Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Few Points on Ensuring Accountability in Hate and Human Capital Development

Throughout the years I have seen people do atrocious things to others based on racial and religious ethnic strife. We love to pride ourselves on the ability to be a first world nation and we have all the makings to be great. Potentiality can turn into realized existence. One of the biggest detractors to human capital development is disparate treatment within our institutions. 

For example if a local college tells someone they are highly qualified and then retracts it based on good old boy networks, racial, and religious perspectives that should be illegal. 

Likewise, if someone coordinates hate against someone using a large group of ex sports players that should also be illegal. 

Furthermore, if law enforcement members of their social group engage in corrupt practices in support of their friends that should also be illegal (especially if there are multiple uninvestigated community complaints). 

The problem is that as common men and women we have little protection against these violations of morality and law (The Bill of Rights and Constitution must be enforced.).  We know may behaviors are wrong and even if we are the most reasonable person in the room (i.e. mandatory mental health, audit of missing money, and ensuring such corrupt practices don't continue forward) our reasonableness is put on the backburner. 

We know that much of society is unhappy that the rules apply differently to different people. We know that to be our best we have to integrate into one society. Our institutions should be protected from right or left wing extremist but also from heuristic blindness that creates long term risks to others.  I have great faith our justice system will, or has, begun to develop to help us build the next great American society. 

Instead of getting upset let us reach our hands out and encourage them to develop more universal approaches. There is no such thing as a free pass, as they only shift, and in turn become opportunities of transition. We will need all of America engaging in growth and development and we can't do that with misaligned values. Blending moral conscious, wisdom, and law together is our best approach forward (or we can step back 100 years but I always prefer going forward to new possibilities). 

Let us keep our fingers crossed. As with many proactive approaches we must believe in a better way forward. 🤷

Dock During Day Photo

 I'm working on uploading various pictures to my small but growing art gallery. Not sure why I like this one but it has color which is nice. 

Docks During Day. Purchase Here

Extra Money in Pentagon Defense Budget. Use Wisely With Three Suggestions

 Extra money is a good thing for the Pentagon. Its money that can be used to strengthen our defense (My Republican Side). It is also opportunity to develop new capacities as we are no longer that further ahead of our adversaries. We will need to compete and maintain our competitive advantages but be increasingly wise about money. Three suggestions:

1. Free Innovation Money: Focus on developing innovation and new weaponry. Hedge space, industrial wearable tech and robotics. I developed a rapid innovation system that seeks to spark positive change in multiple industries for wider economic growth. Needs design and prototype firms in the same area mixed with the right local infrastructure and small manufacturing. If someone has a better idea great! So far I haven't really seen it but sometimes doing new things makes sense....that is called a learning society/organization.

2. Don't waste the money: Make sure the money is focused on key objectives. Keep tabs and try new things but don't allow self interested people suck off the government. We are at a juncture in the movement to a Digital Era and we need further push into capacity building. That will rely in part on the ability to manage money and resources effectively. The older systems of management will need to give way to newer systems that ensure proper resource utilization. 

3. Hire diversely for ideation maximization. While elite education is helpful we don't want to simply hire people from the same elite backgrounds. They may not be as prepared to think out of the box when compared to those who didn't come with available resources and social connections. Mix up the hiring strategy to create a diverse organization with different ideas from different backgrounds. We have an issue in believing that only people of certain backgrounds are qualified for leadership position...i.e. false sense of pedigree. (Not saying everyone that came from that background had it easy but based on family income...yes more than others. ). Instead of hiring those who came with people who had lots of people cut the paths with all of the right tools for them, try including people who were dropped blindly in the middle of the life jungle with nothing but a fork and spoon and still made their way out (Their thinking is much more innovative and practical.)

This is the time the U.S. will need to pull up its boot straps and have more people rowing in the same direction. The time for self interest and old ways are becoming ineffective and damaging our long term prospects. Maximization of opportunity comes through continuous pushes for advancement. That requires a more creative way of working with the world. is the article Pentagon Gets Extra Money

Fishing in Escanaba Bay Photo

 There are few pleasures more than fishing in Escanaba. 

You may purchase a large print for home or office HERE

Are Increased Russian Missile Attacks on Ukraine A Switch in Strategy

 I believe the war has shifted somewhat and the superiority of troop numbers, constant bombardment by artillery, and some of the short and mid range advantages have been mitigated. While we must sort of watch how this unfolds it seems as though Russia has went further out in range and began to use missiles to make up for mid and short range challenges. It is basically the same strategy but with new equipment. We must also wonder how much equipment they actually have to sustain such attacks. 

Targeting civilian areas may have a few purposes from their side. #1 they are pushing the Ukrainian population out. They want the geography and capacities of the area but not necessarily the people. #2 even if they lose the war they want to show they will damage any nation that disagrees with them or holds their ground. Its a Russian power PR campaign as well. This is why post war investment will be important. 

What would like to see is the Ukrainians build in their advantages, utilize new equipment well, and force Russian troops to commit to the area. New tactics such as kill zones that include offensive and defensive areas that break up movements and push Russians to consider defensive tactics could be helpful. We will have to wait and see how the Ukrainians are doing on this front as well. 

Escanaba City Council Regular Meeting Thursday July 07, 2022

You can read the agenda here. Great town, lots of opportunities for investment. The downtown needs some work but plenty of storefront space. I may end up buying a building in the future at some point. I was thinking of putting short term rental apartments/condos on top, rent the store front, and make the back area a place to make mallets and polo gear among other equestrian stuff. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Top GOP Senator To Milley: 'Answer The Questions, Come Clean With The American People'

To be honest. I think sometimes there are times when one can't follow immoral or unethical directives (What makes our U.S. military unique). From what I see on the surface....I think General Milley did the right thing. While more information may change my opinion I would say from what I understand he is a hero. There were long term assets that needed to be protected from misuse. 

This goes back to finding the right people to run our country beyond either party. We have selected and moved up the ranks "connected" people without thinking about who should should or should not actually be running our country. Our best should be at the top. We know that many of the lead people should not be in line for president (There are some good ones there too.) 

I advocate for allowing the best and brightest to move up the ranks and take positions where they can be the most help. While every society has a "connected" class, they have not shown themselves to be particular helpful over the past few years. We need new people, new ideas, and more stable approaches to solving our pressing problems.

Having good flow between the bottom and top of society helps to ensure that the right people are making it to the right positions. We can respect legacy advantages but only to a certain point. Modern democracies will be defined by the capacity of society as a whole (i.e. human capital) and not by a sliver from the top i.e. caste and wealth systems. (I know lots of people in the top and many are good people. Yet, we need more flow from different social classes based on merit and not priviledge.)

What does it have to do in this situation? Perhaps more thoughtful people should be candidates for president. From what I understand, General Milley did the right thing and maintained his cool under very difficult circumstances. He did his military duty even when it could have meant he could be personally punished for it (While we don't want that in 99% of cases for officials to question presidents but he took the risk and seemed to be right.). Maybe there is more to the story but that Is what I understand at the moment.