Monday, July 4, 2022

4th of July Fortune and Wisdom

Just in case you needed fortune today! 😅

Happy 4th of July: Turning a Page in America's Development

Today is a day of remembrance for what things were, the people who fought for those freedoms and the need to continue to push our nation to its next level. Let us take pride in the distance we have gone thus far. It took many generations of struggle to get us to this point and that is worth our celebration. We are not finished with our states of transition. Complacency is never the answer. Let us enjoy where we are today and keep our eyes over the horizon to where we need to go (It is wise to keep your eyes over the horizon and continuously look for opportunities to be prepared for challenges).

We have choices in determining where we are headed as a people and what we want to accomplish. Tackling hate, sacking of capitals, and lack of economic pathways to the "2nd class" citizens wasn't/isn't helpful in our development. Those things we struggle with will become increasingly important and highlighted in a competitive world where we need broad engagement to master new challenges.

A new path (that enhances our current achievements) will require thinking about our nation in new ways. We need new economic models that create diverse opportunities that reach beyond the "connected" class and into cupboards of the most important assets "We the People". To do that we must be competitive and innovative to lead the markets with a consistent checking in on our moral compass. 

Education and open opportunities for people of different backgrounds is a necessity. We can no long afford to block out some to help reward prosperity to the wrong types of people. We have responsibilities to change our script and build broad based economic engagement that has an actual impact on lives (Real opportunities, better wages, clean neighborhoods, safe streets, true consideration, etc...).  We must think of people as an important human capital element and treat them as such.

That also requires to to build our military, scientific, economic and intellectual strength beyond our competitors. We need to be creators, inventors, entrepreneurs and thinkers (Why its not wise to throw wet blankets on them). Yet we are not effectively pushing our human capital upwards and we don't always have the policies in place to encourage these things. Hyper politics, bigotry and extremism are damaging our ability to get ahead through problem resolution. 

That circles back to our political and justice systems. We need more centralists in our political spectrum but there are few places for them in the current political ignorance (That will probably change; better or worse). Likewise, we need justice systems that sees the value in all human life and works toward drawing people to higher states of existence (punishment when necessary, counseling when helpful, opportunities when needed, accountability as resolution, etc....we are slowly strolling in that direction but have a long way to go.).

What I can say is that not everything in this life is fair, right and just and those are gaps of opportunities (It is a high bar but it is a valid bar). Universalism offers opportunities to create a level playing field and application of resources to all Americans. It treats us all as potentials but lets individuals be defined by their merits (Not prepresented opportunities). Some of us strive for a better America and others of us look for free meals (So far we have been rewarding the free mealers). Our freedoms and oaths have meaning to those who still care and yet we often rally around those who don't (We will need to change our value system here.). 

Where we go from here is our choice. Today let us be thankful in reflection of our struggles that we got to this point. I believe our future is bright because our leadership is beginning to see that change is a necessity. We must have more political centralists for decision making and stability. We must develop our military and industries to stay ahead of our competition. We also must have broad based economic opportunities to draw in the talent we need to achieve. We must provide movement between the classes to ensure motivation and long term growth that avoids stagnation of interconnected thinking and blind followership (Notice all the "We"'s in those statements. The third book in series. The biggest one. History must define it. Weconomics). 

Patriotism isn't only putting steaks and burgers on the grill. It is working toward common national goals. There are differences between lip service (political manipulation because your expected to say that) and genuine patriotism (walk the talk that leads to brighter futures).

Everything in this life is a choice.......turning the page in Americans development.......... 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

July 4th: We need to free our politician's minds from far right and left radicalism

There are many of 
 us who sacrificed.
This country belongs to us all!
You have heard me rail against far right extremism and I would guess far left also deserves some criticism. Read Extremism Left 

Let me first be kind of clear on my beliefs. I'm a light right Republican who values freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Likewise,  I have lots of liberal friends and often bridge the gap in values and beliefs.

