Sunday, July 10, 2022

Steve Bannon and January 6th Investigation (Don't judge and just watch)

Steve Bannon is testifying before the January 6th committee. Before you get all excited about what my political views are I want to reiterate that I'm relatively neutral (I'm a light right Republican who believes parties are pathways but not central to the health of the nation; something I think our politicians should take some time and think about. I also have lots of liberal friends and have no moral qualms about it because we are one nation and can have differences of opinions without damaging each other. Civil society is a debate and not a "Game of Thrones"🤷. I know, I know I have a Muslim sounding name and its impossible I have any sense of real patriotism. {Throwing some light on why we need to be inclusive in society and not be blinded by simple symbols and heuristic bias. Freedom of speech and freedom religion are still central to our Constitution the last time I read it.} ).

While I may be somewhat neutral in how this turns out I'm not neutral on sacking the capital (which I find sad and a major crime by anyone who coordinated violence and anyone who engaged in it. It could be Democrat or Republican in my mind) and I'm not neutral on the health of my nation (As an extension of democratic society for average people and not a game for the "connected" to play with institutional health.). Being in the middle means that I seek to create as much objectivity in understanding as possible (I try but I also have my own bias. Because I accept those bias and recognize them I likely am more objective than most. Its a little like limitations and delimitations in a study.). 

I long ago gave up having a stake in being right or wrong but I do like to see how things such as this turn out. Similar to a puzzle its interesting to see how information at the beginning of the event sort of fits with the possibilities that indicates a particular outcome (Forecasting and Environmental Scanning). So far its has been on track to be bigger than a January 6th tail gait party of a few friends throwing back some cold ones (Sorry a sad attempt of lightening up a very difficult situation). 😏

Steve Bannon's testimony, the Trump campaign strategist, opens up a whole new arena because it is so close to the inner circle (I'm not sure how much closer it gets). See Bannon initiates talks with January 6 panel on testifying over Capitol attack. I'm sure there will be lots of people interested in what he has to say (It may help clear Trump or it can hurt him from a political-legal standpoint.). His testimony may be very robotic or be revealing about mannerisms and characters of the time (I'm not really making a judgement but looking for the observation of psychological mindset and conversational direction. i.e. words do have meaning.).

It is important to note that people are innocent until proven guilty in this country (i.e. that should apply to presidents and paupers equally. The law should apply the same as well.). That means while I may have my suspicions a few hours after it hit the news (based on the barely perceptible odd non organic way it happened) that doesn't mean that each player has been identified or that what they knew when it happened is completely spelled out (beyond a reasonable doubt.). 

Of course its always possible that while something coordinated may have happened (I suspect with foreign intelligence help...but there is no smoking gun of evidence as of yet. Lots of smoke in the area but someone needs to find it.) that doesn't mean each of the players was aware of the whole event and/or their part in it (See the how that could be an indication of intentional piecemealing a blind participants in a plan with plausible deniability. Maybe not....but let us see what happens in the end. I can't say one way or another. Its just an option with a percentage based on what information is currently available.). It seems sort of mixed up and intentionally convoluted. That is where investigations sort of turn over the stones to create a plausible and justifiable story (Thinking about my labor relations days.).

Justice is an interesting concept. I believe it should be based in objective fact, good moral judgement and be universal in nature. As we investigate we find additional information that leads to guilt or innocence. One should try and understand by facts and can accept suspicion as an avenue of investigation but should not be overly invested in the outcome. This means let things define themselves because it helps shed light on a bigger situation. Maintain your objectivity and be diligent in the pursuit of truth (Something both parties should think about. Lots of thinking suggestions in the article. 🤓)

Standing by Principles: Its an important little thing.

Principles are important and move down to the very exchanges that keep society together. It's not easy to stand by principles in environments that rewards self interest.  There may be some long term benefits; even if they are subjective by nature.

We cant really expect most people to stand by principles. While most have a value system it is often bent toward self gain. We can expect them to stand by that!

We also cant expect the wider system to uphold principles when they are often based on ones political, moral, and social vantage point.

Talk is cheap but helps people feel good. Talk and living by talk is called character. Something we need more of.

