Thursday, July 28, 2022

GDP Declines: Maybe or Maybe Not Recession?

I think whether or not we can call it a recession is based on intentionality. If we intentionally slowed the economy then giving a little more time before calling it a recession is helpful. That assumes we have control over it. That is more important if other indicators are still moving forward and expanding. A few quarters isn't necessarily a recession but certainly could be considered getting close to that point. Maybe or maybe not?

Build Back Better/Inflation Reduction Act Revived in Negotiations

Things are moving in Washington. The Build Back Better, now known as the Inflationary Reduction Act 2022, was almost dead but revived during recent negotiations. There are somethings people are not going to like and there are somethings that seem to make sense. Drug prices are too high, we do eventually need to become more green (I advocate for a plug and play redundant energy grid), and we will need to tackle our budge deficits. You can read more in ...


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Fed Interest Rate Update Jerome Powell

 There appears to be a need for additional interest rate hike. We are not currently in a recession but there is an indication of a slow down. 

Chip ACT 2022 Passes: Now Lets see What Happens...Innovation Pedal 1/2 Down

 Senate passes Chip Act 2022. You can Read Chip Plus HERE and a pretty good summary in NBC HERE. We have seen positive movement on a number of bills. It seems like our leaders have a conception of what the Digital Era will look like and how choices today lead to positive and negative changes in our economic situation. If we want to maintain our leading edge we will want to push the envelop for First In advantages that include increased FDI.

You will want to put the information into an environmental context. You will also want to read Innovation Act , Infrastructure Bill , Not out of Woods, US Can Beat China Human Capital

My cluster theory is about putting the right resources in the right places (i.e. Delta County Model) but as these pieces move into place on a national level lets see what could happen. If we get lucky we could have economic synergy where the inputs are much less than the outputs and investments have bigger returns that lead to increase investment and national growth. 

Infrastructure + Human Capital (i.e. fair and equitable society) + Policies Designed to Increase Innovation could = Synergy. My projection is that we see a little of that in the 23'/24' transition as digital strategies kick in more fully at a time when there is a receptive economic environment with the proper underpinnings.

Michigan GOP Seeking Governor Candidate-Centralists Should be Considered

The GOP in Michigan has been hit pretty hard over the past few years. Centralists candidates are needed to be successful. That will allow someone to draw in the most amount of people. The only problem is that the person must appeal to the far right and the central right as well as independents. 

You can read the following article to gain more insight. Whitmer’s race moves from ‘toss-up’ to ‘lean Democrat

Whitmer's the leading Democrat candidate and I see why. While I'm a light right republican that doesn't agree with all of her policies I think she could someday be a VP if her cards are played right. Hold on before you call me a RINO (Pot calling Kettle Black. I'm more of an old guard Republican.)

Now, I believe the GOP should find their best candidate and give her a run for her money. That doesn't mean should or should not win but that people are best when they compete. If the GOP has a strong candidates it will force both of them to be better. That is where the magic is supposed to happen when good candidates come forward to take positions of leadership (Not interconnected members of society that have detracted from our possibilities through chronic nepotism.)

We may also find all types of new policies pondered as people work to put forward plans to solve important problems. Democracy works through this debate where each party adjusts, shifts, and changes based on the open-mindedness of debate. On the flip side democracy weakens when far right and left radicals refuse all compromise unless they get 100% of what they way (The cray cray fringed that has become increasingly central).

If you got the skills maybe you should apply for the job....just not sure where you would put in your application. (Yes I know its a social process) 🤔

The Belief in Justice: Ensuring Value in Our Insitutions

 Justice is an important thing. It seems like a game to many attorneys and people but it has a serious part to play in national growth and development. It is the way in which we deal with conflict, hold account criminals (prince or pauper), and uses wisdom to find the right tool for the right job. Our justices must learn to fuse wisdom, law and moral conscious into one through a universalized outlook. 

What does that mean? It means that all people are treated with dignity within the system. Some don't get a free pass because of the right religion, skin color, social connection or ideology. They shouldn't get to walk because we don't want to acknowledge the inappropriateness of behaviors (This seems to be a growing concern for most Americans and yet we struggle with grasping its fundamental nature to our long term national health. Clanship is growing and cutting across our institutions and there are very few things more dangerous for trust than this. . Hindsight is usually wiser than foresight.). 

Turning the blind eye creates risks for hate group targets. It is a pass that the perpetrators of such values feel they have the right to engage in these behaviors in the future. They have learned them from the past (likely other victims) and are willing to use them as tools as an avenue of future power. The law should not encourage such distortions as it risks the foundations of society and the inherent protections codified within (Bill of Rights and Constitution. These should hold our primary national loyalties.). 

Its a tricky dilemma in some's minds. If we start holding people in our social networks accountable we might experience a level of discomfort as that social network reacts. Likewise, if we do nothing even though the grotesqueness of the behaviors are apparent, we look like we are supporting and placating such behaviors. Thus, the system must stand for a higher moral cause beyond our, or our networks, needs. 

Where is the middle road? Sometimes you know that the perpetrators are acting out of mental health issues. While they may not recognize it themselves, they are destructive, toxic, and dishonest creating problems not only for their blind followership but any person they are jealous enough to coordinate aggression against. (i.e. contrary to this groups opinion slavery isn't race related. Its their mental capacity to not blindly follow the rumor mill and act on it. Told who they can talk to and who they can't based on the distorted/dishonest viewpoint of their leadership.)

Add to that a few law enforcement members in their group who appear to know all the "tricks of the trade" and you find yourself in a difficult situation. You can't let them walk because if it happens again and its obvious it happens again and/or documented in the past (i.e. video capture, witnesses, historical records, multiple community complaints, etc...) you have a big problem with circumventing the purpose of the justice institution (i.e. justice and not third world clanship.)

If we want to be strong then we need to act with integrity with all of our institutions (i.e. that local college that said I'm more than qualified but then retracted because they found out I was the "Muslim" guy one of the manger's friends hated. While it is illegal its not held to account. I could mean aspects of the system are breaking down or it could mean there is much I don't know.). We must live by that integrity and develop that integrity throughout our systems. Our initiations should be universal to reflect the differences in our society and yet tie our beliefs to its capacity to be fair. While good and bad are often associated with institution in modern times (i.e. meaning lower than necessary social trust through inconsistency of justice) we have a responsibility to build and foster trust of our institutions through wisdom. 

I have my opinions on what the balance between accountability and empathy lay but they are just my opinions and as we have learned that when you have a Muslim sounding name you are highly discounted in life. Very few things you say are going to be seen as worthwhile even though they may be the most reasonable comments in the room. Even though for the most part history has shown that such opinions have merit, even when the winds change. So...we start wondering if the dog is chasing the tail or the tail is chasing the dog. Let us see what fate brings.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Why Escanaba Should Not Be Ignored as a Shipping Spot: Great Lakes Shipping Up

 We have ignored many of our assets and the development of opportunity where it is increasingly obvious that such development is necessary. Escanaba holds a deep sea port for larger businesses, rail, land, and road. It is ripe for investment and ready to make change. Lots of different assets such as large plane cargo airports and relatively low cost investments. The problem is that our Michigan and Federal partners should start thinking about utilizing the assets in front of them but that takes a wider look at national development. 

Could Great Lakes Solve Shipping Problems

I have wrote two pieces that I think have value both as a development of higher innovation through clustering and the use of infrastructure. Maybe its not a good idea but it seems like it has sort of fit with the general trends. Delta County Shipping and Innovative Cluster Theory