I'm a loyalist to our Constitution and have said that way way before our January 6th hindsight change of heart (We will have to wait to see what happens with that.). I even encouraged our leadership to work with each other but was responded by some with plugged ears and self interest. 

That being said, I have a Muslim sounding name and mixed race kids and somewhat of a second class citizen. I thought about going into politics but realized quickly that unless I repeat things exactly as they are said and in the way they are said I would be rejected ( Kind of why we have the problems we do now. I tested my political "worthiness". At least through traditional lines at that time and space. That does not detract from the wonderful and thoughtful politicians I have met.).

I have friends that are far right and far left; they wont hang out with each other! 

Dogs Playing Poker
C.M. Coolidge 1903

To add to that I have been targeted by an ex sports hate group because someone wanted something and spread some rumors to use well worn paths of bullying others (Its no longer bullying when your an adult.). They of course acted and got a few close friends in law enforcement to target "the Muslim" in their community.  Good judgment has so far prevailed but for how long until someone crosses the line is an open question (Fyi that is not against the many good officers I have developed positive relationships with. Just those who support those illegal and dark behaviors that are against the nature of protect and serve interests of society. My door is always open to apologize and changes of course. Unfortunately, they aren't allow to be nice to me because they might get in trouble from their "leadership". You can kind of see the immaturity of it all. 🤷 That will require the perpetrators to receive mental health services and an audit to clear the air.). Of course they have not gotten off their robo path either so we will likely see another crash someday. 

I'm also a person who engaged In science in one form or another as far back as I remember and came to some profound discoveries I haven't been able to finish and in some cases truly put into exact words. Some have already been known, published and discussed but weren't really important until their time came. I am mostly in the ball park on my hypothesis and outcomes of model prediction. 

Here what I have to say about the desecration of churches, fire bombing clinics, and threatening justice's and officials. You are no better than the people who sacked our capital. There are lines that if the mob mentality crosses them they cant go back and will permanently damage our republic in a way it will limp for decades. It makes no difference your values or political arguments. We have a process for dealing with such disagreements but stepping outside and using violence leads to other reactive issues (likely why they are doing provoke.  Something in have seen other extremists try to do to encourage conflict. They are likely pawns to someone else's agenda.)

Now I encourage our politicians to start to think about what is more important...their egos, party, or nation? There is some movement toward central and rational views but as of present that is a political nomads land with few short term reelection benefits. ...and the mouthpieces rush out to support their favorite ignorance of the times. All have answers and few are asking the right questions. So We The People should be skeptical and critical thinkers if there are people on both sides of the political perspective who can't.

Of comments have long been discounted before they have even been thought. The problem of not being in the "connected" class where some feel they have the right to decide things without considering the "non connected" class. Kind of why I like to say "Keep it "classy" America!" just because it has multiple meanings  (Sorry. 😏). July 4th is a time to respect the many who have served and died for our freedoms.  Don't throw our values in the burn pit because someone in your party, group or club told you too. Work together and resolve your differences. Duh! 😲 💨 

Island Beaches: Light Breeze, Sun, and Sand!

I'm moving through my pictures and putting them into my gallery. Feel free to purchase. I will put more up as time permits. 

Photos are for sale in gallery. Some of profits
go to charities. Island Beaches


A Couple of Pics Out by Harrod's Creek

Harrod's Creek in Louisville is one of those nice areas on the water. A couple of nice pics you might enjoy. 

The Next Big Challenges for American After Extremism: Social and Economic

 As a nation there are challenges we will face and each time we move through those challenges we become better. Just like in human development challenges lead to growth. When we fail it can also lead to decline. That is why when we struggle with issues we should not become too hyper political about them to the point that nothing gets resolved. There are new emerging challenges we will face once we get done with our bout of extremism. 

While our politicians sometimes feel that society is defined and managed through far right and left ideologies they sometimes fail to understand that solving problems in a bi partisan manner has better outcomes in the long run than not solving problems at all. Movement on dicey issues is helpful even when we don't agree 100% on all the approaches (Why I advocate for politicians to actively listen and problem solve.). 