What we can do is stand by our own principles. Sometimes a better value system catches on and other times it doesn't.

Sometimes things will work out and sometimes they dont. In the end I'm not sure it makes a difference except that you were a contributor and not a taker from society. 

Contribution is a small accomplishment. The same can be said for whistleblowers and those who make win win situations in society. Life is what we make of it. Be a contributor because we all own the outcomes.....or you can be a taker. Life is defined by such choices.

China, Russia, and the U.S.: Why the US Must Develop

There is little doubt that the war in Ukraine is about economics and philosophy. Russia wants to rebuild its once fallen Soviet empire (maybe not exactly the same but a modern version) and it is in a pitched ideological battle with the West (Ukraine and its ports and manufacturing is part of that). China is a passive partner to Russia and has shown that Communism can survive (Russia, one of the older Communist states believes it can reemerge as a stronger state.)

The problems that are occurring here are unlikely to be easily resolved unless Russia collapses and/or a major defeat in Ukraine occurs (That also includes Putin loosing power either through sickness or removal). That potentially can squash emergence for some time. 

China is likely the future buyer and partner of Russia and wants to counter the U.S. Likely one reason why Putin keeps talking about an end to the unipolar world. There is more going on then just Russia acting alone and has support from China and a few countries. 

This should be a learning situation for the U.S. We were on top for the last few decades and that gave us a false sense of security. We must now move back into a competitive mode. Understand our risks of not being effective in looking over the horizon.

We can't afford to waste our time in knock down drag down political arguments that are unending and consistently conflictual without resolution (In many ways its damaging us and those who oppose the U.S. are watching us eat each other. It also sends a signal of concern to our allies.). Arguments are only good when there is going to be a resolution (i.e. when we learn from them.)

Competition includes innovation, human capital, investments in infrastructure, settling political dysfunction, moving into the Digital Age (Advanced manufacturing and digital economy) and pushing our best and brightest to top positions (ending the damaging effects of nepotism). 

I'm a supporter of free nations that are managed and led by their people. If there is one thing that life has taught me is that power is often misused. This is why societies that are democratic oriented have checks and balances that keep people free. We probably shouldn't expect China to be particularly helpful in settling the Russian-Ukraine war but maintaining pressure and getting into a competitive mode is helpful. 

Blinken asks China to stand up against Russia’s war in Ukraine

Persistence in School and Business

In life there isn't anything more beneficial to long term success than persistence. If we do not persist we do not achieve. There will be times when we succeed and there will be times when we fail but persistence moves us through the process. With persistence everything is a learning situation but you will get through it and develop. If its school stick with it and if its business keep learning. 

A few ideas on developing persistence...

1.) Think of the long term goal.

2.) Change your strategies but don't give up. 

3.) Learn from challenge. 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Justice Brett Kavanaugh: When Politicians Fail to Stand Together

It makes no difference if your stance on abortion but it does make a difference how you handle conflict. I'm in the middle road and definitely have my own opinions which are a blend of the two. Something I consider reasonable (Affording rights to the person up to a point and then later to the child closer toward birth. Exceptions in certain cases are almost always warranted. My opinion can also change based on what I understand at any particular time based on my background, knowledge and awareness.). However, what frightens me is that lack of rationality in our political structure and how this is eroding our rights as a free people. Rationalists and centralists are needed to restore our nation to its full health. 

Contrary to opinion, I do not feel it is ok to storm our Capital and I think in many ways it goes right to the top and could potentially have ties to foreign intelligence. Objective investigations are what determine merits. It just an opinion worth exploring based on the way things played out. Its not a fact, it has some support, but whether or not Russian social media manipulation goes is a matter of probability.

 Welcome to the good and bad of the Digital Era. 

At the same time harassing, threatening and using violence against our court system is also not acceptable. It is a sign of erosion of our institutions and we can't seem to get our politicians to stand together to maintain the bigger system. Its not about abortion (while that is an very important issue to discuss and resolve in society). It is about basic civility. We have eroded our good manners and good judgment (I have been a target of hate and I know how people deny their responsibilities and manipulate others. We must change!)

