Manafort Owns Up to Passing Campaign Data to Suspected Russian Agent