We have gone part way through a phase of extremism and hopefully will have the laws and moral aptitude to put it into the past. There have been people in this country that have dealt with these issues for a long time and we were slow to act. Now these issues almost led to the fall of democracy. At the same time, we also have protestors that feel threats and intimidation tactics for political reasons is acceptable. 

I have heard that 1/3 of Americans feel that violence for political purposes is acceptable (Kind of sick and third world). I sit and wonder, "When did we become like this?". I then turn on the news and see how our narrative of hyper political and tough talking is now the way to get ahead within someone's half of society. We will need to draw people together toward a unified center based on a shared sense of universal values. 

Once we have come to master the current dangers of extremism. We will then face new issues that will lead to new positive or negative long term economic outcomes (Which will have social, political, and other outcomes). We are always in a state of becoming. 

1.) Opportunities and Human Capital: People will be competing in a fast paced changing global environment. They will want opportunities in a time when what works today won't work tomorrow. The social classes will have to become porous. Opportunities for growth, development, and income will need to change to ensure it is reachable by more people to create the foundations of societal motivation. In other words, opportunities shouldn't be just for a small slice of society. If you want to compete on a large scale we will need large scale economic engagement.

2.) Innovation and Development: Our education systems will need to change, innovation should be built into our policies, and we should develop our investment mechanics. Our infrastructure will be a big part of how we compete and that matched with human capital, motivation, and investment will determine whether our industries are leading or following. Sometimes our policies are inadvertently focused on making us dependent on other nations. Our economic success likely rest on our ability to be at the highest location in the supply, investment and innovation synapse. 

Friday, July 1, 2022

As a Nation We Will Someday Need to Decide if We Will Support or Not Support Hate Groups

This represents organizations but 
it is similar with nations. Each nation
should have core values and extremism
in hate and politics shouldn't be one of them.
See Company Culture. Notice top 10 and how
profession and culture might be different.
I've seen it! The distorted personality and self interested for gain make up stories to a group of people who have a difficult time thinking for themselves accept and act on those behaviors without pausing to ponder. That group jumps on the band wagon of hate and little is done to hold the perpetrators accountable. We then flip the page to our national politics and find similar strains occurring in different places and times and should scratch our heads. Without challenge hate will be embedded into our culture. 💁

When is enough actually enough?

Under our current system enough seems to occur when the behaviors are so grotesque they put lots of people at risk (Puts the "right" people at risk. Often the risks of the "wrong" people are talked about academically but ignored by the rest of society.). Prior to that there is little understand and little ability to hold accountable perpetrators. Where the signs of distortion are obvious the law is behind the curve (It is changing and it is now beginning to see the the bigger impact of legal circumnavigation of hate.). 

Again, that doesn't mean that the law is wrong, or immoral, but that the law often comes with its own misunderstandings of the world based on somewhat distorted legal logic. Instead of focusing on truth it is focusing on the legal game of theoretical logic played by lawyers and politicians. There is truth much deeper than citing obscure cases that are not 1 to 1 relations (Truth creates understanding and moral conscious as relates to application). 

We find ourselves intimidated by domestic extremism because many times these behaviors are/have been inadvertently encouraged and because the law struggles to see them for what they are (Its just too easy to blame and scapegoat others. The law is becoming aware of its universal nature over the past 50 years.). Effective change in our political and social environment will rest on detecting signs of distortion early and acting on them when they are apparent (No matter who the perpetrator and who the target.) 

Whether one is running through a capital chanting "Hang Pence" or running around town bragging about "Get the Muslims" the personalities have the very same strain of power mixed with mental distortions (The psychologist still struggle with differences of opinion and when opinion is designed to cause harm to others.). One's position (i.e. place of authority) and station in life (i.e. wealth) should not make a difference in the outcomes. If it makes a difference we have lots of changes we still need to work on. The proof is in the pudding and not in the feel good/feel bad rhetoric at today's water cooler.