I agree that Justice Brett Kavanaugh should be allowed to eat his cake, allowed to walk with his family in the park, to go to his worship services and in general not have a single protestor bother him, get in his face, disturb his movements. However, when he goes to the court that is where the protests should occur (I advocate for safe and reasonable protests). Let it be known your opinion on tv, outside public institutions (not homes), in media, etc...but not in targeted way. Don't let things move from reasonable debate to the potentiality of violence.

Disliking the insanity of the far right also comes with disliking the insanity of the far left. One doesn't get to be so subjective in their values and behaviors as it won't have any merit; our leaders need to maintain their merit. I have pro and anti abortion friends just like I have Republican and Democrat friends. I'm in the middle and rational about it. Most of them are rational about it too. A few hate the others and of course a few hate back. 

Let us not allow our politics to destroy what doesn't belong to either far right or far left ideologies. I know what I say as one of those dirty Muslims (Which I'm actually Catholic, Muslim, Jew...and you can that I appreciate some of the wisdom from Hindu and Buddhists as well.)  doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I think in hindsight it will make a lot more sense as the possible outcomes of continuing down this path don't look good. Let us stop listening to radicals on either side of the spectrum. Work within the system to change what you don't like....don't step out of the lines. 

Assassination of Japan’s Shinzo Abe

The assignation of Japan's Shinzo Abe opens up lots of questions. As a supporter of free nations I am concerned about these actions.

I recognize no person is perfect  and when your leader as such your going to have lots of friends and enemies; comes with territory.  However,  once someone leaves a position it would seem like unruly aggression.

The questions are many. The homemade difficult to trace gun (I think I read that) and the public execution would indicate its political warning. I'm curious what the investigation comes up with. Local, personal or international issue? 

What I can say is such behaviors, If supported, opens up a difficult situation and would further indicate nations should hold closely to certain values and norms.

It can be difficult for people to have values. I have seen the best of the best and the worst of the worst. We have given lots of passes to inappropriate behaviors. There should be standards.

Thus far it appears as a mental health issue and personal grudge. HERE. Even in Japan mental health helps in thwarting hate.  Now if we could encourage mandatory mental health and accountability to those who intentionally lie, coordinate hate, show serious aggression, steal and benefit from it, lack of remorse among hate initiators and their blind supporters, possibly traumatize of child, or who use legitimate authority in illegitimate ways (social network corruption in policing) we would have taken a step closer to a proactive society with moral conscious as applied to law. Empathy and hardness mixed into a reasonable and rational approach. 

New $400 Million Package, 4 HIMARS and 1K Ammo. Enough?

Money, equipment, supplies and ammo on their way to Ukraine. The question is, "Is it enough?" That is a tough question. What we might be able to say is that the equipment is having an impact so sending more is an attempt to heighten that impact. Russian troops are likely being challenged because they lost one strategic advantage (It could lead to a loss of another.). 

The Russians may be able to use more weapons but the quality of those weapons will be inferior. Thus there will be increased casualties and chaos as less mobility, accuracy, and range take their toll. They won't be able to pound an area with complete immunity before moving into a wasteland. 

That doesn't mean that the Ukrainians can rely solely on those weapons. They will need to change tactics. That includes putting in place special kill zones that if advancing Russian troops find themselves within it they will take a beating. That mixed with pushing them into a partial (you don't want hunkering down) defensive posture splits their advance troops. 

We may also find that when a kill zone has been triggered it could cause a reverse of momentum if the Ukrainians have the troops, supplies, and equipment. Let us wait and see what might happen. Remember that this is very contingent on many different things of which few things work out as one typically expects.

Putin seems to like to use changing tactics to keep his opponents off guard. However, there are limits to capacity. That doesn't mean there are limits to use of the limited capacity. In game theory you always expect the unexpected and make plans for it. 

You can read the DOD release $400 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine
  • Four High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and additional ammunition for HIMARS;
  • Three Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment;
  • 155mm artillery ammunition;
  • Demolition munitions;
  • Counter-battery systems;
  • Spare parts and other equipment.